Monday, June 23, 2014

Preventing Ringworm Skin Infection: How to Prevent & Control Ringworm

Preventing Ringworm Skin Infection: How to Prevent & Control Ringworm

Causes Of Ringworm Skin Infection

Ringworms are skin infections characterized by raised, ring structures found on the skin. This is often red in color and is quite pronounced mainly because of the ring mark. The infection is often very itchy and can cause hair to fall off, as in the case of ringworm that occurs in the beard or scalp. The fungus can also infect the nails, causing them to become discolored and even fall off or crumble.

Contrary to what its name suggests, ringworm is not caused by a worm but by fungus.

Ringworm is contagious and can be easily passed from one person to another with direct contact with affected skin. It can also pass through indirect contact as with unwashed infected clothing, combs, or even surfaces of beds. It can affect all people, regardless of age, sex, or even status in life.

Because the fungus that causes ringworm thrives well in a warm, humid environment, it is not uncommon to find these in gyms, fitness centers, and other public places like locker rooms and sports facilities.

How To Prevent Ringworm Growth

Based on traditional wisdom, it is believed that the minimization of moisture and sweat could aid in the prevention of fungal infections.

Common recommendations to do this would be for women not to wear panty hoses and for men to use boxer shorts.

There are also other preventive measures that are easier to live by and here are some of them:

  • Shampoo as regularly as possible. Make sure to shampoo after engaging in contact sports.

  • Always keep your skin especially the feet and the spaces in between fingers and toes dry and clean at all times.

  • Avoid getting in contact with pets that have bald spots on them because they are likely to be infected with ringworm.

  • Be sure not to share clothing with just about anyone or especially with someone who is known to have ringworm. Other items not to be shared include combs, towels, headgear, and hairbrushes as well as other items for personal care. These items should be cleaned and dried thoroughly after each use.

  • Wear lose clothing, preferably cotton.

  • It is also a good idea to wash bed sheets, pillowcases, and night clothes regularly so that the pathogen does not spread.

  • When the individual plans on going to pools, he or she should be sure to wear shoes or sandals. The true is the same for going into locker rooms and gyms.

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