Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fordyce Spots on Penis- What Does it Mean

Fordyce Spots on Penis- What Does it Mean
Many men around the world get pimple like eruptions on their penises that resemble skin allergies or symptom of one or other sexually transmitted diseases. In reality these are Fordyce spots that mainly appear on the base or body of penis along with on testicles and surrounding area. These are not big or do not get noticed easily but in some cases these are as big as pimples and give nightmares to the man with its appearance. These are either white or yellow in color and feel like bumps to the hand. Fordyce spots on penis are small white or yellow pimple like eruptions that could also sometimes occur over lips and cover a large area of penis or the affected area. The good news is these spots does not cause any harm to the body of the sufferer or to its sexual partner. It is not at all contagious and does not cause any damage to the person. The amount of spots and its spread over the penis varies from person to person.

The formation of Fordyce spots over penile shaft or other areas is mainly due to malfunction of olive oil for hair growth sebaceous glands situated around or beneath the area. This malfunctioning creates unusual development in their numbers that result in the white/yellow spots over the penis. Sometimes these spots are congenial that means are present right from the birth whereas some might develop them at the time of puberty. Congenial Fordyce spots do not tend to go away even with course of treatment but being harmless it does not obstruct normal activity of penis. At the same time non-congenial spots could be eradicated with medicines or anti-sebum applications. As the age advances and the person reaches older age he is very unlikely to develop Fordyce spots over penis. These spots are completely asymptomatic which means they do not cause any discomfort or irritation over the area besides the dreadful appearance in some cases.

The treatment is only done for patients that have overgrowth of such spots that are big and dreadful in appearance. In normal conditions they do not require any treatment or medication. In order to gain confidence one could try using products that tend to reduce the sebum secretion around the penis which also works on the sebaceous glands to reduce the spots appearance or number. These products should be used only with doctor's help as they might contain harmful products to affect the functions of penis.

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