Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Throbbing Lower Back Pain: Causes and Symptoms for Worrying Back Pain

Throbbing Lower Back Pain: Causes and Symptoms for Worrying Back Pain

Our back acts as a main structural support to our body, it keeps us upright, flexible and strong. The main components forming our back are muscles and tissues, bony spine, nerves and tendons, fat and subcutaneous tissue.

Throbbing lower back pain can be acute or chronic. Whatever be the type it is a major inconvenient symptom which affects day to day life of the sufferer. It restricts your movement.

Acute lower back pain occurs intermittently on several occasions or only one time; whereas chronic lower back pain is addressed as pain remaining in lower back for more than three months.

There are several reasons for lower back pain and at times the reason may different for right side or left side.

Some of the Major Reasons which Cause Throbbing Lower Back Pain on Right Side

  • Herniated spinal disc.

  • Spasm of right sided muscles caused by bad posture and poor lifting methods.

  • Gall stone colic.

  • Right renal stone colic or kidney disorders like hydro-nephrosis can also result in right sided pain.

  • Right ureteric calculi.

  • Herpes zoster on the right side of the back.

  • Boil and abscess.

  • Insect bite.

  • Right sciatic pain radiating from lower back to right lower leg.

  • In women lower back pain on right side may be caused due to and gynecological problems, which include Uterine fibroid, uterine prolapse, etc.

  • Diseases such as tuberculosis of spine.

  • Trauma on the right side of lower back.

  • Wearing high heel shoes.

  • Pregnancy.

Almost all the causes mentioned in the throbbing lower back pain right side are included in throbbing lower back pain left side; only few are excluded such as gall stone colic. Following are the causes of throbbing lower back pain left side:

  • Injury to the mucles and tissues.

  • Pregnancy.

  • Left kidney stone.

  • Left kidney infection.

  • Left ureteric stone and stricture.

  • Irritable bowel syndrome affecting the left colonic flexure.

  • Obesity.

  • Herniated disc

  • Lumbar Spondylitis.

  • Left sided sciatica.

  • Muscle spasm of muscle located on the left side

  • Herpes zoster.

  • Boils and abscess.

Treating Worrying Back Pain Naturally: Simple Tips for Back Pain

Though there are a host of factors that can result in lower back pain on either sides, it is essential to get yourself thoroughly investigated to identify the causative factor and take the appropriate treatment.

  • Local application of ginger essential oil or lavender essential oil is very helpful to relieve pain which is associated with muscle spasms, pain during pregnancy and pain due to sciatica. Warm fomentation would also be helpful, especially in cases of mild to moderate discomfort

  • Drinking cranberry juice is helpful in management of renal disorders which can result in back pain. Cranberry juice is useful not only in treating urinary tract infections but also helps in the removal of urethral stones

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