Monday, August 4, 2014

Leg Pain And Numbness

Leg Pain And Numbness
While pain in any body part can be due to many reasons, numbness associated with it should not be taken so lightly. It so happen that one may often suffer from leg pain and numbness due to sitting in cross legged position or foot under the body for consistently long period, but frequent bouts of such pain and numbness can be due to number of ailments that include Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis, Injury or Fracture, Severe arthritis, Spondylthesis, Herniated disc etc. It is therefore important to understand the right cause of leg pain and numbness and then work towards effective treatment of the same. If pain and numbness are associated with burning sensation in the leg or toes with swelling in feet than the condition is what is known as Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome where the tarsal nerve is either inflamed, compressed or impinged upon in the tarsal tunnel.

The other disease that is associated with leg pain and numbness is Sciatica which happens due to compression of sciatic or ischiatic nerve that is coming from lower back and goes down to the leg. The pain starts from the lower back and moves down to the leg. This condition is the common cause of leg pain and numbness prevalent during pregnancy. However, it is the Spinal Stenosis that is attributed for the most significant reasons of leg pain and numbness in majority of persons. It is generally due to narrowing of some specific areas in spine due to spinal cord/nerves compression, but spinal tumor or an injury in spinal cord, osteoarthritis are other causes of spinal stenosis.

Since there are many reasons for leg pain and numbness, it is advisable to get proper diagnosis for this and undergo suitable treatments. In case of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, the medication emphasizes on easing pain and swelling both. Physiotherapy is also recommended for such condition. However, if none of the above works then the patient may be recommended for surgery as the last resort. Sciatica treatment includes proper bed rest, physiotherapy and medication to give relief to pain while in case of Spinal Stenosis medication along with therapy is usually recommended and in extreme cases the doctor may resort to surgery. The treatment for leg pain and numbness due to any injury is dependent on its severity and therefore varies accordingly.

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