Showing posts with label kidney disease symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kidney disease symptoms. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kidney Disease Treatment

Kidney Disease Treatment
Kidneys are one of the major and vital organs in the human body and they helps in excreting the waste product from the body. Kidney function is very important in a human body. Some of the major kidney related problems are described below.

1. Acute renal failure - this actually makes the kidney stop working properly, some of the major function like urination, purification and other kidney related functions. Kidney suddenly stops its normal activities. The major reason for this unusual activity of kidney is because of certain problems. Acute infection in the kidney is the major cause of acute renal failure.

Dialysis is the major treatment in these kinds of problems. Dialysis allows a machine to carry out all the functions on behalf of the kidney, which was previously done by the kidney. Medicines are also preferred to solve minor problems related to acute renal failure.

2. Kidney stones - this disease is caused by formation of some stones inside the kidney. These stones are formed because of the substances which are purified by kidney. These stones vary in sizes and they block the urinary bladder and creates problem in urination. Some of the major symptoms of stones in kidney are extreme pain which is colicky in nature, and may be felt in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back. This problem can be diagnosed by sonography.

This disease can be cured by medicine or by laser treatment. In laser treatment the stones are manually crushed in to small pieces by the laser rays. This process is very effective in curing this disease.

3. Urinary tract infections - in these disease infections are caused in the urinary tract which leads to extreme pain in the urinary tract while urination. This disease causes severe pain in the tract and they are treated by different antibiotics and also by symptomatic treatment to relieve the burning and pain.

4. Other techniques - some of the other techniques which are used to cure kidney diseases are acupuncture, kidney massage and drinking dandelion tea. Acupuncture is a Chinese method of curing diseases and they are used extensively in china for several disease. Kidney massage is also an efficient in treating kidney related problems. These methods are very famous in Asian countries like china and they are practiced for every kind of disease problems.

This kidney related problems are very much curable and they can be treated by any of the above mentioned methods.

Kidney Disease Symptoms

Kidney Disease Symptoms
Some people may not think that they have kidney diseases until they have undergone medical checkups. They don't have the slightest reasons to think that they have it, as the relevant symptoms are not as severe to restrict their day-today activities. Within this backdrop, it is highly important to understand symptoms of the disease to get appropriate treatment before the disease converts to a life-threatening condition such as kidney failure.

The nephrons of the kidneys may get damaged due to various reasons and most of these reasons are still unknown. From the known causes, high blood pressure and diabetics are prominent. The persons who have these diseases should control their blood pressure and sugar level to avoid kidney diseases.

Neglect of symptoms may lead to kidney failure. It is spontaneous but gradual worsening of the situation may cause it. Gaining knowledge of kidney diseases alerts people to undergo medical checkups and it supports to overcome fatal consequences of kidney diseases.

Though some people with kidney diseases may not get symptoms, many may get various symptoms including blood in urine, frequent urination, difficulty in urinating, and urine foam. These changes of the urine are initial symptoms to the diagnosis of a probable kidney disease. The main function of the kidneys is to remove excess water from blood. When this is not happening, body tissues swell. Excess water in the blood causes swelling, which may occur in the arms, legs, face, hands and ankles. Sometimes other areas may also swell.

The kidneys produce the hormone erythorpoietin while filtering the blood. The erythorpoietin is the hormone that alerts the body to have enough red blood cells that transport oxygen. When kidney malfunction occurs, this hormone is not produced resulting in few red blood cells. Insufficient red blood cells, restricts oxygen circulation throughout the body and ailing patients are severely fatigued. This condition is known as anemia.

Kidney diseases also cause itchiness and skin rashes. This happens, as kidneys are unable to cleanse the body wastes. The accumulated waste in the blood causes the skin itchiness. When patients scratch regularly due to itchiness, rashes on the skin are imminent.

Malfunctions of kidneys result in accumulation of toxins in the blood. When excessive toxins are in the body, people feel a foul taste in their mouths. They lack appetite and some people become vegetarians, as they feel an aversion to meat. Lack of food eventually causes weight loss.

In addition, people with kidney disease may suffer nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, difficulty in concentration and leg pains as well. All these should be taken seriously and take the necessary medical checkups to avoid complications. Kidney diseases can develop to fatal conditions. When that happens, it is too late for any treatment.

Kidney Disease Diagnosis

Kidney Disease Diagnosis
Kidney disease is a condition that affects many people, although it is more prevalent in individuals of age 60 and above who suffer from hypertension and diabetes. Kidney disease can lead to both chronic and acute kidney failure, conditions which are life-threatening to say the least. Chronic kidney failure occurs in a gradual pace over an extended period of time say months to years. On the other hand, acute kidney failure occurs suddenly in a matter of hours to days, however, it is reversible if the underlying cause is treated as soon as possible.

The first stages of kidney disease diagnosis are characterized by nausea, fatigue, trouble when urinating, problems with concentration and sleeping, feeling thirsty all the time, and experiencing lower back pain. Generally, the kidneys once affected will shut down and not be able to filter excess water off the blood or wastes from the body. This results in accumulation of toxin in the blood causing a number of complications that affect different body systems. Chronic kidney failure will reach a point of no return, whereby the kidney will be working at less than 10% of its full capacity. This results into a kidney transplant or dialysis for normal living of the patient to continue.

Unless there is a tumor in the kidneys or they are swollen, kidney disease diagnosis can be difficult because the doctor may not be able to detect the disease by simply feeling the kidneys. Kidney disease diagnosis is done by taking a blood and urine test, scanning the kidneys, as well as doing several tests on samples of the kidney tissue. Urinalysis, or urine test if you like, is the most common test for the diagnosis of kidney disease that tests the blood, sugar, protein, and ketones (formed as a result of the body breaking down fat).

Urinalysis for kidney disease diagnosis is done using a dipstick i.e. a thin plastic that is coated with chemicals and which reacts once it comes in contact with the different substances found in urine. Urinalysis also calls for checking of the white and red blood cells whereby the urine will be examined under a microscope for proper diagnosis to be made. Note however that even though these are the commonest tests for proper kidney disease diagnosis, depending on the alleged cause of the kidney problem, the doctor may order more tests to be done.

Kidney Disease Cure

Kidney Disease Cure
On the whole, your health depends on the proper functioning of your kidney. The proper functioning of your kidney is inextricably linked to the blood pressure levels.

To demonstrate the importance of the kidney, sample this: once in every half an hour, the whole blood stock of your body passes through the kidney. It filers the wastes and passes them to the bladder as urine.

Kidney diseases are many and do not announce their arrivals. It is upon the patient to realize their symptoms and seek medication. They can be chronic or acute and attack almost everyone. Examples of kidney ailments are kidney stones, arthritis and even the revered diabetic condition among other examples.

Treatment of kidney diseases has all to do with controlling the blood pressure of your body.

The following is a summary of five natural methods of treating kidney ailments.

Keeping the blood pressure low

It is highly recommended that your blood pressure is kept under 130 over 80. It is down to your doctor to prescribe ways of keeping your blood pressure in check.

Watch your diet

Always ensure that you have enough intakes of protein and at the same time keeping your cholesterol in check. While your doctor may recommend less intake of protein so that your kidneys are not overworked, your body needs enough proteins to repair the worn out tissues. You need to talk to a dietitian to find out the best diet to meet both demands of the body and of the doctor.

Quit cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking has two real threats to your life - it not only increases your blood pressure but also makes you more susceptible to contracting kidney diseases. You will find that it is difficult to quit smoking but the health benefits that come with that are just so many.

Check your sodium intake

Unchecked intake of salt and foods rich in sodium are known to increase your blood pressure, which in turn leads to the inevitable contraction of kidney problems .Limiting the amount of sodium you consume is a natural way of curing kidney illnesses.

Watch the amount of potassium you have in your diet

Although potassium is a healthy mineral and is normally found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, it is not very good for a kidney that is diseased. This is because it makes it hard for the kidney to process it and excrete excess amounts of it from the body.

Kidney Disease Anemia

Kidney Disease Anemia
Research has established that patients suffering from chronic Kidney Disease have a high risk of developing an anemia condition. When a patient suffers from anemia after having a preexisting chronic kidney disease, we refer to that condition as kidney disease anemia.

The human blood incorporates two types of cells namely the white blood cells and the red blood cells. The white blood cells protect the body from infections while red blood cells primarily transport oxygen from your lungs to the muscle tissues throughout your body. Red blood cells are made up of a red protein called hemoglobin, which mixes with oxygen and is thus transmitted to muscle sites.

Now, anemia is the condition that results when a person has low numbers of the red blood cells in the blood. If the red blood cells are below normal, there will be a marked decrease in the available hemoglobin for oxygen transportation. To test the amount of red blood cells in the blood, medics conduct the hematocrit test, which basically represents a percentage of blood occupied by red blood cells.

If for instance you have 40% of each one ounce of your blood is occupied by the red blood cells, then you have a hematocrit of 40%. A normal hematocrit measure should be 36% to 51%. Men have a higher hematocrit level than normal women, given that women live with regular blood to the menstrual cycle. For one to be diagnosed of kidney disease anemia, he or she must display a hematocrit less than 42%. If it is less than 36%, the anemia is acute.

So what is the connection between kidney disease and anemia? Red blood cells in the body are manufactured at the bone marrow sites consequent to the influence and regulation of the erythropoietin hormone (EPO). The EPO hormone is primarily produced in the human kidneys. If therefore a person has kidney disease, it will mean that even the production of the EPO hormone is severely affected. The worse or rather the more chronic the kidney disease, the severe the decrease of red blood cells produced by a person's bone marrow. Consequently, in almost all cases of chronic kidney disease, the patient develops an anemia condition.

However, the degree of chronic kidney disease anemia is also influenced by other nutritional factors like inadequate intakes of minerals, proteins and vitamins useful in the production of red blood. Heavy blood loss consequent to menstrual periods, injuries or surgery may make the anemia more serious. To bring down the effect of chronic kidney disease anemia, proper dieting must be the rule of the thumb.

Kidney Disease Causes

Kidney Disease Causes
There are those types of risk factors that will always put you in the danger of contracting kidney disease. The kidney disease causes might be depicted by the appearance of symptoms later or early, although you must know the kind of disease you might be staring at as well as what you could do in the prevention of what it might affect in your life.

Some of the causes, such as age and family history are hardly easy to control, although there are those risk factors that can definitely be controlled. It is worth it learning the causes and those that can be controlled so that you can slow the disease down, or even prevent it. An example is the fact that you can control your own blood sugar and pressure and you would have helped your own kidneys to do their work normally for a longer time more than they would in case they lack a rather conscious attempt on diet aid.

After understanding these causes and risk factors of kidney disease, you might consider getting to your doctor so that you can together formulate a plan that could delay any cases of kidney failure as well as preventing it all the same. About forty percent with dialysis patients have diabetes already, which makes diabetes a very serious risk factor when it comes to kidney diseases. In type 2 case of diabetes, you have the number one cause of kidney failure, where it is responsible for more than a third of all novel dialysis cases.

Simply because you have diabetes, it hardly means you will attain kidney diseases. Readings of moderate blood sugar and pressure could aid in preventing kidney disorders. The symptoms will definitely be a way of alerting you in case your own body will be edging its way towards kidney diseases, and there is no point in waiting for all that time to act. Keeping a very tight rein on the levels of your own blood and sugar pressure there is likelihood you can lower the risks of kidney diseases.

In addition, high pressure of blood does put a lot of stress on your own blood vessels and in all parts of your body, as well as those vessels writhing your kidneys. It is also another prominent cause of serious cases of kidney failure. The good thing is that with weight control and exercise, as well as with the use of medications, you could slow or halt the kidney disease progression towards kidney failure. Remember to take the blood pressure drugs as prescribed and you will do a great deal of good to yourself.