Showing posts with label Medical Disorders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Disorders. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Information On Chemical Sensitivity

Information On Chemical Sensitivity
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is something of a medical
mystery. The medical community is divided over whether or not MCS
actually exists.

Some physicians acknowledge MCS as a medical disorder that is
triggered by exposures to chemicals in the environment, often beginning
with a short term, severe chemical exposure (like a chemical spill) or
with a longer term, small exposures (like a poorly ventilated office
building). After the initial exposure, low levels of everyday chemicals
such as those found in cosmetics, soaps, and newspaper inks can trigger
physical reactions in MCS patients. These patients report a range of
symptoms that often include headaches, rashes, asthma, depression,
muscle and joint aches, fatigue, memory loss, and confusion.

Others in the medical community, however, do not accept MCS as a
genuine medical disorder. The Centers for Disease Control, for example,
do not recognize MCS as a clinical diagnosis. There is no official
medical definition of MCS, partially because symptoms and chemical
exposures are often unique and are widely varied between individuals.
Some physicians are skeptical of concluding that low concentrations of
the same chemicals that are tolerated by everyone else can cause
dramatic symptoms in MCS patients. The American Medical Association
denies that MCS is a clinical condition because conclusive scientific
evidence is lacking.

Numerous factors may participate in the development of
hypersensitivity to even minute levels of toxic and generally non toxic
chemical substances. Normal responses to subtoxic doses of chemical
substances may be affected under the following conditions.

  • Genetic and individual
    abnormalities in enzyme and protein synthesis. Approximately 50% of the
    population are slow acetylators, i.e., they detoxify some chemicals
    slowly and thus are at risk to chemical sensitivity.

  • Poor diet and deficient nutritional states.

  • Obesity and/or increased fat/muscle ratio.

  • Age extremities elderly and new born.

  • Disorders of kidney and liver function.

  • Gender of the individual.

  • Unstable hormone status.

  • Environmental stress conditions heat, cold, dehydration, deficiency of oxygen (asthma), noise.

  • Achlorhydria is common in many chemically sensitive individuals and hence vitamin B12 absorption may be impaired.

  • Chemical sensitivity or the allergic tendency of an individual can
    be inherited. However, allergic tendency, with no previous family
    history of allergy, can also be acquired in a number of ways.
    Hypersensitivity may follow viral infections such as mononucleosis or
    viral pneumonia, or severe emotional reactions such as grief. The most
    common incitement appears to be low grade, long term chemical exposure,
    although a short term high level exposure, such as seen in industrial
    accidents, may produce similar effects.

    There is apparently no consistent pathway by which the immune system
    mediates chemical hypersensitivity or loses its control
    mechanism and begins to sensitize inappropriately to chemicals. The
    pathways used by the immune system to develop this phenomenon not only
    vary from chemical to chemical but from exposure to exposure, and
    certainly differ from individual to individual.

    There are also the secondary effects or pathways of allergic
    inflammation to be considered, for instance, gastrointestinal symptoms
    range from vague indigestion to full blown colitis (inflammation of the
    colon). These may result in nutritional deficiencies.

    The deficiencies begin with increasing the sensitivity of the immune
    system to food. Generalised inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
    secondary to food sensitivity often causes poor nutrient absorption
    which leads to vitamin and mineral deficiency. Eventually the
    individual may become deficient in digestive enzymes, which in itself
    will initiate food intolerance or sensitivity.

    With increasing vitamin and mineral deficiency and enzyme
    deficiencies, the end result is an inability to detoxify chemicals
    giving rise to more food and chemical sensitivities. Thus a vicious
    cycle is set that will only be overcome by judicious supplementation of
    vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes.

    Biochemical Considerations

    Phenolic compounds present in plant food stuffs and pollens, food additives, perfumes, tobacco smoke, air pollution (benzene),

    preservatives and pesticides can activate the release of arachidonic acid and thus giving rise to the inflammatory response.

    This inflammatory process occurs through a non-immunological
    mechanism associated with symptoms described as "allergic". Patients
    presenting with symptoms of IgE are very possibly chemically positive.
    Relative frequency figure of immunological V's non immunological
    reactions is approximately 1:4. However, in
    either case treatment must include attenuating or inhibiting the
    inflammatory cascade.

    Many phenolic compounds potentiate the toxicity of adrenalin and
    nor-adrenalin by interfering with their oxidation (inactivation). These
    adrenalins give rise to symptoms of palpitation, mood change, panic
    attacks etc. They also cause the release of eicosanoids and thus
    precipitate the inflammatory cascade.

    Nutrients that decrease chemical sensitivity


    Molybdenum is essential in the function of four or five enzyme
    systems, all of which effect normal function in the chemically


    Glycine, along with taurine and glutamine are utilised in
    xenobiotic peptide conjugation reactions using acyl CoA. Glycine
    metabolism can be impaired in the chemically sensitive with pyridoxal
    phosphate (active B6) dysfunction. Glycine alleviates the toxic effects
    of several substances such as phenols, benzoic acid and methionine.


    Taurine and to a lesser extent glycine are the major amino acids
    associated with the removal of toxic chemicals and metabolites from the
    body. Low taurine levels appear to be a major factor in the chemically
    sensitive, particularly to chemicals such as chlorine, chlorite
    (bleach), aldehydes, alcohols, petroleum solvents and ammonia.

    Taurine can also reduce severity of reactions to hypochlorite ions
    produced by phagocytes in response to wheatgerm agglutinin, fluoride,
    and an ionic detergents.

    Pollutant damaged individuals with pancreatic dysfunction, duodenal
    acidity and food allergies often present with deficient urine levels
    and marginal or low blood levels of valine, leucine, and isoleucine.
    Chemically sensitive individuals often have difficulty in maintaining
    adequate pH and need copious bicarbonate supplementation to allow the
    pancreatic enzymatic activity to be adequate when disturbances occur in
    the digestive tract, amino peptidase enzymes (activated by zinc)
    hydrolysed small peptides to release these branch chain amino acids. As
    enzymatic activity is dependent on pH, bicarbonate from the pancreas is
    needed to bring the pH of the small intestine up to 7 or higher to
    allow the peptidase enzymes to work. Thus, inadequate bicarbonate
    secretion or supplementation can heighten the chemical sensitive to
    food allergy and further inflammation.


    Methionine conjugates xenobiotics through methylation reaction. It
    is the most frequently impaired or disordered amino acid metabolite in
    the chemically sensitive. It helps detoxify the body of adrenalin, nor
    adrenalin and serotonin. It's assimilation is often disturbed as it
    requires proper stomach pH for pepsin activity, proper duodenal pH for
    normal pancreatic function and proper activity of carboxy pepidases
    (some requiring zinc for activation). Co factors that improve
    methionine metabolism are magnesium, pyridoxal phosphate, serine, folic
    acid, betaine, and vitamin B12.

    Impaired methionine metabolism increases sensitivity to hypochlorite
    and give symptoms of headaches, eye strain, muscle weakness, fatigue,
    myopia, and mild myopathy.

    Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

    Approximately 20% of chemically sensitive individuals are deficient
    in this vitamin. Supplementation often results in improvement in
    chemically sensitive individuals.

    Pollutant injury to thiamine (B1) occurs from excess intake exposure
    to formaldehyde, alcohols, glycols, or by over use of the aldehyde
    detoxifying mechanism. Thiamine act as an intermediate carrier of
    aldehyde groups, without, it aldehydes can accumulate in the body. It
    must be noted that thiamine is very important in energy production. A
    relative deficiency will cause tiredness, weakness and anxiety.
    Symptoms of which are common in chemically sensitive individuals.

    Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

    60% of chemically sensitive patients are deficient in B6, whether
    they are taking oral supplementation or not. The active form of vitamin
    B6 is pyridoxal 5 - phosphate, which can be overwhelmed by exposure to

    Deficiency in pyridoxine or suboptimal co enzyme activity of
    pyrodoxal - 5 - phosphate may lead to subnormal taurine levels,
    with the subsequent increase in chemical sensitivity. Drugs such as the
    oral contraceptive, chlorpromazine, amphetamine, reserpine and isonizid
    can all lead to a relative B6 deficiency.


    Chronic ingestion of a diet deficient in choline has a major
    consequence that include hepatic, renal, memory and growth disorders,
    all of which are seen in some chemically sensitive patients.
    Disturbances in methionine and/or B6 metabolism is frequently seen in
    the chemically sensitive, which may inhibit the efficient production of
    choline, therefore, causing methylation reaction.

    Folate and Vitamin B12

    Approximately 35% of chemically sensitive individuals are low in
    folate and approximately 15% are deficient in vitamin B12. Many
    medications such as aspirin, the oral contraceptive and anti
    convulsants interfere with folacin absorption and metabolism. Disturbed
    B12 and folate metabolism results in impaired methylation of
    xenobiotics with exacerbation of chemical sensitivity, particularly to


    Approximately 40% of chemically sensitive individuals are magnesium
    depleted. As magnesium is involved in over 500 enzyme systems, its
    depletion can result in poor detoxifying ability. Substances that
    deplete magnesium are pollutants, alcohols, diuretics, steroids,
    glucose, phosphate depletion and pesticides.


  • Determine which chemical
    gives the worst reaction. This chemical may, in sufficient dilution, be
    used in sublingual treatment in controlling reactions.

  • Filter or boil all drinking water.

  • Use toxic cleaning products sparingly.

  • Reduce the use of plastics, toxic paints and varnishes. When painting use odourless alkali-based paints.

  • Do
    not wear synthetic under garments or clothes. Cottons and woollens are
    usually safe. Do not dry clean clothing and use simple soaps for

  • Do not use kerosene heaters during the winter. Heating should be electrical or solar based.

  • Electric
    stove in preference to a gas stove or range should be installed. If
    this is not possible ensure adequate ventilation within the cooking

  • Insulation material and floor coverings
    should be inert. Rock wool insulation is usually satisfactory.
    Preferably hard, inert materials such as stone, terrazzo, hardwood,
    cement, brick, and terra cotta tiles should be used for flooring. Be
    careful of wool carpeting with latex or rubber backing.

  • Soft
    plastics, such as plastic bags, wrapping, window screens, plastic
    containers, vinyl seating, plastic tablecloths, and other plastic
    furnishing should be removed from the home. Use glass containers,
    cellophane bags. aluminium wrapping and wall paper.

  • Remove
    any synthetic or rubber furnishing in the bedroom. Use all cotton
    pillows and mattresses. Electric blankets should not be used. Cane or
    hardwood, leather, wool or other natural fiber should be used in
    furnishings. Cabinets may be made of formica, hardwood or metal but not
    of chipboard and without silicone chalking.

  • Other
    sources of chemical exposure are from chemicals released from glued
    parts and grouting, particularly when heated; chemicals used in hobbies
    such as photography, photocopying machines; pesticides used indoors or
    in the garden; timber impregnated with chemicals; tobacco smoke.

  • Avoid all formulated foods or drugs that contain artificial flavorings, coloring or chemicals.

  • Nutritional Supplement

    Supplements suggested below will reduce the inflammation and
    hopefully improve the metabolism of these chemicals. The nutrients such
    as Taurine, B1, B5, Glycine, Methionine, B12, and Folate need to be
    taken regularly to improve tolerances to chemicals.

  • Vitamin C can improve
    tolerance to many chemicals, however in a few individuals it can
    increase chemical toxicity. In these individuals Alkali, one hour after
    meals may be of great benefit.

  • Digestive enzymes should be taken with every meal.

  • Hydrozyme or Apple cider vinegar one teaspoon in water with meals may aid stomach digestion.

  • Fish oils or linseed oil, 1 or 2 dessertspoons per day may reduce inflammation.

  • Ginger is a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor and can reduce inflammation.

  • Vitamin B5 and taurine may reduce formaldehyde sensitivity.

  • Vitamin B6 and C reduces MSG sensitivity.

  • Vitamin B12, Glycine and Molybdenum supplementation may reduce metabisulphite and sulphite sensitivity.

  • Try neutralizing dose of quercetin and rutin.

  • Zinc supplementation for tartrazine sensitivity.

  • Alkali may need to be taken in between meals to improve digestion.

  • The
    nutrients mentioned above reflect the major nutritional supplements
    that may help the condition. Please do remember however that
    nutritional supplementation is an adjunct to medical treatment and in
    no way replaces medical treatment.

    - Henry Osiecki. The Physicians Handbook of Clinical Nutrition. 1 875239 11 1