Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Beneficial Effect of Natural Ingredients over Heart Palpitations

Beneficial Effect of Natural Ingredients over Heart Palpitations
There are several naturally occurring substances that seem to positively affect various heart related conditions and upon regular ingestion seem to prevent the risk of cardiac arrest. There are several dangerous symptoms or conditions related to heart that often trigger heart failure or other severe consequences. These are heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, tachycardia and other endothelium dysfunctions. As you know endothelium is a layer of fat contained cells that covers heart, its blood vessels and other components. Several naturally occurring substances such as magnesium, omega 3,6 fatty acids, nitric oxide seem to work on the blood vessels and the endothelium to relieve the irregular heartbeats, palpitations and other conditions. The sole purpose of these ingredient sis to enhance the blood flow towards heart and maintain normal best rhythm. Heart palpitations can be observed normally in the case of stress or anxiety over a big event lined up but if it occurs regularly then it is a cause of concern. Let up look at the vital ingredients that play role in maintaining the normal beat rhythm inside heart.

Nitric Oxide- for enhanced blood flow

One of the major cause of cardiac arrest induced by irregular heartbeats is low levels of nitric oxide in body. This component seem to work on blood vessels and help in keeping them relaxed or dilated to enhance the blood flow towards the heart. In some medical conditions the natural levels of nitric oxide decrease to dangerous extent which sometimes produce irregular heartbeats and then heart attack. As you cannot ingest it in daily diet, you have to practice some activity to boost its secretion in the body. it is said that this element is presided in your nose therefore a slow humming of song in your throat could boost the levels of production and could decrease the risk of arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats). You can also consume medicines containing nitric oxide with doctor's prescription.

Fish oil- for heart palpitations

Fish oil heart palpitation is a very well established and well conceived relation that is known for ages. Apart from other benefits of fish oil it seems to work wonderfully on regular heart palpitations felt by the person. With high Omega 3 and Omega 6 contents it works both on the rapid heartbeats and inflammation of vessels. Daily consumption of cod liver oil could help to bring this beneficial effect on body.

Magnesium- for rapid heartbeats

Several studies on magnesium have revealed that magnesium and heart palpitations are deeply linked together. With regular ingestion of magnesium, several heart beat rhythm related conditions seem to be eliminated. This includes rapid heartbeats and irregular heartbeats that are maintained and normalized pinched nerve in shoulder by the consumption of magnesium rich food or medicines.

All these ingredients seem to work wonderfully on irregular or rapid heartbeats. Consumption of medicines that contain these ingredient should be done only with the advice of medical professional.

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