Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cure Bacterial Vaginosis: Natural Remedies for BV!

Cure Bacterial Vaginosis: Natural Remedies for BV!
Before starting a natural treatment to cure bacterial vaginosis, please make certain that it is in fact BV. Two other similar vaginitis conditions can be easily confused with this condition. So how to diagnose your vaginal ailment? First of all, BV is caused by bacteria, while candidiasis (a yeast infection), is obviously caused by the excessive presence of yeast, and Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a parasite. To complete your diagnosis for your vaginitis, consider your symptoms (most indicative listed first):

Bacterial Vaginosis: Relatively thin, whitish, foul-smelling discharge; little to no discomfort; discharge most common following sexual activity; vaginal pH above 4.5.

Trich: "Fishy" smell, itchiness (potentially from thighs to urethra), frothy yellow-green discharge, labial swelling. Sexually communicated.

Yeast Infection: "Cottage cheese" discharge; burning, itching, or pain related to sexual activity or urination; redness. Most likely in the case of someone with a weakened immune system.

How Is Bacterial Vaginosis Treated?

Determining whether or not your condition is actually bacterial vaginosis is one of the most important steps toward effective treatment. A medical professional can help you best determine what type of ailment you have and also help you differentiate the severity of your infection. In some cases, bacterial infections require prescription medication in the form of oral pills or vaginal gels or creams.

What Are the Best Natural Remedies for BV?

In many cases, however, you can treat your condition with natural treatment options. The goal for eliminating bacterial vaginosis is rebalancing the bacteria present in the vagina. Several home treatments are effective for reestablishing the bacterial culture of your body. Some of the most effective include acidophilus, apple cider vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide.

1. Acidophilus

Acidophilus, also known as Lactobacillus acidophilus, is one of the most common and well-known species of good bacteria. Commonly referred to as probiotics, acidophilus and other probiotic bacteria are naturally present throughout the body and are responsible for maintaining the function of many of your bodily processes. This bacteria helps treat BV by eradicating high levels of bad bacteria and repopulating the colonies of good bacteria.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a naturally acidic compound. One of the issues that causes bacterial vaginosis is a change in the pH of your vagina. The acidity of ACV can help regulate your pH and naturally restore balance in your body. When you pH is in check, the growth of both good and bad bacteria is regulated. Apple cider vinegar also has antibacterial properties that kill off bad bacteria throughout your body.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a home remedy that has been used for ages. The compound is a natural disinfecting agent, so it helps eliminate the bad bacteria in your body. Peroxide also eradicates inflammatory agents in your body and other factors that lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Treating an issue like bacterial vaginosis is a sensitive matter, which is why we suggest trying these natural at-home remedies. Let us know how they work for you or add one of your own suggestions to our extensive list of contributed remedies below!

Also check out our related pages on:
Trich, or Trichomoniasis
Vaginal Yeast Infection
Systemic Candida

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