Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Home Remedies To Cure Diarrhea At Home

Home Remedies To Cure Diarrhea At Home

Diarrhea is a condition that causes frequent passing of loose or watery stools.  It is a common condition and not serious. It is very common in children so it is important to know the causes and even the remedies. In some people it is very common condition and goes way in few days, but in some others it lasts longer.

Diarrhea is usually accompanied with dehydration, cramps, weakness, fever and distention in the abdomen. Diarrhea is usually caused due to weak digestive system or increased pitta. Improper eating habits like eating frequently or eating a food which the system cannot digest are the main reasons for diarrhea. When food consumed is not digested properly, it passes out in semi liquid or watery form. You can treat diarrhea if it is not serious at home. But you have to consult a doctor if the problem is complicated.

Causes of loose motions:

1)     Food poisoning

2)   Allergies to certain type of foods

3)   Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis

4)   Overeating

5)    Some cancers

6)   Mal nutrition

7)    Certain medications

8)   Alcohol abuse

Symptoms of loose motion:

1)     Nausea and vomiting

2)   Abdominal bloating of cramps

3)   Watery or loose stool

If it is complicated, the symptoms vary:

1)     Fever

2)   Weight loss

3)   Blood in the stool

4)   Dark colored stool


Here are some of the home remedies to cure diarrhea and give you great relief:

1)     Pomegranate: Pomegranate seeds help in reducing the loose motion. It works effectively in reducing the symptoms of loose motions. You have eat at least two fruits daily to see the result. You can also drink pomegranate juice to reduce the problem.

2)   Honey: Honey is a natural medicine which can cure lot of health problems. Honey also works effectively in fighting against loose motions. You can also add ½ tsp cinnamon powder to honey. Consume this in half glass of warm water. Drink this on empty stomach early in the morning to cure bladder infection.

3)   Mint leaves: Mint leaves contain many ayurvedic properties. It has been used from years to cure many of the diseases. It works well to treat loose motions or diarrhea. It aids in quick digestion. You can chew some mint leaves every day after meals which helps indigestion. You can also make mint juice and add some honey to it. Mix well and consume this mixture 2-3 times a day to get rid of loose motions.

4)   Bottle guard: Bottle guard helps in retaining the water content in the body and helps the body prevent dehydration. Bottle guard juice is an excellent drink which can be given to patients suffering from loose motions. Take a fresh bottle guard and peel off its skin. Put the pieces in blender and extract its juice. Drink this juice to restore the water level in the body and aids to get rid of loose motions.

5)    Papaya: Raw papaya helps in treating diarrhea or loose motions. It also helps in reducing symptoms of loose motions like stomach cramps and pain. But this should not be given to pregnant women. Take a raw papaya and cut it into pieces. boil it in some water for 10minutes. Strain the water and drink it 2-3 times a day to get rid of loose motions.

6)   Buttermilk: Buttermilk helps in soothing down the digestive system. Buttermilk contains acids which has the ability to fight against bacteria and germs in the body.  Add a pinch of black pepper powder to the milk and drink it 2-3 times a day to get relief from diarrhea.

7)    Fenugreek seeds: Fenugreek seeds acts as an excellent home remedy mainly for diarrhea. It has many anti bacterial properties which fight against bacteria in the body and clears the digestive system. Take some dried fenugreek seeds and powder it. Add this powder to a glass of water and drink it every day in the morning to get relief from loose motions.

8)   Coriander leaves: Boil some coriander leaves in water and give it to the patient. You can get great relief from loose motions.

9)   Lemon: Lemon has anti inflammatory properties that help to get relief from digestive disorders. Add 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp of sugar to a lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. Drink this juice for every 1 hour until all the toxins in your body are flushed out.

10)                       Mustard seeds: Mustard seeds also contain many anti bacterial properties which help in reducing digestive problems. Add ¼ tsp of mustard seeds to a tsp of water and keep it aside for an hour. Drink this water 2-3 times a day to get rid of loose motion.

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