Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughing

Surprising Health Benefits Of Laughing


Do you know the benefits of laughing? Do you know why you feel exhausted after a good laugh? Do you know laughing gives you immense health benefits?

Laughter and exercise both can boost your health. Laughter can support the immune system, stimulate the organs and reduce pain. Laughter eases fear and anger level. Laughter is one of the best natural pain reliever which is effective, available and free. Laughter is believed to aid in digestion.

Laugher is a medicine to all our health problems. Laughter can help you to get through a difficult situation. Next time if you feel stresses after reading, flip your mood to comics which lighten your mood. Responding to every situation with laughter will protect the mind, body and spirit.


Surprising Health benefits of laughing:


1)      Laughter relaxes body muscles in eyes, jaws and cardiac. Laughter is the best medicine.


2)      Good laughter creates a strong anti-stress effect on our body and mind which lasts for 40-45minutes.


3)      Laughter relaxes brain and nervous system and also releases anti-depressant and anti-stress hormones like cortical and endorphins.


4)      Laughter releases T- Cells and killer cells which strengthens immune system. This immune boosting property of laughter helps in treatment of cancer.


5)      Laughter also helps in reducing depression. Laughter helps in dealing with tension and stress.


6)      Laughter also helps in treatment of diabetes and blood pressure.


7)      A hearty laugh of a pregnant woman induces positivity in her and her child. Laughter reduces stress in pregnant women which in turn leads to better growth of the baby. It is better to spend time watching comedy movies during pregnancy and attend stand-up comedy sessions.


8)      A hearty laugh increases vascular blood flow and oxygenation of blood. It also lowers blood pressure.


9)      Laughter gives workout to the diaphragm and abdominal respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles.


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