Showing posts with label anticancer herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anticancer herbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant

Bloodroot: A Medicinal Plant
Herbal Remedies Using Sanguinaria Canadensis
The infamous perennial flowering herb called Bloodroot is a medicinal plant native to eastern North America. Its sap contains a number of alkaloids that are poisonous to ingest above very small amounts, but every part of the plant including its roots can be harvested for the sap or as a powder to be used as a rather powerful topical agent in the treatment of skin tags, moles, eczema, and other skin conditions. It even has been used in naturopathic skin cancer treatments as well as for breast cancer.

Bloodroot is Sanguinaria canadensis in the Latin (other species are also called bloodroot, but are not the same) and goes by the names bloodwort, red puccoon root, pauson and tetterwort. This medicinal plant has gotten a bit of a reputation after several naturopaths and herbal remedies sellers were litigated against for improper medical use and claims. Nevertheless, it is one of the best known anticancer herbs andbloodroot has been widely and safely used through the years, with proper care.

The best evidence for bloodwort herbal remedies seems to indicate its use for skin tags, warts, and perhaps skin cancer. However, in the case of skin cancer great care and ideally a doctor's support should be relied upon to verify that all of the cancerous cells have been destroyed.