Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Heal Bone Spurs: Home Remedies for Bone Spur Treatment

Heal Bone Spurs: Home Remedies for Bone Spur Treatment
What Are Bone Spurs?
Bone spurs, known as osteophytes, are small bone growths where bone ought not to be growing. Often, this is into your soft tissues where it causes pain and damage to muscles, tendons, fascia, and other connective tissue. They are ordinarily found at and around joints and can be associated with arthritis, especially as both conditions are usually due to overuse or long-term use of those joints.

When we are talking of bone spurs, heel pain from heel spurs is most common. At the heel, bone spurs often dig into the fascia and may trigger or result from plantar fasciitis. A bone spur is not likely to be pointy or to cut into tissue, but the rounded spurs nonetheless irritate the body so that inflammation, pain, and numbness or tingling (especially if the bone spur is along the spine) as well as a reduced range of motion are common symptoms.

Natural Remedies to Heal or Treat a Bone Spur

As bone spurs generally cause inflammation, anti-inflammatory foods and herbal supplements such as turmeric and ginger are a good place to start on your cure. Apple cider vinegar is also found to be a helpful home remedy for ameliorating bone and joint issues, often helping to re-balance mineral issues in the body.

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