Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal nerve is a group of nerves that is responsible for chewing and production of saliva. It is present on either side of the ear and trigeminal nerve is also known as fifth cranial nerve. It runs from the brain and passes through your face near the ear. The main nerve separates into three nerve endings and hence called as Tri (three) geminal nerve. Since the nerve goes to your scalp through forehead, cheeks and jaw sharp pain is felt on these areas.
Trigeminal neuralgia can cause chronic (long term) pain on your face giving bouts of excruciating pain. The pain is felt largely while touching your face like applying makeup or brushing your teeth etc. Even a small stimulation of the face can trigger this pain. The pain can be recurring and can cause mild attacks on your face. Trigeminal neuralgia affects elderly people largely and is more on women than men. The pain can be controlled by effective treatment and medications. Trigeminal neuralgia is a rare type of pain affecting people who are above 60 years and about 1 in every million people are affected.
Symptoms :
Trigeminal neuralgia can cause sudden episodes of shooting pain on your face that it can be felt as electric shock. The pain can be felt spontaneous when you touch the face. The pain would last for few seconds only but it may return again. For some people it can cause mild pain occasionally. Pain is triggered while you are touching the face for anything or for brushing your teeth. Many people describe the pain as though someone is stabbing with a knife on their face and piercing the skin.
The areas like cheeks, in and around the ears and jaws are worst affected with pain since the nerve passes through these areas. Pain is usually felt on one side of your face. For some people pain is focused in only one part like jaw or cheeks but for others it would spread widely. If not treated promptly, staggering pain is felt frequently and intensely over time.
Causes :
Intense sudden pain of trigeminal neuralgia occurs when the function of the trigeminal nerve gets disturbed. When the artery or vein gets in touch with the trigeminal nerve accidentally, it gets disrupted causing stabbing pain. Occasional contact of the artery with the nerve can put extra pressure on it thus interfering with its normal function. Aging is another factor that can cause trigeminal neuralgia. Having multiple sclerosis can also damage the myelin sheath covering of the trigeminal nerves causing intense pain. In rare cases formation of tumor on the trigeminal nerve can cause pain.
Risk Factors :
Old age is the primary risk factor for developing trigeminal neuralgia. For reasons unknown, women are more prone to get TN than men. The first attack or episode of pain comes without warning and may lasts for few seconds. The frequency of further attacks differs widely from one person to another. The pain may come and go on the same day or it can occur suddenly after a month or so. Nobody can predict when the next attack of pain would come back.
Complications :
As such trigeminal neuralgia would not cause any complications. However throbbing pain can interfere with your daily routine to large extent. You may ignore brushing your teeth or applying cream on your face due to the fear of pain. Hence you should not delay in taking treatment for trigeminal neuralgia.
Tests :
Your doctor can detect trigeminal neuralgia on listening to your symptoms. He may touch your face to verify where exactly pain has started. Further he may request for reflex test and neurological examination to know which branch of the nerve has been affected. To eliminate the possibility of multiple sclerosis he may order for imaging tests like CT/MRI scan.
Treatment :
For most of the people, trigeminal neuralgia pain can be managed by medications. But it can cause some adverse effect over long periods. In rare cases surgery is done for treating TN. Anticonvulsant medications like carbamazepine are prescribed for trigeminal neuralgia. After some years you may feel the pain again and your doctor may increase the dosage of the drug. These drugs can cause side effects like drowsiness and confusion.
Some doctors may prescribe muscle relaxing drugs like Gablofen or Lioresal for treating trigeminal neuralgia. In severe cases surgery is to be done to release the compression on the nerve. Microvascular decompressing surgery is done to remove the blood vessel from the trigeminal nerve region. A small incision is made behind the ear and a small hole is drilled on the skull. Your surgeon will remove any artery or vein that compresses the trigeminal nerve branch. This surgery can cause facial numbness or double vision or any other complications.
Another procedure called Gamma knife radioactive therapy is done wherein radiation is passed directly on the trigeminal nerve so that pain is not felt anymore on your face. This option is more effective and safe than surgery. If the patient gets back the pain again the same procedure is repeated. Your doctor may give you a shot of glycerol to damage the trigeminal nerve and blocking the pain. A small needle is sent into the base of skull through your face and sterile glycerol is injected directly on the nerve.
Balloon compression is another method for treating trigeminal neuralgia. A thin catheter is sent through the skull to locate the trigeminal nerve. A balloon is inserted to one end of the catheter which is then inflated to cause pressure on the trigeminal nerve to block the signals of pain. Now alternative therapies like acupuncture, vitamin or nutritional therapy and electrical stimulation are available for treating trigeminal neuralgia.
All these diseases have early symptoms are expressed in a form that can recognize, find out the causes of the disease is the best way to get effective treatment and prevention best
Showing posts with label Complications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complications. Show all posts
Monday, March 30, 2015
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Lupus Rash
Lupus Rash Lupus rash is a type of autoimmune disorder in which the body’s own immune system will attack and destroy tissues and organs. Inflammation of the skin occurs in many parts of the body affecting every joint. Lupus rash is characterized by the presence of distinctive rashes on the face resembling a butterfly. The shape of the rash may be similar to that of the wings of the butterfly and is present on both the cheeks.
Most of the cases diagnosed with lupus will not have any major problem except for minor discomfort. In rare cases, lupus can affect vital organs significantly causing lifelong disability. It can impair the functions of kidneys, brain and even the heart making life more serious. There is no specific treatment for lupus rash but the symptoms can be managed by effective medications.
Types :
Two kinds of lupus rash are being recognized :
One is discoid lupus DLE and it affects the skin that is overly exposed to powerful ultra violet rays of the sun. It causes skin lesions and leaves scars on the surface of the skin after it has healed completely.
Second type of lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus which is very serious. It can affect the functions of internal organs and it produces the distinctive symptom of butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks. The connective tissues of the various joints and muscles are badly damaged and in some cases it can also affect the membranes of the lungs and heart and even the brain. It will not spare blood vessels also. This type can cause painful lesions on the skin more on the fingers. The normal blood flow to the extremities can get seriously affected causing numbness on the toes and fingers.
Symptoms :
An individual affected with lupus rash may not have the same signs like that of other person. The symptoms may flare on certain periods and remission follows immediately. The intensity of the symptom can vary certainly on the extent of weakened immunity and also on the part of the body which has been affected.
Some of the common signs of lupus rash are fever, joint pain, stiffness on the joints, butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks, lesions on the skin, pain on the fingers and toes (more during winter time) and fatigue. They become extremely sensitive to sunlight and can cause unexplained weight loss. It can cause chest pain, painful sores on the mouth and throat and enlargement of lymph nodes on the throat and mouth. Some people may get severe headache, loss of memory and confusion of thoughts if the brain tissues are affected by lupus.
Causes :
Exact cause of lupus remains a mystery. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system will attack its own tissues and muscles. It can be due to hormone imbalance, genetic factor and also due to environmental factor. An individual with a history of lupus rash from his parents is predisposed for inheriting this disorder.
A person who is overly exposed to sunlight can develop lupus rash. Similarly a person who is consuming neurological medications for managing seizure can also get lupus. Lupus affects more number of women than men for reasons unknown. People who are in the age group of 15-40 years have increased risk for developing lupus. This disease is common in certain race like Hispanics, African American and Asians.
Complications :
In severe cases, lupus can infect the kidneys leading to renal failure. In some cases, the tissues surrounding the brain are affected causing various brain related problems. Lung inflammation is common among people who have lupus rash for long period. Having lupus rash for long time puts you under high risk for getting various infectious diseases and even cancer. Pregnant women suffering from lupus can develop complications of preterm birth.
Diagnosis :
It is difficult to diagnose lupus rash since the symptoms are vague and similar to other diseases. After considering the symptoms of the patient, the doctor may order for complete blood test for measuring the RBC, WBC and platelets. It is useful for find the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
He would also check whether the kidney and liver functions are normal to ensure that lupus has not affected any vital organ. Increased level of protein in urine indicates lupus has affected kidneys. Your doctor may also ask for imaging tests like X-ray of the chest to rule out lung inflammation and for Echo to assess the function of the heart.
Treatment :
The mode of treatment is not the same for all people affected with lupus rash. Your doctor will decide the course of treatment depending on the intensity of the symptoms and your health condition. Anti-inflammatory medications (non-steroid) like Ibuprofen or naproxen is prescribed for getting relief from pain and fever. Hydroxychloroquine is also a good medicine for controlling lupus.
For more severe cases, corticosteroids are prescribed but this would produce some undesirable effects if continued for long term. Since the disease is caused by weakened immunity immunosuppressant like cytoxan, imuran and arava are prescribed.
Pictures of Lupus Rash :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Lupus Rash

Lifestyle Changes :
Lupus rash is not a simple disease that can be managed overnight. It takes enough time for the medications to control the symptoms. Flaring and remissions are common with lupus and hence one has to bear with it. Get enough rest as and when you require it since you may become extremely tired due to weakened immunity. Avoid going out in hot sun since it can worsen your skin condition. Eat a well balanced diet and do regular exercises to get enough strength to fight the disease.
Some people are using alternative medicine like flaxseed, fish-oil and dehydro-epiandro-sterone for managing flare-ups. It may be a shock to know that you have lupus, but try to understand that you are not alone. Know more information about the disease and identify the period of remissions and flare-ups. Find a support group and stay connected with them.
Most of the cases diagnosed with lupus will not have any major problem except for minor discomfort. In rare cases, lupus can affect vital organs significantly causing lifelong disability. It can impair the functions of kidneys, brain and even the heart making life more serious. There is no specific treatment for lupus rash but the symptoms can be managed by effective medications.
Types :
Two kinds of lupus rash are being recognized :
One is discoid lupus DLE and it affects the skin that is overly exposed to powerful ultra violet rays of the sun. It causes skin lesions and leaves scars on the surface of the skin after it has healed completely.
Second type of lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus which is very serious. It can affect the functions of internal organs and it produces the distinctive symptom of butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks. The connective tissues of the various joints and muscles are badly damaged and in some cases it can also affect the membranes of the lungs and heart and even the brain. It will not spare blood vessels also. This type can cause painful lesions on the skin more on the fingers. The normal blood flow to the extremities can get seriously affected causing numbness on the toes and fingers.
Symptoms :
An individual affected with lupus rash may not have the same signs like that of other person. The symptoms may flare on certain periods and remission follows immediately. The intensity of the symptom can vary certainly on the extent of weakened immunity and also on the part of the body which has been affected.
Some of the common signs of lupus rash are fever, joint pain, stiffness on the joints, butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks, lesions on the skin, pain on the fingers and toes (more during winter time) and fatigue. They become extremely sensitive to sunlight and can cause unexplained weight loss. It can cause chest pain, painful sores on the mouth and throat and enlargement of lymph nodes on the throat and mouth. Some people may get severe headache, loss of memory and confusion of thoughts if the brain tissues are affected by lupus.
Causes :
Exact cause of lupus remains a mystery. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system will attack its own tissues and muscles. It can be due to hormone imbalance, genetic factor and also due to environmental factor. An individual with a history of lupus rash from his parents is predisposed for inheriting this disorder.
A person who is overly exposed to sunlight can develop lupus rash. Similarly a person who is consuming neurological medications for managing seizure can also get lupus. Lupus affects more number of women than men for reasons unknown. People who are in the age group of 15-40 years have increased risk for developing lupus. This disease is common in certain race like Hispanics, African American and Asians.
Complications :
In severe cases, lupus can infect the kidneys leading to renal failure. In some cases, the tissues surrounding the brain are affected causing various brain related problems. Lung inflammation is common among people who have lupus rash for long period. Having lupus rash for long time puts you under high risk for getting various infectious diseases and even cancer. Pregnant women suffering from lupus can develop complications of preterm birth.
Diagnosis :
It is difficult to diagnose lupus rash since the symptoms are vague and similar to other diseases. After considering the symptoms of the patient, the doctor may order for complete blood test for measuring the RBC, WBC and platelets. It is useful for find the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.
He would also check whether the kidney and liver functions are normal to ensure that lupus has not affected any vital organ. Increased level of protein in urine indicates lupus has affected kidneys. Your doctor may also ask for imaging tests like X-ray of the chest to rule out lung inflammation and for Echo to assess the function of the heart.
Treatment :
The mode of treatment is not the same for all people affected with lupus rash. Your doctor will decide the course of treatment depending on the intensity of the symptoms and your health condition. Anti-inflammatory medications (non-steroid) like Ibuprofen or naproxen is prescribed for getting relief from pain and fever. Hydroxychloroquine is also a good medicine for controlling lupus.
For more severe cases, corticosteroids are prescribed but this would produce some undesirable effects if continued for long term. Since the disease is caused by weakened immunity immunosuppressant like cytoxan, imuran and arava are prescribed.
Pictures of Lupus Rash :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Lupus Rash

Lifestyle Changes :
Lupus rash is not a simple disease that can be managed overnight. It takes enough time for the medications to control the symptoms. Flaring and remissions are common with lupus and hence one has to bear with it. Get enough rest as and when you require it since you may become extremely tired due to weakened immunity. Avoid going out in hot sun since it can worsen your skin condition. Eat a well balanced diet and do regular exercises to get enough strength to fight the disease.
Some people are using alternative medicine like flaxseed, fish-oil and dehydro-epiandro-sterone for managing flare-ups. It may be a shock to know that you have lupus, but try to understand that you are not alone. Know more information about the disease and identify the period of remissions and flare-ups. Find a support group and stay connected with them.
butterfly rash lupus,
Lifestyle Changes,
lupus butterfly rash,
lupus face rash,
lupus rash on legs,
lupus rash photos,
lupus rash pictures,
lupus skin rash,
Pictures of Lupus Rash,
Two kinds of lupus rash are being recognized,
Typeslupus rash
Monday, April 7, 2014
Shigellosis Shigellosis is a bacterial infection causing fever, diarrhea (bloody stool) and severe abdominal cramps. Most of the time, the symptoms will resolve on its own without wanting any treatment. Shigella can be contracted by other members by touching the fecal particles that contains bacteria. People working in day care centers are prone to pass on this infection by not washing hands properly while changing diapers. Children of age group 2-4 are more prone to get this bacterial infection. The infection can be fully treated by powerful antibiotics.
Causes :
Shigella is a group of bacteria that causes shigellosis infection. This family of microbe was first discovered by Japanese scientist Shiga and hence this name. Though there are many kinds of shigella bacteria like Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri etc. it is the “Group B” shigella bacteria that cause this infection.
There are 3 possible ways by which a child/person contracts this infectious bacterium.
Symptoms :
The initial symptoms of Shigellosis begin in a day or two after getting infected. Some of the prominent symptoms of this disease are mild fever, headache, diarrhea (that contains bloody stool) and abdominal cramps. Many people may not have any symptoms but still may carry the infectious bacteria in their feces.
Tests :
Having diarrhea with blood discharge is the best way to identify this infection. Your doctor may order for testing of stool sample to confirm the diagnoses.
Who are at risk?
Toddlers (who are not toilet trained), people who are working in day care centers (handling diapers), workers employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and any group of people who have close contact with others (like those in jails and military barracks are likely to spread infection even if one person is infected) and gay population who are sexually active with other men with infection have increased risk of getting infected.
Complications :
Shigellosis does not create any complications and the symptoms would clear up within a week or two even without any treatment. In rare cases it may cause dehydration (due to continuous diarrhea), seizures (due to high fever), rectal prolapse (due to excess of strain caused by bowel movements), toxic megacolon and reactive arthritis.
Treatment :
For mild form of infection, no treatment is required. In moderate cases you will be given antibiotics like amphicillin trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole or ciprofloxacin. Sometimes the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics when the infection spreads in a community.
It is true that affected child/adult will get back to normalcy within a week, but the bowel habits may take some time to become normal. For some it may take several weeks or month for getting back the right bowel habit. Some people may develop joint pains due to infection of shigella which is known as post infectious arthritis. Good news about shigellosis is any person who gets this disease become resistant to this particular type of bacteria and hence will not get infected again for several years.
Home Remedies :
If you are a healthy adult it is enough if you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to arrest diarrhea. In case of children Pedialyte can be given to balance the loss of water.
Prevention :
Causes :
Shigella is a group of bacteria that causes shigellosis infection. This family of microbe was first discovered by Japanese scientist Shiga and hence this name. Though there are many kinds of shigella bacteria like Shigella sonnei, Shigella flexneri etc. it is the “Group B” shigella bacteria that cause this infection.
There are 3 possible ways by which a child/person contracts this infectious bacterium.
- One is by touching the eyes/nose or mouth after changing the diaper for children and not washing the hands properly. The bacteria is present in the feces of the child which gets into the body by direct skin contact. Toddlers who are not toilet trained may not wash their hands properly and pass on the infection to other children who play with them.
- Second is by eating contaminated food. In restaurants and hotels, people (with this infection) can pass on the infectious bacteria to many people while handling food.
- Third method of transmitting the infection is by drinking contaminated water that contains shigella infection.
Symptoms :
The initial symptoms of Shigellosis begin in a day or two after getting infected. Some of the prominent symptoms of this disease are mild fever, headache, diarrhea (that contains bloody stool) and abdominal cramps. Many people may not have any symptoms but still may carry the infectious bacteria in their feces.
Tests :
Having diarrhea with blood discharge is the best way to identify this infection. Your doctor may order for testing of stool sample to confirm the diagnoses.
Who are at risk?
Toddlers (who are not toilet trained), people who are working in day care centers (handling diapers), workers employed in hospitals, nursing homes, and any group of people who have close contact with others (like those in jails and military barracks are likely to spread infection even if one person is infected) and gay population who are sexually active with other men with infection have increased risk of getting infected.
Complications :
Shigellosis does not create any complications and the symptoms would clear up within a week or two even without any treatment. In rare cases it may cause dehydration (due to continuous diarrhea), seizures (due to high fever), rectal prolapse (due to excess of strain caused by bowel movements), toxic megacolon and reactive arthritis.
Treatment :
For mild form of infection, no treatment is required. In moderate cases you will be given antibiotics like amphicillin trimethoprim or sulfamethoxazole or ciprofloxacin. Sometimes the bacteria become resistant to antibiotics when the infection spreads in a community.
It is true that affected child/adult will get back to normalcy within a week, but the bowel habits may take some time to become normal. For some it may take several weeks or month for getting back the right bowel habit. Some people may develop joint pains due to infection of shigella which is known as post infectious arthritis. Good news about shigellosis is any person who gets this disease become resistant to this particular type of bacteria and hence will not get infected again for several years.
Home Remedies :
If you are a healthy adult it is enough if you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and to arrest diarrhea. In case of children Pedialyte can be given to balance the loss of water.
Prevention :
- No vaccine is available for preventing shigellosis.
- One can take precautions for not getting infected by shigella.
- Workers employed in day care centers should wash their hands thoroughly to prevent spreading infection to others.
- Children should be instructed to wash their hands with soap water after using toilet.
- People who are working in restaurants should abstain themselves from duty if they have diarrhea.
- Do not send your child to school or day care center if they have diarrhea.
- Avoid drinking contaminated water.
Home Remedies,
shigellosis bacteria,
shigellosis complications,
shigellosis prevention,
shigellosis symptoms,
shigellosis treatment,
symptoms of shigellosis,
treatment for shigellosis,
Who are at risk
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Dependent Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder People with dependent personality will be feeling helpless most of the time and they are lot more submissive in nature. They always seek care and attention from others and are unable to make any decisions on their own. Even for completing everyday’s task they seek advice/assurance from others.
Symptoms :
Individuals with DPD will be emotionally dependent on others and will make every possible effort to gratify others. They exhibit clinging behavior and always need people for advice. Some of the other traits of dependant personality are:-
People with DPD will have high rate of separation anxiety. They grow up with intense fear, helplessness which compels them to be submissive with others. They feel insecure when left alone or separated and are always anxious about this kind of imaginative fear. Owing to this irrational fear they become overly dependent and submissive to others which would cause serious impairment in relationships at school or workplace. They do not possess certain essential social skills like independence and assertiveness.
Separation anxiety and dependent nature are acceptable behavior in childhood and even during adolescence. But the same behavior continues in adulthood it becomes unacceptable by the society. Most of the adolescents will overgrow this sort of anxiety when they become adult. However there are few people who cannot overcome this feeling and become overly dependent on others. They think that they are unable to handle any task or conflict. Basically they don’t trust their own talents.
Complications :
People with DPD may develop depression and may develop addiction for alcohol or drugs. They are also susceptible to sexual abuse or emotional abuse by others who take advantage of their personality. In some cases they go far extent of undergoing abuse to maintain a relationship.
Causes :
The real cause of dependent personality disorder is not known. It can be due to biological, developmental or psychological factors. If the parents are overly protecting the child, he may grow up to become a dependent personality.
Tests :
There is no lab test or blood test available for determining this disorder. The doctor will refer the case to psychologists who will devise specific interview techniques and assessment tools for finding out the type of personality of the person.
Treatment :
Individuals with DPD will not seek treatment on their own. Some people will go to a psychiatrist if things become worse in their life and they are preoccupied with the thoughts of fear of losing relationships. Often people with this disorder may develop anxiety/depression disorder. Sometime, the concerned person will have significant problem at his office due to his irrational fear of losing relationships with his superiors.
The therapist will use psychotherapy and cognitive therapy for bringing the desired changes in behavior and to induce self esteem in the minds of the person concerned. Cognitive therapy focuses on the belief system to bring out the hidden talents in them and in resolving the conflicts. Improvements in their behavior can be seen in the long run. Psychologists will use different strategies to boost their self confidence level and to induce assertiveness in them. To reduce the depression/anxiety problem medications are given.
Prevention :
There is no way to prevent DPD since the root cause of the problem arises from one’s thinking based on irrational fear.
Symptoms :
Individuals with DPD will be emotionally dependent on others and will make every possible effort to gratify others. They exhibit clinging behavior and always need people for advice. Some of the other traits of dependant personality are:-
- Unable to make decisions even on trivial matters without getting advice from others
- They avoid tasks that involve independent functions and they seldom hold responsible posts
- They will have intense fear of abandonment and helplessness in ending any relationship
- They are highly sensitive to criticism and cannot take things easy
- They lack self confidence and they will not disagree with others even if they know they are wrong
- They feel uncomfortable when left alone
- Willing to tolerate abuse and even mistreatment from others in the fear of getting abandoned
- Will let others to take responsibility even for major decisions that concerns them
People with DPD will have high rate of separation anxiety. They grow up with intense fear, helplessness which compels them to be submissive with others. They feel insecure when left alone or separated and are always anxious about this kind of imaginative fear. Owing to this irrational fear they become overly dependent and submissive to others which would cause serious impairment in relationships at school or workplace. They do not possess certain essential social skills like independence and assertiveness.
Separation anxiety and dependent nature are acceptable behavior in childhood and even during adolescence. But the same behavior continues in adulthood it becomes unacceptable by the society. Most of the adolescents will overgrow this sort of anxiety when they become adult. However there are few people who cannot overcome this feeling and become overly dependent on others. They think that they are unable to handle any task or conflict. Basically they don’t trust their own talents.
Complications :
People with DPD may develop depression and may develop addiction for alcohol or drugs. They are also susceptible to sexual abuse or emotional abuse by others who take advantage of their personality. In some cases they go far extent of undergoing abuse to maintain a relationship.
Causes :
The real cause of dependent personality disorder is not known. It can be due to biological, developmental or psychological factors. If the parents are overly protecting the child, he may grow up to become a dependent personality.
Tests :
There is no lab test or blood test available for determining this disorder. The doctor will refer the case to psychologists who will devise specific interview techniques and assessment tools for finding out the type of personality of the person.
Treatment :
Individuals with DPD will not seek treatment on their own. Some people will go to a psychiatrist if things become worse in their life and they are preoccupied with the thoughts of fear of losing relationships. Often people with this disorder may develop anxiety/depression disorder. Sometime, the concerned person will have significant problem at his office due to his irrational fear of losing relationships with his superiors.
The therapist will use psychotherapy and cognitive therapy for bringing the desired changes in behavior and to induce self esteem in the minds of the person concerned. Cognitive therapy focuses on the belief system to bring out the hidden talents in them and in resolving the conflicts. Improvements in their behavior can be seen in the long run. Psychologists will use different strategies to boost their self confidence level and to induce assertiveness in them. To reduce the depression/anxiety problem medications are given.
Prevention :
There is no way to prevent DPD since the root cause of the problem arises from one’s thinking based on irrational fear.
dependent personality disorder causes,
dependent personality disorder symptoms,
dependent personality disorder test,
dependent personality disorder treatment,
Symptomsdependent personality disorder,
Monday, March 17, 2014
Pneumonia Your lungs are filled with plenty of air sacs and if there is any infection causing swelling of air sacs, it is known as pneumonia. The air sacs are filled with pus like fluid or mucus or phlegm making it difficult for you to breathe. Bacteria and virus are the main organisms that cause pneumonia. Infants and old aged people are more prone to get this infection than healthy adults, since they have weakened immunity. It is easy to treat pneumonia since plenty of good medications are available.
Symptoms :
Pneumonia signs may vary from mild to very serious depending on the organism that has caused infection. Symptoms also vary with respect to the age of the person, his immunity status and general health condition. It begins as mild fever, chills with sweating. After some days the person will cough persistently producing thick phlegm or mucus. Some people of old age may report chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Chest pain may get worse when the person tries to cough or take a long breathe. It may cause fatigue and body pain. In certain cases, it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Newborn or infants will not show any indication of pneumonia but they would be restless or looking tired. They may develop mild fever or look energy less most of the time. They will refuse to take food due to breathing difficulty. It is important to visit your doctor if your child has one or more of the above symptoms.
Who are at risk?
People with weakened immunity (infants, children and old aged) and people with underlying health problems or autoimmune disorders are more prone to develop pneumonia than others. Individuals who are receiving chemotherapy or any other chemo drugs for suppressing the immunity may get this disease. People who are hospitalized for long periods or those who are on ventilator support have increased risk of developing pneumonia. The habit of smoking disturbs body’s immune system making one prone to develop many diseases.
Causes :
Microorganisms like bacteria and virus are the most important cause for pneumonia. Most of the time, our body will prevent these organisms from entering our lungs but when the immunity is weak due to certain health conditions or disease you are likely to develop infection.
Types :
Community based pneumonia is the one that a person gets infected when he stays outside a clinic or hospital. Streptococcus pneumoniae, mycoplasmic pneumonia and other virus often cause it. Viral pneumonia is usually mild and can be cured easily except for influenza virus.
Hospital acquired pneumonia is one that a person develops during his hospitalization. Bacterial infection is the main source for this pneumonia and is difficult to be treated. Individuals who are on artificial breathing machines are at high risk of developing this pneumonia. Pneumonia acquired through health care centers is one that affects people who are working in hospitals or clinics or those who are taking frequent treatment in outpatient clinics. Aspiration pneumonia develops through food or drinks.
Complications :
Pneumonia can cause serious problems in people with weakened immunity. Bacteria may enter the blood escaping from your lungs thus spreading infection to other parts of the body. Sometimes infants may develop lung abscess when the air sacs are filled with pus like liquid. It can cause pleural effusion causing accumulation of fluid in the small space between the lung tissues which has to be removed by surgery. In severe causes it can cause breathing problems warranting hospitalization.
Tests :
The doctor will examine the general health condition of the patient taking into account his age and immunity status. He would order for chest X-rays for determining the extent of infection. A series of lab tests like blood profile, sputum test and fluid culture is to be done for detecting the type of organism that has caused infection. Bronchoscopy is done in some cases if the doctor suspects some other factor (like blockage) for pneumonia.
Treatment :
The method of treatment depends on the organism that has caused pneumonia. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The course of medication has to be completed in full failing which the infection may recur. Most of the symptoms like cough, fever, vomiting and nausea will fade within 2 or 3 days after starting antibiotics. If the person does not feel better in few days then the doctor will change the antibiotic suggesting strong dosage.
Antiviral medications are prescribed for treating viral pneumonia. Apart from these, you will be given Ibuprofen for controlling fever and body pain. Cough syrup is also given for thinning the mucus thus clearing the block of airway. The person affected with pneumonia should take complete rest and get plenty of sleep. Smokers must quit smoking at this stage.
In case of severe complications, the patient will be hospitalized and put on IV fluids to control the infection. Hospitalization may be required for infants, children below 2 years and old aged people and individuals with weakened immunity. If the person has any problem in normal breathing or if he develops sudden low blood pressure then he has to be hospitalized.
Pictures of Pneumonia :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pneumonia

Home Care :
Get good sleep and plenty of rest. Drink lot of fluids which helps in loosening the mucus. Follow the instructions of your doctor and complete the course of medication. Take off from school or workplace until you have fully recovered.
Prevention :
You can prevent getting viral pneumonia by taking preventive injection for flu. It is better to take seasonal injection for flu to get maximum protection. Nowadays pneumonia vaccination is available for people who are above 65 years to prevent getting streptococcus pneumonia. A single shot of vaccine is enough to prevent infection. Sometimes the dosage has to be repeated once in five years.
Children below 2 years can get pneumonia vaccination and seasonal flu shots. It is good to follow healthy habits like washing the hands properly before taking food and after using toilet. Quit smoking since it can cause serious damage to your lungs making it prone to many infections.
Symptoms :
Pneumonia signs may vary from mild to very serious depending on the organism that has caused infection. Symptoms also vary with respect to the age of the person, his immunity status and general health condition. It begins as mild fever, chills with sweating. After some days the person will cough persistently producing thick phlegm or mucus. Some people of old age may report chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Chest pain may get worse when the person tries to cough or take a long breathe. It may cause fatigue and body pain. In certain cases, it can cause nausea and vomiting.
Newborn or infants will not show any indication of pneumonia but they would be restless or looking tired. They may develop mild fever or look energy less most of the time. They will refuse to take food due to breathing difficulty. It is important to visit your doctor if your child has one or more of the above symptoms.
Who are at risk?
People with weakened immunity (infants, children and old aged) and people with underlying health problems or autoimmune disorders are more prone to develop pneumonia than others. Individuals who are receiving chemotherapy or any other chemo drugs for suppressing the immunity may get this disease. People who are hospitalized for long periods or those who are on ventilator support have increased risk of developing pneumonia. The habit of smoking disturbs body’s immune system making one prone to develop many diseases.
Causes :
Microorganisms like bacteria and virus are the most important cause for pneumonia. Most of the time, our body will prevent these organisms from entering our lungs but when the immunity is weak due to certain health conditions or disease you are likely to develop infection.
Types :
Community based pneumonia is the one that a person gets infected when he stays outside a clinic or hospital. Streptococcus pneumoniae, mycoplasmic pneumonia and other virus often cause it. Viral pneumonia is usually mild and can be cured easily except for influenza virus.
Hospital acquired pneumonia is one that a person develops during his hospitalization. Bacterial infection is the main source for this pneumonia and is difficult to be treated. Individuals who are on artificial breathing machines are at high risk of developing this pneumonia. Pneumonia acquired through health care centers is one that affects people who are working in hospitals or clinics or those who are taking frequent treatment in outpatient clinics. Aspiration pneumonia develops through food or drinks.
Complications :
Pneumonia can cause serious problems in people with weakened immunity. Bacteria may enter the blood escaping from your lungs thus spreading infection to other parts of the body. Sometimes infants may develop lung abscess when the air sacs are filled with pus like liquid. It can cause pleural effusion causing accumulation of fluid in the small space between the lung tissues which has to be removed by surgery. In severe causes it can cause breathing problems warranting hospitalization.
Tests :
The doctor will examine the general health condition of the patient taking into account his age and immunity status. He would order for chest X-rays for determining the extent of infection. A series of lab tests like blood profile, sputum test and fluid culture is to be done for detecting the type of organism that has caused infection. Bronchoscopy is done in some cases if the doctor suspects some other factor (like blockage) for pneumonia.
Treatment :
The method of treatment depends on the organism that has caused pneumonia. In case of bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. The course of medication has to be completed in full failing which the infection may recur. Most of the symptoms like cough, fever, vomiting and nausea will fade within 2 or 3 days after starting antibiotics. If the person does not feel better in few days then the doctor will change the antibiotic suggesting strong dosage.
Antiviral medications are prescribed for treating viral pneumonia. Apart from these, you will be given Ibuprofen for controlling fever and body pain. Cough syrup is also given for thinning the mucus thus clearing the block of airway. The person affected with pneumonia should take complete rest and get plenty of sleep. Smokers must quit smoking at this stage.
In case of severe complications, the patient will be hospitalized and put on IV fluids to control the infection. Hospitalization may be required for infants, children below 2 years and old aged people and individuals with weakened immunity. If the person has any problem in normal breathing or if he develops sudden low blood pressure then he has to be hospitalized.
Pictures of Pneumonia :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pneumonia

Home Care :
Get good sleep and plenty of rest. Drink lot of fluids which helps in loosening the mucus. Follow the instructions of your doctor and complete the course of medication. Take off from school or workplace until you have fully recovered.
Prevention :
You can prevent getting viral pneumonia by taking preventive injection for flu. It is better to take seasonal injection for flu to get maximum protection. Nowadays pneumonia vaccination is available for people who are above 65 years to prevent getting streptococcus pneumonia. A single shot of vaccine is enough to prevent infection. Sometimes the dosage has to be repeated once in five years.
Children below 2 years can get pneumonia vaccination and seasonal flu shots. It is good to follow healthy habits like washing the hands properly before taking food and after using toilet. Quit smoking since it can cause serious damage to your lungs making it prone to many infections.
Home Care,
is pneumonia contagious,
Pictures of Pneumonia,
pneumonia complications,
pneumonia prevention,
pneumonia symptoms,
signs of pneumonia,
symptoms of pneumonia,
Types Of Pneumonia,
Who are at risk
Tuberculosis Tuberculosis shortly called TB is a serious disease that causes infection on the lungs. Bacteria are the main cause for TB which spreads easily through air or tiny droplets of cough that is released from infected person. Tuberculosis can be treated by taking right set of medications for months together. Tuberculosis still remains a concern in many countries across the world since the bacterium develops newer strains rapidly and hence become resistant to the available drugs.
Individuals with weakened immune system like elderly people and those affected with HIV are more prone to develop TB infection than healthy adults. If left untreated, tuberculosis can become fatal. Bacteria normally stay latent for many years in the body of the person and become active when the conditions are favorable. Hence it is necessary for every person detected with latent bacteria to receive complete treatment so that it will not become active.
Types :
Latent TB : The affected person will have infected bacteria in his body which remains inactive and hence signs or symptoms are detected. At this stage, the infection is not contagious. But the bacteria can turn active anytime and hence the person should receive medical attention.
Active TB : In this stage, the infected bacteria remain active. The infection will rapidly spread to others when the person sneezes or coughs. For some person the initial symptoms may appear within few weeks while some others it might take years.
Symptoms :
Some of the common signs of tuberculosis are persistent cough, unusual tiredness, weight loss (unintentional), fever, chills, night sweats, and loss of appetite. TB attacks the lungs and causes infection. The affected person may cough blood in his sputum and he may have chest pain which may worsen while coughing or breathing.
For some people, the infection may spread to other organs like spinal cord causing intense back pain. For some others it would enter the kidneys causing bloody discharge in urine. Hence signs may vary significantly according to the organs it has affected.
Causes :
Bacteria are the main cause for tuberculosis which spreads through tiny droplets of air. Any person with active TB can easily spread the infection to others. Whenever he speaks, coughs or even sneezes without closing his mouth he spreads millions of infectious bacteria into the air. Hence it is necessary for all diagnosed with TB to take proper treatment so that the infection will not become contagious.
Who are at risk?
Individuals with weakened immunity like those having HIV, diabetes, cancer (of any type), those receiving chemotherapy, those with kidney disease, those who are taking drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and those who are malnourished and finally those who are very young adults or old aged are at high risk of developing TB.
People who travel frequently to countries like India, China and some of the islands of Southeast Asia are on high state of risk for developing tuberculosis. Those who are using alcohol or substance for long term, those who are using tobacco (in any form) for long period, those who are below poverty line living with low medical care and those who are in touch with many TB infected people (like the ones who work in hospital, clinics and health care centers) have increased risk for developing this disease.
Complications :
If not given proper treatment, TB can infect the cells causing death of tissues inside. It may affect the nervous system infecting brain causing meningitis or spine TB. Sometimes it may infect liver or kidneys and even heart thus becoming fatal.
Tests :
After completing the physical examination and collecting the medical history of the patient, the doctor would order for skin test. During this process the nurse would inject a tiny amount of PPD tuberculin into the skin of the forearm. It would cause swelling with raised bumps in that area, within 48 hours if the injected person has TB. However this test is not completely right. The results may be contradicting for many people.
The doctor would order for complete blood profile for detecting active TB in the lymph nodes. Examining the chest X-ray of the infected person will indicate several white spots on the lungs showing areas of infection. Further sputum testing is done on the laboratory which would also confirm the results.
Treatment :
Unlike many other diseases that get cured within short period, TB takes pretty long time to get treated. The infected person should take antibiotics for at least 6-9 months continuously. The intensity and term of treatment varies widely with the rate and extent of infection and how far the disease has progressed. Some of the medications that are prescribed for TB are Isoniazid, Rifadin, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide. It is reported that supplementing the medicines with D vitamin helps the efficiency of treatment. However these drugs may produce unwanted side effects like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice like symptoms and mild fever.
Once you start with medications, it is necessary to finish the course of treatment, even if the bacteria become latent. There is every chance for getting recurring infection if someone stops the medicine abruptly. DOT (Directly Observed Therapy) therapy is a new method of treating TB in which the health care provider directly gives the medication to the infected person so that he never forgets or ignore taking it.
Prevention :
People who are tested for negative or latent TB should also take required medications as per the advice of the doctor. By doing this simple task, the bacteria remains completely inactive causing no longer infection to others. As soon as a person is detected with active TB he should be separated from family and workplace until such period that the infection is no longer contagious. It is necessary to stay alone in a room without mingling with others for the first few weeks of treatment. The room should be kept well ventilated so that it reduces the chance of bacteria from spreading.
Remember to close your mouth while coughing or sneezing so that it reduces the chance of spreading. People who are in close contact with infected people (like the nurse or doctors) should always wear a protective mask to prevent the risk of transmission. Complete the course of vaccination BCG in children so that they develop immunity for such deadly bacteria.
Individuals with weakened immune system like elderly people and those affected with HIV are more prone to develop TB infection than healthy adults. If left untreated, tuberculosis can become fatal. Bacteria normally stay latent for many years in the body of the person and become active when the conditions are favorable. Hence it is necessary for every person detected with latent bacteria to receive complete treatment so that it will not become active.
Types :
Latent TB : The affected person will have infected bacteria in his body which remains inactive and hence signs or symptoms are detected. At this stage, the infection is not contagious. But the bacteria can turn active anytime and hence the person should receive medical attention.
Active TB : In this stage, the infected bacteria remain active. The infection will rapidly spread to others when the person sneezes or coughs. For some person the initial symptoms may appear within few weeks while some others it might take years.
Symptoms :
Some of the common signs of tuberculosis are persistent cough, unusual tiredness, weight loss (unintentional), fever, chills, night sweats, and loss of appetite. TB attacks the lungs and causes infection. The affected person may cough blood in his sputum and he may have chest pain which may worsen while coughing or breathing.
For some people, the infection may spread to other organs like spinal cord causing intense back pain. For some others it would enter the kidneys causing bloody discharge in urine. Hence signs may vary significantly according to the organs it has affected.
Causes :
Bacteria are the main cause for tuberculosis which spreads through tiny droplets of air. Any person with active TB can easily spread the infection to others. Whenever he speaks, coughs or even sneezes without closing his mouth he spreads millions of infectious bacteria into the air. Hence it is necessary for all diagnosed with TB to take proper treatment so that the infection will not become contagious.
Who are at risk?
Individuals with weakened immunity like those having HIV, diabetes, cancer (of any type), those receiving chemotherapy, those with kidney disease, those who are taking drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and those who are malnourished and finally those who are very young adults or old aged are at high risk of developing TB.
People who travel frequently to countries like India, China and some of the islands of Southeast Asia are on high state of risk for developing tuberculosis. Those who are using alcohol or substance for long term, those who are using tobacco (in any form) for long period, those who are below poverty line living with low medical care and those who are in touch with many TB infected people (like the ones who work in hospital, clinics and health care centers) have increased risk for developing this disease.
Complications :
If not given proper treatment, TB can infect the cells causing death of tissues inside. It may affect the nervous system infecting brain causing meningitis or spine TB. Sometimes it may infect liver or kidneys and even heart thus becoming fatal.
Tests :
After completing the physical examination and collecting the medical history of the patient, the doctor would order for skin test. During this process the nurse would inject a tiny amount of PPD tuberculin into the skin of the forearm. It would cause swelling with raised bumps in that area, within 48 hours if the injected person has TB. However this test is not completely right. The results may be contradicting for many people.
The doctor would order for complete blood profile for detecting active TB in the lymph nodes. Examining the chest X-ray of the infected person will indicate several white spots on the lungs showing areas of infection. Further sputum testing is done on the laboratory which would also confirm the results.
Treatment :
Unlike many other diseases that get cured within short period, TB takes pretty long time to get treated. The infected person should take antibiotics for at least 6-9 months continuously. The intensity and term of treatment varies widely with the rate and extent of infection and how far the disease has progressed. Some of the medications that are prescribed for TB are Isoniazid, Rifadin, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide. It is reported that supplementing the medicines with D vitamin helps the efficiency of treatment. However these drugs may produce unwanted side effects like loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice like symptoms and mild fever.
Once you start with medications, it is necessary to finish the course of treatment, even if the bacteria become latent. There is every chance for getting recurring infection if someone stops the medicine abruptly. DOT (Directly Observed Therapy) therapy is a new method of treating TB in which the health care provider directly gives the medication to the infected person so that he never forgets or ignore taking it.
Prevention :
People who are tested for negative or latent TB should also take required medications as per the advice of the doctor. By doing this simple task, the bacteria remains completely inactive causing no longer infection to others. As soon as a person is detected with active TB he should be separated from family and workplace until such period that the infection is no longer contagious. It is necessary to stay alone in a room without mingling with others for the first few weeks of treatment. The room should be kept well ventilated so that it reduces the chance of bacteria from spreading.
Remember to close your mouth while coughing or sneezing so that it reduces the chance of spreading. People who are in close contact with infected people (like the nurse or doctors) should always wear a protective mask to prevent the risk of transmission. Complete the course of vaccination BCG in children so that they develop immunity for such deadly bacteria.
Active TB,
is tuberculosis contagious,
Latent TB,
mycobacterium tuberculosis,
symptoms of tuberculosis,
tuberculosis symptoms,
tuberculosis test,
tuberculosis treatment,
tuberculosis vaccine,
what is tuberculosis,
Who are at risk
Pneumothorax Pneumothorax is a condition that collapses the lung due to accumulation of air in the thoracic cavity. Spontaneously pneumothorax can occur without any underlying disease or condition. Sometimes it develops as a process due to underlying disease. Slowly, the air leaks into the gap available between the lungs and chest wall exerting force on the lungs making it to collapse. Even injury or strong blow to the lungs (during surgical procedures) can cause pneumothorax. This condition can be treated by aspiration or removal of free air collected in the chest cavity. In some cases the entire lungs collapses due to pneumothorax and in other cases only a portion of the lung collapses.
Symptoms :
Sudden chest pain is the first symptom of pneumothorax. Unlike other chest pain which worsens during inhaling air this type of chest pain stays on the same position and intensity. As the lung collapses either partially or fully it causes shortness of breath either in mild form or severely. If there is breathing difficulty and sudden chest pain you should visit the nearest hospital without delay. Prompt treatment is necessary when a person suffers from breathing problem with chest pain. It can be indicative of other problems also.
Causes :
Lung collapse or pneumothorax can occur due to sudden chest injury or due to lung infection or disease. In some cases, pneumothorax may develop without any obvious reason. Chest injury can be the outcome of gunshot, car accident, sudden blow, and fracture in the ribs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lung biopsy and certain medical procedures.
Underlying lung infection like pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis can cause pneumothorax. Sometimes, minute quantities of air blisters (called blebs) may develop on the top of lungs. Apparently there is no cause why only certain people develop these blebs. Certain procedures of flying or scuba diving may lead to the formation of blebs. People who are put on artificial respiration methods like ventilator have chance for developing pneumothorax. It can also develop due to prolonged asthma, COPD and lung cancer.
Who are at risk?
Men are at increased risk for developing pneumothorax when compared with women. Individuals of age group 20-40 years and those who are very thin and tall are prone to develop this problem. Having lung disease like pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis and prolonged use of ventilator machine for breathing can also develop pneumothorax. Genetics play a role for causing this disease. People with family history of pneumothorax are prone to this sudden lung collapse.
Complications :
Pneumothorax if unattended can lead to cardiac arrest and respiratory failure. In severe cases it can cause death.
Tests :
Chest X-ray of the affected person can show exact picture of lung collapse. Sometimes your doctor may request for imaging tests like CT for getting detailed image of the disease.
Treatment :
The aim of the treatment is to relieve the pressure caused by air leakage from the lungs. The method of treatment depends on the severity of pneumothorax and how far the lung has collapsed causing damage. Observation and monitoring is enough for individuals who have small portion of lung collapse. Your doctor will monitor the health condition by chest X-rays and watch whether the air is getting absorbed completely and if the lung has expanded fully to the normal position. If required, your doctor may give supplemental oxygen for speeding up the process.
Chest tube insertion is the process in which hollow tube is inserted into the ribs of the lung cage to remove the air. Through the needle a syringe is attached on the other end so that the doctor can blow out the excess of air. For some people, chest tubes are attached for several days to the patient so that suction device can be used to pump out the excess air.
Surgery :
Surgery is done for closing the air leakage in the lungs. It can be done by making small incision through special long handled tools. The surgeon will look for blebs inside and sew it properly. He would also apply talk like material in the space so that it prevents leakage of air in future.
Pictures of Pneumothorax :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pneumothorax

Prognosis :
Most of the cases of pneumothorax surgery will resolve. Small air leakage will not require any surgery and can be managed by other methods like chest tube insertion. In case if the problem arises due to long term lung infections then it carries risk. Further such type of pneumothorax requires immediate medical attention. In many cases pneumothorax (lung collapse) may recur again (about 40%). Hence once you are diagnosed with pneumothorax it is necessary to monitor your health condition continuously.
Symptoms :
Sudden chest pain is the first symptom of pneumothorax. Unlike other chest pain which worsens during inhaling air this type of chest pain stays on the same position and intensity. As the lung collapses either partially or fully it causes shortness of breath either in mild form or severely. If there is breathing difficulty and sudden chest pain you should visit the nearest hospital without delay. Prompt treatment is necessary when a person suffers from breathing problem with chest pain. It can be indicative of other problems also.
Causes :
Lung collapse or pneumothorax can occur due to sudden chest injury or due to lung infection or disease. In some cases, pneumothorax may develop without any obvious reason. Chest injury can be the outcome of gunshot, car accident, sudden blow, and fracture in the ribs, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lung biopsy and certain medical procedures.
Underlying lung infection like pneumonia, tuberculosis, emphysema, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis can cause pneumothorax. Sometimes, minute quantities of air blisters (called blebs) may develop on the top of lungs. Apparently there is no cause why only certain people develop these blebs. Certain procedures of flying or scuba diving may lead to the formation of blebs. People who are put on artificial respiration methods like ventilator have chance for developing pneumothorax. It can also develop due to prolonged asthma, COPD and lung cancer.
Who are at risk?
Men are at increased risk for developing pneumothorax when compared with women. Individuals of age group 20-40 years and those who are very thin and tall are prone to develop this problem. Having lung disease like pulmonary fibrosis or cystic fibrosis and prolonged use of ventilator machine for breathing can also develop pneumothorax. Genetics play a role for causing this disease. People with family history of pneumothorax are prone to this sudden lung collapse.
Complications :
Pneumothorax if unattended can lead to cardiac arrest and respiratory failure. In severe cases it can cause death.
Tests :
Chest X-ray of the affected person can show exact picture of lung collapse. Sometimes your doctor may request for imaging tests like CT for getting detailed image of the disease.
Treatment :
The aim of the treatment is to relieve the pressure caused by air leakage from the lungs. The method of treatment depends on the severity of pneumothorax and how far the lung has collapsed causing damage. Observation and monitoring is enough for individuals who have small portion of lung collapse. Your doctor will monitor the health condition by chest X-rays and watch whether the air is getting absorbed completely and if the lung has expanded fully to the normal position. If required, your doctor may give supplemental oxygen for speeding up the process.
Chest tube insertion is the process in which hollow tube is inserted into the ribs of the lung cage to remove the air. Through the needle a syringe is attached on the other end so that the doctor can blow out the excess of air. For some people, chest tubes are attached for several days to the patient so that suction device can be used to pump out the excess air.
Surgery :
Surgery is done for closing the air leakage in the lungs. It can be done by making small incision through special long handled tools. The surgeon will look for blebs inside and sew it properly. He would also apply talk like material in the space so that it prevents leakage of air in future.
Pictures of Pneumothorax :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Pneumothorax

Prognosis :
Most of the cases of pneumothorax surgery will resolve. Small air leakage will not require any surgery and can be managed by other methods like chest tube insertion. In case if the problem arises due to long term lung infections then it carries risk. Further such type of pneumothorax requires immediate medical attention. In many cases pneumothorax (lung collapse) may recur again (about 40%). Hence once you are diagnosed with pneumothorax it is necessary to monitor your health condition continuously.
define pneumothorax,
Pictures of Pneumothorax,
pneumothorax causes,
pneumothorax symptoms,
pneumothorax treatment,
spontaneous pneumothorax,
tension pneumothorax,
what is pneumothorax,
Who are at risk
Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease Coronary artery disease is considered to be the leading killer disease in America. Coronary artery is the major blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart and due to repeated deposits of fatty substances on the blood vessel it gets blocked due to plaque formation. There will not be normal blood flow on the arteries leading to heart attack or stroke. This condition of plaque formation on the arteries is called arthrosclerosis causing intense blockage.
How does it happen?
Coronary artery disease does not develop overnight but it occurs as a process. A high level of cholesterol in the blood poses risk leading to the formation of plaque like matter on the blood vessel. High cholesterol can develop due to obesity, lack of exercise, wrong diet, and unhealthy food habits. Blood cholesterol has two types of lipoprotein namely Low Density Lipoprotein LDL (bad cholesterol) and High Density Lipoprotein HDL (called as good cholesterol). The piling up of plaque occurs when there is excess of LDL and also due to low level of HDL. This condition occurs due to number of factors including high blood pressure, smoking and obesity.
Gradually the blood vessel gets narrowed due to repeated deposits of cholesterol thus interrupting the normal blood flow. As a result the heart may not receive the vital nutrients like oxygen and other substances. The plague like particles would subsequently make the inner walls of the artery sticky thus facilitating other particles like calcium and lipoproteins to stick on to it thus blocking the vessel still more. To rectify this condition the artery will develop new blood vessel to restore proper blood supply to the heart. However this blood vessel may not be able to manage high input of blood at the time of stress forming blood clots leading to heart attack/ischemia or hemorrhagic stroke. Since the entire process of plaque formation takes years together, unless a person gets heart attack or stroke, it goes totally unnoticed.
Signs and Symptoms :
As the plaque like fatty deposits continue to build up on the arteries it first cuts down the oxygenated blood supply to the heart. So when the person gets stressed or doing workouts he may feel it difficult to breathe. He may develop sharp chest pain and tightness in the chest area. This sharp chest pain is called angina and it would stop within few minutes. The affected person may develop shortness of breath and subsequently he may get a heart attack.
Other symptoms of coronary artery disease are rapid heartbeat, nausea, weakness, shortness of breath and excess of sweating. During an attack, the person may get crushing pressure on his shoulder area, left arm and on his chest along with profuse sweating. Women may not get all these symptoms and sometimes they develop sharp back pain and pain on the left arm. In some cases, heart attack occurs without any symptoms.
Causes :
As said earlier, coronary artery disease develops due to accumulation of fat deposits on the artery. It occurs due to high cholesterol in blood, high blood pressure, prolonged diabetes and smoking and due to radiation therapy on the chest. Similarly this condition develops due to high level of bad cholesterol in blood or due to low level of good cholesterol.
Who are at risk?
Getting older, having family history of heart disease, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, being in the state of heightened stress or anxiety, prolonged diabetes and lack of physical exercise may contribute for developing coronary artery disease. Being overweight, having sleep apnea, having abnormal levels of C-reactive protein in blood, having increased level of homocysteine and fibrinogen also causes CAD.
Complications :
Coronary artery disease may lead to heart attack, ischemia, stroke, heart failure, chest pain and abnormal heartbeat.
Tests :
Depending on the need of the hour, your doctor will conduct many tests for detecting coronary artery disease. He will collect the medical history of the patient after checking his blood pressure. He may order of blood cholesterol test, electrocardiogram test (for detecting any heart attack), echocardiogram (for detecting any damage in the pumping activity of the heart) and stress test.
During stress test, your will asked to work on a treadmill giving artificial test and test the heart’s function during high stress level. Angiogram is a procedure in which the doctor would send a shot of dye into one of the arteries of your heart through a tiny catheter. This dye would then clearly indicate the areas of block or damage inside the artery. CT scan is also done for getting clear image of the arteries. For advanced result, Magnetic Resonance Angiography imaging test is done.
Treatment :
Variety of medications is available for treating coronary artery disease. If the condition is due to high rate of bad cholesterol in blood, then your doctor will prescribe suitable drugs for reducing LDL cholesterol and increase the HDL (good) cholesterol. Medications like niacin, statins and fibrates are given.
Aspirin is an excellent blood thinner given for preventing heart attacks. It would also prevent blood clot formation or plaque formation in the arteries. Beta blockers are prescribed for reducing blood pressure and for preventing stroke or attack. Nitroglycerin is given for reducing chest pain and ACE inhibitors are prescribed for some people for maintaining blood pressure under control.
In severe cases of coronary artery disease angioplasty is done. A lengthy tubing (catheter) is inserted into the artery of the heart through which deflated balloon is sent. This balloon is inflated inside to remove the blockage or plaque deposits on the artery. Bypass surgery is done for many people with coronary artery disease in which the surgeon would create a graft through which free flow of blood is maintained. This surgery is done for people with number of blockages in the coronary artery.
Alternative Medication :
Omega 3 fatty acid is effective for reducing the blockage in the arteries. Fish oil of salmon contains plenty of omega 3 acid and hence it is useful for reducing cholesterol in blood. Flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybean oil is good diet for reducing blood cholesterol. Similarly garlic, barley, artichoke and oat bran is highly useful in reducing fatty deposits in blood.
Pictures of Coronary Artery Disease :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Coronary artery disease

Lifestyle Modification :
You can prevent further attacks by making small changes in your daily life and your diet. Eat healthy foods which include plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you are overweight, make all possible efforts to reduce weight. Quit smoking and practice yoga and meditation which will help in reducing stress. Do regular exercises. In case you have blood pressure you should monitor what you eat and follow the instructions of your doctor in taking right medications. The optimum blood pressure for average adult is 80/120 mm of Hg. Go for regular checkups and follow the right diet.
Every person above 30 years should monitor his level of cholesterol once in a year. If there is any discrepancy in the results consult your doctor and take suitable medications for controlling cholesterol. LDL cholesterol level should be below 130 mg/dL. If you are diabetic you need to take measures to keep it under control. Do aerobic exercises at least for 30 minutes a day you can burn more of calories.
How does it happen?
Coronary artery disease does not develop overnight but it occurs as a process. A high level of cholesterol in the blood poses risk leading to the formation of plaque like matter on the blood vessel. High cholesterol can develop due to obesity, lack of exercise, wrong diet, and unhealthy food habits. Blood cholesterol has two types of lipoprotein namely Low Density Lipoprotein LDL (bad cholesterol) and High Density Lipoprotein HDL (called as good cholesterol). The piling up of plaque occurs when there is excess of LDL and also due to low level of HDL. This condition occurs due to number of factors including high blood pressure, smoking and obesity.
Gradually the blood vessel gets narrowed due to repeated deposits of cholesterol thus interrupting the normal blood flow. As a result the heart may not receive the vital nutrients like oxygen and other substances. The plague like particles would subsequently make the inner walls of the artery sticky thus facilitating other particles like calcium and lipoproteins to stick on to it thus blocking the vessel still more. To rectify this condition the artery will develop new blood vessel to restore proper blood supply to the heart. However this blood vessel may not be able to manage high input of blood at the time of stress forming blood clots leading to heart attack/ischemia or hemorrhagic stroke. Since the entire process of plaque formation takes years together, unless a person gets heart attack or stroke, it goes totally unnoticed.
Signs and Symptoms :
As the plaque like fatty deposits continue to build up on the arteries it first cuts down the oxygenated blood supply to the heart. So when the person gets stressed or doing workouts he may feel it difficult to breathe. He may develop sharp chest pain and tightness in the chest area. This sharp chest pain is called angina and it would stop within few minutes. The affected person may develop shortness of breath and subsequently he may get a heart attack.
Other symptoms of coronary artery disease are rapid heartbeat, nausea, weakness, shortness of breath and excess of sweating. During an attack, the person may get crushing pressure on his shoulder area, left arm and on his chest along with profuse sweating. Women may not get all these symptoms and sometimes they develop sharp back pain and pain on the left arm. In some cases, heart attack occurs without any symptoms.
Causes :
As said earlier, coronary artery disease develops due to accumulation of fat deposits on the artery. It occurs due to high cholesterol in blood, high blood pressure, prolonged diabetes and smoking and due to radiation therapy on the chest. Similarly this condition develops due to high level of bad cholesterol in blood or due to low level of good cholesterol.
Who are at risk?
Getting older, having family history of heart disease, smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, being in the state of heightened stress or anxiety, prolonged diabetes and lack of physical exercise may contribute for developing coronary artery disease. Being overweight, having sleep apnea, having abnormal levels of C-reactive protein in blood, having increased level of homocysteine and fibrinogen also causes CAD.
Complications :
Coronary artery disease may lead to heart attack, ischemia, stroke, heart failure, chest pain and abnormal heartbeat.
Tests :
Depending on the need of the hour, your doctor will conduct many tests for detecting coronary artery disease. He will collect the medical history of the patient after checking his blood pressure. He may order of blood cholesterol test, electrocardiogram test (for detecting any heart attack), echocardiogram (for detecting any damage in the pumping activity of the heart) and stress test.
During stress test, your will asked to work on a treadmill giving artificial test and test the heart’s function during high stress level. Angiogram is a procedure in which the doctor would send a shot of dye into one of the arteries of your heart through a tiny catheter. This dye would then clearly indicate the areas of block or damage inside the artery. CT scan is also done for getting clear image of the arteries. For advanced result, Magnetic Resonance Angiography imaging test is done.
Treatment :
Variety of medications is available for treating coronary artery disease. If the condition is due to high rate of bad cholesterol in blood, then your doctor will prescribe suitable drugs for reducing LDL cholesterol and increase the HDL (good) cholesterol. Medications like niacin, statins and fibrates are given.
Aspirin is an excellent blood thinner given for preventing heart attacks. It would also prevent blood clot formation or plaque formation in the arteries. Beta blockers are prescribed for reducing blood pressure and for preventing stroke or attack. Nitroglycerin is given for reducing chest pain and ACE inhibitors are prescribed for some people for maintaining blood pressure under control.
In severe cases of coronary artery disease angioplasty is done. A lengthy tubing (catheter) is inserted into the artery of the heart through which deflated balloon is sent. This balloon is inflated inside to remove the blockage or plaque deposits on the artery. Bypass surgery is done for many people with coronary artery disease in which the surgeon would create a graft through which free flow of blood is maintained. This surgery is done for people with number of blockages in the coronary artery.
Alternative Medication :
Omega 3 fatty acid is effective for reducing the blockage in the arteries. Fish oil of salmon contains plenty of omega 3 acid and hence it is useful for reducing cholesterol in blood. Flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybean oil is good diet for reducing blood cholesterol. Similarly garlic, barley, artichoke and oat bran is highly useful in reducing fatty deposits in blood.
Pictures of Coronary Artery Disease :
Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Coronary artery disease

Lifestyle Modification :
You can prevent further attacks by making small changes in your daily life and your diet. Eat healthy foods which include plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you are overweight, make all possible efforts to reduce weight. Quit smoking and practice yoga and meditation which will help in reducing stress. Do regular exercises. In case you have blood pressure you should monitor what you eat and follow the instructions of your doctor in taking right medications. The optimum blood pressure for average adult is 80/120 mm of Hg. Go for regular checkups and follow the right diet.
Every person above 30 years should monitor his level of cholesterol once in a year. If there is any discrepancy in the results consult your doctor and take suitable medications for controlling cholesterol. LDL cholesterol level should be below 130 mg/dL. If you are diabetic you need to take measures to keep it under control. Do aerobic exercises at least for 30 minutes a day you can burn more of calories.
Alternative Medication,
coronary artery disease icd 9,
coronary artery disease symptoms,
How does it happencoronary artery disease,
icd 9 code for coronary artery disease,
Lifestyle Modification,
Pictures of Coronary Artery Disease,
Signs and Symptoms,
symptoms of coronary artery disease,
what is coronary artery disease,
Who are at risk
Monday, October 14, 2013
Swollen Glands in Neck – Causes and Treatment
Swollen Glands in Neck – Causes and Treatment
The reason most common for swollen glands in the neck is some type of infection, normally a infection by a virus for instance the common cold. But, there are additional kinds of infections such as bacterial as well as parasitic and other probable reasons for swollen glands. They consist of:
Infections – Common
Infections – Uncommon
Immune system disorders
If the reason for swollen neck lymphatic nodes is infection and is not treated, these are the complications that could ensue:
Formation of Abscess
Abscesses are a collection localized of pus triggered by some sort of infection. This pus contains white cells, tissue that is dead, fluid as well as bacteria or other intruders. The abscess requires antibiotic treatment and drainage. An abscess can cause destruction if it comprises an organ that is vital.
Infection of the blood system or bacteremia
Bacterial infections anyplace in the body can cause sepsis, causing an overpowering infection of the blood system. Sepsis can cause failure to organs and then even death. Management involves hospitalization as well as IV antibiotics.
In order to diagnose the cause of the swollen lymph nodes in the neck the physician may need:
Complete medical history
Physical exam
The physician will need to check the nodes that are close to the surface for tenderness, size, texture as well as warmth. Other symptoms and signs will give the doctor clues as to help diagnose of underlying cause.
Blood tests
Certain blood test can be done to exclude or confirm underlying conditions. This will most likely include total blood count which helps to assess the individual’s complete health and can distinguish a variety of illnesses, for instance mononucleosis as well as leukemia. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Studies by Imaging
X-ray of the chest or CT scan can help to decide on possible causes of infection or discover any tumors.
Lymphatic node biopsy
If a diagnosis cannot be decided on, the physician can take out a section of the lymphatic node for examination under the microscope.
Swollen lymphatic nodes in the neck triggered by a virus can go back to normal as soon as the viral contagion gets better. Viral infections cannot be treated by antibiotics. Treatment for other sources is determined by the cause which could be:
The common management for swollen lymphatic nodes that are triggered with a bacterial contagion is antibiotics. Fever reducers as well as pain relievers over-the-counter include aspirin, ibuprofen, for instance Advil, Motrin and acetaminophen, such as Tylenol. Aspirin as well as ibuprofen have properties for anti-inflammation that can reduce various swelling.
It is advised that children not be given aspirin due to the link to Reye’s syndrome. This is a rare and very serious disease that can disturb teenagers and children recovering from any infections that are viral.
Disorders of Immunity
If the swollen neck glands are caused by situations such as lupus, HIV or rheumatoid arthritis, management is focused at the underlying disorder.
Swollen neck glands triggered by cancer need the cancer to be treated. Contingent on the kind of cancer, therapy usually involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.

The reason most common for swollen glands in the neck is some type of infection, normally a infection by a virus for instance the common cold. But, there are additional kinds of infections such as bacterial as well as parasitic and other probable reasons for swollen glands. They consist of:
Infections – Common
- Ear infections
- Strep throat
- Mononucleosis
- Measles
- Infected or abscessed tooth
- HIV – the virus which causes AIDS
- Wound infections such as cellulitis or erysipelas
Infections – Uncommon
- Tuberculosis
- Cat scratch fever
- Toxoplasmosis
Immune system disorders
- Lupus
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Lymphoma
- Leukemia
- Other cancers which have metastasized
If the reason for swollen neck lymphatic nodes is infection and is not treated, these are the complications that could ensue:
Formation of Abscess
Abscesses are a collection localized of pus triggered by some sort of infection. This pus contains white cells, tissue that is dead, fluid as well as bacteria or other intruders. The abscess requires antibiotic treatment and drainage. An abscess can cause destruction if it comprises an organ that is vital.
Infection of the blood system or bacteremia
Bacterial infections anyplace in the body can cause sepsis, causing an overpowering infection of the blood system. Sepsis can cause failure to organs and then even death. Management involves hospitalization as well as IV antibiotics.
In order to diagnose the cause of the swollen lymph nodes in the neck the physician may need:
Complete medical history
Physical exam
The physician will need to check the nodes that are close to the surface for tenderness, size, texture as well as warmth. Other symptoms and signs will give the doctor clues as to help diagnose of underlying cause.
Blood tests
Certain blood test can be done to exclude or confirm underlying conditions. This will most likely include total blood count which helps to assess the individual’s complete health and can distinguish a variety of illnesses, for instance mononucleosis as well as leukemia. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Studies by Imaging
X-ray of the chest or CT scan can help to decide on possible causes of infection or discover any tumors.
Lymphatic node biopsy
If a diagnosis cannot be decided on, the physician can take out a section of the lymphatic node for examination under the microscope.
Swollen lymphatic nodes in the neck triggered by a virus can go back to normal as soon as the viral contagion gets better. Viral infections cannot be treated by antibiotics. Treatment for other sources is determined by the cause which could be:
The common management for swollen lymphatic nodes that are triggered with a bacterial contagion is antibiotics. Fever reducers as well as pain relievers over-the-counter include aspirin, ibuprofen, for instance Advil, Motrin and acetaminophen, such as Tylenol. Aspirin as well as ibuprofen have properties for anti-inflammation that can reduce various swelling.
It is advised that children not be given aspirin due to the link to Reye’s syndrome. This is a rare and very serious disease that can disturb teenagers and children recovering from any infections that are viral.
Disorders of Immunity
If the swollen neck glands are caused by situations such as lupus, HIV or rheumatoid arthritis, management is focused at the underlying disorder.
Swollen neck glands triggered by cancer need the cancer to be treated. Contingent on the kind of cancer, therapy usually involves surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.
Swollen Glands in Neck Pictures

Sunday, October 13, 2013
Pemphigus Vulgaris – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Pemphigus Vulgaris – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Pemphigus is a collection of skin disorders which are very rare and which cause the skin or mucous membranes to blisters – such as on the genitals or mouth.
These conditions can develop at any age but most often occur in individuals in middle age or older. The form of pemphigus which is most common is pemphigus vulgaris which leans towards involvement in those individuals of Jewish or Middle Eastern descent – but it can actually affect people from all races.
Pemphigus is normally a condition which is chronic and is controlled best when diagnosis and treatment is early. Treatment includes drug therapy or therapy which is similar to those used for burns which are severe. Pemphigus is easier to control the less widespread it is.
This condition is notable by blisters which develop on skin as well as mucous membranes. These blisters easily rupture which leaves sores which are open, can ooze and become infected.
The symptoms and signs of pemphigus vulgaris include:
An individual should see their primary care physician if they develop any blisters on the skin or inside the mouth. If there has already been a diagnosis of pemphigus and are already being treated, see your physician if any of the following develop:
Just exactly what causes pemphigus is not known but it is believed to be an autoimmune disorder.
Usually when the body is functioning normally, the systems of immunity will attacks any foreign bodies or invaders for instances bacteria or viruses. With pemphigus, the immunity system produces antibodies which attack cells on the skin or mucous membranes which are healthy. In the majority of the cases, the antibodies will attack proteins known as desmogleins which binds skin cells together. These antibodies binding to the skin will cause the separation of the cells from the top layer of your skin which is known as the epidermis. This separation reaction is called acantholysis.
Often, pemphigus grows as a side effect of certain drugs for example blood pressure medication, or chelating agents. The type of permphigus normally goes away when the drug or medication is stopped. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Possible complications of this condition include:
Most treatments have a goal of reducing the symptoms and signs and also to prevent any complications. Treatment is most effective when it starts as early as possible. The less widespread this condition is, the simpler it can be to manage or control. The treatments which are specific depend on the severity of this condition.
Mild pemphigus
When it is not too widespread, treatment may be able to be done at home. Drugs can be used alone or in some combination with others to treat this condition.
Severe pemphigus
Pemphigus which is widespread can mean a stay in the hospital where treatment similar to severe burn treatment can be applied. The sores which are open make the individual at high risk of infection, which if spreads to blood system can be deadly. As well as medications listed above, the following can be used:
For many individuals, the treatment will cause all of the blisters or sores to leave completely in a few months and then treatment may be discontinued. But others have to remain on a low dose of drugs for an indefinite period or the symptoms and signs can return.
There are many steps which you can take to help improve the skin and overall health:
Discuss with your doctor about taking vitamin D as well as calcium supplements. Taking corticosteroids depletes these substances.

What is Pemphigus Vulgaris?
Pemphigus is a collection of skin disorders which are very rare and which cause the skin or mucous membranes to blisters – such as on the genitals or mouth.
These conditions can develop at any age but most often occur in individuals in middle age or older. The form of pemphigus which is most common is pemphigus vulgaris which leans towards involvement in those individuals of Jewish or Middle Eastern descent – but it can actually affect people from all races.
Pemphigus is normally a condition which is chronic and is controlled best when diagnosis and treatment is early. Treatment includes drug therapy or therapy which is similar to those used for burns which are severe. Pemphigus is easier to control the less widespread it is.
Pemphigus Vulgaris Symptoms
This condition is notable by blisters which develop on skin as well as mucous membranes. These blisters easily rupture which leaves sores which are open, can ooze and become infected.
The symptoms and signs of pemphigus vulgaris include:
- Initially develops as blisters in the mouth
- They erupt on the skin
- Blisters also break out on mucous membranes of the genitals
- Blisters are painful
- Blisters do not itch
- Blisters in mouth or throat can make it difficult to eat or swallow
An individual should see their primary care physician if they develop any blisters on the skin or inside the mouth. If there has already been a diagnosis of pemphigus and are already being treated, see your physician if any of the following develop:
- New sores or blisters
- Number of sores spread rapidly
- Chills
- Fever
- Achy joint or muscles
Pemphigus Vulgaris Causes
Just exactly what causes pemphigus is not known but it is believed to be an autoimmune disorder.
Usually when the body is functioning normally, the systems of immunity will attacks any foreign bodies or invaders for instances bacteria or viruses. With pemphigus, the immunity system produces antibodies which attack cells on the skin or mucous membranes which are healthy. In the majority of the cases, the antibodies will attack proteins known as desmogleins which binds skin cells together. These antibodies binding to the skin will cause the separation of the cells from the top layer of your skin which is known as the epidermis. This separation reaction is called acantholysis.
Often, pemphigus grows as a side effect of certain drugs for example blood pressure medication, or chelating agents. The type of permphigus normally goes away when the drug or medication is stopped. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Possible complications of this condition include:
- Skin infections
- Sepsis which is an infection which spreads thru the blood system
- Side effects from drugs such as an increased infection risk
- Death from infection which is extremely rare
Pemphigus Vulgaris Treatment
Most treatments have a goal of reducing the symptoms and signs and also to prevent any complications. Treatment is most effective when it starts as early as possible. The less widespread this condition is, the simpler it can be to manage or control. The treatments which are specific depend on the severity of this condition.
Mild pemphigus
When it is not too widespread, treatment may be able to be done at home. Drugs can be used alone or in some combination with others to treat this condition.
- Corticosteroids - The main treatment is normally with corticosteroids like prednisone. But using corticosteroids for a long period of time or in very high doses can cause many serious side effects, which can include bone loss, increased risk of infection, water retention, increased blood sugar, cataracts, glaucoma as well as a relocation of body fat, which leads to a face which is round and normally referred to as a moon face.
- Immunosuppressants – These are drugs such as azathioprine, methotrexates or mycophenolate which can help to keep the immune system from attacking the healthy tissues. But these medications can have very serious side effects including an enlarged risk of infection.
- Antivirals, antifungal medications as well as antibiotics – These can be prescribed to prevent or control infections, usually infections from staphylococcus bacteria or herpes viruses.
Severe pemphigus
Pemphigus which is widespread can mean a stay in the hospital where treatment similar to severe burn treatment can be applied. The sores which are open make the individual at high risk of infection, which if spreads to blood system can be deadly. As well as medications listed above, the following can be used:
- Fluids – Because of the loss of fluids due to oozing of these sores, the individual can receive fluids thru an IV set up, as well as electrolytes such as potassium, calcium as well as sodium and also proteins.
- Feeding intravenous – This can become necessary because of mouth sores
- Anesthetic mouth lozenges – These control the pain of mild to moderate mouth sores.
- Therapeutic plasmapheresis – With this process, the fluid called plasma is removed from other parts of the blood by a device which is called a cell separator. The reason for this is to rid the plasma of any antibodies which are attacking the skin. This plasma is replaced with plasma which is donated or intravenous fluids.
For many individuals, the treatment will cause all of the blisters or sores to leave completely in a few months and then treatment may be discontinued. But others have to remain on a low dose of drugs for an indefinite period or the symptoms and signs can return.
Home Therapy
There are many steps which you can take to help improve the skin and overall health:
- Take caution to avoid any trauma to the skin.
- Get wound care instruction from your doctor. This can help infection as well as scarring.
- Use talcum powder on sheets to keep oozing skin from sticking
- Avoid acidic or spicy foods as well as garlic, onions or leeks as this may trigger or irritate blisters
- Use dressings or lotions. Treat blisters or sores with drying or soothing lotions or wet dressings.
- Minimize exposure to the sun which could trigger new blisters.
- If you have blisters in the mouth, talk with your dentist about maintaining proper as well as good oral health.
Discuss with your doctor about taking vitamin D as well as calcium supplements. Taking corticosteroids depletes these substances.
Pemphigus Vulgaris Pictures

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia – Symptoms, Pictures, Diagnosis, Treatment
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia – Symptoms, Pictures, Diagnosis, Treatment
This is a disorder which is genetic and is referred to as HTT. This condition creates atypical or abnormalities of the vessels in the blood system. The majority of the blood vessels in someone who has HHT are normal. But, a very small percentage of the vessels in the blood system in a person with HHT do have a specific kind of abnormality.
Blood vessels are the cylinder tubes which carry the blood thru out the body. There are 2 kinds of blood vessels – veins as well as arteries. Veins carry the blood which is under low pressure, to the heart. Arteries carry blood under pressure which is high thru out the body to all areas after the blood is pumped by the heart. No artery connects directly to a vein. These two types of vessels are usually connected to each other by even smaller blood vessels known as capillaries.
An individual with HHT has the propensity to develop blood vessels which do not have the capillaries linking vein and artery. What does this mean – that the arterial blood which is under high pressure will flow immediately into a vein without first needing to squeeze thru the very small capillaries. This area or place where the artery is connected directly to a vein is a site which is extremely fragile and can rupture easily and bleed. This abnormal blood vessel is referred to as a telangiectasis, when it involves small blood vessels. When it includes blood vessels which are large it is referred to as arteriovenous malformation. So, an AVM might be thought of as a big telangiectasia. The basic abnormality in the blood vessel is the same.
Telangiectases usually develops at the surface of the body such as the mucous membrane or the skin. AVMs tend to occur in internal organs of the body. The telangiectases which is plural for telangiectasia and AVMs of HHT normally occur in the skin of the face, nose, mouth as well as the hands and also the lining of the intestines and stomach, lungs, brain and liver. Currently it is not known the reason these atypical blood vessels occur in certain areas of the body and not in others.
There are several forms of HHT including Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and juvenile polyposis/HTT syndrome. Individuals with Type 1 usually develop symptoms earlier than those with Type 2, as well as are more likely to have blood vessel abnormalities in the brain and the lungs. Type 2 and Type 3 are linked to a higher risk of involvement in the liver. Females are more likely than males to have vessel abnormalities in the lungs with Type 1 and are as well at a higher risk of liver involvement with both Type 1 and Type 2. Juvenile polyposis/HTT syndrome is a type which involves both AVM and the tendencies to develop growths or polyps in the gastrointestinal tract.
The nearly universal symptom in this disease is recurrent nosebleeds. These normally begin in childhood and it becomes worse with age. At the age of about 40, the condition stabilizes.
This list of possible problems related to HHT includes: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Published in the year 2000, the Curacao criteria remain the basis of HHT clinical diagnosis:
When there is a family history but are no other criteria for HHT, the condition cannot be disqualified. Even with the nonexistence of any clinically obvious symptoms, the likelihood of HHT status in a first-degree relative of an HHT patient is:
Since HHT is a complicated disease to treat and manage, it is recommended that if possible the patient and family be treated at a multi-discipline center. Currently there are nine multi-discipline centers which are equipped for the management of HHT patients. Centers are located at:
Treatments can include:
The most recommended medications for this condition are supplements to take orally for the prevention as well as treatment of iron deficiency. They include:
Prevention of HHT includes genetic counseling for any couples who want to have children but who have a history in the family of HHT.

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia on eye

What is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia?
This is a disorder which is genetic and is referred to as HTT. This condition creates atypical or abnormalities of the vessels in the blood system. The majority of the blood vessels in someone who has HHT are normal. But, a very small percentage of the vessels in the blood system in a person with HHT do have a specific kind of abnormality.
Blood vessels are the cylinder tubes which carry the blood thru out the body. There are 2 kinds of blood vessels – veins as well as arteries. Veins carry the blood which is under low pressure, to the heart. Arteries carry blood under pressure which is high thru out the body to all areas after the blood is pumped by the heart. No artery connects directly to a vein. These two types of vessels are usually connected to each other by even smaller blood vessels known as capillaries.
An individual with HHT has the propensity to develop blood vessels which do not have the capillaries linking vein and artery. What does this mean – that the arterial blood which is under high pressure will flow immediately into a vein without first needing to squeeze thru the very small capillaries. This area or place where the artery is connected directly to a vein is a site which is extremely fragile and can rupture easily and bleed. This abnormal blood vessel is referred to as a telangiectasis, when it involves small blood vessels. When it includes blood vessels which are large it is referred to as arteriovenous malformation. So, an AVM might be thought of as a big telangiectasia. The basic abnormality in the blood vessel is the same.
Telangiectases usually develops at the surface of the body such as the mucous membrane or the skin. AVMs tend to occur in internal organs of the body. The telangiectases which is plural for telangiectasia and AVMs of HHT normally occur in the skin of the face, nose, mouth as well as the hands and also the lining of the intestines and stomach, lungs, brain and liver. Currently it is not known the reason these atypical blood vessels occur in certain areas of the body and not in others.
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Symptoms
There are several forms of HHT including Type 1, Type 2, Type 3 and juvenile polyposis/HTT syndrome. Individuals with Type 1 usually develop symptoms earlier than those with Type 2, as well as are more likely to have blood vessel abnormalities in the brain and the lungs. Type 2 and Type 3 are linked to a higher risk of involvement in the liver. Females are more likely than males to have vessel abnormalities in the lungs with Type 1 and are as well at a higher risk of liver involvement with both Type 1 and Type 2. Juvenile polyposis/HTT syndrome is a type which involves both AVM and the tendencies to develop growths or polyps in the gastrointestinal tract.
The nearly universal symptom in this disease is recurrent nosebleeds. These normally begin in childhood and it becomes worse with age. At the age of about 40, the condition stabilizes.
This list of possible problems related to HHT includes: detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
- Frequent nosebleeds in children
- Bleeding of the tongue, lips, nasal mucosa, face, ears, fingertips, nails, white of the eyes and skin
- GI bleeding with blood loss in stools
- Port wine stain
- Bleeding into the brain
- Brain seizures
- Small strokes which are unexplained
- Coughing up blood
- Shortness of breath
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Diagnosis
Published in the year 2000, the Curacao criteria remain the basis of HHT clinical diagnosis:
- Recurrent, spontaneous nosebleeds
- Mucocutaneous telangiectases at characteristic sites for example fingertips, lips, oral mucosa, tongue
- Visceral AVMs for example gastrointestinal, pulmonary, hepatic, cerebral, or spinal
- Family history – 1st degree affected relative
- HHT unlikely = 0 or 1 criteria
- HHT possible = 2 criteria
- HHT definite = 3 or 4 criteria
When there is a family history but are no other criteria for HHT, the condition cannot be disqualified. Even with the nonexistence of any clinically obvious symptoms, the likelihood of HHT status in a first-degree relative of an HHT patient is:
- 50% at birth
- 22% at age 16
- 5% at age 40
- 1% at age 60
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Treatment
Since HHT is a complicated disease to treat and manage, it is recommended that if possible the patient and family be treated at a multi-discipline center. Currently there are nine multi-discipline centers which are equipped for the management of HHT patients. Centers are located at:
- Medical College of Georgia
- Mayo Clinic
- University of California San Diego
- Oregon Health Sciences University
- University of Toronto
- University of Pennsylvania
- Yale University
- University of Utah
- Washington University St. Louis
Treatments can include:
- Blood transfusion
- Sclerotherapy
- Laser surgery
- Nasal Packing
- Electrocoagulation
- Sterotactic radiosurgery
- Endovascular embolization
- Estrogen Replacement Therapy
The most recommended medications for this condition are supplements to take orally for the prevention as well as treatment of iron deficiency. They include:
- Ferrous fumarate
- Ferrous gluconte
- Ferrous sulfate
- Carbonyl iron
- Polysaccharide-iron
- Severe bleeding
- Heart failure
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Shortness of breath
Prevention of HHT includes genetic counseling for any couples who want to have children but who have a history in the family of HHT.
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Pictures

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia on eye

Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Diagnosis,
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Pictures,
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Symptoms,
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Treatment,
What is Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia?
Appendix Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
Appendix Pain – Location, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment
This occurs when the appendix is inflamed and pus filled. The appendix is a pouch that is finger shaped and jets out on the right lower side of the abdomen from the colon on that side. This structure is very small and has no essential purpose that is known but this does not mean it can not cause any problems.
Appendicitis creates pain that normally starts near the navel as well as shifting to the right lower abdomen. This pain typically intensifies over a time frame of twelve to 18 hrs. and ultimately will become quite severe.
This can affect anyone but it mostly occurs in individuals in between the ages of ten and thirty. The standard treatment is elimination of the appendix surgically.
The location of this pain can vary, depending on the age of the individual as well as the position of the appendix. Pregnant women as well as young children can have appendicitis pain in places that are different.
Symptoms and signs of appendix pain or appendicitis can include:
If the individual or child has symptoms or signs that are worrying, call for an appointment to see your family physician. Abdominal pain that is so stark that an individual is not able to sit still or discover a position that is comfortable requires immediate attention medically.
What causes appendicitis is not always known. Often appendicitis can occur as a result of:
A blockade
Piece of hard stool – fecal stone – or food waste can get confined in an opening of the cavity running the interval of the appendix.
Appendicitis can also occur after an infection, for instance gastrointestinal infection, or can start after other kinds of infections.
In either case, bacteria can afterwards rapidly invade, triggering the appendix to be inflamed and pus filled. When not treated immediately, the appendix can split.
Appendicitis may create complications that are serious.
An appendix can rupture
If the appendix does rupture, the substances of the intestines as well as organisms that are infectious may leak into the cavity of the abdomen. This causes infections to develop in the abdominal cavity and cause peritonitis.
A pus pocket can form in the abdomen
The seepage and infection of intestinal contents can create an abscess – which is a pocket of infection also known as appendiceal abscess. This abscess needs treatment before the abscess tears open causing a much more widespread infection in the abdominal cavity. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
The appendix pain can over time change, making the establishment of a diagnosis often difficult. Additionally, pain in the abdomen region can come from a vast number of health problems besides appendicitis. In order the help with the diagnosis of appendicitis, the physician will more than likely first take a history of symptoms and signs and then execute a very thorough exam of the abdomen.
Procedures and tests can include:
Physical to assess pain
The physician can apply pressure that is gentle on the area that is painful. When this pressure is suddenly released, appendix pain will normally get worse, a sign that the peritoneum is inflamed. Other indicators the physician might look for include rigidity of the abdomen and the tendency for the abdominal muscles to stiffen up in reaction to any pressure around the appendix that is inflamed.
Blood test
The physician will be checking for high white cell count that can point to an infection.
Urine test
A urinalysis will need to be done to make certain that a kidney stone or urinary tract infection is not causing the pain.
Imaging tests
The physician might recommend an X-ray of the abdominal area, an ultrasound scan or a CT scan in order to help to endorse appendicitis or to find any other reasons for the pain.
Treatment for appendix pain normally consists of surgical removal of the appendix that is inflamed. Any other treatment can be needed depending on each individual situation.
Appendix surgery or appendectomy
Appendix surgery is executed as open surgery by using one incision in the abdominal region about two to four inches long. Or this surgery can also be done laparoscopically involving several very small incisions in the abdomen. In the course of a laparoscopic technique, the surgeon will insert special tools as well as a video camera into the abdomen in order to remove the appendix.
Generally, laparoscopic surgery permits the individual to recover fast and creates less scarring. But, this type surgery is not suitable for everyone. If the appendix has burst and the infection is extended beyond the appendix or if an abscess is involved, the individual can need an open appendectomy. This allows the surgeon to un-contaminate the cavity of the abdomen.
An individual should anticipate spending one or two days in the hospital after an appendectomy.
Drainage of abscess before surgery
If an abscess is current, it can be drained by putting a tube thru the skin and into the abscess. The appendectomy may be done several weeks later when the infection has been controlled.
What causes Appendix pain?
This occurs when the appendix is inflamed and pus filled. The appendix is a pouch that is finger shaped and jets out on the right lower side of the abdomen from the colon on that side. This structure is very small and has no essential purpose that is known but this does not mean it can not cause any problems.
Appendix Pain Location
Appendicitis creates pain that normally starts near the navel as well as shifting to the right lower abdomen. This pain typically intensifies over a time frame of twelve to 18 hrs. and ultimately will become quite severe.
This can affect anyone but it mostly occurs in individuals in between the ages of ten and thirty. The standard treatment is elimination of the appendix surgically.
The location of this pain can vary, depending on the age of the individual as well as the position of the appendix. Pregnant women as well as young children can have appendicitis pain in places that are different.
Appendix Pain Symptoms
Symptoms and signs of appendix pain or appendicitis can include:
- Pain that is aching and begins near the navel and then will shift to the right lower abdomen
- Pain that gets sharper over time
- Pain that is sharp in the right lower abdomen that happens whenever the area is pressed down and then quickly release – rebound tenderness
- Tenderness that happens when you apply any pressure to the lower right abdomen
- Pain that gets worse when an individual coughs, walks or makes any movements that are jarring
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Low-grade fever
- Loss of appetite
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Inability to pass gas
- Abdominal swelling
If the individual or child has symptoms or signs that are worrying, call for an appointment to see your family physician. Abdominal pain that is so stark that an individual is not able to sit still or discover a position that is comfortable requires immediate attention medically.
Appendix Pain Causes
What causes appendicitis is not always known. Often appendicitis can occur as a result of:
A blockade
Piece of hard stool – fecal stone – or food waste can get confined in an opening of the cavity running the interval of the appendix.
Appendicitis can also occur after an infection, for instance gastrointestinal infection, or can start after other kinds of infections.
In either case, bacteria can afterwards rapidly invade, triggering the appendix to be inflamed and pus filled. When not treated immediately, the appendix can split.
Appendicitis may create complications that are serious.
An appendix can rupture
If the appendix does rupture, the substances of the intestines as well as organisms that are infectious may leak into the cavity of the abdomen. This causes infections to develop in the abdominal cavity and cause peritonitis.
A pus pocket can form in the abdomen
The seepage and infection of intestinal contents can create an abscess – which is a pocket of infection also known as appendiceal abscess. This abscess needs treatment before the abscess tears open causing a much more widespread infection in the abdominal cavity. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.
Appendix Pain Diagnosis
The appendix pain can over time change, making the establishment of a diagnosis often difficult. Additionally, pain in the abdomen region can come from a vast number of health problems besides appendicitis. In order the help with the diagnosis of appendicitis, the physician will more than likely first take a history of symptoms and signs and then execute a very thorough exam of the abdomen.
Procedures and tests can include:
Physical to assess pain
The physician can apply pressure that is gentle on the area that is painful. When this pressure is suddenly released, appendix pain will normally get worse, a sign that the peritoneum is inflamed. Other indicators the physician might look for include rigidity of the abdomen and the tendency for the abdominal muscles to stiffen up in reaction to any pressure around the appendix that is inflamed.
Blood test
The physician will be checking for high white cell count that can point to an infection.
Urine test
A urinalysis will need to be done to make certain that a kidney stone or urinary tract infection is not causing the pain.
Imaging tests
The physician might recommend an X-ray of the abdominal area, an ultrasound scan or a CT scan in order to help to endorse appendicitis or to find any other reasons for the pain.
Appendix Pain Treatment
Treatment for appendix pain normally consists of surgical removal of the appendix that is inflamed. Any other treatment can be needed depending on each individual situation.
Appendix surgery or appendectomy
Appendix surgery is executed as open surgery by using one incision in the abdominal region about two to four inches long. Or this surgery can also be done laparoscopically involving several very small incisions in the abdomen. In the course of a laparoscopic technique, the surgeon will insert special tools as well as a video camera into the abdomen in order to remove the appendix.
Generally, laparoscopic surgery permits the individual to recover fast and creates less scarring. But, this type surgery is not suitable for everyone. If the appendix has burst and the infection is extended beyond the appendix or if an abscess is involved, the individual can need an open appendectomy. This allows the surgeon to un-contaminate the cavity of the abdomen.
An individual should anticipate spending one or two days in the hospital after an appendectomy.
Drainage of abscess before surgery
If an abscess is current, it can be drained by putting a tube thru the skin and into the abscess. The appendectomy may be done several weeks later when the infection has been controlled.
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