How to Get Rid of Old Carpet 
Old carpets are not only eyesores, they are also difficult to move around. You can apply the soundest cleaning procedures, but if your carpet is simply past its prime, making it look dainty becomes near impossible. Giving your carpet away to the garbageman is an option. However, there are other ways in which you can productively dispose of your old carpet. You can sell it, have it recycled, restore it, or piece it up then use the carpet strips for other applications.Selling Your Old CarpetSelling an old carpet may come as an odd suggestion, but some people do purchase them, especially those who don't have enough cash to buy a new carpet. The internet provides superior coverage, so better take advantage of it.Market Your Old Carpet around Your CommunityTalk to your neighbors if they are interested in purchasing the carpet. Give them a fair price, given its current state and appearance. You can even look for the highest bidder, if your carpet is in a fairly decent condition. However, if there are no takers, you can go around your community and post flyers regarding the item you're selling. Include a picture, information about the carpet's condition, and your contact info. Just make sure you have shampooed the carpet before showing it to the interested parties.Sell on the InternetThe internet poses as an option for selling your old carpet, given its global market. You can sell your old carpet through an auction website, such as eBay, through online forums, Craig's List, or via the most popular social networking sites. You won't easily get takers, but with the sheer number of people who surf the net everyday, you will surely find at least a few who are willing to purchase your old carpet. (Tips on how to sell on Ebay)Have Your Carpet RecycledA recycling facility can find tons of uses for your old carpet. It can be reused to form new carpets, rugs, and other materials that will benefit from the carpet's components. If a charitable institution or a willing buyer passes by the facility, your old carpet might land in someone else's home or office. You may not get much financial compensation for your former property, but you know it will eventually bring a smile to others. Who knows, the next carpet you purchase might be made from the old one you gave away to recyclers?Restore Your Old CarpetAn old carpet might look hapless at first glance. However, if you apply dye on the fibers, it will appear like a new item.Procedure:Vacuum your carpet then wash it with carpet shampoo and water. Rinse the shampoo off. Apply the dye per small section of the carpet, so the color appears robust. Continue applying dye until you have covered the entire carpet. Check the carpet if the color is even. If not apply dye on the uneven areas. Let the dye settle then air dry. Once the dye dries, your carpet is ready to be displayed again. It is also more saleable, with its new appearance.Use Your Carpet for Other ApplicationsIn the DIY world, your carpet is a smorgasbord of alternative uses, like vinegar and baking soda. Its properties can figure in lots of home applications, even art. You just have to open your imagination and you will soon find your carpet unusually handy, when the situation calls for an immediate solution.InsulationA carpet's hairy surface and its rubbery base can absorb and regulate temperature nearly as good as the commercially available materials for insulation. Cut out a carpet section long enough to cover your pipes, using a box blade. If you have more than one used carpet, produce sheets that will serve as insulation for your attic, crawl space, dog house, and garage door. You and your dog will be protected from extreme temperatures for absolutely no cost.Book CoverWrapping your books with plastic cover makes them resistant to wear and tear and atmospheric pressure, preserving them for decades. If you want to give your favorite novels a dainty female impression, you can use the carpet's fibrous surface as the covering, in place of plastic. Cut out a small section of your old carpet, trim the fibers, then taper off a portion of the base. Wrap it around the covers of your books. Attach them with duct tape or electrical tape. In the end, your books will appear grand, like elegant furniture, though they'll be slightly heavier, given the carpet section's weight.Scratching PostCats need to sharpen their claws by scratching tough objects, which is why pet owners purchase scratching posts. With your old carpet around, you don't really need to buy anything. Just cut a section from your old carpet and wrap it around a wooden peg or block. Your kitties will soon scratch at the hairy surface, prepping their claws up for the next mouse hunt.Easy to DisposeWith the number of choices available, getting rid of your old carpet is a cinch. Just center on how you to dispose of it then select a method from the presented options.Click here for more information on how to get rid of old carpet.
How to Get Rid of Old Carpet

Old carpets are not only eyesores, they are also difficult to move around. You can apply the soundest cleaning procedures, but if your carpet is simply past its prime, making it look dainty becomes near impossible. Giving your carpet away to the garbageman is an option. However, there are other ways in which you can productively dispose of your old carpet. You can sell it, have it recycled, restore it, or piece it up then use the carpet strips for other applications.Selling Your Old CarpetSelling an old carpet may come as an odd suggestion, but some people do purchase them, especially those who don't have enough cash to buy a new carpet. The internet provides superior coverage, so better take advantage of it.Market Your Old Carpet around Your CommunityTalk to your neighbors if they are interested in purchasing the carpet. Give them a fair price, given its current state and appearance. You can even look for the highest bidder, if your carpet is in a fairly decent condition. However, if there are no takers, you can go around your community and post flyers regarding the item you're selling. Include a picture, information about the carpet's condition, and your contact info. Just make sure you have shampooed the carpet before showing it to the interested parties.Sell on the InternetThe internet poses as an option for selling your old carpet, given its global market. You can sell your old carpet through an auction website, such as eBay, through online forums, Craig's List, or via the most popular social networking sites. You won't easily get takers, but with the sheer number of people who surf the net everyday, you will surely find at least a few who are willing to purchase your old carpet. (Tips on how to sell on Ebay)Have Your Carpet RecycledA recycling facility can find tons of uses for your old carpet. It can be reused to form new carpets, rugs, and other materials that will benefit from the carpet's components. If a charitable institution or a willing buyer passes by the facility, your old carpet might land in someone else's home or office. You may not get much financial compensation for your former property, but you know it will eventually bring a smile to others. Who knows, the next carpet you purchase might be made from the old one you gave away to recyclers?Restore Your Old CarpetAn old carpet might look hapless at first glance. However, if you apply dye on the fibers, it will appear like a new item.Procedure:
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