Outbreak Of Disease
As a definition, the outbreak relates to the epidemic occurrence of a disease more than it is normally expected, in a particular period of time and place. For an outbreak to form, tow connected cases of rare infections are needed. Outbreaks can be described as epidemics, taking place in a specific country, region or group of countries.
Some outbreaks like influenza and bronchitis are likely to appear every year while others appear unexpectedly. We can talk about an outbreak or an epidemic when a strange disease suddenly develops or a group of individuals have the same inexplicable symptoms. The term of epidemic is almost similar with the outbreak. The only difference is that it is used to describe the unusual appearance of an illness even if the seasonal characteristics are not convenient. On the other hand a pandemic refers to an illness which spreads among humans globally.
Outbreaks are usually determined by infections which can be transmitted through contact with an ill person, through exposure to environment conditions or by human to animal contact. Chemicals or radioactive materials can lead to outbreaks too. Sometimes the causes are inexplicable even after investigations are being done.
There are several causes which lead to transmission of outbreak diseases. The environmental factors such as water, climate, and sanitary conditions are prone to turn into epidemics and have a great influence in spreading the diseases. Poor living conditions, lack of clean waters or bad hygiene lead to diarrhoeal disorders causing numerous of deaths. Climate is another favourable element. For instance: heavy rains produce floods which determine water contamination affecting human communities who are very vulnerable. If infected, the spread of the disease is almost certain.
Exposure to chemicals or toxins creates a favourable environment for the diseases. Therefore investigating the causes of outbreaks is imperative. In order to find cures, epidemiological and toxicological tests are required. Unfortunately sometimes it takes years to determine the etiological agent, the toxicity level and the way it can be stopped.
These kinds of diseases need to be urgently reported to the public health officials as sometimes outbreaks may occur due to some modified pathogens or undetected radiations. If taken carefully, studies may point the possible causes allowing specialists to release a possible cure.
Children are more vulnerable than adults as their bodies don't have enough resources to fight the infestation. Biological and chemical agents which have symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea often attack small children increasing the risks of rapid progression since their organisms have less fluid reserves than adults.
It is necessary to avoid the activities within large groups in order to prevent virus spreading if it appears that the number of sick people is rapidly multiplying. Authorities must follow specific steps when investigating an outbreak: they must verify the diagnosis, to identify the outbreak's existence, to outline a case definition, to develop and study hypothesis and finally to implement prevention systems in order to have control over the outbreak.