Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Potassium with Benefits

Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Potassium with Benefits
Whether you want to stay healthy for longer time or are suffering from potassium deficiency, the natural occurring foods that have high quantities of potassium could help you in many ways. This is the one element that we never count in our daily diet or never put a thought over the dietary allowance of potassium in daily meals. There are many myths surrounded by this ingredient that we should not consume it on daily basis and others. But if I tell you few things that would happen with lack of potassium in body you will surely look to add it in diet. To start with lack of potassium could cause problems with concentration, heart stroke, sever form of headache, heavy fatigue that is persistent, prolong healing of wounds and injuries and many more. The best part is, potassium is present in various sources that we consume or are available easily at out disposition.

These foods that are rich in potassium could also recover several problems or medical condition in your body apart from treating its deficiency symptoms. Forget about the fancy stuff to add potassium in diet just hover in vegetable and fruit market you will find loads of options to fulfill the necessary potassium amount in diet. Here are certain potassium fruits and vegetables with their benefits on body.


・ Banana- apart from helping in muscle development banana is a rich source of potassium if you consume 100 grams of the banana you will get more than 400 mgs of potassium just in the small amount.

・ Papaya- an excellent digestion maker papaya both raw and ripe is a great source of potassium. When consumed almost 100 grams you ought to get 300mg of potassium.

・ Strawberries- apart from being rich in antioxidants that kill free radicals strawberries contain almost 350 mg of potassium for 100 grams of the fruit. This fruit when included in daily meals reduces the risk of stroke by great extent due to antioxidant and potassium content.

・ Others- other sources of potassium are peach, orange, pineapple, pear, apples and melon that give 150 to 200 mg of potassium per 100 gm of fruit.


  • French beans- high in insoluble fiber, French bean is the richest vegetable with potassium. It is the richest source to give almost 1200 mg of potassium for only 100 grams of the bean. This high level would help in faster healing, work as analgesic to relieve pain and reduce the risk of stroke.

  • Spinach- with high levels of vitamin A spinach is low hemoglobin the third richest source of potassium fruits vegetables. It gives almost 600 mg of potassium per 100 grams raw spinach.

  • Others- other rich sources of potassium in vegetables are carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, green peas and lentils that gives around 400 to 600 mg of potassium per 100 grams of vegetable.

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