Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Four Likely Causes of Frequent Headache

Four Likely Causes of Frequent Headache
It is aid that almost 80% of men and women experience frequent headache sin their life which differ in duration and intensity. The headache is the most intriguing condition that affects the entire day of the person. Some opt out to pop some random medications or analgesics as soon as they get the headache to curb it from overshadowing the entire day while others opt for some other ways to cure it. The causes of frequent headache might vary from person to person depending on their lifestyle, work pattern and emotional conditions. But in common there are certain medical conditions that most likely to cause headaches in person. The intensity of pain differs and many times the person becomes habituated to the pain in daily life. Even if these are not of serious kind should be taken seriously and efforts should be done to track down the actual causes of recurring headaches.

  • Meningitis

  • This is a very serious condition that often presents o negative blood group with frequent headaches. In this condition the membrane or area of the brain gets inflamed by one or other causative factors. In some cases if the condition is not treated on time could result in fatal outcomes. The pain caused by this condition is often of severe kind. In major cases the pain is recurring and is light at first which later on becomes severe and disturbing.

  • Migraine

  • This is a very known classic cause of headache where mostly half portion of the head causes pain. The headache due to migraine always repeats itself and makes the day to day working a complete mess. It is often associated with other symptom such as nausea or vomiting and sensitivity toward bright light. This is a curable condition and with advanced research some effective medicines are developed that cause minimum side effects on body. One could also try some therapies for this condition.

  • Sinusitis

  • It is a condition where inflammation to the sinuses causes frequent headache in the region of upper nose, front portion of face and eye sockets. The pain is very disturbing and mostly affects the facial portion of body such as cheek bones, nose cartilage and others. The pain is recurrent with other symptoms. With steam inhalation the person could get good relief.

  • Flu/ cold

  • If the headache is accompanied by slight fever, pain in tonsils, difficulty in swallowing and other cold signs then it is due to flu or cold in body. this causes problems with vision such as problem with bright light and others. In other cases it is associated with tonsillitis which is in dormant stage but causing frequent headaches.

    These conditions might occur minor to nature but need immediate medical attention for prevention of recurring headaches.

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