Monday, August 4, 2014

Hand And Wrist Pain

Hand And Wrist Pain
Hand and wrist pain are a common complaint that you may hear mentioned by someone near you every so often. There are a number of reasons for hand and wrist pain and health experts prefer to categorize them into two large groups and then sort out the finer causes from there. The two main categories are either pain caused by an injury, or pain caused by other factors such as disease or a malfunction in your body.

When you have hand and wrist pain as a result of an injury, it is highly likely that you know the exact point when that injury took place. The most common injuries that may trigger hand and wrist pain are aches that you may get while doing either regular work or doing something unusual. If for instance your regular work requires you to do a lot of lifting, then it is possible to pick something slightly heavier than usual and strain one of the thousands of tiny muscles in your hand or wrist. If the sprain is severe, then it is important to consult your doctor.

Other common causes of hand and wrist pain are overuse. The writer's cramp or the 'mouse' cramp or typists cramp are all examples of these kinds of aches. The symptoms of these are a tightening or numbness in the hand, wrist, and fingers. These develop because the hand and wrist are in a particular position with limited movement for extended hours which leads to pain. The easiest way to deal with those is to clench and open your fist a couple of times to trigger circulation, and to rotate your wrist. Other common causes of hand and wrist pain are various diseases. Different diseases will cause different symptoms in the hand and wrist and it is important to describe the precise ache to a doctor to help them diagnose the problem correctly. A prolonged feeling of numbness, soreness in the joints of your fingers or the wrist, a sting, a sharp pain, a change in skin color such pallor or redness, or a painful lump in your hand or wrist are all indicators of a problem.

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