Monday, October 14, 2013

Pain behind Knee – Causes and Treatment

Pain behind Knee – Causes and Treatment


Meniscus pain
The meniscus is also a major cause of pain that is behind the knee. The meniscus is responsible for the absorption of the shock in the knee joint and also prevents the knee from twisting too far. If the knee clicks or hurts when you move your leg quickly or when you do fast turns, then you can have a meniscus problem that is causing the pain behind the knee. This is a frequent problem with individuals who do high impact sports such as soccer, basketball and football due to quickly running and turning at high speeds.

Popliteus pain
The popliteus is the muscle behind the knee that supports the knee joint from the back. It is a muscle that aids the knee holding together. If an individual has knee pain that occurs at the back, this is one probable cause of the knee pain. This muscle can become injured by getting squashed or strained in between other muscles like the hamstrings as well as the calves.
Arthritis of the knee
The majority of pain comes from the arthritic knee joint which is usually caused by wear and tear of the knee joint. When the knee joint becomes worn out, the knee can go into spasms of the muscle as well as inflammation. The pain is much worse when the individual puts all or most of the weight of the body on to the knee by activities such as bending down or standing on one leg – for example when going up stairs. If you do have that type of pain, then the likely cause of pain behind the knee is arthritis of the knee. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

This is another cause of pain behind the knee and is the medical name for abnormal softening of your knee cartilage. This problem happens so frequently with runners that chondromalacia is also referred to as Runner’s Knee.


Pain that develops behind the knee may be managed with rest as well as ice to help reduce the swelling. Additionally, the following will also help in the management of the pain:

  • Exercising using those exercises that are low impact. This helps strengthen the muscles particularly the quadriceps, and can help with the pain behind the knee.

  • Strengthening and stretching the quadriceps as well as the hamstrings can ease pain located behind the knee.

  • Exercising with a stationary bike, swimming or taking part in other exercises that are low-impact can help in relieving behind the knee pain.

  • A knee brace offers stable relief from pain behind the knee

  • Using over-the-counter pain relieving medications as well as anti-inflammatory drugs may help to relieve the pain from behind the knee.

  • Trying shoes with added arch supports while walking or exercising, is vital to treating pain behind the knee.

The individual who uses the above measures and still pain behind the knee persists, should visit their primary care physician. The physician can tell if the individual needs any surgery to fully lessen the pain from behind the knee.

Sunburn Blisters – Causes, Treatment, Relief, Pictures

Sunburn Blisters – Causes, Treatment, Relief, Pictures

Sunburn Blisters Causes

The cause of sunburn blisters are basically just overexposure to the sun, tanning lamps, outdoor activities, and in some cases the antibacterial compound located in some soaps.

The symptoms of sunburn are the reddening of the skin accompanied with the formation of tender blisters. Sunburn normally results when the amount of sun contact or other ultraviolet light source surpasses the ability of the body’s skin pigment – melanin –to protect the skin. Sunburn in an individual who is very fair or light-skinned can occur in as few as fifteen (15) minutes of exposure to sun at its highest. But a dark-skinned person can tolerate this same exposure for hours. An individual can get sunburned on an overcast or cloudy day as well as on a clear sunny day. Those individuals with fair-skin, blue eyes as well as blond or red hair have the greatest risk for severe sunburn. Those who are taking some medications such as sulfa drugs, tetracyclines and some diuretics are also at a greater risk.

Sunburn Blisters Treatment

The treatment for sunburn blisters includes the following: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

  • Leave the blisters unbroken. Do not pierce or lance these blisters or scratch them off. Rather, leave them unbroken and they will rupture and open on their own.

  • Apply first aid spray that is medicated frequently. Sprays such as Solarcaine or one of the other sunburn sprays on the market can be used on the sunburn blisters at least two (2) times each day. This helps the sunburn by reducing any pain and itching that the blisters might cause and also keeps the area disinfected.

  • Apply ointment that is antibacterial to the blisters as soon as they start to rupture and show new skin underneath. This can aid in keeping infections from starting.

  • Wash the area daily and dry with clean towels

  • Treat pain with OTC (over the counter) painkillers such as naproxen sodium (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil), or acetaminophen (Tylenol)

  • Avoid that urge to scratch the area that is affected. Scratching this area can cause infections to develop

Sunburn Blisters Relief

There are a lot of remedies for home relief for sunburns and blisters. The remedies for blisters from sunburn will help in itching relief.

An individual may keep the area affected cool by the use of cold compresses. A towel that has been dampened and soaked in water that is cool can be the best relief. Simply soak a towel in some water that is ice cold, squeezing the excess water off and keeping the compress on the blistered area. But never apply ice directly to a sunburn blister as ice can only make it feel worse.

For the time being do not take warm baths and instead try cool baths. If there is a burning sensation, keep applying cool compresses. One of the faster and often considered the best home remedy for blister and sunburn relief is taking the juice of an aloe vera that is fresh from the plant leaf and apply to the blisters. In order to moisturize the skin, use only water based moisturizer.

Sunburn Blisters Pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

sunburn blisters pictures

Pancreas Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Pancreas Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

What is Pancreas pain?

This is a pain common in the abdominal area and is usually caused by the abuse of alcohol, inflamed pancreas also known as pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer or biliary disease. Normally, pancreas pain is the first indicator as well as the major complaint for individuals needing medical treatment.

The pancreas is often referred to as the “hidden organ” due to the fact that it is located very deep in the abdomen behind the stomach. In adults the pancreas is about 6 to 8 inches long and contains tubes that come together somewhat like the veins as seen in a leaf. These tubes meet to form one opening into the intestine that is located just behind the stomach.

The pancreas creates enzymes and juices that go thru these tubes into the intestine, where these enzymes mix with food. These enzymes digest protein, carbohydrates as well as fat so that they can be readily absorbed by the intestine. Because of this it plays an important role in the management of good health. The pancreas also creates insulin, which is used by the blood that is flowing thru the organ. Insulin is vital in regulating the glucose levels in the blood.

Pancreas Pain Location

The pains from the pancreas in the majority of cases are located in the middle upper abdomen above the belly button and overlying the area of the lower portion of the stomach and behind it. But, because of is shape and location, pancreatic pain may be also felt on the left or slightly right side of the abdomen, involving the lower left back to lead to a pancreas back pain, also known as pancreas referred pain.

Pancreas symptoms can vary from a mild as well as tolerable abdominal pain or dull abdominal ache to persistent, sharp and debilitating pain, as well as being associated with retching and vomiting.

Pancreas Pain Symptoms

Acute pancreatitis normally starts with sudden or gradual pain in the upper region of the abdomen which often extends thru the back. This pain can be slight at first and then feels worse after a meal. Nonetheless the pain is at time severe and can become persistent and can linger for a number of days. An individual with acute pancreatitis normally looks and feels very sick and need abrupt medical attention. Additional symptoms and signs can include:

  • Tender or swollen abdomen

  • Vomiting and nausea

  • Fever

  • Pulse that is rapid

Acute pancreatitis that is severe can cause blood pressure to fall as well as dehydration. The lungs, kidneys, heart can stop functioning. If bleeding happens in the pancreas, shock and in some cases even death can follow.

Chronic pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed and does not improve or heal and becomes worse over time, eventually leading to damage that is permanent. Chronic pancreatitis, just as acute pancreatitis, happens when enzymes for digestion attack the pancreas as well as surrounding tissue, causing periods of pain. It most often occurs in individuals who are between the ages of 30 yoa and 40 yoa.

Individuals with chronic pancreatitis also suffer with pain in the upper abdomen while some develop no pain at all. This pain can migrate to the back, feel worse while drinking or eating and can become disabling as it becomes constant. In certain cases, the pain goes away as the problem worsens, probably due to the pancreas no longer producing digestive enzymes. Additional symptoms consist of:

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Loss of weight

  • Oily stools

  • Diarrhea

Those with pancreatitis that is chronic will normally lose weight although their eating and appetite seem to be normal. This weight loss happens because the body does not discharge enough enzymes to digest food, so the nutrients are not absorbed as they normally would be. Digestion that is this poor leads to malnutrition because of the elimination of fat in the stool.

Pancreas Pain Causes

Pancreatitis that is chronic occurs when the pancreas has inflammation that doesn’t improve or heal – it only worsens over time and eventually causes permanent damage. Chronic and acute pancreatitis both occur when the enzymes for digestion attack the pancreas as well as adjacent tissues, causing pain episodes. Chronic pancreatitis usually develops in individuals who are between thirty and forty years of age.
The more common reason for pancreatitis is years of heavy use of alcohol. Chronic type of pancreatitis may be caused by only one acute attack that damages the pancreatic duct. The duct that is damaged triggers the pancreas to get inflamed. Scar tissue will then develop and slowly the pancreas is destroyed. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Some other causes of chronic pancreatitis are:

  • Genetic illnesses of the pancreas

  • Cystic fibrosis – inherited disorder that is more common and leads to chronic pancreatitis

  • Hypercalcemia – levels of calcium in the blood are high

  • Hypertriglyceridemia or hyperlipidemia – levels of blood fats that are high

  • Certain medications

  • Some autoimmune conditions

  • Causes that are unknown

Pancreas Pain Treatment

Medical treatment is normally focused on the relief of symptoms as well as preventing any further irritation of the pancreas. Some complications of either acute or chronic pancreatitis can require surgery or blood transfusions.

In acute pancreatitis, the treatment is based on how severe the attack is. If there are no complications, care focuses on relieving the symptoms as well as supporting body functions so that the pancreas may recover.

Most individuals who are having an attack of acute pancreatitis are admitted to the hospital and the following will occur:

  • Given oxygen if having problems breathing

  • IV line is started in the arm and is used to give drugs and fluids. The fluids are needed to replace lost fluid from vomiting

  • Medications for nausea and pain are prescribed

  • Antibiotics are given if an infection is suspected

  • No food or liquid given by mouth for a few days. This is known as bowel rest and gives a chance for the intestinal tract as well as the pancreas a chance to start healing.

  • May need a nasogastric tube.

  • If attack is longer than a few days, nutritional supplements are administered thru IV line

With chronic pancreatitis, the treatment aim is to relieve pain and avoid any further aggravation to the pancreas. Another focus of treatment is to maximize the individual’s ability to eat as well as digest food.

Medication is usually prescribed for pain if it is severe.

A low fat, high carbohydrate diet’ as well as eating smaller but more frequent meals can also help stop aggravating the pancreas. If an individual has problems with this diet, pancreatic enzymes in the form of pills can be taken to help with digesting food.

Individuals diagnosed with pancreatitis that is chronic are advised to stop drinking alcohol.

If the pancreas doesn’t create enough insulin, the body will need to regulate its blood sugar level so injections of insulin may be necessary.

If pancreatitis is caused by gallstones then an operation will be needed to have the gallstones as well as the gallbladder removed – this is known as a cholecystectomy.

If some complications, for instance severe injury of the pancreas or abscess or bleeding, surgery might be needed in order to drain, repair or remove the affected tissues.

Spleen Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Spleen Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Spleen Pain Location

The pain or feeling of fullness of a spleen that has a problem is usually located in the left upper abdominal area.

Spleen Pain Symptoms

Problems with the spleen especially one that is enlarged can cause the following symptoms:

  • In certain cases – there are no symptoms

  • Fullness or pain in the upper left abdomen and can spread to the left shoulder

  • Full feeling minus eating or after eating only a very tiny amount – this may happen when an distended spleen presses against the stomach

  • Anemia

  • Frequent infections

  • Fatigue

  • Bleeding easy

See the physician promptly if there is pain in the upper left abdomen, and if it is severe or the pain grows worse as soon as you take a very deep breath.

Spleen Pain Causes

There are numerous diseases and infections that can cause the spleen to enlarge. The problems on the spleen can in some cases be transitory dependent on the treatment and if it works. Causative factors consist of:

  • Infections caused by viruses, for instance mononucleosis

  • Infections caused by bacteria, for instance syphilis or infection of the heart’s inner lining known as endocarditis

  • Infections of parasites, for instance malaria

  • Hemolytic anemia that has many various types – and is a problem characterized by early damage of red blood cells

  • Cirrhosis as well as other diseases that affect the liver

  • Cancers of the blood such as lymphomas like Hodgkin’s disease as well as leukemia

  • Pressure on the veins in the liver or spleen or a blood clot in these veins

  • Metabolic illnesses such as Niemann-Pick as well as Gaucher’s disease

The spleen is put under the rib cage adjacent to the stomach on the left side of the abdomen. It is a spongy, soft organ that does several jobs that are critical and easily can be impaired. Amid other things, the spleen:

  • Filters and destroys damaged or old blood cells

  • Prevents infection by creating white blood cells known as lymphocytes as well as performing as first line defense against attacking pathogens.

  • Stocks platelets and red blood cells – platelets help with the blood clotting

  • Acts as an go between the immunity system and the brain, which leads scientists to believe that someday they might be able to trigger the spleen’s infection fighting abilities by influencing the nervous system.

A spleen that is enlarged affects functions that are vital. For example, as the spleen gets larger, it starts to filter the normal cells as well as the abnormal ones, thus decreasing the number of healthy cells in the blood system. It will also trap too many platelets. Ultimately, the excessive red cells as well as platelets can clog the spleen interfering with the normal functioning. A spleen that is enlarged can even get too large for its own blood supply, and can destroy or damage sections of the organ. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Almost anyone may develop a spleen that is enlarged at any age, but some individuals have a higher risk, and they include:

  • Young adults and children with contagions such as mononucleosis

  • Individuals of African descent, who can grow splenomegaly as a problem of sickle cell disease which is a genetic disorder of the blood

  • Individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry have a greater risk of Gaucher’s disease, Niemann-Pick disease as well as certain other inherited illnesses that are metabolic and affect the spleen and the liver.

  • Travelers in regions where malaria is pervasive

Probable difficulties of an enlarged spleen include:

  • Infections which are frequent

  • Ruptured spleen – can be life-threatening due to bleeding

Spleen Pain Treatment

When a spleen that is enlarged causes complications or underlying problems that cannot be identified or treated, surgery to remove the spleen is an option. Actually, surgery might have the best option for recovery in some critical or chronic cases.

But spleen removal that is elective needs careful contemplation. An individual may have an active life minus a spleen, but are most likely to develop serious or life-threatening infections, including overpowering infection post-splenectomy that may occur soon after surgery. Often, radiation is used to shrink the spleen so that surgery can be avoided.

Reducing risk of infection after surgery

If an individual does have the spleen removed there are some steps that can aid in the reduction of the risk of infection, such as:

  • Series of vaccinations before as well as after the splenectomy. These can include the pneumococcal or Pneumovax, meningococcal and haemophilus influenze type b vaccines, which protect against pneumonia, meningitis, as well as infections of the bones, joints and blood.

  • Taking penicillin or other antibiotics after surgery and anytime there is suspected the possibility of an infection.

  • Avoiding traveling to areas of the world where diseases such as malaria are pervasive.

Toenail Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Toenail Pain – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Toenail Pain Symptoms

The symptoms of a problem with the toe or toenail that needs attention besides pain, are:

  • Skin surrounding the toenail is swollen

  • Skin surrounding the toenail is red

  • Skin surrounding is discharging green or yellow fluid

If you have toenail pain as well as any of the above symptoms and you have diabetes, you need to see your family doctor or primary care physician immediately as people with diabetes have very poor circulation and can develop severe problems.

Causes of Toenail Pain

Toe Fungus
Toenail pain is normally a symptom which can occur during the latter stages of a toenail fungus infection. By this point, the infection has already become set deeply within the toenails as well as becoming difficult to treat. This fungus infection actually begins with nail discoloration – they can become white, darker, or yellowish. An individual can also probably notice that the nails are starting to become brittle as well as disfigured. By this time, toenail pain has set in. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Ingrown Toe Nail
These normally develop later in life due to damage to the cells under the skin that grow the nail. Repeated toe injuries, such as dropping heavy objects on the toe, pressure because of shoes that fit poorly as well as any number of problems with the toe can cause changes to the nail matrix. Over time, the nail can abnormally start growing inward due to these problems. Poor nail trimming can leave a spike which can also protrude into the skin and start growing outward. Soon the skin can become inflamed and swollen because of a bacteria infection which is trapped in between the nail and the skin as well as minor injury of nicking the skin when cutting the nail. All of these problems cause pain to develop. An ingrown nail will develop chronic symptoms besides pain and if left untreated, the infection can spread and eventually cause problems to the toe bone underneath.

Treatment for Toe Pain

Of course, the treatment of pain of the toe is determined by what the underlying reason is. Treatment for pain of the toe can include:

  • Rest

  • Compresses of cold

  • Elevated foot

  • Care of any wound

  • Protective shoe or splint

  • Crutches

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs for pain

  • Non-steroidal drugs for pain

  • Physical therapy

  • Surgery

  • Skin infection antibiotics

  • Open toe shoes for pain

  • Post-op shoes

  • Buddy tape toes

  • Narcotic pain drugs

For more information on toe pain refer to:

  • Gout treatment

  • Calluses and corn treatment

  • Ingrown toenail treatment

Bee Sting Swelling – Remedies and Treatment

Bee Sting Swelling – Remedies and Treatment

Bee Sting Swelling Remedies

  • Scrape the stinger out. This can be done with a knife, long fingernail or credit card.

  • Rub an aspirin on the sting. By rubbing an aspirin that is wet on the area where the sting was helps to neutralize some of the agents of inflammation.

  • Get relief by using meat tenderizer. Make a paste with tenderizer and water to apply to the sting.

  • Use baking soda to help ease the pain. Apply a paste of water and baking soda directly on the sting for approximately 20 minutes

  • Use ammonia to kill the pain.

  • Take a mild pain reliever such as aspirin, Advil or Tylenol. Don’t give aspirin to children due to the risk of Reyes syndrome

  • Take an antihistamine for instance Benadryl as this will ease any pain or swelling. Antihistamine cough syrup for instance Benylin works well with children

  • Dress very plain as bees are attracted to clothing which is colored brightly

  • Forgo any fragrances that might attract bees. After-shave as perfume can entice bees to check you out.

  • Take more zinc. Certain nutrients seem to alter the odor of the body and offers some protection.

Bee Sting Swelling Treatment

  • Severe allergic sting reactions should be treated with epinephrine or adrenaline, either administrated by a medical professional or self-injected. The injection can stop the development of any more severe allergic reaction.

  • Calamine lotion with an analgesic or Caladryl can calm the pain and itching of a bee sting within approximately 45 minutes. Dab it on the sting site every 4 hours. Can be obtained over the counter at any drug store.

  • Maximum strength hydrocortisone cream reduces the symptoms in about an hour and should be used every 3 or 4 hours.

  • Ice is probably the best treatment. A 20 minute application of ice will kill the symptoms almost immediately and keep them subdued for many hours. Ice reduces the swelling due to constricting the vessels and thru slowing down the flow of the venom-tainted blood. It also cancels out the itching and pain.

Bee Sting Swelling Pictures

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

allergic bee sting swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Bee Sting Swelling

Pain between Shoulder Blades – Causes and Treatment

Pain between Shoulder Blades – Causes and Treatment

Pain between Shoulder Blades Causes

There are numerous causes of pain in between the shoulder blades – some serious and others not so much.

Heart Attack
One of the definitive symptoms of an actual or impending heart attack especially in men is sharp pain in the shoulders, while women rather normally report scapular pain.

If anyone experiences scapular pain, together with below listed symptoms, call your primary care physician or 911 directly as your life could be at risk.

  • Pressure or squeezing chest pain

  • Sweating

  • Problems breathing

  • Chest discomfort that is recurring

  • Chest tightness

  • Indigestion as well as gas pain

  • Vomiting and nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Pain radiating to neck, arms or shoulders

  • Unexplained fatigue or weakness

  • Sense of impending doom

  • Pain/discomfort in between shoulder blades

Gallstones/Gallbladder Disease
Although most pain caused by the gallbladder is usually felt in the upper right abdomen, it also can manifest as scapular pain or pain under the shoulder blade on the right.
The usual treatment for gallbladder problems is removal of the gallbladder by a procedure referred to as a “laparoscopy cholecystectomy”. This is the more popular method for the removal of the gallbladder due to the less pain post-surgery and its shorter stay in the hospital. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Liver Cancer
Cancer of the liver or growth of cells in the liver that are abnormal, comes in two (2) kinds:

  • Primary – cancer that begins in the liver

  • Secondary – that begins elsewhere in the body and migrates to the liver

Cancer of the Esophagus
Cancer of the esophagus develops as tumors or growth of abnormal cells in the esophagus which is the passageway connecting the throat to the stomach. This cancer normally does not have any symptoms until the problem has advanced to the stage where it is too late to be cured. The major symptom is problem swallowing any food. There is a sensation occurring frequently of food becoming stuck in the chest or throat. And pain between the blades of the shoulder is another frequent symptom.

Naturally, scapular pain can just be caused by a muscle that is strained from working on the computer too long, stress, sleeping in the wrong position, or muscle injury due to sports, normal aches and pains or injury from exercise. It could even be a bra that is worn to tightly.

Pain between Shoulder Blades Treatment

The treatment of any pain, no matter where it occurs is to find the reason for the pain and treat that underlying cause. So the 1st step with any pain in the back or between the shoulder blades is to start eliminating what could be the cause and that should start with your sleep habits. Associated with that is making certain that you have a pillow that properly supports your neck.

Next is to reduce the amount of stress in your life that you might have had for years. Massage, yoga and exercise are all ways to reduce stress and perhaps pain in the back.

If stress relief and having proper sleeping habits do not solve the pain in the neck, back or between the shoulder blades, it might be best to at this time schedule an appointment with a medical professional. Your primary care physician can look for any severe underlying condition that could be causing the pain.

Pain is something affecting your entire being and the finding the remedy quickly is extremely important to the quality of your life.

Back Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Relief

Back Shoulder Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Relief

Back Shoulder Pain Symptoms

There are a few ways to test if you are one of many individuals afflicted by this problem.

  • The onset of pain in the subscapular region when a person stretches upward. This can vary in severity. Some people may complain of a slight discomfort while others may not be able to raise their arm fully.

  • Pain in the area when posture is adjusted. This may occur when a person straightens out their pose. There will be a recurrent pain in the area that may even throb in some individuals. The level of pain may also depend on the pain threshold of the person.

  • A feeling of discomfort as the arm is rotated. Pain is usually greater when the arm is rotated in an inward direction. Many have reported that they have trouble rotating outwardly as well.

  • Throbbing discomfort in the area when you hunch forward. This is common to those who have spinal irregularities like scoliosis.

Causes of Back Shoulder Pain

There are many factors that can lead to this condition. Many individuals forget that their lifestyles, occupations and habits may cause or exacerbate the problem.

Incorrect posture
We often forget to pull our shoulders back. This results in a hunched posture that leads to pain from various points in the back. Imagine hunching forward while lifting a heavy load. This incorrect stance has caused severe injury to those who do not correct themselves.

Sleep habits
Those who make it a habit to sleep to one side without changing positions may become main-stays at their local chiropractor’s clinic. Picking a favorite side has many people waking up with an aching back. Try a few variations like sleeping on your back every other night.

Lack of stretching
Athletes make it a point to perform warm-ups or stretches before they start training. This warms up their system and keeps their muscles pliant and flexible for the exercises. The lack of this vital step may result in torn, inflamed or achy muscles.

Job Related Reasons
This occurs in individuals with jobs that require them to constantly lift their arms past their heads. This includes painters, carpenters, swimmers, volleyball players and football players to name a few. These people are prone to back shoulder pain.

Back Shoulder Pain Treatment

There are many ways to rehabilitate the area. Individuals opt for a number of treatments to make back shoulder pain a thing of the past. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Hot and Cold Therapy
Athletes and their coaches rely on this procedure at the onset of back an shoulder pains. They use ice that is covered in a moist towelette because direct contact to the skin can cause burns. The towel is applied to the area for 20 minutes every 2 hours to ease discomfort. When the area is less sensitive to movement, a hot water bottle is applied to the area or roughly 15 to 16 minutes. This can be performed before stretching and exercises to strengthen the area. It would be best if the person refrain from exercises or chores that require mobility of the region.

Flexibility Exercises
They can be done to stretch out the area as long as the pain is bearable. A popular remedy is putting the arm parallel to the wall and directing your body to face away from it. This helps the area gain flexibility and may relieve the pain.

Shoulder Strengthening Work-outs
Your trainer at the local gym can come up with a variety of exercises that aim to strengthen your shoulder muscles. Buchberger exercises are commonly prescribed for back shoulder pain. This should not be attempted without the consent of your chiropractor.

NSAID Treatment
Your doctor may prescribe Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs. They have an analgesic effect which results to lesser pain levels in the affected area. It has anti-pyretic properties that can lower your body temperature upon the onset of a fever. Higher doses have anti-inflammatory qualities which battles inflammation in the region of concern. Naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen are common examples. Remember to stick to the dose your physician prescribed.

Cortisone Injections
These are often administered as a last resort. The patient is given a shot right under the shoulder blade. The pain may worsen in the next 48 hours. But it usually resolves gradually with time. Patients must remember that this should not become a habit. Receiving multiple shots can cause the breakdown of the rotator cuff tendon. This is administered to those who have a severe injury like subscapular bursitis which is the inflammation of the bursa.

Surgical Procedures
Should all the non-operative treatments fail in a patient with subscapular bursitis, arthroscopic surgery will be performed. This involves excising the bursa under the scapula or shoulder blade. Rehabilitative therapy is then done at a later date. This will help the patient regain strength and movement of the area.

Back Shoulder Pain Relief

Some simple Procedures to Relieve the Area:

  • Minimal stretching can be done to relieve stress in the region. This can be done alone or with a personal trainer. This will help lessen the stress in that particular area. Always consult a physician before you decide to go back to the gym.

  • Massage therapy can be beneficial to those that suffer from back shoulder pain. It should be performed by a licensed physical therapist as opposed to a rookie at a spa. The area may hurt during the procedure but that is expected.

  • Cold therapy can provide some relief during the onset of the symptoms. The cooling properties of ice works by numbing the area of concern.

  • Pain relievers might help but it would be best if you did not depend on them so much. Taking them to often may desensitize you and lead you to increase you dosage. This may produce severe if not fatal effects.

Important Note :

Before trying any instant relief medications, please seek the advice of a physician to avoid any ill effects. Back shoulder pain can be a bane to your existence but it can be relieved and prevented from coming back again.

Pain in Arch of Foot – Causes and Treatment

Pain in Arch of Foot – Causes and Treatment

Pain in Arch of Foot Causes

A lot of contributing factors are involved in foot arch pain. The simple foot imbalance may cause it. Foot strain from overuse and work can precipitate pain. Direct trauma such as a blunt force contributes to the tenderness. A single, uncomplicated fracture may provoke stress and emit pain in the feet. Feet overuse can be the cause of this, like bringing up too much pressure on the feet and leaving out rest while you still can. People who usually work in areas that require no sitting suffer this from this situation. If it is accompanied by wrong shoes, then it can worsen the possibility of pain in arch of foot.
Foot arch pain is quite common to obese persons. The body weight can make the arch of the foot restless and be a source of strain. Regular rest should be done with overweight people so to avoid foot arch pain. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

A condition called plantar fasciitis (from plantar fascia –structure of the foot that is found on the bottom surface of the foot) is a sport-causing injury. This is caused by improper use of methods during sports events. This usually occurs when stretching exercises are neglected before doing some activities in sports. Overstretching of the feet can lead to plantar fasciitis. The pain is described as extreme and usually felt during rest. Plantar fasciitis can complicate if not given early medical attention. A heel spur, an outgrowth of bony structure of the heel, would develop if left unattended.

Pain in Arch of Foot Treatment

The very first intervention in treating foot arch problems is to alleviate pain. Manage the pain so you can work further. Application of an ice pack can soothe the pain in the arch of your foot. After 30 minutes, a warm pad can continue the work. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as gels, are usually prescribed by doctors. These would assist in relieving the discomfort. If unresponsive, one must consult the doctor for further tests.

One should avoid pain-causing instances. If you have identified the cause of the arch pain, it is advisable that you avoid them. For one, if you are to have your regular exercise, warming up is a must. One should avoid straining the foot and by this it would greatly help. Regular exercise which is mild but can increase foot strength and stability is quite useful. Make use of proper and well-fitted footwear when doing your usual sport events. The use of orthotics for sports-related circumstances is usually prescribed by doctors. The more it can be convenient to you as an athlete and as well to your body. Additional comfort measures can be applied such as adding heel pads or cushions when you do your usual day work or exercise. Give it a rest. Yes, never exhaust yourself in your work. Attend occupational activities if you have an underlying structural imbalance. Help yourself and make the most out of your body. If you are overweight or obese, you should consult an exercise program to assist you in losing weight.

Sharp Pain in Head – Causes and Treatment

Sharp Pain in Head – Causes and Treatment

Causes of Sharp Pain in Head

The below are key reasons for severe or sharp pain in the head.

This is the type headache that is normally on only one side of the head and can be severe to mild. Often the pain is throbbing and so intense that the individual is not able to do any daily activities and will just have to go to bed. This sharp pain in the head also can be accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to sound or light, or vomiting. A migraine headache is commonly seen more often in women and they may last for a number of hours as well as in extreme cases for days.

Sinusitis/Sinus infections
The pain in the head that is sharp behind ears or behind eyes can be caused by sinusitis. Amid the varied types of sinusitis, sphenoid sinusitis usually causes pain sharp in the head from behind the eyes while others, such as ethmoid or frontal sinusitis can cause pain behind the eye or ear. Sharp or constant pain in the head when bending down is often seen in those individuals having chronic sinusitis.

This is an uncommon but lethal disease and is the swelling of the brain caused by a virus. The most commonly recognized symptom is pain that is sharp in the head. Besides the headache, other symptoms or signs are nausea, seizures, convulsions, and vomiting. Encephalitis can result in passing away because of respiratory arrest.
This is caused by meninges – tissues around the brain and the spinal cord – that are inflamed. Meningitis is often fatal and is normally cause by either a viral or bacterial infection. Pain can be sharp in the entire head accompanied by a stiff neck and are the most common signs of meningitis. Also, vomiting, nausea, seizures, sensitivity to light, unconsciousness or loss of appetite can also be seen. At times, together with meningitis, other complications like faster heart rate and gangrene have been seen. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Brain tumor
Symptoms of a brain tumor can be the sudden onset of sharp and severe pain in the head. As the tumors grow this pain increases and eventually becomes unbearable. Sudden headaches that cause sharp pain with no history of headaches can be an indicator of the possibility of a brain tumor. Other symptoms and signs seen are convulsions, seizures, loss of mental alertness as well as confusion. Brain injury that is traumatic due to any reason may also cause pain that is sharp in the head.

Apart from these major headache causes, severe headaches can be caused by withdrawal, hangover, coital cephalalgia, vascular or spinal problems. Headaches caused by hormonal problems due to changes in hormones are usually experienced in one side of the head. Headaches in the back of the head are normally due to mental tension, stress, improper posture, and depression. It is mostly the kind of pain that is sharp in the head that comes and goes.

Sharp Pain in Head Treatment

An individual needs to find medical attention if the headache is:

  • The “worst headache of your life”. This wording is frequently seen in course books as a sign for medical professionals to contemplate making the diagnosis of a “subarachnoid hemorrhage due to a ruptured cerebral aneurysm”. The extent of pain will usually be considered along with how the individual looks as well as other symptoms and signs.

  • Unlike any previous headaches.

  • Begins abruptly or is intensified by coughing, exertion, sexual activity or bending over.

  • Accompanied by nausea and vomiting that is persistent.

  • Accompanied by stiff neck or fever.

  • Accompanied by seizures.

  • Occurs after a fall or new head trauma.

  • Accompanied with modifications in behavior, speech or vision.

  • Accompanied with variation in sensation or weakness.

  • Is not reacting to management techniques and is becoming worse.

  • Needs in excess of advised dose for pain of OTC (over the counter) medicines.

It is essential to identify which kind of headache an individual is suffering from so that the treatment given is correct. The common categories of headaches include:

  • Tension

  • Cluster

  • Sinus

  • Rebound

  • Migraine

Cramping During Early Pregnancy – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Cramping During Early Pregnancy – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Cramping During Early Pregnancy Symptoms

The cramping can be compared to what is felt when a woman is menstruating. Others may even not notice the cramping but they would feel heavy in the pelvic area. This is pain that we can identify as normal. But others tend to panic, especially when they have minute knowledge about pregnancy. It is safe to note that cramping is a sign of pregnancy. These are the symptoms associated with cramping during the early stage of pregnancy:

  • Lower back pain

  • Uterine pain

  • Pain in the groin area

  • Pain intensifies when one shifts from sitting or lying position to standing position

  • Minimal vaginal discharges

  • Minimal spotting or bleeding, light colored

  • Does not last long

All of these are in a form of discomfort that should not worsen. Once it worsens, it is not to be ignored and be let off. There could be an underlying cause of such symptom and medical assistance is needed.

What to know to indicate otherwise:

  • There is excessive bleeding, dark colored

  • Pain is very much intolerable

Causes of Cramping During Early Pregnancy

One should not panic when cramping is felt during the early stage of pregnancy. It is a normal process that occurs in order for the body to be ready for the baby’s growth inside the womb. It is hormonal and is triggered in preparation for the incoming months that the fertilized egg grows.

After fertilization, when egg unites with the sperm, the fertilized egg will implant itself in the uterine cavity. This process is called implantation, and it usually associated with mild cramping and spotting. A woman, who has been trying to be pregnant and has missed a period, can now check or consult a doctor if this is experienced. This is common sign and one should not be alarmed.

Since the body will compensate for the growing fetus inside the mother’s womb, there would be period-like cramps sensation. This is because; the uterus is expanding and trying to accommodate the increasing size of the fetus. These cramps should not be intolerable, and if it is – this is the time you consult the doctor.
The uterus is composed of regions, layers, and ligaments. These are the primary support for the preparation of pregnancy. One support system is the round ligaments of the uterus. As the womb expands, the ligaments follow to bear the weight. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

As you can see, these causes are in preparation and in assistance for the baby. But once the cramping is localized and has become severe. An ectopic pregnancy might have been the cause. This is associated with severe cramping and bleeding that is unrelieved by rest. A miscarriage can also be inevitable once it has exceeded the normal limits of pain. Going to the emergency room is a must to avoid sepsis and shock.

Cramping During Early Pregnancy Treatment

This type of cramping is not far from what a woman experiences during their period. What women usually do is go back to their comfort zone. So to relieve the pain, application of heating pad, warm is recommend, on the lower abdomen is advisable. During menstrual period, prescription of NSAIDs is alright. But during early pregnancy, NSAIDs are contraindicated for it can give unfavorable birth outcomes. It is suggested that you consult the doctor for pain relievers that can bring no harm to the mother and unborn child.

Others are relieved by drinking lots of water in the day. Getting suitable amount of rest and food would help the mother. Increase fiber in diet, so that digestion is still in normal context and that it would not increase the discomfort felt when the cramping comes.

Walking can help an expectant mother. This is to relieve any gas formation that can be an additional distress to the pregnant woman. Small amount of tolerable exercise is another form of relief, like by exercising the perineal area thus strengthening your pelvic muscles. In this way, you help yourself for the future in giving birth.

Sexual intercourse can be of discomfort when a pregnant woman is expecting. It is harmless to the mother and child, but can induce cramping.

Call the doctor if the cramping lasts longer than expected, past the sixth week or the spotting has gone to severe bleeding. This can be a probable sign of miscarriage or labor, that medical assistance is direly needed.

Vaginal Dryness – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Natural Remedies, Menopause

Vaginal Dryness – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Natural Remedies, Menopause

Vaginal Dryness Symptoms

Dryness of the vagina can go along with symptoms and signs consisting of:

  • Burning

  • Itching

  • Pain or any light bleeding with sex

  • Soreness

  • Urgency or frequent urinating

Dryness of the vagina happens to all females, but frequently they do not bring the subject up with their physicians. If this is affecting your life, especially your sex life and the association with your partner, think about seeing your physician about this problem. Living with dryness of the vagina that is unpleasant does not need to be a part of becoming older.

Vaginal Dryness Causes

A layer that is thin and consists of fluid that is clear coats the walls of the vagina. The majority of this lubricant leaks thru the blood vessel walls especially the blood vessels that encircle the vagina. Any change in hormones during a menstrual cycle or as a female ages can affect the consistency and amount of this fluid. There are various conditions which can contribute to dryness of the vagina. They comprise:

Reduced levels of Estrogen
A reduction of the level of estrogen is usually the main reason for dryness in the vagina. Estrogen is a hormone that helps keep the tissue in the vaginal region healthy by managing normal lubrication of the vagina, elasticity of the tissue as well as acidity. These are the factors that create a defense system against urinary tract as well as vaginal infections. However when levels of estrogen reduces so does this natural protection leading to less elastic, thinner as well as more fragile lining of the vagina. Estrogen levels fall for numerous reasons:

  • Childbirth

  • Perimenopause or menopause

  • Breast-feeding

  • Effects on ovaries from cancer therapy, including hormone therapy, radiation therapy as well as chemotherapy

  • Removal of ovaries by surgery

  • Cigarette smoking

  • Immune disorders

Cold and allergy medications and some antidepressants may decline the moisture in numerous parts of the body, including the vaginal area. Anti-estrogen drugs such as any for the treatment of breast cancer can also result in dryness of the vagina.

Sjogren’s syndrome
This is an autoimmune disease where the immune system can attack healthy tissue. Additionally it causes the symptoms of dry mouth, dry eye, and it is another cause for dryness in the vaginal region.

This method of vagina cleansing with a liquid solution disturbs the chemical balance which is normal in the vagina and causes inflammation known as vaginitis. This can cause the vaginal area to feel irritated or dry.

Vaginal Dryness Treatment

Vaginal estrogen therapy
Generally, treating dryness of the vagina is most nominal with topical estrogen for the vagina rather than estrogen orally. Estrogen which is used in the vaginal area can still reach the blood system but the quantity is very nominal. Vaginal estrogen does not lessen testosterone levels – vital for sexual function to be healthy – the way estrogen taken orally can.
Vaginal estrogen treatment comes in numerous kinds: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Vaginal estrogen cream – known as Estrace, Premarin
This cream is inserted directly into the vagina by applicator, normally at bedtime. The physician will tell you the amount of cream to be used and how frequently to use it. It is normally a daily routine for the first several weeks and 2 or 3 times each week afterwards.

Vaginal estrogen ring – known as Estring
This is a flexible, soft ring introduced into the upper area of the vagina by you or your physician. The ring will release a steady amount of estrogen and has to be exchanged every 3 months.

Vaginal estrogen tablet – known as Vagifem
This is a one-use applicator used to place a vaginal estrogen dose in the vagina. The physician will advise you how frequently to insert a dose – usually daily for the 1st 2 weeks and then two times a week after that.

If dryness of the vagina is linked with indications of menopause, such as having moderate or severe hot flashes, the physician will probably advise estrogen pills, gel, patches or a higher dosage estrogen ring along with progestin.

Natural or Home Remedies

Use a moisturizer or lubricant
Try an over the counter product as a remedy for dryness of the vagina:

Lubricants such as Astroglide or K-Y
Lubricants that are water-based can lubricate the vagina for many hours. It is applied to the opening of the vagina or to the partner’s penis prior to intercourse.

Moisturizers such as Lubrin or Replens
These are products that imitate the normal moisture of vagina and can get rid of dryness for about 3 days thru a single use. This can be used on an ongoing basis for protection of dryness or irritation to the vagina.

Pay consideration to sexual desires
Often vaginal dryness for the duration of intercourse can mean you are not getting sufficiently aroused. Take time to be intimate with your partner letting the body become adequately aroused as well as lubricated. It could help to speak with your partner around what sensations are good for you. Having interaction on a steady basis also can help with improving vaginal lubrication.

Avoid certain products
Evade using the following merchandises to treat dryness of the vagina, as they can aggravate that area:

  • Hand lotions

  • Yogurt, vinegar or other douches

  • Bubble baths

  • Soaps

Bladder Infection Symptoms in Women

Bladder Infection Symptoms in Women


Infections of the bladder do not always cause any symptoms or sign but when they are symptoms they may include: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

  • A persistent, strong need to urinate

  • A sensation when urinating that feels like burning

  • Frequent passing of amounts of urine that are small

  • Urine that may appear cola colored or bright pink – symptom of blood in the urine

  • Cloudy urine

  • Pelvic pressure in women

  • Urine that is strong-smelling

  • Discomfort in the lower abdomen

  • Urine with foul odor

  • Bladder spasms

  • Chills and fever

  • At night there is a lack of urinary control

  • Fever, bed-wetting as well as irritability in a child

The physician will diagnose a bladder infection based on symptoms and also the individual‘s medical history. Usually a physical exam is done and a urine specimen caught mid-stream is collected in order to identify any evidence of inflammation, as well as the type of bacteria that could be causing the infection.

The physician will also advise fluid intake be increased, especially cranberry juice, which is known to help prevent infections. Avoid alcohol and caffeine and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily.

It is important that proper treatment is received for any symptoms of bladder infection in women – as soon as the symptoms have manifested themselves. This allows the individual to avoid having chronic tract infections which can in some cases lead to kidney failure.

Signs of Pregnancy after 1 Week

Signs of Pregnancy after 1 Week

Implantation bleeding

This can be one of the very first signs of pregnancy. At about six (6) to twelve (12) days after conception, the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus occurs. Certain women can experience spotting and some cramping.

Additional explanations for this bleeding could be menstruation, altered menstruation, abrasion from intercourse as well as alterations in birth control pills.

Difference/Delay in Menstruation

A missed or delayed period is the most common sign of pregnancy prominent in a woman getting a pregnancy test. When a woman becomes pregnant, the next period ought to be missed. But many women can bleed when pregnant but typically at one (1) week, the bleeding will be lighter or shorter than a period that is normal.

Additional explanations for this symptom can include excessive weight loss/gain, hormonal problems, fatigue, stress, tension, stopping birth control pills, breastfeeding or illness.

Breasts Swollen/Tender

Tender or swollen breasts are a sign of pregnancy that can begin as early as one (1) to two (2) weeks after conceiving. Women might note changes in their breasts for instance being tender to the touch, swollen or sore.

Additional explanations can be birth control pills, hormonal imbalance, PMS – all can cause the breasts to be tender or swollen.


Feeling tired or fatigue is an early symptom of being pregnant and starts as soon as the first week after conceiving.

Additional explanations can be due to stress, depression, exhaustion, cold or flu, or other illnesses can leave an individual feeling fatigued or tired.

Morning Sickness/Nausea

This is a well-known symptom of pregnancy that normally begins between two (2) to eight (8) weeks after conceiving. Certain women are very fortunate and do not experience this symptoms at all, and other might feel nausea thru out the entire pregnancy. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Additional explanations can be stress, food poisoning, change in methods of birth control or any other stomach disorders can cause an individual to feel queasy or nauseated.


Backaches low in the back can also be an early sign of pregnancy; and in some women they might experience a backache that is dull thru out the pregnancy.

Additional explanations can include impending menstruation, other back problems, stress and mental or physical strains.


The sudden changes of hormones in the body early in pregnancy can cause some women to have early headaches.

Additional explanations can include caffeine withdrawal, dehydration, eye strain, impending period, or other situations can be the reason of chronic or frequent headaches.

Darkening Areolas

Most women during pregnancy will experience the skin around breast nipples becoming darker.

Additional explanations include imbalance of hormones not related to being pregnant or can be leftover effects from a previous pregnancy.

Food Aversions or Food Cravings

Some women will experience cravings for certain foods while pregnant. This may last thru out the pregnancy. There are also women who have aversions to certain food early in the pregnancy and this also can last for the entire pregnancy.

Additional explanations include lack of certain nutrients, poor diet, depression, illness, stress or impending menstruation.

Blood in Urine and No pain – What Causes it?

Blood in Urine and No pain – What Causes it?

Causes of Blood in Urine

The human urinary tract consists of the bladder, 2 kidneys as well as 2 ureters, and the urethra. Kidneys remove the waste as well as excessive fluid from the blood and this is converted into urine. This urine at that point flows thru 2 tubes that are hollow known as ureters – one running from every kidney – to the bladder which stores the urine until it is eliminated from the body thru the urethra.

With hematuria, the kidneys or additional portions of the urinary tract lets cells of blood seep into urine. There are numerous problems that can trigger this seepage, but the below list includes only those problems that have no pain with the blood. These consist of:

Enlarged prostate
This prostate gland situated beneath the bladder and around the upper area of the urethra –in numerous cases starts growing as males reach middle age. Once this gland gets larger, it presses the urethra and partly blocks the flow of urine. Symptoms or signs include persistent or urgent need for urination and either microscopic or gross bleeding.

Diseases of the kidney
Microscopic bleeding can also be a symptom which is common of glomerulonephritis, that triggers inflammation of the filtering system of the kidney. Glomerulonephritis can be a portion of a system wide disease, for instance diabetes, or may happen by itself. Usually triggered by a strep or viral infection, blood vessel disease – vasculitis – as well as problems with immune system for instance IgA nephropathy can affect the small capillaries which filters the blood in the kidneys.
Disorders that are inherited
“Sickle cell anemia” is a chronic deficiency of red blood cells – can also be a reason for blood in the urine, either gross as well as microscopic hematuria. So can Alport syndrome that affects the membranes in the glomeruli of the kidneys that are used for filtering. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Some frequently used drugs can also cause urinary blood including aspirin, heparin blood thinner, penicillin, as well as the drug that is anti-cancer called cyclophosphamide or Cytoxan.

Vigorous exercise
It is not understood why but strenuous or vigorous exercise can cause gross hematuria. It can be because of the trauma to the bladder, breakdown of red blood cells, or dehydration. Runners are more often affected, but nearly any athlete can develop urinary bleeding after a workout that is intense.

Hematuria or blood in the urine has no precise treatment. Instead, the physician will focus on the condition that is causal:

Enlarged prostate
Treatments for this problem strive to decrease symptoms as well as restore normal function of the urinary system. All are effective but all have some disadvantages. Drugs are normally used first and normally they offer long-time relief for most men. When drugs do not work, treatments that are minimally invasive using lasers, sound waves or heat to eliminate excess tissue of the prostate can be tried.

Diseases of the kidney
Numerous problems of the kidneys usually require treatment. No matter what the causal problem is, the objective is to calm inflammation and limit additional damage to the kidneys.

Inherited disorders
Actions for disorders that are inherited can distress the kidneys greatly. “Benign familial hematuria” frequently does not need any treatment, whereas individual with severe Alport syndrome might eventually need dialysis. Dialysis is an artificial way of removing any waste from the blood when the kidneys no longer are able to do so. Sickle cell anemia is similarly treated with blood transfusions and drugs or, in best case situations, a transplant of the bone marrow.

Swollen Glands in Neck – Causes and Treatment

Swollen Glands in Neck – Causes and Treatment


The reason most common for swollen glands in the neck is some type of infection, normally a infection by a virus for instance the common cold. But, there are additional kinds of infections such as bacterial as well as parasitic and other probable reasons for swollen glands. They consist of:

Infections – Common

  • Ear infections

  • Strep throat

  • Mononucleosis

  • Measles

  • Infected or abscessed tooth

  • HIV – the virus which causes AIDS

  • Wound infections such as cellulitis or erysipelas

Infections – Uncommon

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cat scratch fever

  • Toxoplasmosis

Immune system disorders

  • Lupus

  • HIV

  • Rheumatoid arthritis


  • Lymphoma

  • Leukemia

  • Other cancers which have metastasized


If the reason for swollen neck lymphatic nodes is infection and is not treated, these are the complications that could ensue:

Formation of Abscess
Abscesses are a collection localized of pus triggered by some sort of infection. This pus contains white cells, tissue that is dead, fluid as well as bacteria or other intruders. The abscess requires antibiotic treatment and drainage. An abscess can cause destruction if it comprises an organ that is vital.

Infection of the blood system or bacteremia
Bacterial infections anyplace in the body can cause sepsis, causing an overpowering infection of the blood system. Sepsis can cause failure to organs and then even death. Management involves hospitalization as well as IV antibiotics.


In order to diagnose the cause of the swollen lymph nodes in the neck the physician may need:

Complete medical history
Physical exam
The physician will need to check the nodes that are close to the surface for tenderness, size, texture as well as warmth. Other symptoms and signs will give the doctor clues as to help diagnose of underlying cause.
Blood tests
Certain blood test can be done to exclude or confirm underlying conditions. This will most likely include total blood count which helps to assess the individual’s complete health and can distinguish a variety of illnesses, for instance mononucleosis as well as leukemia. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Studies by Imaging
X-ray of the chest or CT scan can help to decide on possible causes of infection or discover any tumors.

Lymphatic node biopsy
If a diagnosis cannot be decided on, the physician can take out a section of the lymphatic node for examination under the microscope.

Swollen lymphatic nodes in the neck triggered by a virus can go back to normal as soon as the viral contagion gets better. Viral infections cannot be treated by antibiotics. Treatment for other sources is determined by the cause which could be:

The common management for swollen lymphatic nodes that are triggered with a bacterial contagion is antibiotics. Fever reducers as well as pain relievers over-the-counter include aspirin, ibuprofen, for instance Advil, Motrin and acetaminophen, such as Tylenol. Aspirin as well as ibuprofen have properties for anti-inflammation that can reduce various swelling.

It is advised that children not be given aspirin due to the link to Reye’s syndrome. This is a rare and very serious disease that can disturb teenagers and children recovering from any infections that are viral.

Disorders of Immunity
If the swollen neck glands are caused by situations such as lupus, HIV or rheumatoid arthritis, management is focused at the underlying disorder.

Swollen neck glands triggered by cancer need the cancer to be treated. Contingent on the kind of cancer, therapy usually involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

Swollen Glands in Neck Pictures

swollen glands in neck pictures

swollen glands in neck pictures

swollen glands in neck pictures

Headache behind Eyes – Causes and Remedies

Headache behind Eyes – Causes and Remedies

Causes of Headache behind eyes

Other causes of headaches that are situated behind the eye include:

Tension headaches are some of the more common headaches that develop behind the eyes. This can be caused by stress, eye strain or lack of sleep. These headaches normally go away as soon as the individual gets enough rest.

Headaches behind the eyes may be due to one of the following problems of the eye:

Individuals suffering from astigmatism have retinas that are shape irregularly. Because of this, things seen from various angles seem to be hazy. To have a view that is clearer, individuals usually squint and this puts strain on the eye muscles leading to often very severe headaches.

As we age our eye lens lose flexibility. Because of this, older individuals have difficulties in viewing close objects – such as print in a book. Other difficulties due to presbyopias include close focusing of images, eyes that are sore as well as headaches.

Far Sightedness or Hyperopia
This is a problem where the image of objects is focused behind the retina rather than being focused on the retina. As the individual strains the eyes in order to be able to view the image correctly, the muscles of the eye weaken. And, this causes headaches.
There are many types of migraine that cause headaches behind the eyes. Opthalmophlegic migraine causes headaches that can last from days to several months. Retinal migraine creates extreme stress on the muscles of the eye that can lead to partial and in some cases complete loss of vision. Individuals who hurt from sinusitis often have extreme pain behind the eyes, as well as along the cheeks and nose. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Cluster Headaches
This is a type of headache that creates extreme pain on one side of the head behind the eye. These can also be accompanied with a burning sensation on one side of the nose. These headaches follow as stabbing pain, excruciating, behind the eyes, come in episodes over a period of several weeks. The pain often peaks in less than five (5) minutes and normally last for about an hour. These are less common and often more severe than other types of headache. But some health experts believe the cause is in the trigerminal nerve, while others theorize that these headaches are due to problems in the deep vascular channels of the head.


Headaches caused by tension normally go away after a period of rest or by manual therapy. The following therapy can also bring some relief.

  • Lie down on something hard for instance the floor

  • Using the thumbs, find the base of the skull

  • Lean back on the thumbs and press hard

  • Hold this position for as long as possible.

  • Breathe deeply

If the headache is only behind one eye, do the exercise with one thumb tracing the base of the side of the skull while lying on the same side as the eye that hurts.

Methods of headache relief for migraine include:

  • Acupuncture

  • Massage therapy

  • Prescription drugs

In cases of visual abnormalities help is obtained by getting corrective glasses. With cluster headaches, the best option is to get medical help.

There are also a number of synthetic medications available that help with headaches behind the eyes. But as the saying goes “Prevention is better than the cure”. So a good diet, eye care and good rest is the optimum way to deal with these discomforts.

Functions of the Skeletal System

Functions of the Skeletal System


The skeletal system serves as a supporting structure of the human body. Not only does it support soft tissues, but also, it provides points of attachment for majority of the skeletal muscles. These bones contribute to the shape, alignment, and positioning of the body parts. For instance, the pelvis and its related supporting structures provide a floor for the pelvic structures. Another is the importance of the role of the ribcage for in its absence, the heart and lungs would collapse easily.


A major function of the skeletal system is that it mechanically protects the soft and delicate internal organs of the human body, thereby, reducing risk of injury to these structures. For example, the skull shelters the brain and the eyes, the spinal column protects the nerves, the fibrous discs between each vertebra as shock absorber and the rib cage encloses the heart and the lungs and protects major blood vessels. Other bones include clavicle and scapula which provide protection for the shoulders, the carpals and tarsals protecting the wrist and ankle, and the patella and ulna safeguarding the knees and elbows.


Bones, together with the joints create levers, allowing a wider range of motion in different directions and in different ways while movement is powered by the muscle tissues which are attached steadily to the bones. When the skeletal muscles contract and shorten, the bones are pulled, thus, creating a movement at the joint. The muscular system, skeletal system and joints present the most important mechanics for movement, all synchronized by the nervous system


The human skeletal system does not only function to provide support but also, importantly, it manufactures blood cells in the bone marrow. This process is called hematopoiesis or the formation of blood cellular components. This is a vital process carried on by red bone marrow or myeloid tissue. Primarily, this tissue is situated in the epiphyses, in the long bones, flat bones of the skull, in the pelvic bones and in the ribcage. In this tissue, new blood cells can be produced and those blood cells which are damages can be repaired. This bone marrow can produce red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles and other blood elements. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Mineral Storage

The skeletal system can be considered as a major reservoir for some minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. The bone matrix can store up calcium which is essential for the homeostasis of blood calcium concentration. When the blood concentration goes beyond the normal range, calcium moves out of the blood into the bones more rapidly, decreasing the concentration level of calcium in the blood usually to its homeostatic level. And when the body requires, bone can release minerals into the blood to facilitate the balance of minerals. Iron in ferritin, on the other hand can be stored by bone marrows.
Endocrine regulation

The cells in the bones let loose of a hormone identified as osteocalcin, otherwise established as bone gamma-carboxyglutamic acid-containing protein. This is a noncollagenous protein found in bone and dentin which is thought to play a significant role in the fat deposition, metabolic regulation and bone-building and regulation of blood sugar as beta cells in the pancreas to liberate more insulin.

Storage of Chemical energy

As age advances, the red bone marrow changes into yellow bone marrow. This bone marrow primarily consists of adipose cells and a few blood cells. These fat cells are major chemical energy reserves.

Itchy Nose – Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies, Relief

Itchy Nose – Causes, Treatment, Home Remedies, Relief

Itchy Nose Meaning

A nose that is itchy is one of the irritating problems that an individual can develop, especially when the need to scratch cannot be stopped. An itchy nose normally is caused by one of two situations – the common cold or allergies.

If an individual is prone to allergies especially the seasonal type, allergy season can be torturous. This is because it is common to have irritated and itchy nasal passages during allergy season.

Itchy Nose Causes

An itchy nose can be caused by allergy and during allergy season will cause misery to many people. Having an allergic reaction causes the chemical histamine to be released and this chemical is responsible for the symptoms that are experienced with allergies. It can cause nasal discharge, scratchy throat, itchy eyes and itchy nose.

Histamine also is the cause of many of the symptoms which are uncomfortable and can occur with not only seasonal allergies but also with food allergies and allergic reactions to stings from bees or wasp. In some very hazardous cases, histamine can cause a perilous swelling of the throat as well as problems breathing, when an allergic person experiences a bee or wasp sting. This normally does not occur with seasonal allergies.

An itchy nose can often be the first symptom of a common cold developing. Another cause of an itchy nose can be lack of humidity in the environment where a person works or lives. This can cause nasal passages to dry out causing irritation – much as in the common cold. If the itchy nose is also runny and stuffy and the individual is sneezing a lot, it could be a condition referred to as rhinitis which not only develops with a cold but also with allergies. With rhinitis the blood vessels as well as the tissues of the nasal passages are inflamed.

Itchy Nose Treatment

If an individual visits their primary care physician with symptoms that include an itchy nose, the physician will first need to decide if this is caused by allergies or a cold. She/he will examine the individual as well as note any further symptoms. For allergies, the physician will normally prescribe medications such as nasal spray, oral medication such as an antihistamine or an ointment that contains an antihistamine. The physician may also recommend a vasoconstrictor nose spray that can be obtained OTC (over the counter). This medication efficiently counters the symptoms that occur with rhinitis. There is one problem that an individual using a vasoconstrictor nasal spray needs to be aware of – it should not be used for more than three (3) to four (4) days as it could cause what is referred to as “rebound congestion” when you discontinue use and your nose will become clogged up anew and in some cases even worse. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

If you do have allergies and your nasal symptoms are caused by allergic rhinitis, the physician might prescribe a corticosteroid nasal spray. This spray does have its own side effects including nausea, nosebleeds, as well as headaches.

Itchy Nose Home Remedies for Relief

There are some home remedies that an individual can use that can help with itchy nose and the other symptoms that might accompany it. One is to get a humidifier that keeps the environment that you are in have extra moisture in the air of the home or the office.

Another home remedy is to rinse the nose and sinuses out by using what is referred to as a neti pot. This is a small teapot shaped device that the individual fills with water. Then the user can insert the open end of the neti pot into one nostril, tilt the head sideways and allow the water to flow from the pot thru the nasal passages. This cure for itchy nose is best when the problem is cause by exposure to dirt or pollutants and especially allergies.

Other home remedies are to stay well hydrated and use lotion. Often itching in the nasal region is caused by dry skin, inside and outside of the nose. This can happen from not drinking enough water which keeps the mucus membranes and nasal passages moist. Drink lots of clear fluids or eat foods such as watermelon.

If the itching is caused by blowing the nose too much, use a bit of lotion on the affected area. A lotion containing vitamin E and aloe should be obtained as aloe sooths irritation and vitamin E promotes healthy skin.

Gurgling Stomach – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure

Gurgling Stomach – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Cure

Symptoms of Gurgling Stomach

Known by the medical term of “borborygmus” which is Greek for “rumbling”, sounds from either the stomach or intestine, can actually be signs of healthy digestive system that is working fine.

Although possibly benign, a stomach that is gurgling may at some times indicate serious problems, particularly, if accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Diarrhea

  • Cramps

Causes of Gurgling Stomach

Any unexpected contractions of the stomach or intestinal muscles may create gurgling or rumbling sounds in the stomach. This can occur because of the following reasons:

This is the reason that is most prominent for any gurgling of the stomach. Not eating breakfast or lunch because of dieting very often causes growling in the stomach. Simply, it means that the individual is hungry. In most instances, gurgling of the stomach is normally accompanied with hunger pains that can be unbearable and usually subside after eating some food. When an individual is hungry for more than two hours, the brain after sensing this, responds by the stimulation of muscle contractions.
This is the state of mind that is caused by uneasy or anxious feelings. Gurgling of the stomach has been linked to this nervousness especially when individuals are overcome with nervousness or extreme anxiety. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Carbonated Beverages: Drinking carbonated fluids also can cause gurgling in the stomach. As well, some individuals may eat their dinner or lunch very fast, not chewing completely and gulping it down. This improper method of eating or drinking can quickly cause gurgling in the stomach.

After eating
Even after eating, an individual can hear some weird noises. Digestion takes place mostly in the intestines where it breaks down fats, carbohydrates as well as minerals into much smaller molecules for ease of processing. This churning of the food is normal for the digestive system and may as well cause gurgling noises in the stomach.

Stomach disorders
Often bouts of gurgling in the stomach even when the stomach is full and followed with pain in the abdomen, bloating, stomach cramps or diarrhea can be the beginning of a gastrointestinal disorder for instance irritable bowel syndrome or could be the start of an upset stomach from an intestinal virus.

Gurgling Stomach Treatment

For the above causes of the stomach gurgling, the below practices should be followed:

  • Do not skip meals as a way to diet – cut back on calories

  • To control stress and anxiety, practice yoga or other meditation techniques

  • Cut back on the number of carbonated beverages consumed during the day

  • Drink 8 glasses of water daily

  • Do not hurry when eating and chew the food completely

  • See your primary care physician if you suspect an intestinal or other type of stomach disorder that does not clear up with over the counter remedies or if it is recurring.

Left Arm Numbness – Causes and Treatment

Left Arm Numbness – Causes and Treatment

Causes of Left Arm Numbness

What causes numbness in the left arm? The causes of this condition can include:

There may be elbow, arm as well as fingers that have become fractured which cause the numbness of the hand. Hand and arm numbness because of fracture is normally accompanied with sharp pain in the area of the fracture.

Nerve Compression and Nerve Damage
At times the nerve that runs from the left arm to the central nervous system becomes compressed. This is one of the more common reasons for left arm numbness. This is due to the interference of blood circulation in the left arm as well as the pinching of the nerve. One of the main causes of nerve damage is diabetic neuropathy. Another cause of nerve damage is carpal tunnel syndrome which is caused by compressed nerves in the wrist and is one of the leading causes of injury in the work place from working on computers.

Ganglion Cysts
These are non-cancerous growths which develop on the hand but mostly on the wrists. These cysts can develop rapidly or gradually and can affect joint movements as well as cause numbness in the left arm. They can be removed by surgery.

Raynaud’s Disease
This syndrome can cause the fingers to become numb and is caused by the arteries in the arms becoming narrow thus causing the numbness. Many women suffer from this problem.
Many cases of left arm numbness are caused by stroke. This is caused by blood supply to the brain being reduced or interrupted and depriving the brain of nutrients and oxygen. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

There are times when numbness in the hands is misunderstood as angina. The major cause of angina pain is arteriosclerosis. Severe chest pain also with numbness in the left arm is a major symptom of a heart attack.

Other causes of left arm numbness can be due to Vitamin B deficiency as well as alcoholism.

Left Arm Numbness Treatment

Left arm numbness is a symptom of a wide number of disorders, conditions and diseases that either restricts the flow of blood or causes injury to the nerves.

The treatment for numbness of the left arm is completely reliant on the cause of the numbness.

If an individual has numbness in the left arm, it is advised to consult a primary care physician to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for the numbness.

Remember that some arm pain or numbness in the left arm when accompanied with chest discomfort could be symptoms of a heart attack so seek immediate medical attention in these cases.

Dry Mouth at Night – Causes and Treatment

Dry Mouth at Night – Causes and Treatment

What is a Dry Mouth?

Dry mouth is a problem that the majority of us have had at least one time in our life and probably more. It also is referred to as hyposalivation, xerostomia, or asialorrhea. Many individuals are reluctant to give their partners a kiss in the morning before first brushing their teeth because of morning breath which is caused in part by dry mouth. For many individuals, dry mouth is not a major concern but for others it is a problem that is continuing.

Dry Mouth Causes

Salivary Glands
Dry mouth is usually caused by the salivary glands not able to efficiently function and create enough amounts of saliva. If an individual is taking any type of medication, it could be the reason for having dry mouth. Medications that cause dryness of the mouth include:

  • Decongestants

  • Muscle relaxants

  • Antihistamines

  • Chemotherapy drugs

  • Antispasmodics

However, there are individuals who have salivary glands that are functioning perfectly and are not taking any medications and still suffer from dry mouth.

Individuals need acceptable amounts of saliva in order to prevent infection by managing the bacteria and fungi in the mouth by its antimicrobial action and also it helps digest food. Saliva has antibodies known as muco-proteins, and this creates the slimy sensation; as well as enzymes, but is mostly ninety-eight (98) percent water. This saliva also has an important role in the health of teeth. It decreases the acidity or pH level of waste products that produce plaque. Because of this, saliva reduces the chance of decay of the teeth that can occur due to acid attacks which happens because of these waste products. Saliva washes remains out of the mouth. It is thought that this debris, when it stays in the mouth, provides a food supply for bacteria that is found in plaque. If there is any damage to enamel of the teeth, saliva offers systemic minerals and fluorides that aids in replacing the minerals of the enamel that is damaged.

Physical Concerns
Dry mouth is a red flag for other physical problems. For instance if an individual is diabetic and the disease is being poorly managed this can cause dry mouth during the night or dry mouth can be a sign that the individual has diabetes. Other diseases which cause dry mouth, not only during the night but during the day as well – these are viral and bacterial infections and Sjogren’s syndrome, all of which have an influence on the flow of saliva. Other problems that affect the saliva flow include:

  • Bell’s palsy

  • Tumors

  • Salivary gland stones

  • Depression


  • Parkinson’s disease

If an individual is undergoing radiation therapy or hemodialysis, these also cause severe dry mouth.

If an individual has nighttime and daytime dry mouth that is chronic, he/she needs to undergo a physician exam to found out if they have oral candidiasis, or any dental problems. Dental problems due to dry mouth cause the decalcification of enamel of the teeth which leads to cavities. Dry mouth can also be a symptom of the following:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Cirrhosis

  • Thyroid disease

  • Diabetes

Vitamin Deficiencies
Often nighttime and daytime dry mouth can be caused by a lack of the following vitamins: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

  • Iron

  • Vitamin B6

  • Zinc

  • Calcium

  • Fiber

  • Potassium

Dry Mouth Treatment

Because dry mouth is caused by a multitude of reasons, there are different ways to treat it. If an individual’s physician or dentist is able to diagnose the cause of mouth dryness, he/she will be able to help the individual with a cure. The problem is that is easier said than done.

If the dryness is because of medications, it could be possible for the doctor to advise the individual to stop the drugs, reduce their amount or switch to another medication that might not have dry mouth as a side effect.

When the dryness is due to any specific disease such as diabetes, the proper management of the disease could decrease the dryness of the mouth.

It is also advisable to sip water or other sugar free liquids frequently. It is likewise important to drink while eating as this aids chewing and swallowing and can even enhance the taste of the food. An individual can also carry a water bottle with them during the day as well as keeping a glass of water at the bedside at night.

An individual can stimulate the flow of saliva by:

  • Eating foods which require mastication

  • Chewing sugarless gum

  • If possible, acid-tasting, sugarless candies

  • Sucking on a cherry or olive pit or the rind of a lemon or line

Studies done recently have found that drugs called Pilocarpine (Salagen) and Cevimeline (Evoxac) can lessen the sensation of oral dryness in the mouth. These drugs are usually taken three (3) to four (4) times a day, after meals, and their effects normally last from two (2) to four (4) hours. Any side-effects are usually modest. These drugs when combined with other ways to stimulate saliva flow have made it able for the majority of individuals to find relief from dry mouth.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

White Coating on Tongue – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

White Coating on Tongue – Causes, Treatment, Pictures

White Coating on Tongue Causes

Tongues that have a white coating are caused by the inflammation of the papillae of the tongue. These are the projections on the tongue surface that are finger-like. Causes of inflammation include:

  • Excessive use of alcohol

  • Dehydration

  • Excessive breathing by mouth

  • Smoking

  • Fever

Other conditions associated with these white patches or any other discolorations on the tongue include:

  • Some medications

  • Leukoplakia – can be precancerous

  • Geographic tongue – condition giving the tongue a map-like look

  • Oral lichen planus – chronic, autoimmune disorder

  • Syphilis – bacterial infection spread by contact sexually

  • Oral thrush – yeast infection that is also referred to as candidiasis

A white tongue can also be a buildup of sulfur compounds on the tongue. These compounds are developed by anaerobic bacterium which grows under the surface of the tongue. Anaerobic means “no oxygen”. This is why this bacterium grows under the skin – because there is little oxygen there.

A white tongue accompanied with a throat that is sore might be due to a streptococcal infection or infection by other bacteria. Inflamed or injured areas of the tongue are very vulnerable to infectious microorganisms such as streptococcal bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, pathogenic fungi or the herpes virus.

A white tongue may be due to a trauma to the tongue, which can make the tongue more apt to infection. The traumatic causes of injury to the tongue include:

  • Corrosive or acid chemical burn

  • Blisters or ulcers

  • Biting the tongue

  • Burning the tongue

  • Canker sores

  • Laceration or cut

  • Dental appliances, dentures, or misaligned or jagged teeth

If you are concerned about changes in the tongue, your tongue hurts or if the white tongue continues for longer than about two (2) weeks, make a visit to your dentist or primary care physician.

White Coating on Tongue Treatment

A white tongue is normally harmless, and may be helped by using a tongue scraper to brush the tongue as well as drinking more water.

A list of things to do that could help with a white tongue includes:
Green tea
Drinking green tea can help with eliminating the bacteria in your mouth detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

Do not use mouth wash
Using mouth wash dries out the mouth because of the alcohol that is the base for most mouth wash. This only makes the white tongue worse.

Scrape the tongue
An inexpensive tongue scraper can rid the tongue of any existing coating or you can just use the toothbrush

Drink lots of water
This will prevent dehydration and good oral hygiene and prevents the accumulated food particles

Gargling warm water
Using warm water to gargle especially after eating helps

Avoid sugary foods
These foods promote the growth of bacteria and fungi

Contains natural probiotics that stops the growth of bacteria as well as candida fungi. Probiotics also help to improve digestion

Oil pulling
This is a favorite of many and it not only gets rid of the white coating on the tongue, it actually will help detox the entire body and it is easy to do. Take cold pressed organic sesame seed oil that is non-toasted and swish this around the mouth for fifteen (15) to twenty (20) minutes. The results from oil pulling can be amazing but keep this in mind – do not gargle the oil – you only want to swish it around the tongue and mouth and pull it through the teeth. Also do not swallow this oil because it is filled with bacteria. After you are done, spit it out and rinse the mouth out with plain water.


White Coating on Tongue Pictures