Thursday, September 4, 2014

Causes of Asthma Triggers: Asthma Causes in Children, Smoking

Causes of Asthma Triggers: Asthma Causes in Children, Smoking

Knowing what asthma is all about is not enough if you won’t also get to know it causes as well as its signs and symptoms. This is because knowing the reasons behind this illness would enable someone to prevent it from attacking.

However, the exact reason behind asthma has not been found out. Although there are a number of researchers who believe that asthma is caused by the interaction of factors like environmental exposure and family genes.

Here is a list of these known factors:

  • Parents who also have asthma.

  • A tendency to develop allergies inherited from ancestors and other members of the family, known as atopy.

  • Certain infections of the respiratory system that happened during childhood.

  • Coming in contact with several allergens present in the air or exposure to a number of infections caused by viruses during infancy or very early in childhood when the development of the immune system is still starting.

If it is known that atopy or asthma runs in the family, then exposure to irritants and allergens found in the air could make the airways react more to the substances that can be breathed in the air.

Allergens are pets like cats and dust house mites, while irritants could be such substances as tobacco or cigarette smoke.

Also see Airway Disease in Kids

Symptoms of Asthma: Bronchial, Cardiac, In Children, Exercise Induced Asthma

Symptoms of Asthma: Bronchial, Cardiac, In Children, Exercise Induced Asthma

It is also important to know the signs and symptoms of asthma, so you know what to look out for in cases of attacks. Here are among the most common of them:

  • Wheezing: This is a squeaky or whistling sound that is heard when you breathe.

  • Shortness of breath: A number of people say that they feel like they are out of breath or that they can’t their breath when they have asthma. This is just like not being able to get air from out of your lungs.

  • Coughing: This is usually worse during early in the morning and at nighttime making it very hard to get enough sleep.

  • Chest tightness: This could feel like somebody is sitting or squeezing on your chest.

However, not everyone who has asthma experience these symptoms. Likewise, experiencing them does not exactly mean that you have asthma. Normally, a lung function test along with a physical exam and looking into the medical history are done for the certain diagnosis of asthma.

The types of symptoms that you may experience, their frequency, and severity may differ over time. There are times when your symptoms might just be annoying while other times they would really be so troublesome as to be debilitating.

What Causes Athletes Foot | Causes of Athletes Foot Fungal Infection

What Causes Athletes Foot | Causes of Athletes Foot Fungal Infection

Athlete’s Foot Causes:
There is always that question on how a person acquires this fungal infection. What are the common causes of athlete’s foot? Here is a list of answers that would give you clarity:

  • Poor hygiene. Wearing dirty socks over and over again would likely yield to the growth of the athlete’s-foot-causing fungi. Poor hygiene wherein an individual does not properly clean his feet when taking a bath and not cleaning in between the toes and soles of the feet is one of the main culprits of athlete’s foot.

  • Prolonged wearing of socks.

    This causes the feet to sweat; and if not air-dried, it would likely result to the growth of fungi. Fungi love to thrive and to live in a dark, musty, and damp places. What better location than your feet?

  • When an individual walks around barefoot in moist environments such as bath houses, shower rooms, and locker rooms.

  • Athlete’s foot is highly contagious and if an individual would share footwear with an individual who has already the skin condition, he would likely share the same fate as the other.

  • Communal use of bath towels. When some spa and sauna and other bath houses are not careful in their use of the towels for their customers, there is a high risk that the fungi can be transmitted through unclean towels.

Tinea Pedis Causes

Dermatophytes group of fungi causes athletes’ foot fungal infection and more often it affects people who sweat out a lot. Most common places where these fungi affect are outer layers of skin, nails and scalp. Tinea pedis spreads through either direct contact with the affected person or indirect contact which can be due to use of contaminated clothing, bed sheets or by wearing plastic shoes. Transmission can also take place through animal to human contact for e.g. pet’s fur.

Symptoms of Athletes Foot Fungal Infection or Tinea Pedis

Symptoms of Athletes Foot Fungal Infection or Tinea Pedis

Athlete’s Foot Symptoms:
There are stages of development and progression of the condition known as athlete’s foot. How should you be able to assess whether it is an athlete’s foot? Here are the common signs and symptoms an individual will experience when having contracted the illness.

  • The first evidence of infection is itching.

  • Maceration or sodden skin looking would also be observed.

  • Presence of scaliness between the toes most often in the fourth and fifth toes, which are more close together.

  • Later, deep cracks develop.

  • Fissures develop as well.

  • Lesions will then start to spread to the soles and top of the feet.

  • Formation of small watery blisters forms.

  • When this blister erupts, they leave scales as they dry and peel.

  • When there is scaling and cracked skin, it would then result to exposure of raw skin tissue that will be painful due to the swelling and inflammation.

The symptoms of athlete’s foot would also depend upon which type of tinea pedis you have. The possible complications of Athlete’s foot include spread of the infection to other areas such as the fingers, groin, scalp, and ears. Sometimes there is an occurrence of mixed infection of bacteria, fungi, and yeast.

This secondary infection is due to the intense itching thus the scratching and rubbing of the individual of the affected site.

Other Signs of Tinea Pedis

Athletes foot signs vary from person to person but must common indicators are burning and peeling of skin, slight watery discharge from the infected area, unpleasant smell from the lesion and breaking of skin in case the infection becomes severe and thick discolored toe nails. Other tinea pedis symptom is rash that spreads to the inside part of the foot. Normally infection is observed for 1-10 days but might last longer if no treatment is taken. Sometimes infection on scalp can result in loss of hair.

Prevent Athletes Foot | Prevention of Tinea Pedis Infection

Prevent Athletes Foot | Prevention of Tinea Pedis Infection

Athlete’s Foot Prevention:
As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. There are ways and methods that you can take to avoid acquiring such skin condition. Here are the following precautionary measures you can observe to avoid athlete’s foot:

  • Careful hygiene in the shower rooms, athletic clubs, or swimming pools should be observed.

  • When walking around these damp and moist areas, wear protective slippers to avoid contact of the bare feet with the floor.

  • One must be careful to use a clean towel every after washing or bathing, not one that has been carelessly thrown on the shelf by a previous bather.

  • The feet should be dried thoroughly especially between the toes, after which they should be powdered.

  • Socks should be changed every day and preferably twice changed during hot and humid times for preventing athletes foot.

  • Socks should be preferably made out of cotton as it is an effective absorber of perspiration.

  • For people whose feet perspire excessively, perforated shoes permit better aeration.

  • Talcum powder or antifungal powder applied twice daily helps keep the feet dry.

  • Several pairs of shoes should be alternated in usage so that they can dry completely before being worn again.

Preventing Tinea Pedis

For prevention of athletes’ foot, avoid direct contact with an infected person as the condition is contagious.

Belongings like socks or footwear of other person should not be shared. Shoes must be light in weight with proper ventilation and similarly make use of breathable socks having division for each toe to prevent reoccurrence of the fungal infection. Avoid keeping the feet wet for longer period of time and make sure proper foot hygiene is followed in case the feet sweat out a lot.

Natural Remedies for Athletes Foot | Treatment for Tinea Pedis

Natural Remedies for Athletes Foot | Treatment for Tinea Pedis

Athlete’s Foot Home Remedies
There are various methods and remedies you can opt to choose from to treat athlete’s foot. Below are the things you can do to treat and control the spread of the disease to other individuals:

  • In the acute stage, irritation can be relieved by soaking the feet for 20 to 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a day in a solution of water and a cup of salt or water a half a cup of lemon juice.

  • Soaking the feet as well in a solution of potassium permanganate would also help relieve athlete’s foot itch.

  • Talcum powder also helps relieve the itch, and it also decreases as well the spread of the infection to other parts of the body. It absorbs the moisture in the area and at the same time kills the fungi due to its component.

  • Application of hot compress would also alleviate the discomfort of the itch. Rather than scratching the site, applying hot compress would lessen the itch.

  • Onion extract and garlic is a good cure for athletes foot. Recent studies have shown that the extract of onion and garlic would also kill the fungi responsible for athlete’s foot.

    The component of garlic, which is ajoene, can counteract and kill the fungi.

  • After taking a bath, it would be best to take the time to dry spaces in between your toes. You can also try to opt to use a blow dryer in doing so as the heat of the blow dryer can help alleviate the itch and at the same time dry up the area.

Treat Athlete’s Foot

For treating athlete’s foot, application of aloe vera gel or rubbing apple cider vinegar is very effective. Other treatments for tinea pedis are dusting garlic powder on the feet and taking foot bath by mixing hot water, Epsom salt and Clorox and then soaking the feet in the solution is beneficial. Other solution which can be helpful in curing tinea pedis can be made using warm water, crushed garlic or ginger and alcohol or coconut oil, glycerin and rose water.

Diet for Athletes Foot Treatment | Foods for Athletes Foot

Diet for Athletes Foot Treatment | Foods for Athletes Foot

Athlete’s Foot Diet Treatment:
Does the condition limit one from eating certain food groups, or the patient may eat as much as he likes without aggravating the condition? What are the best and ideal food groups that should be taken or avoided to help avoid getting the condition? Are there foods available that can help facilitate the fast recovery of an individual suffering from athlete’s foot?

The following tips and food should be carefully studied as they answer the above mentioned queries:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, preferably fruits rich in vitamin C and those that contain antioxidant properties as they can help protect and boost the immune system of an individual.

    As always, fruits and vegetables are part of the food groups that people suffering from athlete’s foot can take in large amounts.

  • Increase your protein intake. A good intake of helpful proteins helps in the metabolism and in the recovery of skin tissues and wound healing.

  • Avoid eating too much sweets as it delays the skin’s healing process and instead support the fast growth of bacteria.

  • Avoid eating foods that you know you have an allergy with such as seafood like shrimp and crabmeat. They will only aggravate the itch you have.

Prevent Autoimmune Diseases | Preventing Auto Immune Disorders

Prevent Autoimmune Diseases | Preventing Auto Immune Disorders

 Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases are any ailment or disorder wherein the immune system launches an attack against the body’s own systems and components. This overactive immune response mistakes these systems or components as pathogens that have to be eliminated or treated.

There are a number of ailments that can be classified as autoimmune. Some of these are:

  • Addison’s Disease,

  • Cushing’s Syndrome

  • Castleman’s disease

  • Any form of cancer

  • Eczema

  • Discoid lupus erythematosus

  • Lupus erythematosus

  • Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)

  • Myasthenia gravis

  • Multiple sclerosis

  • Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Ulcerative colitis

  • Crohns Disease

  • Acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis

Preventive Measures

Although it is not easy to ascertain which autoimmune disease the patient might have by just looking at symptoms, taking precautionary measures against any type of this disease would be very helpful.

  • The preventive measures that one must take on should see to the health of the immune system. Getting enough rest every day as well as doing some exercises are just among these measures that you can do easily.

  • A healthy diet is also another great preventive measure.

  • Because anxiety and stress are also considered to be among the main causes of autoimmune diseases, then the individual should also take some steps to reduce or eliminate these from his or her life. Below are some of the stress busters that the patient could take on:

    • Learn to say “no”.

      Limit commitments to avoid stretching self too thin and inviting stress. Appeasing everyone and overwhelming self will bring nothing but harm.

    • Take each day as it comes. Worrying about what might come tomorrow will not help in eliminating stress but will only make it worse.

    • Take some time to relax. Even if the individual has a busy schedule and is already swamped with work, reserve some time to rest. Do relaxing activities: read a book, take a warm bath, or get a massage.

Home Care for Autoimmune Diseases

Most autoimmune diseases would require medications. The right kind of medication to use will depend upon what ailment was affecting the patient. Proper diagnosis is very important.

The following are some of the possible home care that one can provide to a patient with autoimmune diseases:

  • Staying healthy is always the best preventive and treatment measure to deal with most diseases. Thus, the patient should eat healthy foods and exercise.

  • Keep the patient comfortable at all times. If the patient is bedridden, make sure to keep him or her clean and well rested.

  • Stress can also be relieved through meditation and yoga.

Autoimmune Disease Natural Remedies | Natural Cure for Autoimmune Disorder

Autoimmune Disease Natural Remedies | Natural Cure for Autoimmune Disorder

Autoimmune Diseases Cure:
There is a broad range of home remedies for autoimmune diseases but it is better if you consult with your doctor before trying them out. Remember that these remedies are not substitutes for medical treatments, they are just meant to supplement in the curing process.

Here are some of these treatments for autoimmune disorders:

  • Yarrow is good for autoimmune diseases because it cleanses and detoxifies the bloodstream.

  • Sarsaparilla, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties, is best for soothing inflamed joints and muscles.

  • Turmeric and ginger are also two common ingredients found in the household kitchen that can aid in lessening certain symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

  • Three to four tablespoons of virgin coconut oil taken every day will help in strengthening the body’s immune system. Include this oil in the diet or use it for cooking your food.

  • Always apply sunscreen lotion all over your body before going out into the sun. This is to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

  • Avoid foods that are known to have allergens in them and these include peanut butter, tomatoes, chocolate, peppers, eggplant, dairy products, and processed foods that contain artificial additives.

  • Taking in a small amount of grape seed extract every day is also known to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system.

Autoimmune Disease Diet Treatment | Foods to avoid Auto Immune Disorders

Autoimmune Disease Diet Treatment | Foods to avoid Auto Immune Disorders

Autoimmune Diseases Diet:
There are certain diets that are specifically suited for patients depending on the type of their autoimmune disease. With this, it would be best to consult a nutritionist to make sure that your diet is specially formulated to meet your needs.

However, there are certain basic factors to a well-balanced diet that could apply to almost all patients of autoimmune diseases. This is the one that strengthens the immune system and encourages the bodily systems to perform their functions well.

  • You have to remember that a good diet for autoimmune diseases patient should include an array of foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and B complex.

    Foods with high mineral content like zinc, calcium, and magnesium are also recommended.

  • Vitamin C can be found in fruits and vegetables while Vitamin A is in dairy products, oily fish, and liver. Other nutrients like Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are also found in seeds and nuts, while proteins are derived from grains and lean meat.

  • There are also other great immune system boosters diet that you should include in your diet and these include shitake mushrooms, beets, curly kale, blueberry, avocado, grapefruit, soy beans, garlic, and green tea. Sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, pineapple, and tomatoes are also among these.

Autoimmune Hepatitis Treatment Options: How Do You Get It?

Autoimmune Hepatitis Treatment Options: How Do You Get It?

Autoimmune hepatitis is the inflammation in the liver, which develops when the body’s immune mechanism attacks the liver cells. The precise cause of autoimmune hepatitis is a little ambiguous; however, some diseases, drugs and toxins are known to set off autoimmune hepatitis in vulnerable individuals, particularly women.

Left untreated and neglected, autoimmune hepatitis results in scarring of the liver and ultimately liver failure. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, autoimmune hepatitis can be effectively managed with drugs that suppress the immune system. Liver transplant is an alternative when the condition fails to respond to drugs or when the disease is quite advanced.

How Do You Get Autoimmune Hepatitis?

Autoimmune hepatitis develops when your body’s immune mechanism, which normally assaults bacteria, virus and other pathogens, starts attacking the liver cells. Why the body turns against itself is still not clear, but experts hypothesize that autoimmune hepatitis occurs due to an interaction between various risk factors, like medications, infections, and a genetic predilection.

  • Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis: This is the commonest type and can develop at any age. Approximately half the people having type 1 autoimmune hepatitis have other autoimmune disorders as well, like, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis or ulcerative colitis.

  • Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis: This type is commoner in young girls and develops with other autoimmune problems.

Certain factors are known to raise your risk of autoimmune hepatitis; these are:

  • Being female: Men as well as women can develop autoimmune hepatitis, however, it is commoner in women.

  • Age: Type 1 develops at any age. Type 2 chiefly afflicts young girls.

  • History of certain infections: The condition is known to occur after a viral or bacterial infection.

  • Certain medicines: The antibiotic minocycline and the cholesterol drug atorvastatin have been linked to autoimmune hepatitis.

  • Heredity: Substantiation proves that a tendency to develop autoimmune hepatitis runs in families.

  • Having an autoimmune disease. People who have an autoimmune disease are more liable to develop autoimmune hepatitis.

Treatment Options For Autoimmune Hepatitis

The goal of the treatment is to slow down or stop the immune system from assaulting the liver. This may help slow the progression of the disease. Your health care provider will recommend certain drugs such as prednisone. An initial high dose of the drug prednisone is advocated, and then tapered off.

Most people take the medicine for about 2 years, and some remain on it for life. The condition tends to return when the drug is discontinued. Azathioprine is another immunosuppressant drug, which is prescribed along with prednisone.
When medications fail to pause the progression of the disease, or you develop cirrhosis or liver failure, a liver transplant is needed. The diseased liver is removed and replaced by a healthy one from a donor.

Living with autoimmune hepatitis can be vexing. Each one finds ways to tackle the stress of a chronic ailment. Learn all about autoimmune hepatitis. The more you comprehend what’s going on in your body, the more active you can be in the care. Eat well, exercise and get adequate rest; it will help you feel better.

Yoga and Pranayama have been proved decidedly beneficial in physical as well as mental well being. Steer clear of alcohol, and check with your physician before taking new medications. Also, talk to family and friends. Strong relationships and support play a vital role in helping you maintain a positive attitude.

What Causes Crohns Disease In Children? Its Symptoms And Diet Plan

What Causes Crohns Disease In Children? Its Symptoms And Diet Plan

Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disorder, which results in chronic inflammation of the bowel. While the condition can affect individuals of all ages, crohn’s disease in children can lead to severe development disorders and growth retardation. This article provides information about symptoms of crohn’s disease and how to treat the condition using an appropriate diet plan.

Researchers believe that the condition is caused when the immune system attacks certain organisms normally found in the bowel, by misidentifying them as foreign invaders. This results in leukocytosis and causes prolonged inflammation and ulceration in the bowel.

Fortunately, following an appropriate diet plan can help alleviate the symptoms of Crohn’s disease and help in its treatment.

Usually, the food is digested in the small intestine and anything that is not digested passes on to the large intestine or the colon. In Crohn’s disease the small intestine gets inflamed which makes it less capable to breaking down and absorbing essential nutrients. This makes children with crohn’s disease prone to be malnourished.

While the symptoms may vary depending upon the severity of the condition, most children will suffer from weakness, tiredness, growth retardation, low energy levels and unintentional weight loss.

Chrons Disease Symptoms In Children

The primary and most important symptom associated with Crohn’s disease is abdominal pain and diarrhea. While the severity of the pain may vary depending upon the severity of the condition, some of the common symptoms of Crohn’s disease include,

  • Loss of appetite with weight loss.

  • Pain on or below the navel, usually affecting the right side of the abdomen.

  • Rectal bleeding.

  • Fever with fatigue and lethargy.

  • Anal skin tags and fistulas may also be observed in patients with crohn’s disease.

  • Malaise and joint pains may also be present.

Most of these symptoms appear after a meal. While these symptoms are very similar to other inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel disease, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and appendicitis, it is important to consult your physician to confirm the diagnosis.

Diet For Crohn’s Disease In Children

Here are some dietary tips that will be helpful in management of crohn’s disease in children,

  • Ensure that your child eats regularly. Crohn’s disease can interfere with your child’s appetite which in turn can lead to malnutrition. Ensure that your child eats small quantities of food at least six times during the day.

  • Avoid spicy foods since this can worse the symptoms, especially during an active episode of crohn’s disease.

  • Don’t let your child get bored or tired of eating the same kind of food. In individuals with severe crohn’s disease, dietary restrictions are unavoidable. Try to keep your child motivated by explaining the importance of eating regularly to stay healthy.

  • Ensure that your child’s diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Include diary, cereals and grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and meat and meat substitutes in your child’s diet.

Early Signs Of Lupus Disease And Benefits of Early Treatment

Early Signs Of Lupus Disease And Benefits of Early Treatment

Lupus, which is also known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), is a chronic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. The disease is characterized by inflammation in different organs and tissues of the body. It has long term implication on health, affecting skin, joints, brain, kidneys, and various other organs. In this disease, the immune system of body produces antibodies which mistakenly attack its own healthy tissues and organs giving rise to chronic inflammation.

The annual incidence of lupus in United States and European countries has been estimated to be 2 to 8 per 100,000.

More than 80% of patients suffering from lupus disease are females. The highest incidence of lupus is between 10 to 50 years. People of Asian origin and African Americans are found to be more vulnerable to lupus disease.

Though the exact etiology remains unknown, certain factors have been implicated, they include genetics, physical and emotional stress, UV rays of sunlight, virus infections such as those causing infectious mononucleosis, female sex hormones, and certain drugs.

It is very difficult to catch lupus in its early stage; this is because early lupus symptoms are mild.

People may not pay much attention and may consider them insignificant. Knowledge of early lupus signs and symptoms is important to control and further management of the condition.

What Are The Early Signs And Symptoms Of Lupus?

The onset of early lupus symptoms can be acute or insidious. These symptoms may appear even before you suspect that they are lupus symptoms. Sometime they subside only to appear again after an interval of few days.

  • Malaise and fatigue: it is the earliest symptom noted of lupus disease. Almost 90 percent of patients feel fatigued and tired. It is out of proportion to the physical or mental work done. Even mild form of lupus may cause extreme fatigue.

  • Joint and muscle pain: almost 70 to 80 percent of patient may have excruciating joint and muscle pains, especially of the smaller joints. Arthritis and arthralgia are the presenting manifestations of lupus. Especially the joints of hands, wrists, knees and elbows are affected. Usually pain and swelling is in both sides of the joints. There may be swelling and warmth with slight redness in the joints. The pain is felt usually in the early morning after getting up.

  • Skin rash: it is an important clue for diagnosis of lupus as most patients have it in its early stage. The common butterfly rash across the nose and cheeks is characteristic of lupus. The rash may remain for a long duration unlike other lupus symptoms which may go into a stage of remission. The red rash may also appear on arms, hands, moth and lips. There may be itching and scaling of skin at the site of rash.

  • Sunlight sensitivity: the UV rays of sunlight may lead to development of redness and rash on the exposed portion of the body. Especially the face, neck and hands are affected.

  • Oral ulcer are usually small, multiple and usually painless.

  • Hair loss is generally diffuse.

Treatment For Lupus Disease

Lupus disease ranges in severity from mild variety of rash and arthritis to more devastating illness which includes renal failure and profound nervous system disturbance.

Before diagnosing the joint pain as that occurring from lupus, it is necessary to rule out other causes leading to joint pain.

Because of variability in the course of lupus, the treatment approach is more individualized and determined by the clinical manifestation of the disease.

  • The physician may prescribe anti inflammatory medications to reduce the discomfort.

  • General measure includes adequate rest with a proper 8 hour sleep and a nap during the day time is helpful, as the patient has marked fatigue symptom in lupus disease.

  • Since the UV rays of sunlight aggravate lupus skin symptoms, avoid sunlight as far as you can if you are suffering from lupus. However if it is inevitable to go out in sun, wear long sleeve clothes and apply sunscreen before venturing out.

  • Exercise regularly, a brisk walk for 30 minutes in a day is also helpful in recovering the flare-ups. Besides, it helps to reduces stress and fights depression.

  • Eat healthy diet containing vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

  • Doctors may prescribe routine calcium and vitamin D supplementation for those who are on steroids.

  • Flax seed and fish oil contain omega 3 fatty acids. Studies have shown they decrease the inflammatory process in the body. However, it has to be taken only after consulting the doctor.

Symptoms of Sjogrens Syndrome and Its Simple Home Cures

Symptoms of Sjogrens Syndrome and Its Simple Home Cures

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren’s syndrome is an immune system disorder that commonly accompanies other autoimmune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The first part of the body that is affected by the disease is the gland that moisturizes the eyes and mouth. It can also affect the joints, thyroid, kidneys, liver, lungs, skin, and nerves.

The disorder can manifest in any age but is often diagnosed when the patient reaches 40 or older. It commonly occurs in women and those who have family histories of the disorder. Goals of treatment are mainly focused on managing symptoms which generally subside with time.

Sjogren’s Syndrome Symptoms

  • The main symptoms of the disorder include dry eyes and mouth. Eyes may also burn, feel itchy and gritty or as if there is sand trapped within. The mouth on the other hand may feel like it is full of cotton which makes it difficult to speak and swallow.

  • Pain, inflammation, and stiffening of the joints.

  • Inflammation of the salivary glands. The glands that are more prone to inflammation are those that are located in front of the ears and behind the jaw. This can lead to dry mouth, difficulties in swallowing, tooth cavities, gum disease, sores and swelling in the mouth, and infection of the parotid gland located inside the cheeks.

  • Drying of the skin which may be accompanied by rashes.

  • Vagina dryness.

  • Inflammation of the glands that line the breathing pathways which can lead to chronic dry coughs and other lung infections.

  • Long-term fatigue.

  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes.

  • Rare symptoms include the inflammation of the blood vessels.

Home Cures for Sjogren’s Syndrome

  • For dry eyes, patients can use artificial tears and eye drops. These products are available over-the-counter or with prescription and can be applied at home to relieve discomfort. There are thicker drops that can be applied less often.

  • The humidity in the room can be increased to reduce dryness. Patients should also avoid exposure to windy environments or sitting in front of an air-conditioning vent or electric fan. Eye goggles can also help protect the eyes from harsh cold and windy conditions.

  • Dry mouth can be remedied by drinking lots of fluids.

  • Sugarless gum or candies along with lemon juice in water can help stimulate saliva flow.

  • Nasal saline sprays help moisturize nasal passages.

  • Maintain good oral health by brushing and flossing teeth after every meal, visiting the dentist at least twice a year, and using antimicrobial and topical fluoride treatments mouthwashes regularly.

  • Avoid hot water and soaking hands in cleaning solution or water when dry skin is observed. Use skin moisturizers and pat skin instead of rubbing it with a towel.

  • Women patients that experience vaginal dryness can use over the counter vaginal moisturizers.

What are the Reason for Alopecia Universalis & Its Effective Treatment

What are the Reason for Alopecia Universalis & Its Effective Treatment

Alopecia Universalis

Alopeica univeralis is considered to be the most extensive and advance form of alopecia areata since it involves very rapid hair loss of all hair not only in the scalp but also the hair in the eyelashes and eyebrows.

This condition can happen to anyone regardless of age and sex and has been known as an autoimmune disorder. This means that a patient’s immune system that has alopecia universalis tends to reject hair.

Patients that suffer from this disorder are considered healthy but often have higher risks in developing vitiligo which is a disease in the thyroid.

They are also commonly born with good sets of hair but tend to lose it after a while due to the inheritance of an automosal recessive trait from parents or other relatives.

Alopecia Universalis Symptoms

  • Rapid loss of hair in the scalp, eyebrows, eye lashes, pubic area, facial and body hair.

  • Baldness and absence of body hair upon birth.

  • Patchy skin discoloration. This is due to the development of the thyroid disease known as vitiligo which is very common in patients with alopecia universalis.

  • Kyphosis and scoliosis. These are both abnormalities of the bones that are considered as secondary symptoms of the disorder.

    Posture is greatly affected by these conditions.

  • Dyschromia or mottling of the skin. This is characterized by skin discolorations that happen in irregular patches and is also considered as a secondary symptom of the disorder.

  • Hyperpigmentation. This is characterized by dark patches that develop in some areas of the skin and mainly brought about by the absence of hair that protects the skin from too much sun exposure.

  • Axillary freckling or developing freckles in the groin and armpit areas.

  • Formation of café au lait spots or skin lesions that take a coffee with cream color.

Alopecia Universalis Treatment

Treatment options of the condition have still been widely studied. Those that are available today do not ensure 100% cure and effectiveness and vary from one patient to another. These include:

  • Topical Immunotherapy. A mild chemical is placed on the affected area to create an allergic reaction. This reaction agitates the deep rooted hair follicles that are still present to promote hair growth or regrowth. It is a continuous treatment procedure that may take six months or more before results can be observed.

  • Cortisone Pills. It can promote hair growth but once it is stopped, the hair will also fall. Patients who intend to use this kind of treatment should check first with their doctors for possible side effects.

  • Ultra Violet Light Therapy. A Kromayer’s ultra violet lamp is used once in one week or once in two weeks depending on the extent of the condition. Patients can see hair growing but will be lost again when the treatment is stopped.

  • Wearing of customized wigs can help protect and camouflage the bald head.

Natural Diet and Medication for Treating Graves’ Disease

Natural Diet and Medication for Treating Graves’ Disease

Natural Diet for Graves’ Disease

Diet for patients that have Graves’ disease usually would involve lesser intake of iodine-rich foods. There are also several tips that should be followed while maintaining this natural diet. These tips include the following:

  • Patients with the disease need to eat more whole grains. Whole grains are better options since it is considered a much healthier choice that can aid proper digestion.

  • Allow the body to have lots of fiber-rich food. Fiber aids digestion and also helps patients feel full in a shorter amount of time which will prevent them from eating unnecessary food.

    Healthy examples of foods that are rich in fiber include all kinds of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

  • Patients should remember to drink lots of water several times day. When the disease strikes, it usually makes a patient insulin resistant that is why it is vital to stay hydrated all day long. Water can also aid in proper weight loss which is beneficial.

  • Besides having loads of fiber, fruits and vegetables are important sources of different vitamins and minerals that can help energize the body and make it lose unwanted fats.

  • It is also best for patients with the disease to have tests for allergies since there are fiber rich foods that can cause reactions to those that have sensitivities.

  • Foods that are rich in iodine should be avoided. Common examples of these include broccoli, turkey, beef liver, and iodized salt.

Treatment for Graves’ Disease

There are several treatment options in managing the symptoms brought about by Graves’ disease but there is still no treatment in stopping the body from producing antibodies that cause the disease. Most of the medications are designed to block action of thyroxine.

  • Anti-thyroid Medications. Administration of the medicines will usually take two years to complete.

  • Beta Blockers. Helps in preventing the action of the thyroid hormone that causes the disease’s symptoms to appear. This kind of medication is usually partnered with other treatment options.

  • Radioactive Iodine Treatment. The procedure is used to lower down thyroid activity by destroying overactive thyroid cells. Treatment may result to a mild case of Graves’ ophthalmopathy.

  • Surgery. When patients are unable to tolerate anti-thyroid medications and radioactive iodine treatment, thyroidectomy will be used. This involves removal of the thyroid gland and administration of thyroxine to provide the body with the needed amounts of thyroid hormones. Risks of the procedure include damage of the vocal chords and the parathyroid glands.

  • For those patients with Graves’ ophthalmopathy corticosteroids, orbital decompression surgery, eye muscle surgery, prisms, and orbital radiotherapy can be used to manage symptoms.

  • For those that have Graves’ dermopathy, creams and ointments that contain hydrocortisone and compression can be used.

What are the Causes and Treatments for Lupus Rash Disease

What are the Causes and Treatments for Lupus Rash Disease

Lupus which is also known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. It is characterized by inflammation in many different organs and tissues. The annual incidence in United States is estimated to be 2 to 8 one lac of population. More than 85 % of the patients of lupus are females and the highest incidence is seen between 20 to 50 years of age.

This autoimmune disease can affect the internal organs, skin and joints. Like any other auto immune disease, the immune system of the body reacts with its own system manifesting various symptoms and health issues.

Lupus rash is the skin symptom of lupus disease. More than 90 % of the patients suffer from skin rash as one of its symptom. Lupus rash is also called butterfly rash if it occurs on the face and it extends on the cheeks and the bridge of the nose. In almost all the cases, lupus rash is triggered due to exposure to sunlight.  This form of lupus rash occurs in acute cutaneous lupus, it persists for few days before subsiding without scarring. There may be lupus rashes on body in different parts as well.

However they are commonly seen in chronic lupus erythematosus, which involves the scalp, ear, and other parts of the body. The lesions in the beginning are raised and become red with itching. Later on the lesion leaves scars when they heal.

Lupus Rash Causes and Symptoms

The exact cause of lupus rash is unknown.  Genetic hormonal and environmental factors have been implicated as the cause for skin rash in lupus disease. However in many patients it has been observed that there is no predisposition to genetics. Apart from the classical malar area, rash is characteristically seen in front and behind the ears. When the lupus rash affects the larger area of the skin it may cause hyper pigmentation, crusting and scaling. The areas often involved are face, neck, scalp and shoulders. The common symptom of lupus rash is red skin patches, urticaria, vasculitis, skin rash, raised painful skin nodules. Lupus rash in the scalp can cause temporary hair loss unless there is scarring on the scalp which results into scarring alopecia.

Lupus Rash Treatment

SLE ranges in severity from a mild disease with rash to more serious illness with renal failure and neurological damage. As it is a chronic disease, the rash may often recur. It is difficult to treat the rash; however there are natural measures to alleviate the symptoms.

  • Avoidance to sun exposure.

  • Good nutrition, adequate rest.

  • Avoid excessive fatigue and stress.

  • Extracts from pine bark or grape seed extract taken twice in a day in 50 milligrams is said to be effective in alleviating lupus rash symptoms.

  • Turmeric is also effective in reducing the intensity and suffering caused due to lupus rash.

  • Eat plenty of green leafy vegetables. Eat sardines and salmons which are rich in fish oils omega 3 as it helps in reducing inflammation and heal skin conditions of lupus.

  • Drink enough water so as to flush out the toxins.

  • Do not eat red meat, colas and food containing artificial sweeteners.

Causes of Autoimmune Diseases | Reasons of Auto Immune Disorders

Causes of Autoimmune Diseases | Reasons of Auto Immune Disorders

Autoimmune Diseases Causes:
Although there are no known causes or cause for autoimmune disorder or diseases, it is generally known that this is not contagious. You will never get this just by getting exposed to an affected person.

However, it is believed that there is a connection between autoimmune diseases and environment factors as well as a person’s genes. Researchers think that if a person has a gene combination or a certain gene, it places her at higher risk for getting the disease.

  • It is said though that persons with these genes will not get the disease unless something causes the immune system to malfunction and start attacking its own cells thus affecting bodily functions.

    These triggers could include infections, the sun, pregnancy or drugs.

  • There are also many other factors that could be attributed as reasons behind autoimmune diseases. Among these are pollution, drugs, heredity, and certain kinds of viruses. It is also believed that marriage to close family members is also another factor.

  • There are also other possible causes of autoimmune diseases, and these include stress and anxiety, environmental toxins, and iodine.

  • The immune system may also get weak and damaged due to improper diet, poor sleep, lack of physical activity, and cigarette or alcohol abuse.

Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases | Signs of Auto Immune Disorder

Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases | Signs of Auto Immune Disorder

Autoimmune Diseases Symptoms:
Signs of autoimmune diseases can affect almost any body system because there are over 80 different types of these diseases. The problem a person would have with this disease will depend on the tissues that are affected.

The most common autoimmune diseases are the rheumatoid arthritis and the type I diabetes mellitus. Because of the great number of these diseases, the symptoms that accompany them could differ and would depend on the specific disease.

However, there are few similarities to these symptoms and these include muscle aches, fatigue and low fever, which are among the first to appear.

Below are also among the other symptoms associated with the disease:

  • Disorientation or a rather non-specific feeling of being ill

  • Giddiness or dizziness

  • Anxiety and irritability

  • Limbs’ sensitivity to cold is increased

  • Weight fluctuations

  • Gastric or digestive problems

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, especially the first three mentioned above, then it is best to consult with your doctor. You have to be cautious of everything that you might be feeling as this could lead to a more serious problem.

Although you would not know at the onset of these symptoms if you really have an autoimmune disease or not, it is still best to be fully aware of what you might have.

This is so it could be addressed early.

What Causes Lumbar Disc Disease? Symptoms And Natural Treatment

What Causes Lumbar Disc Disease? Symptoms And Natural Treatment

Lumbar disc disease is one of the most common complaints which affect over 90% of the elderly population. This disease is also referred to as a degenerative disorder which is associated with manifestation of symptoms like lower back pain. In most cases, episodes of lumber disc disease are self-limiting and don’t require any treatment. This article will provide relevant information about lumbar disc disease or lower back pain and the treatment of alleviate the symptoms associated with the condition.

Lumbar disc disease is a natural degenerative process which is associated with advancing age.

The human spine comprises of vertebral bodies which are connected to each other by an inter-vertebral disc, which acts as a cushion and aids the movement of the spine.

This inter-vertebral disc is largely composed of water. As age advances, the outer layer of the disc cracks and tears, this eventually results in disc disruption. This reduces the ability of the disc to act as a shock absorber and also interfere with the disc movements. Eventually these changes may lead to structural damage to the spine due to instability of the inter-vertebral disc.

Causes And Symptoms Of Lumbar Disc Disease

As mentioned, lumbar disc disease is often linked with the natural aging process; however there are certain other causative factors that may be associated with the presence of the symptoms of the condition in younger age groups,

  • Trauma or injury to the spine can lead to lumbar disc disease.

  • Nutritional deficiencies and dietary disorders can also contribute to lumbar disc disease.

  • Faulty postures especially among individuals with a sedentary life.

  • Lifting heavy weights, obesity, etc are other contributing factors.

Lumbar Disc Disease Symptoms
Lumbar disc disease is associated with chronic lower back pain which is aggravated by sitting or bending forwards. The condition may be associated with localized tenderness and the pain usually persists for longer than six weeks, if not treated with painkillers.

Natural Treatment For Lumbar Disc Disease

Lumbar disc disease can be managed promptly at home, with simple home remedies and natural treatment options,

  • Simple stretching exercises of the lower back can aid in strengthening the muscles that support the spine and reducing pain. Initially limit the exercise depending upon your pain threshold and then gradually increase the range of movements.

  • Massage the lower back with clove essential oil. Massaging with clove oil helps improve blood circulation and also hastens recovery. It also alleviates the pain. Hot water compresses before or after the massage can also add value to the massage and reduces the associated pain.

  • Ensure that your posture is correct and upright, especially if you have a desk job. While sleeping at night, put a small pillow below your spine, to support the spine and reduce pain. Ideally use hard mattresses compared to soft mattresses to alleviate the pain.

  • Homeopathic drugs like Bryonia and Rhus Tox taken in low dosage can help alleviate the pain.

  • Healthy and nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins is very crucial for the management of lower back pain. Avoid processed and refined food and instead consume organic and fresh foods.

Causes Of Upper Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades And Its Relief

Causes Of Upper Back Pain Between Shoulder Blades And Its Relief

Upper back pain between the shoulder blades is associated with a host of factors. More often than not, upper back pain is a referred pain. Relief from pain between shoulder blades depends upon the cause of the condition, though in most cases it can be treated promptly with simple exercise and home remedies.

It is therefore important to identify the cause of the back pain between shoulder blades as it can also be referred pain associated with cardiac disorders.

Upper back pain between shoulder blades can be quite annoying and distressing. While in most cases this pain may be associated with bad posture, in some cases this pain may be a referral pain associated with cardiac or gastrointestinal disorder.

While upper back pain may itself be very annoying, it may be associated with certain other symptoms,

  • Restricted range of movement of the neck or pain on any effort extends beyond the restricted range of movement.

  • Inability to focus or concentrated on the work, due to persistent gnawing pain in the back.

  • Pain in the upper back may be associated with tingling numbness in the upper extremities.

  • Typically the pain is relieved by massage of the muscles of the upper back or hot fomentation.

What Causes Pain In Upper Back Between Shoulder Blades?

While there are a host of factors that are associated with upper back pain between the shoulder blades, some of the common causes include the following,

  • Bad or faulty posture, especially when working in front of the computer screen for prolonged period of time.

    Faulty posture while going to bed or while sitting in the chair can also lead to pain in the upper back.

  • Occasionally cardiac disorders, especially myocardial infarction is associated with referred pain to the upper back, between the shoulder blades. In such cases, the pain may be associated with profuse perspiration, palpitation, breathlessness and nausea.

  • Gall bladder disease, especially gall bladder stone is associated with referred pain which radiates to the upper back. In most cases the pain is intermittent and severe, lasting for 15-20 minutes at a time. In addition to the pain, the patient may manifest other symptoms like jaundice, fever, loss of appetite, etc.

  • Liver cancer or Esophageal cancer are also associated with referred pain to the upper back between the shoulder blades.

  • Herniation of a spinal disc, either cervical or thoracic is also associated with upper back pain. In addition to the pain, the patient may complain of tingling numbness with a history of fall or injury.

How To Relieve Pain In Between Shoulder Blades?

As mentioned above, as the upper back pain is associated with a host of factors and the treatment regimen would also depend upon the underlying cause for the condition. Here are some simple home remedies and treatment options that can be beneficial.

  • Massage the upper back portion for about 15 – 20 minutes each day. Massage with oil helps improve blood circulation to the affected area and thereby reduces pain, especially when associated with postural problems.

  • Vitamins and calcium supplements play a vital role in management of back pain. These nutrients help strengthen the muscles and the spine.

  • Simple neck and upper back exercises also help improve the circulation of blood to the back and thereby reduce pain.

Sciatica Stretching Exercises: Sciatica Pain Relief Natural Remedies

Sciatica Stretching Exercises: Sciatica Pain Relief Natural Remedies

The commonest cause for sciatica is pressure from a herniated disc. The Piriformis Syndrome is another significant cause. The piriformis muscle exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve when the muscle gets imbalanced, thus causing the joints in the pelvis to become displaced, and impinging on to the sciatic nerve.
Narrowing of the space in the spinal canal causes an irritation due to constant pressure on the sciatic nerve.

The common manifestations of sciatica are: pain in the lower back, which radiates downwards to the back of the thighs and calves. There is also associated tingling numbness.

Natural Remedies For Sciatica Nerve Pain

  • Potato and celery: a combination of celery and potato juice provides great sciatica relief. They supply the body with all the essential minerals and vitamins necessary for nerve health.

  • Garlic: garlic promises to ease pains, enhances circulation, is a powerful anti oxidant and provides the body with energy and vitality.

  • Vitamin B supplementation: vitamin B supplementation is very important. Make sure that you eat loads of vitamin B rich foods.

    Important natural sources are: whole grains, green peas, spinach, meat, beef, nuts, pinto beans, kiwis, bananas, soybeans, unpolished rice and pulses. Ensure that you get a liberal dose of these foods in the daily menu. Also starting a vitamin B complex supplement, twice daily is recommended. It allays tingling numbness and also alleviates the intensity of pain.

  • Horse radish: is a wonderful home remedy to manage sciatica. Fresh, minced horse radish poultice, applied to the affected areas, and kept on for at least 30 minutes stimulates the sciatica nerve and gives remarkable respite from the sciatica pain.

Stretching Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief

The following two exercises help manage sciatica pain effectively. They stretch the muscles, strengthen them efficiently, ease out stiffness and pain, and appreciably improve the range of motion. Regular practice is essential.

  • Lie on your abdomen.

  • Place the palms parallel to the face and slowly raise your head.

  • The lower part of the body from the hip should lie on the floor; then, raise your upper body upwards.

  • Hold for 10 seconds

  • Perform at least 5 repetitions.

  • Lie on your back.

  • Slowly, pull up your knees towards the chest.

  • Ensure that the lower half of the legs stays in contact with the thighs.

  • Hold the position for 20 seconds and slowly come back to the initial position.

  • Perform 10 repetitions.

  • Diet For Sciatica

    • Make sure that your protein intake is high. Consume 1 bowl of legumes daily, and ensure that you have soy in some form every day. Important natural sources are: meat, chicken, egg, legumes and pulses, milk, etc.

    • A vitamin B complex supplement, once or twice every day, at least for six months is a very crucial part of the diet.

    • Carrot is another important food that must be a part of your daily diet. Either have 1 raw carrot daily or have carrot juice every other day.

    Natural Remedies for Back Pain: Garlic & Honey For Backache

    Natural Remedies for Back Pain: Garlic & Honey For Backache

    What Is Back Pain

    A lot of people suffer from back pain at one point in their lives. This pain could be felt in any part of the back and is classified according to where the pain is located. Thus, a patient can experience pelvic, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical pain. This condition is among the most common complaints by people worldwide, with the pain coming from many sources, inducing the bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and other parts of the back and spine.

    Back pain can be experienced for weeks. In fact, many patients find themselves suffering from this ailment for more than 12 weeks although there are aloes lucky enough to experience the condition in just a few days.

    Natural Cure To Relieve Backache

    Back pain, which is one of the most common ailments afflicting humans, sometimes results in constant pain that could be severe and unbearable. This could lead to difficulties in bending sideways or forward. It will also give a feeling of soreness or sensitivity on the affected area. It is best to find remedies to the pain as soon as possible.

    Here are just some of the home remedies for back pain that could give off some relief or even treat it:

    • Avoid smoking and other unhealthy habits.

    • Make sure that the patient is always warm especially if he or she is experiencing chronic back pain.

    • Using eucalyptus oil for self massage also helps. Mustard oil is also a good alternative.

    • A mixture of five cloves, five black pepper corns, and 1 g of ginger powder taken as tea two times a day is also a good remedy for back pain.

    • Taking in half a teaspoon of Commiphora mukul or Mukul myrrh tree with warm water two times every day after meals is also very useful in relieving back pain.

    Heat And Ice Compress For Backache

    • Applying ice on the back could lessen the inflammation caused by the pain.

    • Just make sure not to use an ice pack for several hours as this could also have detrimental effects on the body. Use the ice pack only about 20 minutes at any given time.

    • After several days of ice compress, heat compress should follow.

    Garlic And Honey For Back Pain

    • Include garlic in the diet every day. Garlic is known to have many great properties that make a good option as natural remedy for many ailments.

    • With a teaspoonful of honey, take cinnamon powder of about half a gram. Do this twice a day.

    • Perform exercises that can help relieve and prevent back pain. Some of these include stretching, walking and swimming.

    Preventing Back Pain | How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

    Preventing Back Pain | How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

    Back Pain Prevention Measures:
    You could prevent yourself from getting back pain by enhancing your physical condition and learning how to practice the right body mechanics. Below are just some of the preventive measures against the ailment.

    To make sure that your back is kept strong and healthy, you should:

    • Stop smoking: Smoking can diminish the oxygen levels of the body thus slowing down the healing process of a painful back.

    • Exercise: Doing some low-impact aerobic activities regularly can heighten the endurance and strength of your back and allow the better function of your muscles.

      Swimming and walking are the best choices for this.

    • Sustain a weight that is healthy for your body type. Extra weight puts on added strain to your back muscles, so shedding off some pounds would help prevent getting back pain.

    • Build up muscle flexibility and strength. Exercises meant for the back and abdominal muscles help in conditioning these muscles so they act like natural supports for your back. Flexibility in the upper legs and in your hips also helps in aligning the bones of your pelvic area. This will help improve or prevent pain in back.

    Aside from the things mentioned above, standing, sitting and lifting smart are also among the best things that you can do to avoid back pain.

    Diet for Back Pain Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Pain

    Diet for Back Pain Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Pain

    Back Pain Diet:
    Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best things that you can do to prevent yourself from getting back pain. As the food you eat actually helps in maintaining a healthy spine and back, you should know what constitutes the perfect diet.

    • A balanced diet is made up of the proper variety and amount of vitamins and minerals that could help in lessening back problems. As such, it is important to eat foods that nourish the bones, muscles, and other spine structures.

    • Foods rich in vitamin A like beef, chicken liver, dairy products, orange or green vegetables, and fruits are good for the back.

      This is because they help in bone formation, tissue repair, and boosting the immune system.

    • For a healthy bone marrow and for the proper development and functioning of the body and the spine, vitamin B12 should also be plentiful in your diet. This could be found in meat products like fish, meat and poultry, and in green leafy vegetables.

    • Vitamin K also helps the body in using calcium properly, so this should be included in the diet. Iron, which is needed for healthy cells, and magnesium, which is good for maintaining bone density, should also be part of the back and bone diet.

    Causes of Backache, Lumbago Problem | Reasons of Back Ache

    Causes of Backache, Lumbago Problem | Reasons of Back Ache


    Backache is one of the conditions that could affect a person at least once in his or her entire life. Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 adults experience this condition at least once in their lifetime. These studies have also shown that 5 out of 10 adults get to experience this condition every year.

    Backache is caused by a variety of factors, including injury, ailments, and general health condition of the patient. This condition can be felt in many areas of the back, starting from the neck or cervical part of the spine towards the lowest portion, the sacral spine.

    Pain can be felt only on the affected areas; however, there are also many cases wherein the patient also experiences pain that radiates to the arms up to the wrist or to other parts of the body.

    Backache Causes

    There are a lot of factors that could cause backache. Some of these are poor posture, muscular tension, overstraining of the joints, and being in just one position for a long time.

    Below is a list of the most common causes of back ache:

    • Prolonged sitting or standing in just one position

    • Poor posture

    • Weak muscles of the back and abdomen

    • Sudden twisting or vigorous jerking of the trunk

    • Menstrual pain is also known to indirectly cause backache among women

    • Straining of joints

    • Muscular and joint pain

    • Lack of nutrition

    • Arthritis

    • Lack of exercise

    • Obesity

    • Constipation

    • Wearing of high heels

    • Deterioration of the spinal discs

    • Kidney or prostate problems

    • Improper functioning of the kidneys

    • Pregnancy

    • Back injury

    • Influenza

    • Excessive physical labor

    • Wrong position in sleeping

    • Too much mental stress

    So if the patient has been feeling some backache for some time now and does not yet know for sure what caused it, then he or she already has an idea as to what possible reasons are there that might have caused the problem.

    From this, the patient could determine the exact cause of the problem and know how to properly address it.

    Home Remedies

    The following home remedies work well in treating backache:

    • Use hot compress on the affected area. This can help improve blood circulation. Do not use for more than 20 minutes at a time.

    • Eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C.

    • Potato can be used as poultice to be applied on top of the painful areas.

    Signs of Backache: Home Remedies For Reducing Painful Back Problem

    Signs of Backache: Home Remedies For Reducing Painful Back Problem

    What Are The Symptoms Of Backache?

    Because backache is one of the most prevalent ailments today, it does not come as a surprise that most people have experienced it at least once in their lives. To know for sure if the patient is already experiencing a more severe form of backache or just one that comes and goes quickly, it is best to know its symptoms.

    It is also best to take note that because the back is the one that bears the weight of almost half of the body, strain can be felt on it if the patient is overweight.

    The same is also true if the patient is carrying a heavy load.

    It is common for patients to feel the following symptoms of backache:

    • Stiffness felt along the spine

    • Pain around the waist and hips

    • Persistent aching

    • Cervical or lumbar spondylosis

    • Mood swings

    • Anxiety or depression caused by pain

    • Visible curvature of the spine

    • Sharp pain felt in the upper back and the neck

    • Changes in the bladder and bowel habits

    • Weakness or numbness in the feet or legs

    • Nausea

    • Fever

    • Vomiting

    • Weakness in the muscles

    If the patient is experiencing one or more of these symptoms, then it may be time to take on some medical treatment or home remedies for immediate relief.

    Relief for Backache With Home Remedies

    • One of the best home remedies that can be done to treat backache is to allow the patient to rest comfortably. Lie down flat on the back for at least 2 hours. This can help rest tired and weary muscles, joints, and ligaments.

    • By the way, it is also a good idea to choose a firm mattress that can support the body weight, especially if the patient is large.

    • Another good option is to exercise regularly. However, if the backache is really painful, it is still best to consult a physician before doing any form of exercise as this could only worsen the problem.

    • The best exercises include yoga positions.

    • Apply hot compress on the areas that are painful. Other great option is using a hot water bottle.

    • Soak for about 10 minutes in warm water bath.

    • Use mint oil or soothing balm to massage the area.

    • Extract juice from lemon. Add a little salt. Drink this two times a day on a daily basis.

    Preventing of Backache or Lumbago | How to Prevent Back Ache

    Preventing of Backache or Lumbago | How to Prevent Back Ache

    Backache Prevention Measures:
    While the use of medical treatments and home remedies are good for backaches, preventing yourself from experiencing this ailment is even better. So here are some preventive measures against backache that you should take:

    • Avoid or eliminate smoking completely.

    • If you have been using the same mattress for a long period of time, it is time to throw it out. Sleeping on a firm and comfortable mattress prevents backache.

    • Avoid fatty foods and eat plenty of salads, especially those that consist of raw vegetables like carrots, radish, lettuce, potato, cabbage, tomatoes, and cucumber.

    • Exercise your lower back always using exercises suggested by specialists. These are the Back Arch, the Side Stretch, and the Hamstring Stretch,

    • Always take time to rest. If your work calls for long hours of sitting, make sure to get up from your seat every hour to do some stretching exercises.

    • Using elastic back supports that cinches the waist is also good in the pushing the abdomen back and making a natural cushion to support and protect the nerves found in the spine area.

    • If you work before a computer, make sure that your chair supports your spine’s natural curvature.

      Also see to it that the keyboard is positioned in a way that your elbows bend at right angles while you are typing.

    Backache, Lumbago Diet Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Ache

    Backache, Lumbago Diet Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Ache

    Backache Diet:
    A proper and balanced diet would work wonders in treating backache and in preventing yourself from acquiring it. Here are some nutrition tips against backache that you could take on:

    • Take in salads made of raw vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, radish, cucumber, and lettuce as well as eating lots of fruits except banana is very beneficial against backache.

    • Take in at least two servings of vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, carrots, and cabbages that have been cooked lightly is also recommended with the vegetables.

    • Patients suffering from backaches should eat four light meals every day.

      Fruit and milk are recommended for breakfast, whole wheat tortilla and steamed vegetables for lunch, fresh fruits or fruit juices during evenings, and sprouts as well as a bowl of salad for dinner.

    • Taking in a proper amount of vitamin C and proteins is essential for healthy bone development while calcium and vitamin D are for healthy bones.

    • Avoid foods that have been fried, are spicy and fatty. Sugar condiments, curd sweetmeats, coffee, and tea are to be avoided as well.

    • Processed foods that contain few nutrients should also be struck from the diet meant to cure or prevent backache.

    What Is Blue Waffle Infection And What Are Its Causes And Remedies

    What Is Blue Waffle Infection And What Are Its Causes And Remedies

    You may not find a term called “blue waffle infection” in any medical literature books. Nor it has anything to do with blueberry breakfast waffles. In a true sense, blue waffle infection is a severe form of infection in the vagina. Nobody knows who termed the vaginal infection as blue waffle infection, perhaps the only appropriate explanation may be, the use of slang term “waffle” which is used for female vulva and vagina.

    Vaginal infection may sometime appear extremely nasty, especially if the lesions and bruises are visible on the outer part of vagina.

    The bruises and lesions may appear blue or green in color and therefore it may have been termed as blue waffle infection.

    Though there is no medical recognition for the term blue waffle infection, it does not mean that the disease does not exist. In fact, it has more to do with sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infection. The infection is more common in females than males. There are several types of genital tract infections, bacterial, fungal and protozoa. Blue waffles infection is primarily a protozoal infection. The elusive protozoa trichomonas vaginalis which is also called trich infection is responsible for the ailment in most cases.

    It usually affects the vulva and the vagina.

    What Are The Causes Of Blue Waffle Infection?

    You may be anxious to know what causes blue waffle disease. Even if there is no certainty of what the exact cause for blue waffle infection is, few reasons can be considered as contributory factors. Low immunity and decreased resistance of the body to fight the infection, is one of the most important causes for blue waffle infection. Change in vaginal pH from acidic to alkaline, decrease in vaginal secretion or a break in vaginal wall may favor the entry of the organism in the genital tissue.

    Besides this, malnutrition, stress and unhygienic condition may play an important role in vaginal infection. Spread of infection from one infected partner to another through unprotected sex is also common causative reason for blue waffle infection (STD).

    Lack of lubrication during intercourse, tampon and insertion of foreign body in the vagina, are other reasons that contribute blue waffle infection. It is always better to wear loose fitting undergarments when a woman suffers from vaginal infection.

    There may be extreme itching and burning of vagina and vulva in blue waffle infection. With itching, the vulva may become inflamed. Vaginal discharge may be yellow, greenish blue with foul fishy odor. If the vulvae infection is due to streptococcus bacteria, in addition to the aforementioned symptoms, there may be necrosis (sores) in the area with slough formation. Burning urine, painful intercourse, red inflamed vagina and extension of dermatitis to the thighs is also present.

    Prevention And Treatment For Blue Waffle

    If you experience the above symptoms, it is always necessary to consult your doctor as it may be symptoms of blue waffle infection. Preventing the infection in the first place is the best way, rather than treating it.

    • Maintaining proper hygiene, lifestyle, eating healthy food to improve immunity as well as practicing safe sex are few important things that can help you to avoid vaginal infection.

    • It is also necessary to avoid frequent douching. Tea tree oil is a natural remedy for vaginal infection, especially trich infection. Sit in a bath tub for 20 minutes and add few drops of tea tree oil.

    • Take multivitamin supplements to increase your immune level. In certain resistant cases, the condition may be treated with antibiotics.

    Though there are many unconfirmed pictures on internet sites of blue waffle infection, there is no medical site that has hosted any photos related to blue waffle infection. These photos need an authentication from the medical fraternity, until then it may mislead the reader. Due to lack of basic medical facts related to blue waffle infection, it is difficult to confirm and conclude whether it is some ailment.

    Causes of Inflamed Vagina or Vaginitis and Its Right Treatment

    Causes of Inflamed Vagina or Vaginitis and Its Right Treatment

    Vaginitis is the medical term for a vagina that has become swollen or inflamed. There are many reasons for vaginitis to occur. One important thing to remember though is that it is a curable condition. Only women are affected by this condition.

    There are different types of vaginitis but the term refers to all types regardless of the cause. Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the condition.

    What is Inflamed Vagina

    There are different types of vaginal inflammation or vaginitis.

    • Candida or yeast infection is the most common form of vaginitis. This occurs when there is an overgrowth of the fungus Candida in the vagina.

      This form of vaginitis produces a thick, white discharge that looks similarly like cottage cheese.

    • Another common form of vaginitis is bacterial vaginosis. In this condition, there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. This condition produces a thin, milky vaginal discharge that may even have a “fishy odor”.

    • Noninfectious vaginitis is a form of vaginitis that cannot be transmitted. This condition results from chemical causes.

    Causes of Inflamed Vagina

    Different women of different ages can develop vaginitis. It is a common disease among women. There are various causes behind it, namely:

    • Yeast infection particularly Candida albicans.

    • Bacterial infection particularly Gardnerella, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, herpes, campylobacter, parasites, and mycoplasma.

    • Improper hygiene

    • Change in pH balance.

    • Physical factors like tight clothing.

    • Chemical factors like tampon use, vaginal wash, birth control pills, and antibiotics.

    • Hormonal changes

    • Irritation or allergies from spermicides, condoms, douches, lubricants, or even semen.

    • Presence of foreign bodies such as retained tampons or condoms.

    • Diabetes

    Treatment for Inflamed Vagina

    The success of treatment for vaginitis depends on the receiving the right treatment for the right causes. Some of the treatments for vaginitis include:

    • Anti-fungal creams or suppository for yeast infections which is usually placed inside the vagina. Although there are yeast treatments available over-the-counter, it is important to seek consult with a medical doctor rather than trying any treatment commercially available.

    • Antibiotics for bacterial infections. The type of antibiotic used depends on the bacteria identified. The best antibiotic used is one that can get rid of the bad bacteria but leaves the normal flora unharmed.

    • Treatment for vaginitis transmitted sexually needs immediate treatment by a doctor. It is important that during infection, sexual contact is not advised to prevent spreading the infection to other people.

    • Treatment for noninfectious vaginitis includes:

      • Stopping or avoiding the use of the irritant causing the inflammation.

      • Practice proper hygiene.

      • Remove/change tampons as recommended.

      • Medications as deemed proper by a medical doctor.

    Bacterial Vaginosis Causes | What Causes Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginosis Causes | What Causes Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginitis Causes:
    Bacterial vaginitis has different types of causative agents, but the root causes an individual would likely acquire such reproductive disorder would include poor hygiene, sexually transmitted diseases, and other underlying health conditions that would have aggravated the condition of an individual.

    • When an individual has poor hygiene, they are more likely to experience and prone to these infection and disorders.

    • Aging usually would contribute to the greater risk of an individual to acquire such disease. Normally an individual has a normal vaginal pH that is acidic by nature. This helps prevent the growth of bacteria.

      Still however, bacterial lies dormant and serves as a natural flora in the vagina to help prevent the growth of other microorganisms. When a woman ages, the pH of the vagina becomes alkaline in nature and this facilitates the growth of bacteria.

    • Individuals who engage in polygamous relationships are also at high risk to acquire this kind of condition. Having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of infecting the other person.

    • Persons who engage in an oral-anal sexual intercourse. The natural bacterial flora of the anus, which is the E.Coli, would likely enter the reproductive system of the woman.

      This is one causative agent of the bacterial vaginitis.

    Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms | Signs of Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms | Signs of Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginitis Symptoms:
    As many causative agents there may be, the main target of infection is the vagina itself. In some cases the infection gradually ascends, and this can cause a major complication known as pelvic inflammatory disease that can be life threatening. It can also result to the permanent sterility of a woman, making her unable to bear children.

    Below are the following common signs and symptoms an individual would likely experience when having bacterial vaginitis:

    • Discharge of a white, cheese-like substance clinging to the epithelium

    • Itching in the vulvar area

    • Reddish irritation can also be seen in the vaginal epithelium

    • Erythema of vulva or vagina

    • Gray-white to yellowish white discharge clinging to the external vulva and vaginal walls.

    • Frothy yellowish white or yellow green vaginal discharge

    • Edema in the vulva

    • Abscessed vestibular gland

    • Profuse purulent vaginal discharge

    • Backache can also be present

    • There is also an increase of urinary frequency and urgency. When urinating as well, there is a burning painful sensation that accompanies it.

    • Discharge and irritation with alkaline pH of vaginal secretion.

    • Malodorous vaginal discharge

    • Positive of pain and swelling in the area

    Bacterial Vaginosis Diet | Vitamins for Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginosis Diet | Vitamins for Bacterial Vagina Infection

    Bacterial Vaginitis Diet:
    Not only can an individual control the infection but the diet itself plays a major role in both preventing and in treating an existing infection.

    • Eat healthy and nutritious foods.

    • Indulge more on fruits and vegetables.

    • Eat fruits that have a high antioxidant properties and rich in vitamin C to boost ones’ immune system.

    • Drink plenty of fluids or have 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Continuous hydration facilitates the excretion of the bacteria.

    • Drink cranberry, blueberry, and other fruit juices. The citrus effect of these can help maintain the acidic nature of the vagina, thus preventing the growth of other harmful microorganisms.

    • Avoid food that has high glucose-sugar content. This would usually aggravate and worsen the condition of an individual especially if they also have an underlying disease such as diabetes. The increased level of blood sugar makes it more viable for bacteria to thrive in and invade the affected parts, thus causing infection.

    • Instead of eating white bread, opt for eating whole wheat bread instead. Try choosing foods that are more nutritious in content.

    • Avoid eating foods that has too much salt in it. It would only likely increase the risk for urinary tract infections to occur.

    Causes of Bed Sores | What Causes Pressure Sores

    Causes of Bed Sores | What Causes Pressure Sores

    Bed Sores Causes:
    People who are immobilized because of injuries, paralysis, or illness are those that often experience bed sores. Below are the common causes of the occurrence of these sores on patients:

    • Sustained pressure on areas of the body. In cases when your skin and its underlying tissues are trapped between such surfaces as beds or wheelchairs and your bone, there is usually a restriction of the blood. Because this results in the deprivation of nutrients and oxygen among the tissues, damage, or even death of these tissues can happen. This usually occurs in areas that are not well padded with fats or muscles.

      There are also cases when the pressure cutting off circulation could come from very unlikely sources and these include crumbs found on the bed, the thick seams and rivets of jeans, wrinkles from sheets or clothing, and even perspiration, which could moisten the skin.

    • Friction: If you don’t want to get sores, then you need to shift your position frequently. However, there are also cases when the friction that happens when you move from side to side can already bring damage to your skin, leading to pressure sores.

    • Shear: This happens when your skin and its underlying bones move in different directions.

      Raising the head of your bed by more than 30 degrees or sliding down from a chair or your bed are likely causes of shearing. Shearing is actually the stretching and tearing of the tiny blood vessels and the cell walls. The areas most affected by this are those that have fragile and thin skin like the tailbone.

    Bed Sores Disease Symptoms | Signs of Pressure Sore Ailment

    Bed Sores Disease Symptoms | Signs of Pressure Sore Ailment

    Bed sores are among the most common complications that affect patients who are bedridden or those who use wheelchairs for very long periods of time. It is more common in aged patients although anyone can be affected as long as they are staying in the same position for hours. Also, because most patients have become thin, there is less or no more cushioning by muscles and fats of the cartilaginous or bony areas in the body. Thus, there is a higher likelihood of the patient experiencing bed sores.

    Bed sores are medically termed as decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers.

    Friction and pressure against the surface of the bed or wheelchair are the main reasons why bed sores occur. Still, the condition is aggravated by other factors, including humidity, moisture, and temperature of the surroundings.

    Bed Sores Signs

    Knowing the causes of bed sores is not enough if the individual wants to make sure that the patient won’t experience them. It is also imperative that one knows of its signs and symptoms so that he or she would know what to look out for.

    Here are some of the more common symptoms of bed sores:

    • Discoloration of the skin

    • Lesions or tearing on the skin, especially on bony areas

    • Signs of infection like bad odor, skin moistness, swelling, and formation of pus

    The severity of bed sores can actually be diagnosed by four stages.

    Each stage comes with its own set of symptoms. Below are the different stages and their corresponding symptoms:

    • Stage 1. The skin could have a red mark that does not go away even when the patient was already turned. The redness can be noticed on the intact skin which could have a firm texture. The mark could also be reddish or bluish in some patients. The affected area may also be hot. When pressed, these reddened skin areas won’t turn white.

    • Stage 2. Shallow abrasion at the dermis level. In this stage, there is a slight breaking down of the skin, giving the appearance of blisters or abrasions.

    • Stage 3. A hollow wound that may seem smaller at the surface but larger underneath the skin. Extends to the subcutaneous tissue layer.

    • Stage 4. Hollow wound larger than in Stage 3 but may still appear to be a small wound at the surface. Extends to the tendons, bones, or muscles. The risk of infection and tissue death is also high during this stage.

    • Unstageable. Lots of dead cells so that size is difficult to determine.

    Preventing Bed Sores Disease | How to Prevent Pressure Sores

    Preventing Bed Sores Disease | How to Prevent Pressure Sores

    Bed Sores Prevention Measures:
    Although there are a number of medical treatments and home remedies for bed sores, it is still best if its formation on the body can be prevented. This will save a patient a lot of pain and discomfort.

    So here are just some of the things that you can do to prevent bed sores, either on yourself or a loved one:

    • Avoid continuous pressure on just one area of the body by regularly changing positions after every two hours at the minimum.

    • The use of a ripple bed or a ripple mattress could work at effecting blood circulation all throughout the whole body.

    • The skin should be kept dry and clean at all times for preventing pressure sores.

    • Body massage or physiotherapy also helps in exercising parts of the body.

    • Changing of positions can be aided through the use of cushions, air mattresses, pillows, and other forms of support.

    • A well-balanced diet laden with extra proteins should be maintained for the development of healthy tissues.

    • You should ensure the use of dry and clean linens all the time.

    • Soft padding in beds and wheelchairs should be provided for the reduction of pressure on the skin and underlying tissues.

    Natural Remedies For Bed Sores: Aloe Vera & Honey For Bedsore Treatment

    Natural Remedies For Bed Sores: Aloe Vera & Honey For Bedsore Treatment

    What Are Bed Sores

    Bed sores are lesions that are often seen in elderly patients or bedridden patients. This condition is so named because it is often experienced by patients who are lying with the same position for several hours. It often affect areas that are most exposed to friction on the sheets. Often, areas where pressure is unrelieved are the ones that easily develop bed sores. Some of these areas are the ankles, sacrum, and elbows.

    Although bed sores may start out as simple sores, these could easily progress to become ulcers.

    This is especially the case when treatment is not provided immediately. Advanced cases of bed sores can be fatal to the patient, especially because the patient is already weak and frail in the first place.

    Thus, it is quite important to make sure that the patient is treated as soon as possible. Also, the conditions around the patient should be improved. For instance, bed sores are aggravated by high temperatures and humidity. Thus, these should be avoided at all costs to ensure the patient’s faster recovery.

    Natural Cures For Bed Sores

    Here are a number of home remedies that are very effective against bedsores:

    • A mixture of turmeric powder and water is good for washing bedsores clean.

      Turmeric root mixed with witch hazel is also good for this. After washing, just make sure to wipe the wound dry using a cotton cloth.

    • Equal amounts of comfrey and slippery elm leaves made into a paste offers relief from bed sores. This paste could be applied on the bed sore directly or it can be placed in a clean, soft cloth and tied on the sore.

    • Soft massage, which could bring about an improved blood circulation to the skin, is very helpful for the prevention of the formation of sores. Vitamin E could be used as massage oil so that the expansion of bed sores can be prevented.

    • Calendula is also another known remedy for bed sores. It can be applied directly on the sore or used as a cream to heal these sores.

    Aloe Vera And Honey For Bedsores

    • Apply aloe vera or pure wheat germ oil as it is on the sore. These items can also be found as main ingredients in some creams. These creams can be used on the sore.

    • Washing a bedsore using honey and then applying a sugar poultice help in getting rid of the infection from the wound.