Types Of Kidney Diseases
Kidneys are very important to us. Presence of kidney disease can be very devastating to a person especially if there is no active functioning of the kidneys. A kidney dialysis or transplant to replace the diseased kidney might be required in worst case scenarios.
There are however several types of disease of the kidney that are classified as worse than the others. There are kidney diseases which can be "acute" implying that it is on first onset, and "dronic" implying that there is slow decline in kidney function. Both of these kidney diseases might arise due to autoimmune disorders, toxins, medications and as well infections. The worsening of the kidney functions might also be brought about by disease such as diabetes and blood pressure, although it can occur gradually.
When kidneys leak out some certain fluids or substances, it brings in another classification. Hematuria or blood urine is one of these diseases. These can be caused by sickened kidneys leaking out blood cells from the capillaries in the kidneys.
Protenuira is another fairly common kidney disease and usually comes about when protein and mostly albumin leaks out from the body. It can sometimes become so developed that there are instances where there is barely enough proteins in the body. Basically, without protein, fluid will leak all over the body (a condition referred to as "nephritic syndrome". This is always not good as we need the protein to keep the blood flowing in their vessels.
Kidney stones presence is another kidney disease where a patient excretes too much calcium oxalate into the urine and fails to drink enough water. Kidney stones might as well be caused by uric acid. Precipitation of the uric acid into stones makes it hard for them to fit in the uterus. Usually extreme pain is experienced and might result into infections as well.
Hypertension or the medications treating it might result into kidney disease. There are cases where one or both arteries leading to the kidneys are blocked forcing the kidney to release vasopressin which makes the blood pressure to rise dramatically. There are however specific blood pressure medication that can address these problems or in some cases surgery is administered to the blockage.
Chronic pyelonephritis occurs when infection gets deeper in the kidneys hence causing a lot of pain and kidney inflammation. It can as well result from hematuria.
There is however one primary disease that is cancerous and the cancer may further cause a lot of pain or bleeding in the kidney areas. This is always referred to as renal cell carcinoma which is usually treated by the replacement of the sick kidney(s)