Tuesday, June 17, 2014

How to Get Rid of Flood Damage

How to Get Rid of Flood Damage

How to Get Rid of Flood Damage

How to Get Rid of Flood Damage

After being ravaged by flood, a home stands in tatters, with the amenities lying in shambles. It is quite a depressing sight, knowing that your home is ruined. However, with extensive procedures on the affected areas, you can restore your home to its previous state. You can even add more amenities upon fixing the damaged areas, to totally erase the memory of the flood's wrath. Just make sure you're ready the next time a calamity hits your community.

Note Down the DamageThis step may be simple, but it is purely necessary, particularly if your home insurance covers the damage caused by natural calamities. Note down on a piece of paper or on your computer all the items damaged by the flood along with the expenses for repairing or replacing each. Be keen in observing, so you won't miss a single ruined piece or corner marred with flood damage. Back up the list with pictures and if possible, receipts. With the damage properly documented, you can create organized procedures for repairing your home. Contact also your home insurance company to get financial compensation, if applicable.

Turn Off the Electricity then SortPrior to cleaning, you must cut off the power supply to your home. Live wires may be concealed beneath the rubble, which are dangerous, especially if portions of your house are covered with flood water. Wear safety gear, like rubber boots and rubber gloves, when handling the fuse box. The flood may cause the electricity to flow through the box's casing. Upon cutting the power, remove then sort the damaged items. Set the irreparable pieces in one corner and the ones that can be mended in another. Don't throw the irreparable items yet, if your home insurance covers flood damage.

Cleaning Your HomeCleaning your home is a pretty daunting task, given the amount of dirt and damage brought along by the flood. The job will take your days, or even weeks, until your home is back to normal. Ideally, you should have more than a few companions, so you can cover much ground in the least time possible.

The cleaning process is separated by various sections, depending on the items/corridors marred or damaged. Much work is expected, but none of them are difficult. just don't get too overwhelmed with the whole thing.

Cleaning the Walls and FloorsWalls and floors are immediate problem areas, since they attract dirt and the presence of flood water influences the growth of molds and mildew. A cleaning solution that deals with dirt and microbes must be prepared. Better prepare at least two gallons, so you have enough to cover your entire home.

  • To create the cleaning solution, mix four tablespoons of chlorinated bleach with two gallons of warm water.
  • Set your garden hose to spew water at a high pressure. Hose down the walls, floors, and the surfaces covered in mud.
  • Remove the mud with a shovel then stack the patches in a pail or a large open space.
  • With the mud cleared, dip a mop into the cleaning solution then apply it on the floor and on similar surfaces.
  • Soak a rag into the solution.
  • Scrub the walls and furniture using the moist rug. Make sure that they are somewhat restored to their original color.
  • Dip a toothbrush into the solution and apply it to all the hard-to-reach areas.
  • For rugs and carpets, apply a vacuum cleaner, soak them with water, apply the solution, rinse, then let them dry.
  • Once the solution has been applied, rinse it off with soap and water. You can also use your garden hose to speed up the process.
  • Wipe the floors, walls, and surfaces with a clean cloth.
  • In place of chlorinated bleach, you can use a vinegar-based solution. It may be less potent and more expensive to prepare, but it does not pose as a threat to the environment.

    Get Rid of the MoistureAfter a flood, moisture may develop all over your home, which happens to be the breeding ground for molds and mildew. A large buildup of these organisms produce nasty odors and can cause respiratory diseases. Get rid of the unwanted water puddles by opening your windows then running a dehumidifier. By doing so, the device forces moisture to evaporate. You can also set up electric fans in your home, speeding up the evaporation process. If there are molds and mildew present, remove them using a rug and a vinegar or bleach-based solution.

    Remove Warped Walls and BoardsWarped walls and boards are beyond repair. Even if you apply varnish and an elegant finish, they won't be restored to a usable state. Better remove them with carpentry tools or your bare hands. Once done, replace the warped items and furniture pieces with new ones. New materials are costly, but most of them are made to last for a long time, so you're getting your money's worth.

    Prepare for the Next Set of Rainy DaysUpon cleaning, make the necessary preparations, so your home won't be ravaged the next time flood appears. You can hire carpenters to create an elevated entrance to your home. A deeper drainage system outside your house can also help. However, if the floodwater rises to an unmanageable height, consider switching residences, or at least increasing the coverage of your home insurance. For more information regarding this article, read how to prepare for a flood.

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