Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pulmonary Embolism- Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment

Pulmonary Embolism- Signs, Diagnosis and Treatment
Pulmonary embolism is a condition where one of the main artery of lung gets obstructed by formation of foreign particle, blood clot or a particle of medicines talk or other substance. The occlusion of the blood throw through the respected artery causes immense pressure on the right ventricle of the heart. This could give rise to some serious signs and symptoms such as breathing difficulty and others. The embolus could be anything from blood clot, foreign particle that has traveled form other part of body, fat, air, talc or other fillers in some medications and similar particles to obstruct the normal blood circulation in lungs. As it affects the heart ventricle it is often serious condition that needs immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Signs of PE (Pulmonary Embolism)

This condition often gives rise to symptoms such as breathing difficulty, heaviness in chest, slight pain in chest that is pulsing at the time of inhalation, palpitations, tachycardia (fast heartbeats), hemoptysis (blood in coughing) and others. In extreme PE cases where the occlusion has taken next stage the patient might experience extreme drop in blood pressure, fainting or collapse and eventually death if not treated on time. Some sure signs of PE re dyspnea that is shortness of breath, rapid breathing, coughing and unusual discoloration of fingers.

Diagnosis of PE

The diagnosis is mostly done by physical examination, imaging of the lungs and heart and blood test. Often the embolism is so minor that it doesn't appear on normal checking or by these diagnostic tests therefore in such cases use of electrocardiograph is done to detect the working of right ventricle. This pulmonary embolism ekg many times shows some distinct features in the graph such as in lead I a large S wave, in lead III a large Q wave along with an inverted T wave in same lead. These changes often occur in PE ekg in the presence of sinus tachycardia with a deviation in right axis and right bundle branch block.

Treatment of PE

Anticoagulation therapy- this is the primary treatment given to patients with this embolism. This mainly consists of medicines that work by dissolving the blood clot and bring other effects to arrest the bleeding and other effects of PE.

Clot destruction therapy- this is given to patients that have developed some serious kind of symptoms such as abnormally low blood pressure and others. Here medications are given to destruct or dissolve the blood clot or the particle that is causing occlusion in the artery.

Surgery- it is very rarely opted for patients with PE because of the low chances of recovery and post operative complications. But in the case of sever occlusion the surgery is done to clear out the blockage.

The life expectancy is entirely dependant on timely diagnosis muscle relaxers with either PE ekg or with imaging.

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