Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Constipation Due to Stress- Explained

Constipation Due to Stress- Explained
It might amaze you that several types and degrees of stress could lead to constipation and other bowel related problems. The relationship betweens stress and constipation is quite evident in several stressful conditions and its interactions or reactions within body. Stress most often seems to affect the reflex of gastrointestinal tract that propels the bowel movements. With varying degrees of stress the effect on this reflex differs and results either in constipation or sometimes diarrhea. Some researchers are of opinion that stress affects the bowel movements as much as amount of fiber present in intestine. As we know higher amounts of fiber create bulk in intestine that eases out the constipation but here higher amounts of stress are resulting in constipation. Let us take a look at various levels of stress and their effect on constipation.

Low level stress with anxiety

If you are anxious about the upcoming event that might lead to low levels of stress then you might eventually find difference in bowel movements. This low level stress mostly affects the gastrocolic response that is responsible for working of bowel movements. This low level stress suppresses this response which in turn results in constipation. Here the sensation to clear bowel gets prolonged which eventually leads in the hardening of stools.

Moderate stress

Moderate stress is a fair amount of stress on individual when a bog thing is scheduled for next few days. This is often experienced with presentations or other events related to work, marriage, interview, date of medical reports receival and other conditions. In this situation the person usually tends to ignore the urge to clear the bowels. This behavior always leads to stress constipation and if practiced for few days could lead to permanent constipation tendency.

High level of stress

This is fairly high amount of stress that is always looming over the mind such as huge debt over head, negative conditions at workplace or deprivation from promotions, chances of job shift or throwing out of job, heartbreak, troublesome relationship and several other conditions. This actually leads to diarrhea in most people which in turn leads to hardening of stools. This relation of stress and constipation is not entirely known but people often experience sever shifts in bowel movements.


Dangerous stress with severe depression

This is often experienced by youngsters and leads to dangerous levels up to depression and suicidal thoughts. Many times failure in exams of exam result stress could lead to this condition. This type of stress constipation is also contributed constant diarrhea by the medications ingested for relieving the depression. If it is associated with alcohol and other things the condition might worsen as far as bowel movements are concerned.

Self diagnosis and medication for stress is dangerous on the constipation. Regular constipation might lead to fissures and other dangerous medical conditions. Practice stress relieving techniques like mediation and music therapy to keep stress at bay.

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