Thursday, September 4, 2014

What Causes Boils on Anus | Treatment of Anal Bumps & Lesions

What Causes Boils on Anus | Treatment of Anal Bumps & Lesions

Anus is the rectal opening through which feces is expelled out. Normally, anus is a smooth surface without any lesions, bumps or growths. The appearance of lesions, bumps or growths can indicate unhealthy eating habits, abnormal bowel movements, or something far serious, such as a cancerous growth or an infection. Any changes in the anal skin must be examined by a physician for prompt intervention and treatment.

Boil on Anus

  • A boil is an infection, usually of hair follicles, that appears as a bubble-shaped protrusion. It is filled with pus. Boil on anus is extremely painful.

  • Boils on anus can be caused due to exposure of fecal matter to cuts and bruises in and around the anal area.

  • You can feel the painful boils while defecating, cleaning, or while sitting down.

  • Boils on the anus can be extremely uncomfortable and painful, especially if the boil has become quite large.

  • When a boil is opened or if it bursts on its own, the infection from accumulated pus can cause infection in the surrounding area.

Anal Bumps and Hemorrhoids

Bumps on the anus can indicate a number of conditions:

  • Hemorrhoids or piles can appear as bumps on the anus.

  • Hemorrhoids can develop internally or externally and are usually a result of excessive straining while defecating. They may also develop due to swollen veins of the rectum and anus.

  • Bumps can also be new growths in the anal area.

  • New growths can be indicative of a mass or tumor which can either be benign or malignant.

  • Bumps on the anus should be examined by a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of Boils on Anus

Some of the most common causes of anal boils include:

  • Exposure to fecal matter: Feces contain bacteria. If that is left on the anus for a long time, it can infect the surrounding skin and even the mucus lining of the anus, especially if there is a cut or a bruise.

  • Improper hygiene and cleaning: Improper cleaning of the anus after defecation leaves fecal matter behind that can be a cause for infection, especially if the hair follicle is broken.

  • Friction: Rigorous cleaning of the anus with tissues and cloth results in friction that can cause irritation and subsequent infection.

  • Pressure: Straining while defecating can cause excess pressure that results in the swelling of anal blood vessels.

  • Low Fiber Diet: Diet, low in fiber, causes hard stools making it difficult to pass stools which results in straining.

  • Genetics: Hereditary factors can cause new growth, mass, or tumors in the area to develop.

Treatment of Bumps on Anus

Treatment for bumps and lesions in the anal area depends on the underlying cause or disease condition. The goal of this treatment is to ensure that the person is comfortable while defecating and does not experience any pain or strain.

  • Some bumps, especially boils, can be left untreated. Typically, they disappear in a few days.

  • Larger bumps may need to be drained or opened by a doctor to let the pus out.

  • A course of antibiotic treatment may be necessary as it helps fight the bacteria causing the infection.

  • Hemorrhoids can be treated using local anesthetic to relieve pain.

  • Vasoconstrictors are also used to treat hemorrhoids to help reduce the swelling and the size of the hemorrhoids.

  • Astringents promote coagulation and dryness of the hemorrhoid.

  • Antiseptics prevent the growth of bacteria on the hemorrhoids.

  • Keratolytics help disintegrate the outer layers of the skin, allowing access to deeper tissues for treatment.

  • Analgesics relieve pain associated with hemorrhoids.

  • Mass or tumors in the anal area must be diagnosed by a doctor through a biopsy to look for cancerous properties before initiating treatment.

  • Anal bumps such as anal warts have to be removed surgically. A homeopathic medicine, Thuja is very useful in treating anal warts.

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