Simple Remedies To Cure Fever At Home
A fever is body’s natural way of defense against certain type of infections like flu or a infection. Generally our body temperature is around 98.4F to 99.5F. If the body temperature increases more than normal that is if it is below 101F then there is no need to worry. If the temperature raises more than 104F then certain measures have to be taken to cure it. It is not advised to take aspirin tablets if you are suffering from fever as they can trigger a fatal disease called Reyes’s syndrome. Instead follow some of the home remedies to get fast relief from fever. If your fever accompanies with sore throat then you can also see remedies for sore throat.
Take a bath with lukewarm water: Taking bath with lukewarm water gives you great relief. This bath makes you feel cool and brings your temperature down.
Take sponge bath: If your body is not allowing you to take bath, then simply take a moist towel and soak it in cool water. Dab the towel on your body and sponging the areas likes armpits and groin with this can help you reduce your temperature. You can also put a wet towel on your forehead and leave it to relive any discomfort caused by fever.
Drink tea:
Hot ginger tea: Drinking a cup of ginger tea gives great instant relief from fever. Ginger also induces sweating and makes your body temperature come down.
Basil tea: Take 2 tsp of basil leaves, 1/4 tsp pepper and water. Make tea by mixing all of them.
Take lot of rest: As your body is fighting against a sickness, you need to take lot of rest . you need lot of energy to get healed. Take rest by sleeping as much as possible.
Take all liquid diet: It is best to starve if you have fever. Nutrients in some food can feed the bacteria causing fever and may increase the fever. So it best to starve if you have fever. It is best to take fruits which are filled with antioxidants.
Apple water: Take an apple and boil in 2 cups of water. Boil it until the apple has turned soft. Drain the mixture and add honey to it. Drink it to reduce fever.
Orange juice: Vitamin c present in oranges boosts your immune system and helps to fight against infections.
Garlic: Soak garlic in ½ cup water and allow it to steep. Strain the garlic and drink it .
Keep your body hydrated: Increase intake of liquids. This will keep your body hydrated.
A fever is body’s natural way of defense against certain type of infections like flu or a infection. Generally our body temperature is around 98.4F to 99.5F. If the body temperature increases more than normal that is if it is below 101F then there is no need to worry. If the temperature raises more than 104F then certain measures have to be taken to cure it. It is not advised to take aspirin tablets if you are suffering from fever as they can trigger a fatal disease called Reyes’s syndrome. Instead follow some of the home remedies to get fast relief from fever. If your fever accompanies with sore throat then you can also see remedies for sore throat.
Take a bath with lukewarm water: Taking bath with lukewarm water gives you great relief. This bath makes you feel cool and brings your temperature down.
Take sponge bath: If your body is not allowing you to take bath, then simply take a moist towel and soak it in cool water. Dab the towel on your body and sponging the areas likes armpits and groin with this can help you reduce your temperature. You can also put a wet towel on your forehead and leave it to relive any discomfort caused by fever.
Drink tea:
Hot ginger tea: Drinking a cup of ginger tea gives great instant relief from fever. Ginger also induces sweating and makes your body temperature come down.
Basil tea: Take 2 tsp of basil leaves, 1/4 tsp pepper and water. Make tea by mixing all of them.
Take lot of rest: As your body is fighting against a sickness, you need to take lot of rest . you need lot of energy to get healed. Take rest by sleeping as much as possible.
Take all liquid diet: It is best to starve if you have fever. Nutrients in some food can feed the bacteria causing fever and may increase the fever. So it best to starve if you have fever. It is best to take fruits which are filled with antioxidants.
Apple water: Take an apple and boil in 2 cups of water. Boil it until the apple has turned soft. Drain the mixture and add honey to it. Drink it to reduce fever.
Orange juice: Vitamin c present in oranges boosts your immune system and helps to fight against infections.
Garlic: Soak garlic in ½ cup water and allow it to steep. Strain the garlic and drink it .
Keep your body hydrated: Increase intake of liquids. This will keep your body hydrated.
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