Tuesday, June 17, 2014

10 Reasons To Drink More Water

10 Reasons To Drink More Water

Water is an essential component to our human body. All the functions in our body involve water for their operation such as digestion, excretion and nutrient transportation.

Here are given some of the reasons to drink more water and its health benefits.

1)      Water helps the body maintain constant temperature. Drinking enough water keep our body system balanced.

2)      Water is the basis of all fluid secretions from our body like tears, gastric juices, saliva and fluids which lubricate joints and organs.

3)      Drinking water with meals may help you lose your weight and body fat as you consume less food if you drink water.

4)      Kidney’s do an amazing job of cleansing your body toxins as long as your intake of fluids is adequate. Water helps maintain normal bowel functions. Poor intake of water may lead to kidney problems, hyperacidity, renal stones , irregular bowel movements and Urinary Tract Infections.

5)      During pregnancy water forms as amniotic fluid in the mother’s womb and protects the fetus.

6)      All the skin cells are made up water. Without water all the organs will not function properly. Water keeps the skin soft and smooth.

7)      Water helps to eliminate the byproducts of the body’s metabolism, excess electrolytes and urea which is a waste product.

8)      Drinking water helps in relieving early retention and bloating.

9)      Dehydration makes your skin look more wrinkled and dry and which can be improved through proper hydration.

10)   Drinking enough water is important during exercise. According to some researchers, it is recommended to take 17ounces of fluid about two hours before exercise. During exercise it recommended that you should start drinking fluid earlier and drink them at regular intervals of time to replace the fluids lost by sweating.

Tips to drink more water:

1)      Have water as beverage with every snack and meal.

2)      Eat more fruits and vegetables

3)      Keep a bottle of water every time with you.


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