Monday, August 4, 2014

Heel Pain Causes

Heel Pain Causes
Heel pain causes are various and can range from simple bruising to a ruptured Achilles tendon. The smaller injuries to the heel area can go away within days, but the issues that come with Achilles tendon injury can last for days and even months. The most common of the heel pain causes is simple overuse. Overuse of the calf, leg and ankle can give you heel pain that is related to the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is the muscle that ties the calf to the heel and is likely to be torn or inflamed at some point in everyone’s life. Whenever you stop and start walking, the Achilles tendon is the part of your body that has to be used to do so. Taking off when you are running is also another time that the Achilles tendon is put to use. Lastly, when going on your toes, as to tip toe, that is the job of the tendon, as well.

Strenuous exercise routines and sports activities can contribute to the heel pain causes. Whenever you begin a new workout program or routine without a full warm up preparation, you put yourself at risk for serious injury to the Achilles tendon and calf muscles and can add to the heel pain. Causes are inactivity on a normal basis and overuse of the muscles. It is recommended that you fully stretch your leg muscles before you begin, as well as to wear properly supported shoes without a heel on the shoe. Sports activities that require running or starting and stopping will put you at a risk for some sort of pain. Only serious forms of damage may involve medical attention and possible physical therapy. Otherwise, heel pain causes can be removed with a few simple precautions and avoiding overuse.

Sometimes if you are simply hit in the back of the heel, there can be bruising and could be another one of the heel pain causes. When you might step back into an object, like a chair or table there can be swelling which will cause some heel pain. While it may not be an everyday event, it is not unlikely and it happens all the time. In this case, getting rid of the pain would simply require less use, adequate rest and mild pain medications, if necessary.

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