Sunday, June 22, 2014

Causes of Sty on Eyelid or Hordeolum and Its Treatment

Causes of Sty on Eyelid or Hordeolum and Its Treatment

Sty on Eyelid

  • Symptoms associated with sty on the eye besides the red bump, pain, and tenderness, include swelling of the eyelids, itchiness, difficulty in blinking, watering of the eye, and light sensitivity.

  • The red bump or sty usually has a yellowish dot at the center which is made up of pus.

  • The sty can point outwardly or inwardly. An external sty or the one that grows outwardly usually starts as a pimple and then grows and turns to its usual appearance. Pain that can be experienced along with the other symptoms can last for a few days before bursting and then healing.

    The internal sty on the other hand takes a much longer time to heal and often needs draining.

  • Sty on the eyelid is often confused with another condition that has the same symptoms. This condition is known as chalazion.

  • Stys are considered harmless and rarely cause any major complications that can harm the eyes.

Sty on Eyelid Causes

  • Bacterial Infection. The most common bacteria that cause stys to develop are staphylococcal. These bacteria enter the oil glands of the eyelids and cause a blockage which in turn forms the sty.

  • Blepharitis or an eye condition that is characterized by reddening of the eye.

  • Meibomitis. This is the inflammation of the oil glands in the eyelid area.

  • Rosacea. A chronic and long-term condition that causes pimples and redness.

  • Makeup that has not been removed properly.

  • Cosmetics for the eyes that have already expired when used can cause stys.

  • Stress and sleep deprivation.

  • Hormonal changes or imbalances.

  • Poor Nutrition

  • Constant rubbing of the eyes.

  • Sty on eyelid is contagious. Patients who share facial wash cloths or face towel can aid the spread of the condition.

Sty on Eyelid Treatment

  • Stys usually leave the eyelids without any treatment. This can happen in 5 days to one week.

  • Application of warm compress to the affected eyelid for 15 minutes six times per day can help in draining the pus inside the sty and speed up the healing process.

  • The eyelid should be kept clean by gently rubbing it with water and mild soap. Doing so can also help in draining the sty out.

  • Avoid puncturing the sty by squeezing it. This may lead to further infection and may cause longer time to heal.

  • Eye lotions and make-up should not be used.

  • Contact lens should not be used to prevent the bacteria or the infection from spreading to the cornea.

  • Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs can help with the redness, swell and the pain.

  • Antibiotics can be administered when the sty persists for more than a week.

  • Surgery is considered as a last resort when all treatment options have not worked.

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