Monday, August 4, 2014

Diabetic Nerve Pain

Diabetic Nerve Pain
Diabetic nerve pain or neuropathy is a painful experience to all individuals diagnosed with this chronic and debilitating disease. Diabetic nerve pain is explained as a sensation of tingling or burning that is very persistent for great lengths of time. The majority of the diabetic population experiencing these symptoms have learned how to live with the disease. This is a medical phenomenon for those individuals who were diagnosed with one of three forms of diabetes twenty to twenty-five years ago.

Diabetes on its own is a debilitating disease that requires perpetual monitoring by the individual and a medical health care physician. Once an individual first experiences diabetic nerve pain they will require assistance in order to live with the chronic pain that surrounds this disease. The smaller extremities such as the fingers and toes, hand and feet are of top concern with the medical health care physician because this is an area that is most vulnerable to diabetic nerve pain. Similar in ways to arthritis, diabetic nerve pain will prevent even the most ardent athlete from carrying out the daily exercises.

When the nerve damage continues to erode over time, there are other health issues that begin to surface. The eventuality of amputation, gangrene, and other diseases that can affect the body will rise to the forefront. Diabetic nerve pain is not an issue that can be ignored because it will become progressively worse over time. Diabetic nerve pain is a direct result from diabetes and is known to cause deformities in the smaller joints when the individual is not responding to proper medications and surgeries.

High blood sugar seems to be the one common denominator that all concerned in the medical health care community seem to agree is a cause of diabetic nerve pain. Individuals who are able to maintain a healthy blood sugar for a longer period of time are able to delay the onset of diabetic nerve pain longer. Other individuals with blood sugar levels that spike and fall are much more likely to be affected. Developed diabetic nerve pain can become very acute and many individuals become unable to perform the most mundane of daily tasks.

Diabetic nerve pain can easily move inward towards the vital organs. This will cause the individual great stress as the nerves running throughout the body become weaker. There are medications to treat the symptoms and relieve much of the daily pain individuals’ experience. However, there is no known method of treatment that will help to retard the movement through an individual’s body. Perhaps with the constant research that is currently being conducted, a positive result will transform in the future.

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