Where to Buy Blackstrap Molasses
If you want to know where to buy the best molasses for use in home remedies, our readers can offer you tips on good deals, trustworthy brands, and where to find the right stuff. Blackstrap molasses is the specific formulation of molasses you should be looking for in terms of medicinal use. It is the triple-condensed version of molasses and thus contains more of various minerals by volume to improve the positive impact molasses can have on your health. Blackstrap molasses offers substantial amounts of the dietary minerals iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and selenium.Our readers prefer several brands of blackstrap molasses. The one point of difference you will have to discover for yourself is whether to choose sulfured or unsulfured molasses. Added sulfur reduces the darkness of the molasses, and some health benefits can be derived from sulfur (antifungal, joint health, etc.). However, it can create allergenic sulfites. Make your own choice about sulfur in blackstrap molasses based on your own medical history and needs.