Monday, August 4, 2014

Calcium Supplements Side Effects

Calcium Supplements Side Effects
Calcium is a very important mineral that should always be included in our daily diet. It helps make bones strong and healthy. Although there are calcium supplements for people who have calcium deficiencies, there are also calcium supplements side effects. Therefore, before taking calcium supplements, it would be useful to know more about the calcium supplements side effects.

Calcium deficiency in the body may lead to certain health conditions or diseases. These may include a condition known as hypocalcemia, which is the lack of sufficient calcium in the body. The body needs calcium for healthy bones besides a strong heart, muscles and a better functioning nervous system. With this deficiency, one may have no choice but to take calcium supplements.

Mostly, these supplements are in form of pills, and the most common group of people known to take these pills are children and adolescents, since at this stage is where the process of development of bones is crucial. Others include nursing mothers, older women and pregnant women since they need more calcium due to their condition and to prevent osteoporosis.

Despite the advantages of calcium supplements, some of the side effects as stated above include nausea and vomiting, sweating, dizziness, a feeling of warmth, skin reddening, and in some rare instances, drowsiness.

At times, there may be a situation where there is an overdose of calcium supplement, and some of the effects associated with an overdose of calcium pills are irritability, persistent headaches, loss of appetite, mental depression and increased feeling of thirst. These are considered early signs of overdose. The late signs of overdose include high blood pressure, confusion, frequent urination, severe drowsiness and irregular heartbeat.

From the above observations, it is clear that calcium supplements do have side effects. However, it is also apparent that most of these side effects are not life threatening or seriously fatal. That is to say that even though there may be side effects of taking calcium supplements, they may not be as bad as the case is with the side effects of other chemicals and drugs we are used to. Most of the commonly known conventional drugs usually have seriously life threatening side effects that could even lead to death.

In conclusion, although calcium supplements may have side effects, these effects can be viewed as bearable, especially when considering the benefits of calcium, or the effects of deficiency.

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