Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Causes & Remedies For Low Blood Pressure

Causes & Remedies For Low Blood Pressure

 Low blood pressure also known as hypo tension is where BP is abnormally low in arteries. Many of the people don’t recognize it and often dismiss it. It could be sign of serious issue with neurological disorders and heart. Extreme low blood pressure blocks oxygen and other vital nutrients from flowing to the brain. In case of pregnancy it is a quiet common phenomenon but you must follow some home remedies if it is too frequent. Lack of some essential nutrients like B-12 and iron can lead to lower blood pressure. The causes & remedies for low blood pressure are given here.

Causes of low blood pressure:

1)      Dehydration

2)      pregnancy

3)      Heart issues

Symptoms of low blood pressure:

1)      Feels dull and ill


Home remedies to reduce lower blood pressure:

1)      Take 6 almonds and soak overnight. Make it a paste and mix with Luke warm water. Drink this mixture every morning which reduces low blood pressure.


2)      Beetroot serves good for low blood pressure. Take raw beetroot juice daily which keeps blood pressure normal.



1)      Exercise daily

2)      Drink more water

3)      Eat fruits containing iron


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