Showing posts with label prevent migraine attacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label prevent migraine attacks. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Preventing Migraine Attack | How to Prevent Migraine Headache

Preventing Migraine Attack | How to Prevent Migraine Headache

Migraine Prevention Measures:
Preventing migraine is a very important aspect especially if one is acquainted with the painful episodes the ailment brings. The target of prevention is to reduce the frequency of attacks, reduce the intensity of the pain, reduce the duration of the attacks, as well as to test which preventive method works best for a patient.

The following are some of the common means to prevent migraine attacks:

  • Avoidance of migraine triggers. There are various triggers for the attacks, and a patient must know which causes an attack. Commonly, alcohol avoidance, quitting smoking, as well as consistency in sleeping and eating habits along with the adoption of means to cope with stress are just some of the factors that can prevent the onset of migraines;

  • Control medications.

    Some people develop irritability toward a particular medication, and the irritability will soon parlay into migraine. As such, one has to consult a neurologist first before taking any drug to make sure that it will not attract migraine attacks.

  • Avoid gluten in the diet. This is because most migraine patients manifest an inability to properly digest and absorb the nutrients from foods rich in gluten. This inability in time will cause migraine attacks.