Showing posts with label Autoimmune Disease Symptoms Checklist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autoimmune Disease Symptoms Checklist. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Autoimmune Disease Symptoms

Autoimmune Disease Symptoms
Autoimmune disease is a broad term to describe a variety of different diseases. The only common thing among all of these diseases is the immunological response of the patients. The disease may be manifested in a myriad of different ways, but the basic mechanism is always same, with altered immunity or altered immunological system response.

Depending upon the disease manifestation of Auto immunity the symptoms can vary widely. If the Auto immune disease is organ specific then the symptoms are also organ specific. If the Auto immune disease is non organ specific then the symptoms will also be in the same manner.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis:

The usual patients are between 20 and 60 years of age. They visit the doctor with a small or moderately sized goiter, which is firm or rubbery to touch. About 25 5 of these patients are Hypothyroid and present with symptoms of Hypothyroidism. Sudden gain of weight, dryness of the skin and hair, brittleness of the hair, excessive fatigue, easy tiredness, palpitations, constipation, distension of the abdomen, menstrual irregularities or even amenorrhea, etc are the various symptoms of hypothyroidism. The remaining 75 % of the patients may be having normal or slightly raised serum TSH, with normal T4. But they are at a risk of developing Hypothyroidism in the future.

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

RA or rheumatoid arthritis is another common manifestation of Auto immune diseases. Here the major involvement is of the joints of the body. The involvement of the joints is typically symmetrical, destructive and deformative. It is characterized by various episodes of remissions and exacerbations, and is typically prolonged and chronic in nature. The disability caused by Rheumatoid arthritis can be very much extensive. There is wide spread tissue and muscle wasting, bone erosions, loss of cartilage and fibrositis and tendinitis of the joints. The joints can be rendered totally useless with spindling of the joints and hands are typically seen like the neck of a swan.

Good Pasture's Syndrome

Good Pasture's syndrome is another Auto immune disorder affecting the Kidneys. This disease involves proliferative glomerulo nephritis. The usual presenting picture is that of acute renal failure. There may be associated bleeding inside the lungs, (intrapulmonary hemorrhage) and this can lead to spitting of blood or haemoptysis.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

This is a type of generalized Auto immune disease. Here the symptoms are a trio of arthritis, arthralgia and fever. The arthritis may be very short in duration and may shift from one joint to another joint