Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bad Breath Causes & Home Remedies

Bad Breath Causes & Home Remedies


Bad breath is also called Halitosis where a unpleasant odor is present on the exhaled breath. This is just a symptom and not a disease but it can create problems like social anxiety and depression. Almost 90% of the odor is caused by the bacteria present in the mouth whereas the remaining 10% is caused by disorders in nasal cavities, lungs, throat, stomach and sinuses. The most widely used method to control the bad breath is cleaning the tongue but using mints and mouthwashes give temporary solutions but they cannot completed destroy the bacteria in the mouth. Here are some natural home remedies to control bad breath.

Symptoms of bad breath:

1)      Unpleasant odor

2)      Dry mouth

3)      Bad taste

4)      Coating on tongue


Causes of bad breath:

1)      Development of bacteria in the mouth

2)      Lack of proper oral hygiene

3)      Chewing tobacco

4)      Digestive disorders

5)      Dry mouth

6)      Consuming garlic


Home Remedies to prevent badbreath:

1)      Take a cup of hot water and 3tsp of cinnamon powder. Store this liquid in a bottle and use this as mouth wash every day. This can reduce bad breath to a much amount.

2)      Chew 2 cardamom seeds to reduce bad breath.

3)      Eat fresh apple or guava after your meal. They help get rid of food particles stored in the mouth.

4)      Parsley leaves acts as a natural deodorizer. Eat parsley leaves which contains high chlorophyll every day to get rid of bad breath.


1)      Brush twice daily.

2)      Remove food particles stuck in the mouth after every meal.

YouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5yarPhNlFE







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