Monday, August 4, 2014

Lose Weight 10 Pounds

Lose Weight 10 Pounds
People make weight loss decisions at the beginning of the year and their resolutions don't see the end of January. America is an overweight nation and many live sedentary lifestyles. For this reason, they gain a lot of weight and are prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension. What people don't realize is that weight loss does not need so much hype as it is not hard to lose weight. Losing weight is all about the mind; and once the mind is made up, the body follows immediately.

The reason many resolutions never see the end of January is because we don't make decisions with our minds but rather with our bodies. So, before I give you the tips on how to lose 10 pounds one month and a half, make the decision to lose weight in your mind. Don't decide to lose weight because a friend did the same thing; lose weight for a better lifestyle and for the sake of your health.

After you have made the decision to lose weight, you need a diet plan. You need to cut down sugars. This is a gradual process and not a sudden one as many people take it. If you have been taking fizzy drinks, cut down the intake of these gradually per week. You also need to cut down on the intake of fats. The reason why many people backslide is because they start out too fast and most diet plans are not made to be enjoyable. If you cannot make a diet plan for your self, let a dietician do it for you. He or she will make a diet plan that will suit your weight and your weight loss goals A diet plan should help you eat the food you love and still lose weight. It should not pressure you to lose weight. This is a lifestyle you are adopting and not a temporary fix to a problem; so make sure you are doing the best you can.

Don't obsess about your weight loss or you will never lose it. Don't let it bother you! Check your weight once a week only and celebrate your achievements every time you see a decrease; there is no use of obsessing about your scales figures every time you step into the bathroom. Change your diet after two weeks while further reducing all the bad sugars. Include in your diet whole grains as well. You need to exercise; start small and think big. Try to incorporate these exercises into your lifestyle; and in a month and half, you should have dropped 10 pound quick and easy.

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