Monday, August 4, 2014

Burning Leg Pain

Burning Leg Pain
The need to put your feet up after a hard day is normal and expected, but to experience burning leg pain at the end of the day could be a sign of a serious medical condition. There are several medical conditions that will start to first manifest as burning leg pain. When the burning pain continues especially as a feeling of numbness or like you have pins and needles in your leg, and this continues all through the day, your body is sending you a signal that something is not right and you do need to consult with your medical doctor.

The first site that could be in trouble could be in your back. There are numerous ways in which we put heavy strain on our spines in our current day work environments and some of these could lead to a disruption in your nerves causing the burning leg pain. The sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body can give burning leg pain as a symptom that it is pinched somewhere as a result of pressure coming from the different problems of wrong posture. Another common cause of a burning pain in the leg is deep vein thrombosis or a blood clot. There are quite a number of reasons why a blood clot can develop in the blood system. However, numbness in the leg accompanied by a burning pain that later disappears should not be ignored; it could cause a stroke if not diagnosed in time.

There are other causes for burning leg pain primarily detected by the specific site of the pain that you are experiencing. It is important that you consult with your doctor is the burning leg pain persists. Most of the underlying conditions of this symptom are potentially fatal or could lead to years of pain and suffering if not arrested early enough. One such condition is a nerve injury especially if you have another existing health condition such as diabetes which affects nerves as a result of prolonged periods of high sugar content in the blood. Your doctor will advise on the best intervention based on the condition that they will diagnose.

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