Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Poison Ivy Rash

Poison Ivy Rash Some plants contain oily resin like substance that causes itchy rash in men and women. Urushiol is one such resin found in the leaves and branches of poison ivy and oak trees that cause poison ivy rash. This type of resin can stick on to the clothing and boots of humans when they are walking through the plants. The same plant can produce worst type of infection in the lungs when it is burnt accidentally and the smoke is inhaled. Treatment can be given for poison ivy rash by medications like corticosteroid.

Symptoms :

The symptoms caused by direct contact of poison ivy plant are itching, swelling and redness on the area that is exposed to plants and its roots. It can also cause pus filled blisters or lesions on the skin. Red colored straight line is seen on the skin in the place where the plant has brushed your skin. Sometime it can cause bumps or blisters or even hives on the skin from which oily fluid oozes out.

Initial symptoms of itching and swelling will begin within a day of exposure to the plant. As such direct contact of the plant or its stem will not produce severe itching. But if a person has direct exposure to urushiol resin of the plant the infectious rash will become severe. This oily resin will cause high itching and has the quality of spreading to other parts of the body when the person rubs his finger over it.

Itching and swelling may continue to be there for 2-3 weeks and can be controlled by medications. Poison ivy rash is not contagious and it is the oily resin called urushiol that causes rapid spreading on the skin. In rare cases it can cause swelling of mouth or neck region or even the genitals.

Causes :

Oily resin by name urushiol is responsible for causing poison ivy rash. This oily resin is present in the leaves and stem and even on the roots of the poison oak plant. Due to its sticky nature this resin will easily attach to the skin and clothing. Pets can also spread the rash when its fur gets coated with oily resin.

There are 3 ways by which one can get poison ivy rash :

  • One way is by direct touching of the leaves or stems or roots of the plant.

  • Second way of spreading is by touching the objects that are contaminated with oily resin. You may touch the clothing or shoes or other tools used for cutting the plant through which you can get rashes. You can rub your fingers to other parts of the body accidentally after touching the sticky substance through which rashes can spread easily.

  • Third method of spreading rashes is by direct inhalation of smoke from plants. Poisonous smoke is emitted from the burning plant can cause great harm to your lungs.

Who are at risk?

The tendency of poison ivy rash is considered to run in families. It is because their skin is very sensitive for oily resin which when contacted can cause rashes. People who are directly in contact with the plants like foresters, farmers, gardeners and construction workers are prone to develop this rash. In severe cases poison ivy rash can cause skin infection when bacteria enter into your body through pus.

Tests :

Your doctor can easily diagnose poison ivy rash by mere physical examination and by looking for the symptoms of itching, red rashes and swelling. He may collect information from you by asking about your whereabouts the previous day.

Treatment :

Poison ivy rash will resolve on its own without wanting any treatment for mild cases. Self care methods are enough for reducing the symptoms of itching. However you need to visit the doctor if you have developed pus filled blisters and body swelling due to rashes. Steroid medication is prescribed for treating poison ivy rash. Prednisone is given in the form of oral pills and ointment. If the doctor suspects any bacterial infection he may give you antibiotics.

Home Remedies :

In case of severe itching with red colored lines on the skin, you can wash the skin with mild soapy water and apply calamine lotion on it. Antihistamines are effective in controlling itching. Benadryl or any other compound that contains diphenylhydramine is useful for reducing irritation and discomfort. If you have developed rashes on many parts of your body soaking in oatmeal bath is quite effective.

Pictures of Poison Ivy Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Poison Ivy Rash

Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash Poison Ivy Rash

Prevention :

You need to avoid the poison icy sumac and oak plants by identifying it. Stay away from these plants when you are involved in hiking schedule. Do not let your pets to wander in strange areas that contain many plants. Oily resin of the plants can stick to their fur which may then be contacted by you.

If these plants grow in your backyard you need to remove them carefully by wearing heavy clothing and covering your hands with gloves. You need to bathe completely soaking your body for 5-10 minutes in warm soapy water to prevent any rash reaction. It is wise to wash your clothing thoroughly if you suspect exposure to poison ivy oak.

Armpit Rash

Armpit Rash An armpit rash is medically known as Pruritus which can cause discomfort and irritation. It is a common problem in both sexes that causes itching in the armpits and redness on that area. The symptoms of armpit rash vary according to the intensity of the underlying problem. It would cause itching, irritation, redness and scarring in the armpits. Armpit rash is caused by many factors like lack of hygiene, allergen, excessive sweat, candida infection, exposure to hot climate and dermatitis. Armpit rash can be treated with suitable medications after examining the root cause of the rashes.

Symptoms :

Armpit rash appears anywhere under the arms and sometimes may appear deeper also. Some of the common symptoms of armpit rash are intense itching, inflammation of the skin in the area, redness and swelling of skin. For severe cases, the area of armpits become completely swollen and develops blisters. For others it can form black or red colored patches. The entire area becomes scarred and red due to continuous scratching.

Since the area of armpit has folded skin it is easy for the bacteria and fungus to thrive on the sweat and moisture created in it. The presence of hair follicles and sweat glands also makes it easy for the micro-organisms to thrive. Bacterial infections are also common in armpits since it has skin folds and sweat glands.

Causes :

Many factors (both external and internal) give rise to armpit rash. Some of the common causes of armpit rash are discussed below:

Lack of Hygiene :

Since the area of armpits is vulnerable to bacteria and fungus it should be kept completely dry and clean. It is the place where hair follicles and sweat glands are present. An individual who is not cleaning his armpit frequently is likely to develop armpit rash easily.

Infections :

Armpit rash is caused by allergy infections and due to various other skin problems also. Chemical allergy can develop in armpits when a person uses harsh soap or deodorants in armpit.

Yeast Infection :

Candida albicans is one of yeast varieties present in our body. When the immune system gets weakened, these organisms outgrow in number multiplying rapidly. The areas like armpits, groin and mouth are prone to yeast infection. Fungal infections are also common under the armpit causing severe itching and redness.

Excess of Sweat :

Some people sweat profusely for no reason. This gives room for micro-organisms to thrive on armpits causing irritation and discomfort. Excessive sweating can also stain the clothing apart from producing bad odor. This condition is medically termed as axillary hyperhidrosis. It can occur when the sweat glands is overly stimulated to produce excess of sweat.

Heat Rash :

If you are living in hot environment you are likely to develop heat rashes. Exposure to humid climate can increase the chance of rash formation in the body. Sweat glands are blocked due to sweat causing red bumps on the armpits which is known as Miliaria rubra.

Skin Problems :

If there is excess growth of skin cells it can cause inverse psoriasis. It can cause red patches on the armpits apart from severe itching. Some people will experience pain as well in that area. Skin inflammation can lead to the formation of skin lesions and bumps. This condition is described as dermatitis. It can develop due to skin allergy and overuse of antibiotics. There is chance for developing skin rash if you change your detergents. Excess use of deodorants will block the pores of the sweat glands leading to the formation of blackheads. This might cause itching and redness and for some people abscess may also develop in that area.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor can easily diagnose armpit rash by mere physical examination. He would listen to the symptoms mentioned above. No special test is needed to detect armpit rashes.

Treatment :

Home Remedies :

  • You should start practicing good hygiene. Take bath at least one time in a day and more times during summer.

  • Do not keep on changing soaps and detergents. Use only branded products that are soft to your skin.

  • Be careful while choosing deodorants since it can cause allergy on your skin.

  • Daily use of vitamin E product can keep your skin fresh and rejuvenated. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Add more of foods that contain vitamin C like citrus fruits.

  • If there is over irritation you can apply ice cubes on that area to reduce the symptoms.

  • Any type of microorganisms will thrive if the place is dark and moist. Hence ensure that you are keeping your armpits dry and clean. Apply soft talcum powder on the skin folds which helps in keeping it dry.

Pictures of Armpit Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Armpit Rash

Armpit Rash Armpit Rash Armpit Rash Armpit Rash

Medical Treatment :

Your doctor will have to diagnose the root cause of the problem before treating it. Armpit rash can occur due to different causes given above. The method of treatment also varies according to the cause of the rash. However removing the symptoms is the first step for any treatment. Itching is controlled by taking oral pills, applying skin creams that contain antifungal medication. Candida yeast infection is treated with antifungal cream.

Mild ant-bacterial soap is recommended if the armpit rash is caused by bacterial infection. For people who sweat in excess special gel containing alum chloride hexahydrate is prescribed. Apply few drops of hydrocortisone cream on the armpits can also reduce excess of sweating. Apply calamine lotion on the affected area which provides good relief from the symptoms of redness and irritation. Aloe Vera creams is highly effective in controlling armpit rash. You can also try natural remedies like oatmeal baths. For severe infections, oral pills like antihistamines are prescribed. Benadryl is an effective drug that controls itching.

Heat Rash Pictures

Heat Rash Pictures Prickly heat rash are not refined only for babies but for adults too. Hot summer weather is the main cause of heat rash. Actually during hot climate due to excess of sweat the pores get blocked by dust particles and perspiration remains inside the skin leading to formation of blisters and lumps on the skin. Heat rash requires no special treatment except some home remedies and taking some precautions.

Symptoms :

Heat rashes are often found in the areas of skin folds in which there are friction. In babies heat rash is commonly found in the neck and shoulders and on the armpits. In adults heat rash appear on the chest, shoulder, and groin and on the back. Heat rash is seen as small red colored bumps on the skin causing itching and discomfort.

Types :

There are 3 types of heat rash based on the site at which the sweat glands are blocked.

Miliaria Crystalline :

It is the mild form of heat rash at which the sweat glands are superficially blocked. It causes fluid blisters and lesions that break away easily. Often, this type of rash is not painful and not very itchy and resolves on its own.

Miliaria Rubra :

In this type of rash the epidermis or outer layer of the skin is deeply blocked. There is no way for the perspiration to escape which causes lesions on the skin. People who are confined to bed and those who are overly exposed to hot weather develop this rash. They appear as red lesions that are itchy and painful.

Miliaria Profunda :

It is a rare type of heat rash that develops on adults. This type affects the dermis (inner layer of the skin) and occurs soon after workouts or excess of sweating. The lesions are more or like goose bumps and in some people it can cause dizziness and nausea.

Causes :

When the sweat ducts get blocked by dust particles heat rashes are formed. It is often the perspiration that gets trapped inside appear in the form of lesions causing inflammation of the skin. Hot and humid climate, immature sweat glands, severe workouts and use of certain fabrics (that does not allow perspiration) can cause heat rash. Intake of certain medications like clonidine can also block the sweat glands causing heat rash. Individuals who are confined to bed-rest without any movement for longer periods (due to illness) can also develop heat rash.

Risk Factors :

People living in hot climatic zones and those who are sweating more due to workouts can develop heat rash.

Tests :

Mere physical examination of the body is enough to diagnose heat rash.

Pictures of Heat Rash :

Heat Rash Heat Rash Heat Rash Heat Rash

Treatment :

Heat rash does not require any special treatment in most of the cases. Avoid roaming out in excessive heat and take comfort in a cool room with air conditioner. In case your heat rash does not get resolved you can use calamine lotion or use cream that contains anhydrous lanolin. Wear loose fitting cotton clothes that absorb perspiration. Do not go out in hot sun which is not good for your skin. Apply cool compress on the affected area.

Prevention :

Avoid using heavy dressing in summer and use only cotton and soft clothing. If possible stay in a cool room and avoid going out in hot summer. Keep the bedroom well ventilated and cool. Do not use creams that can block the pores of sweat glands.


Urticaria Urticaria also known as chronic hives are nothing but raised lesions that are red or white in color resembling wheals of small and medium sizes. These hives develop suddenly and disappear within few days to appear again. Often, these itchy welts survive for 5-6 weeks which will fade subsequently. Urticaria is caused for reason unknown and is considered to be of autoimmune disorder. The symptoms can be totally managed by effective antihistamines. In rare cases, these hives develop on the throat region which can block the windpipe causing choking and difficulty in breathing.

Causes :

Urticaria is believed to be caused by weakened immunity. Certain mast cells of the body would release large quantities of histamine into the blood causing severe itching and hives. Autoimmune disorder can originate from other diseases like lupus or thyroid deficiency. The blood plasma would start leaking out of blood vessels finding its way into the skin causing chronic hives. Certain types of allergic reactions caused by food, over-exposure to sunlight, insect bites and prolonged use of certain medication can also cause this effect. Exact cause of urticaria is unknown.

Symptoms :

You can identify urticaria or chronic hives which appear as wheals or itchy belts on the skin. It would be seen as small patches of rings causing severe itching. They are raised red colored lesions appearing on the hands and legs and sometimes on your face also.

Often urticaria is associated with angioedema. The skin develops inflammation on the hands, feet and on the genitals and in rare cases on your throat. Swelling of throat can cause difficulty in eating and swallowing and can obstruct the airway. In most of the cases the symptoms come and go which may recur again within few days. Excess of heat or stressful events can trigger the formation of hives. In rare cases angioedema or urticaria can cause difficulty in breathing if the throat portion develops inflammation inside.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will look for the above symptoms after careful examination of the affected skin. To find out the root cause he may request for blood profile for detecting plasma proteins in the blood, allergy tests to rule out any allergic reactions and any other tests to rule out hepatitis or lupus.

Treatment :

It is difficult to treat urticaria and is possible to control only the symptoms. Exact cause that triggers formation of hives is to be identified and treated. Underlying health causes are to be analyzed before giving any treatment. Mild itching can be resolved by over the counter antihistamines. Most of the people can get relief by taking oral histamines of second/first generation. For some people combination of these drugs is to be given.

Newer antihistamines do not cause sedation but are effective. Some of the important second generation antihistamines are cetrizine, levocetrizine, loratadine and fexofenadine. First generation antihistamines like vistaril, Benadryl and chloropheniramine can make you drowsy. You may not be able to drive after taking these medications. Medications like cimetidine (H-2 antagonist) are also given along with antihistamines. Prednisone is an effective corticosteroid for managing urticaria. For some people tricyclic antidepressants like zonalon is prescribed for severe hives.

Home Remedies :

For mild form of hives you can apply cool compress on the skin and repeat the process several times a day. Soaking in oatmeal bath is also effective. Stay in cool atmosphere and wear loose fitting clothes.

Pictures of Urticaria :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Urticaria

Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria Urticaria

Prevention :

You cannot totally prevent urticaria but can identify the agents that are triggering them and avoid it. In case you are allergic to certain food items you can always avoid it. In case you have developed hives make a note in the diary about the period of hives and about your diet so that your doctor can figure out what exactly caused it. Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for long term unless it is given by your doctor.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Meralgia Paresthetica

Meralgia Paresthetica Meralgia paresthetica is a disorder that causes tingling sensation and numbness in the thigh. It is actually caused by nerve compression that cuts-off the sensation to the area of the thigh region. It can occur due to obesity or wearing tight clothing or due to local injury and even during pregnancy. This condition can be treated using conservative methods and in severe cases by medications. The other name for meralgia paresthetica is femoral (cutaneous) nerve syndrome.

Symptoms :

This condition can cause tingling sensation or sudden numbness on the outer part of the thigh region. For some people it is felt as burning pain on the skin surface of the thigh portion. The symptoms are mild to moderate and it may increase when the person is standing or walking.

Causes :

Meralgia paresthetica is caused by increased pressure on the thigh region due to obesity, enlargement of belly, or by pregnancy. Sudden tingling occurs when the femoral cutaneous nerve gets compressed due to excess of pressure. This nerve is actually a sensory nerve that passes through the groin but during such condition the nerve gets trapped or compressed causing burning pain on the thigh. Often, the nerve gets trapped in the groin under the inguinal ligament from the abdomen to the upper thigh portion.

Wearing a tight belt, tight clothing, and tight pants is the common cause for this condition. The same feeling or numbness also occurs for some pregnant women when the increasing belly exerts pressure on the groin. Meralgia paresthetica also occurs when the tissue of the inguinal ligament gets scarred due to sudden injury. In some cases prolonged diabetes and motorcar accident (if the seat belt gets pressed to the body) can also cause meralgia paresthetica.

Who are at risk?

People who are obese, people who are diabetic for prolonged period, and people who have the habit of wearing tight clothing are prone to develop this condition. Pregnant women can also experience tingling pain in the thigh region.

Tests :

No tests are necessary to diagnose meralgia paresthetica. Your doctor will often examine the affected portion of the groin and assess the intensity of the pain you experience. For some people imaging tests like X-ray, nerve conduction test and electromyography is done to detect nerve compression.

Treatment :

For mild to moderate pain it is enough if you use any of the conservative measure. You can loosen the clothing in the abdomen region or take pain relieving medications like Ibuprofen or Tylenol to get relief from the symptoms. Your doctor will examine the area physically to find out the underlying cause of the pain. He may give you a shot of cortisone injection if the nerve pain is severe.

Medications like gabapentin or Dilantin or Lyrica is also prescribed to get relief from neuropathic pain. Some of these drugs may produce side effects like nausea, vomiting, and constipation. You need to consult your doctor before taking any medication. In rare cases, surgery is done to release the nerve compression.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is neurological problem that causes impairment in physical movement and muscular weakness. The affected person may not be able to move or speak as before and is a nervous system disorder. The nerve cells of the spine and the brain will gradually become weak and ultimately die. It is not clear what causes ALS and the disease cannot be cured but the symptoms can be treated. ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease since it was first diagnosed with the famous football player. When the neurons progressively become weak and unable to function properly the person’s voluntary muscular movement will become paralyzed.

Symptoms :

Initial symptoms of ALS include difficulty in talking, walking and carrying out routine activities. There will be weakness in the legs and ankles causing great difficulty in moving his legs. The affected person will make clumsy movements due to his inability to move the muscles properly. It may cause difficulty in eating and talking. He may not be able to stand or sit in good posture and cannot make any muscular movements on his legs and hands as before.

The paralyzed muscular movement will gradually spread to various parts of his body after his hands and limbs are affected. The person will have great trouble in speaking and even breathing. As more and more of motor neurons die due to the progression of the disease the person will eventually become paralyzed and even die. Fortunately the nerves that are involved in digestion and bladder control are not affected by ALS since they are done automatically.

Causes :

The disease of ALS can be genetic suggesting that it can be inherited. It is the nerve cells that are actually affected in this disease causing progressive weakness. Although there is no solid theory that explains what causes ALS there are theories suggesting that it can occur due to gene mutation or chemical imbalance. An individual affected with ALS will have high levels of glutamate which is a chemical secreted in the brain leading to toxicity. Weakened immunity can also trigger ALS leading to nervous disorder.

Who are at risk?

Children born to parents of ALS have increased chance of developing this disease. Men are more prone to have this disorder than women and often the disease occurs in the age group of 40-65. A person who is smoking continuously and a person who have increased exposure to poisonous chemicals like lead have increased risk for getting ALS.

Consequences :

As the disease progresses it may affect your normal functions like eating, breathing and speaking. Certain muscles involved with breathing can get affected and paralyzed leading to difficulty in breathing. In the advanced stage of ALS the patient will have to depend on tracheostomy procedure that involves artificial respiration. In many causes the patients with advanced stage of ALS will die due to lung failure.

ALS can affect the normal speaking ability of the person causing slurred speech. For some people the speech can become totally affected as the disease progresses. The neuro-generative disease can affect the eating or swallowing ability of the person leading to malnutrition. In rare cases ALS can cause dementia.

Tests :

Some of the symptoms of ALS are very much like other neurological problems and hence it is difficult to be diagnosed at early stage. After examining the patient and collecting his medical history, the doctor may request for electromyogram for studying the electrical activity of the muscles. Abnormal muscular activity can be due to ALS or nerve cell death.

Nerve conduction study is administered to assess the ability of the nerves to send or receive impulses. In some cases imaging tests like CT or MRI scan is done for getting clear images of the brain function. Lumbar puncture is also done in some people to collect the spinal fluid for testing. If necessary, the doctor may do muscle biopsy for testing in the laboratory.

Treatment :

There is not a single medication or therapy to treat ALS but the symptoms can be controlled or slowed down to prevent many complications. The symptoms of one person may vary squarely with other person and hence the method of treatment is devised suitably suiting the needs of the person. Riluzole is prescribed for ALS to slow down the progression of the disease. It can cause slight dizziness or GI problems in some people.

Medications are given for controlling the symptoms of muscular cramps, fatigue and spasticity. Suitable drugs are given to reduce sleep apnea and other sleep related problems. For people with severe breathing difficulty, mechanical ventilation is given by tracheostomy procedure in which a small tube is inserted in the neck portion to connect with windpipe which is then connected to respiratory machine. Physiotherapy is given for reducing problems in muscular movement in walking. Suitable exercises are suggested for improving the muscular strength and for getting cardiovascular fitness.

The affected person will be taught the ways of using walker or wheelchair or tramps to improve one’s walking ability. Suitable stretching exercises will help in getting relief from muscular cramps or pain. Hand or arm weakness can be treated with suitable occupational therapy so that the affected person can carry out his daily activities. A speech therapist can help you to overcome your speaking ability and to get improved communication. Nowadays tablet computers are used for effective methods of communicating. The affected person should make sure that he/she gets adequate nutrition if they have problems in eating or drinking.

Coping with Problems :

It is hard to accept that you have serious neurological problem like ALS but you have to overcome the shock and grief and develop positive ideas to carry on with your life. Joining a support group can help you in sharing your feelings with others who are undergoing similar pain and physical problems. Discuss with your doctor about the ways of improving the quality of life with suitable therapy.


Aphasia Aphasia is a condition that seriously affects your ability to communicate. It can affect the individual’s verbal and written skills and often it occurs after an accident of head injury. The cells of the brain are affected severely causing disruption of communication. The portion of the brain that controls the language and communication skills is seriously affected in Aphasia. However this disease does not affect the individual’s intelligence. This communication disorder can be treated by improved communication methods and by practicing various modes of language skills.

Causes :

Often the condition of aphasia occurs after a stroke or brain injury. This disorder develops after there is sudden block of blood flow or due to sudden rupture in the major blood vessel of the brain. It causes serious damage to the cells of the brain or cell death that involves in communication and language. A head injury or stroke or a tumor or an infection in the brain cells can be the cause of aphasia.

For some people there will be progressive degeneration of brain cells that controls the language. In later stages the affected person will eventually develop dementia. In some cases there can be temporary aphasia due to uncontrolled seizures or due to transient ischemic attack which disrupts the normal blood flow in the brain. The affected person will regain the verbal skills once the condition is reversed. It is reported that more than 40-50% of the people who develop a stroke will get aphasia.

Types :

There are many types of aphasia and it causes disruption of communication in various degrees.

  • Expressive aphasia is one in which the affected person will know exactly what he/she wanted to express but will have difficulty in telling it. It occurs when the cells of language network gets seriously affected in the frontal portion of the brain. In this type often the listener can understand what the person is trying to communicate. This type is also called as Broca aphasia or Non fluent aphasia.

  • Fluent aphasia is one where the middle portion of the frontal lobes of the brain is damaged. A person affected with fluent aphasia can speak fluently or read sentences but he cannot understand the meaning of the words. They cannot understand what they are talking and end up talking nonsense. They often use irrelevant words or unrecognizable words and the person who listens cannot understand what they are trying to communicate.

  • Anomic aphasia is one in which the person will have problems in finding relevant words while talking. This would cause difficulty in talking and writing.

  • Global aphasia is the serious type and most prevalent type which a person develops after a stroke or head injury. Here the person’s ability to speak or read is seriously affected. There will be extensive damage to the language network portion of the brain which leads to severe disability of speech and understanding.

  • Primary progressive aphasia is very rare type in which the person’s ability to talk or write will get reduced gradually. Here the affected person will often use gestures to communicate and can improve their verbal skills by speech therapy.

In severe cases aphasia can affect the quality of life of the person causing disturbed relationships or loss of job.

Symptoms :

Aphasia is not a disease but a sign of underlying disorder like stroke or brain infection. Some of the symptoms of aphasia are difficulty in talking, slurred speech, speaking incomplete sentence or using irrelevant words while communicating. The individual will not understand what others are taking or have difficulty in understanding them.

They will use sentences that are not recognized and write words that gives no meaning. The symptoms are not the same for every person since it varies according to the extent of damage caused to the brain. Individuals with mild symptom will struggle while making conversation and have trouble in choosing the right word while talking.

Tests :

The doctor will look for the above symptoms and will make use of informal observation to assess the patient’s condition. He may ask you to name some objects kept in the table or ask you to repeat some words or narrate a story and ask some questions about it or use similar procedures for testing the person’s vocabulary skill. He may order for imaging tests like X-ray, CT scan of the brain to know the exact damage. He will have to find out the root cause of the disease which can be a stroke or head injury or brain infection.

Treatment :

Treatment for aphasia depends on the age, health condition and extent of brain injury of the patient. In case the damage is mild the person can easily recover with the help of speech therapy. If the problem is due to brain tumor, then surgery is to be done for improvement of communication. Underlying problem is to be treated for aphasia. Most of the affected person will show improvement through effective speech therapy. The therapist will teach various other means of communication to overcome the difficulty in language.

Language Rehabilitation :

This is an excellent remedy for people affected with aphasia to recover their language skills. There are people who regain full levels of communication after learning speech therapy. It is necessary that the person should start this therapy in early stages. Drawings, gestures and various other modes of communication is taught during therapy sessions. They will be taught to use books or boards for effective communication when they have trouble to find the right set of words.

Medications like piracetam or memantine are given for people with aphasia to clear the block or to improve the blood flow in the brain. Family support is absolutely necessary for affected people to overcome their inability. Friends should be understanding and cooperative to encourage the person to talk freely to avoid anxiety. They should be instructed to carry paper-pen whenever they go out and carry their identification card. With the help of doctor or therapist you can find some association or support groups.


Apraxia Apraxia is a rare speech disorder that occurs in children causing difficulty in speech. It affects the planning ability for making the right set of speech movement. The child’s brain will not make enough plans for making right movement of jaw or lips while talking resulting in slurred speech. The child with apraxia cannot make accurate movement of his lips or jaws while talking. It is commonly known as CAS (childhood apraxia of speech). Dyspraxia is the term given for mild forms of apraxia.

Types :

Basically there are 2 types of apraxia namely acquired and developmental.

  • Acquired apraxia is the form that can affect people of any age group. It can affect the normal speaking ability of the person.

  • Developmental apraxia is the type that occurs in children. Often, this condition is present from birth and the child with this problem will have struggle in making right movements of lips and jaws while talking. But these children can understand what others are talking. Most of the children will show considerable improvement by therapy.

Symptoms :

Depending on the severity of the disorder the symptoms of each child with apraxia will differ. Some of the common signs of childhood apraxia are limited number of words and producing only few sounds. Initial symptoms will appear anywhere from 1.5 to 2 years of the child. There can be voicing errors when the child tries to say some words. Most of the children with this problem will have struggle in making their jaw movements and retaining their lips in the right position while pronouncing a word or sound.

With parents support and speech therapy many children can make improved speech within a year or two. Some children will have difficulty in understanding speech or language. Sometimes there can be specific language problems for the child. The affected child will have reduced babbling when he was an infant and will have great difficulty in combining syllables together to form a word. There are children who can say few easy words but have problem while saying complex words.

Such children are tending to use non-verbal cues or gestures for communication rather than using language to express themselves. The same child will say some word correctly at times and may have problem when he/she is asked to repeat the same words. In some children apraxia can be associated along with other cognitive disorders also. The child may develop articulation disorder or phonologic disorder along with apraxia.

Causes :

Exact cause of apraxia is not known till now but there are many theories that explain the root cause of it. It can occur due to neurological disorder, head injury, stroke, brain infection or any other complications in the brain. It can develop due to genetic factor or due to certain syndromes like that of velocardiofacial syndrome. It cannot be said that all children affected with apraxia will have problems or delayed speech. Many children have outgrown this problem as they grow by speech therapy but there can be delay in learning it.

Any abnormality in the genes or gene mutation can increase the risk of developing apraxia in children. It can be due to FOXP2 gene which controls the nerves involved in speech and language. Complications due to apraxia are delayed development of speech, difficulty in understanding speech and reduced vocabulary. There can be reduced motor development and intellectual development and the child can face problems in reading and writing as it grows.

Tests :

The doctor can easily diagnose apraxia by observing the speech of the child. He may ask him to repeat few words as he says or use other means to test his vocabulary. He may refer the child to speech pathologist for assessing his language skills. Tests are developed in varying degrees as per the child’s age and his ability to cooperate. The doctor has to be specific that the child does not have any other speech disorders.

He may ask the child to undergo hearing tests to rule out any hearing problems. He will examine the muscle movement of the lips and jaws to find out if there is any structural abnormality. The speech problem can occur due to tongue tie or due to cleft palate also. The language pathologist will observe and evaluate his speech by paying more attention to the vowels, sounds he produces.

Treatment :

In some children the retarded speech will resolve after some years with the help of continued speech therapy. It is more common in the case of acquired apraxia but for apraxia due to developmental type it takes time to get resolved. The doctor and the speech therapist will devise individual plan for the child according to his age and intellectual capacity. The child will have to attend speech therapy classes almost each day and practice them at home with the help of his parents.

Speech therapist will ask the child to repeat certain words or sounds and will slowly teach the child to combine certain sounds to form a new word easily. They will use touch therapy and visual therapy while teaching. The child will be encouraged to take enough time to tell particular word so that he/she stays relaxed. Very often individual therapy is given to get the best result in each case. It is necessary for the child to get sufficient support from the parent to practice particular words and phrases each day so that he can be ready for the next session of therapy.

The child will be asked to observe carefully when the therapist makes particular sound and how he moves his muscles on the jaw and lips. Good practice is vital for achieving improvement in speech. After few sessions, therapist will gradually increase the number of words and move on to small sentences. Daily practice in real life situations can be easy for the child to learn fast.

In case the child is suffering from severe apraxia the therapist will use alterative communication methods like gestures or telling something through electronic devices. Some children who have associated language disorders with apraxia should be treated with effective approach based on the intensity of the disorder. The child may be asked to attend occupational therapy classes along with speech therapy in flexible timings.


Alcoholism Alcoholism is a chronic disease that can seriously affect your day-to-day activities in total. Unlike popular belief about the habit of drinking, alcoholism is a disease and not to be considered as a symbol of bad behavior or character. Dependence on alcohol has increased rapidly due to the current lifestyle and statistics say that about 14 million people are affected by alcoholism in the USA alone.

The person affected with alcoholism will be preoccupied with alcohol and know very well that it would create serious health problems if he/she continues to use it. They literally become dependent on the quantity of alcohol consumed for getting the desired effect. Binge drinking is described as drinking as high as 5 or 6 drinks in one row can cause alcoholism. This disease is increasingly becoming common in teenagers when they resort to binge drinking due to compulsion of peer pressure.

Excessive drinking of alcohol in spite of the fact that it creates physical as well as mental problem leads to alcoholism. It is impossible to stop/quit drinking without the help of treatment when a person develops alcoholism. Alcohol abuse is not to be considered as bad character but as a progressive disease. Alcohol consumption (in excess) can affect each person differently. Alcoholism has affected more than 25% of men and 10% of women in the America and often it begins during adolescence. More than half of death of teenagers is due to alcohol abuse in America. Most of the people with alcoholism can be treated and cured by comprehensive programs of medications, counseling and from support of family and friends.

Symptoms :

Some of the common symptoms of alcoholism are given below:-

  • The person cannot control the quantity of alcohol consumption even after repeated attempts.

  • Presence of strong urge to drink alcohol.

  • Gradually the person will develop tolerance which compels him to take more alcohol for getting the desired effects.

  • Presence of physical withdrawal signs like sweating, shaking of body and nausea when the person does not drink.

  • Inability to remember conversations leading to “black out”.

  • Gets irritated easily when the time of drinking gets closer.

  • Drinking more quantity than usual or involving in gulp drinking to get the “good” feeling.

  • There will not be any pleasure or interest in other activities as before.

Causes :

There is no clear reason what factor induces a person to develop alcoholism. Drinking alcohol can be the result of too many factors like social status, environmental factors, genetic factors and psychological factor. For some people they start drinking for fun and soon get addicted to alcohol without their knowledge.

Drinking in excess can seriously alter the chemical balance in your brain causing impairment in judgmental skills, loss of balance and inability to control the behavior. A person is said to have addiction if he/she craves for alcohol and finds it as the ultimate choice for getting pleasure.

Risk Factors :

  • Binge drinking (drinking too much) can make one dependent for alcohol over a period of time.

  • It is the teenagers who are at risk for developing alcoholism and often they develop physical dependence.

  • A person with family history of alcoholism is more prone to develop alcohol abuse than others.

  • An individual with various range of mental illness is at high risk for developing this disease. Some people are in the habit of mixing drugs with alcohol for getting “good” feeling which can be dangerous and life threatening.

Stages :

I stage: In this stage the person will have improved access for alcohol though he actually does not use it. It certainly increases the risk for developing alcohol abuse.

II stage: The person starts drinking for an occasion and shortly switchover to regular drinking (once in a week/month) which suddenly changes to daily drinking.

III stage: From this stage onwards the person gets involved in binge drinking. The person increases the quantity of consumption further and further. This is the beginning of very severe stage of alcoholism.

IV stage: At this stage, the person gets used to increased alcohol consumption and always remains preoccupied with the thoughts of drinking. He may develop severe problems in his life, society, job and family.

V stage: This is the final stage of alcoholism. At this stage the person remains normal only if he consumes heavy alcohol. He may do anything (including stealing or fighting) for getting alcohol.

Consequences of Alcoholism :

First the person may feel like getting stimulated when he takes alcohol for the first time. As he continues to drink he gets addicted. Alcoholism can cause moderate to very serious physical problems like liver disease (alcoholic hepatitis or liver cirrhosis), digestive problems, heart complications, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, and eye problems.

Women who resort to alcohol abuse during pregnancy can give birth to child with serious birth defects. Gradually alcoholism can cause loss of bone density and makes one prone to develop cancer easily. Apart from the above physical problems alcoholism can cause accidents (even death many times) while driving, involving in socially prohibited acts like fighting and raping. It can damage the person’s image seriously disturbing his family and social life altogether.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will ask the person to complete set of questionnaires to know about the drinking pattern and behavior changes due to drinking. He will talk to the family and friends of the concerned person to collect more information about the person.

There are certain criteria given in the DSM of APA (American Psychiatric Association) and a person is said to have alcoholism if he/she fulfills any 3 of the following.

  • The body gets used to tolerance demanding more of alcohol to get the necessary toxic effect

  • Getting severe withdrawal symptoms like tremors, sleeping sickness and anxiety when the person quits drinking.

  • The person will start drinking more quantity than he/she intends to drink over time

  • He/she will have increased urge to reduce the quantity they drink, but cannot succeed in it

  • Drinking will compel the person to reduce or stop other social activities

  • Though the person is aware of the increasing physical and mental problems, still he is unable to stop drinking

Treatment :

The method of treatment is not the same for all persons affected with alcoholism. It can be in the form of medications, counseling or residential rehab program. Depending on the health condition of the patient, the doctor will devise suitable detoxification schedule which can be for a week or more. During this period, the patient will be given sedating drugs to protect him from withdrawal symptoms. The most crucial part of recovery will be this stage since the patient will have to overcome the ongoing symptoms.

With the help of therapist and specialist the doctor will establish suitable plan to make the desired behavior changes in the affected person. Continued counseling will help one to stick on to the treatment plan. Family support is absolutely essential for speedy recovery after counseling.

Medications are given to abstain one from further drinking. Drugs like disulfiram, revia, camprol and naltrexone are prescribed which produces adverse effects if one starts drinking again. Alcohol dependence can be prevented by taking a shot of vivitrol. Similarly medications are given for overcoming psychological problems like anxiety and depression. The person should attend support group sessions at scheduled time until he is fully recovered. For more severe cases of alcoholism, residential program is given in rehab centers.

Lifestyle Changes :

You can develop healthy eating habits and engage in regular physical exercises which help in speedy recovery. Stay away from friends who are still drinking and avoid situations that tempt one to drink. Join a gym or yoga class which helps in focusing your thought and develop determination not to drink.

Prevention :

Adolescents should be explained about the physical problems of drinking. Early intervention will prevent one from getting into the habit. If you are seeing any behavioral changes with your son/daughter like difficulty in maintaining relations, declining grades at school and loss of interest in personal appearance then it can be due to alcohol abuse. Talk openly with him/her and get involved with his life to start with early treatment.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rocky Mountain fever is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii bacterium which is carried by tick. This disease was widespread in North and South America affecting many people. It damages the cells present in the lining of blood vessels causing leakage of blood. This becomes very serious when internal organs like kidneys are damaged. This fever can be cured completely by prompt treatment but it can become fatal if it gets complicated causing death.

Symptoms :

Initial symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever begin within 2 days of getting bitten by tick. Many people don’t even remember getting bitten by tick at some point in their body. It begins as sudden high fever, headache which is followed by skin rash. More than 90% of affected people will develop skin rash with fever. Some people may feel nauseated and drowsy after few days. For some people it can cause abdominal pain (very severe) which is often misinterpreted for appendicitis. In rare cases eyes may become reddish due to conjunctivitis.

However not all the symptoms given above are seen in all the people infected with RMSF The intensity of signs varies from person to person. Since the symptoms are often confusing for other fever RMSF may not be diagnosed properly. Some people may have severe symptoms requiring hospitalization on intensive care. Distinctive ashes are seen as small pink colored papules on the wrists and forearms which would eventually spread till the trunk. These rashes will not cause itching unlike normal rashes. Rashes begin to appear within 3-5 days of getting infected. One should not delay the treatment after the development of rash.

Complications :

The bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii causes infection on the endothelial cell lining of the blood vessel thus damaging them. The process of damaging the blood vessel is known as “Vasculitis” and internal bleeding may occur in any vital organ like heart or brain. It may cause loss of circulation to the hands and legs thus causing severe damage. On account of this, some people may suffer from severe long-term damage due to vascular damage. It may take several weeks or even months to recover fully.

When the blood vessels starts leaking inside it can affect your brain causing seizures. It can damage your lungs or heart causing lung failure/cardiac arrest. It can damage the normal functions of your kidneys causing renal failure/death. In rare cases if the blood circulation gets interrupted in the fingers/toes it may cause gangrene (death of tissue) leading to amputation of fingers/toes. The symptoms may progress rapidly and can become life threatening for some people. So it is necessary to see your doctor if you have fever with rash.

Causes :

RMSF is caused by bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii which is carried by a tick. When the ticks bite you subsequently it attaches with your skin to suck your blood thus transferring the bacterium to your bloodstream. This fever is caused primarily due to tick bites more particularly during warm weather.

Who are at risk?

This disease is common in North and South American states. People who spend more time on garden, particularly on grassy areas without wearing long sleeves are exposed to tick bites. If you happen to live in an area which is more prone to RMSF than other regions you are likely to catch this infection.

Tests :

RMSF is difficult to be diagnosed by your health care provider since most of the early symptoms are common for other diseases. Based on your symptoms, your doctor may order for complete blood profile and biopsy of the skin (rash specimen). He would inspect your body for identifying tick bite to begin early treatment. In most of the cases, your doctor will put you on antibiotics even before the test results are ready to avoid any complication.

Treatment :

It is very much necessary to take antibiotics within 5 days of getting infected with bacterium. Doxycycline is an effective drug given for RMSF for children and adults. Treating the patients with other drugs can cause complication. Doxycycline is considered to be the first line drug to prevent death and should be given within few days of symptoms. This drug can be given based on clinical suspicion itself not waiting for the outcome of the results.

Fever will reduce considerably after taking doxycycline. The treatment should be continued for 2 weeks or even more as per your doctor’s advice. If the symptoms do not improve with this drug then it might not be RMSF. For severe cases the patient should be hospitalized to prevent damage of internal organs.

Pictures of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

Prevention :

In case you are living in tick prone area, it is better to avoid going to grassy areas for long time. Wearing long pants/sleeves would prevent tick bites. Consider using DEET or any other good insect repellents. Clean the garden thoroughly so that ticks may not live there.


Tularemia Tularemia or rabbit fever is an infectious disease affecting animals. The bacteria will get transmitted into humans when they come in contact with infected animals. The infection spreads easily by inhalation of spores, by eating uncooked meat or by drinking contaminated water. The disease causes high fever, headache and swelling of lymph nodes. If left untreated rabbit fever can become severe and cause death. It was Edward Francis when he was working in Tulare, California discovered that the fever can spread through bacteria and hence the name Tularemia was given.

Symptoms/Types :

There are different kinds of tularemia and each one produces different symptoms. Often the symptoms appear within 2-5 days of getting infected with bacteria. The bacterium will enter your body through skin contact or in rare cases they can be inhaled or eaten (uncooked food).

Tularemia Ulceroglandular :

This is the most common type of tularemia causing skin ulcer (at the site of infection), swollen lymph glands, fever, headache, chills, and fatigue.

Tularemia glandular :

The symptoms are the same as above but the affected person will not have skin ulcer.

Tularemia Oculoglandular :

Eyes are largely affected in this type causing red coloration of the eyes, swelling of eyes, whitish discharge from the eyes and eye pain. For some people ulcer may be formed inside the eyes.

Tularemia Oropharyngeal :

This type of tularemia occurs for people who eat contaminated food or undercooked meat. It affects the digestive tract of your body causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and sore throat.

Pneumonic tularemia :

This type of tularemia affects your lungs causing irritant cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, and lung infection.

Typhoidal tularemia :

It is a rare type causing high fever, pneumonia, diarrhea and enlargement of spleen/liver.

Causes :

Tularemia is contracted from infected animals and birds. The bacterium by name Francisella tularensis infects animals. Such animals are bitten by insects/mosquitoes/ticks which carry these bacteria. Humans contract this disease when they come into direct skin contact with animals or if they are bitten by infected insects.

How it is transmitted?

Tularemia has several methods of transmission. When you are bitten by infected insects like ticks/mosquitoes you are likely to get tularemia. When you are handling infected animals, bacterium can enter your body through cut/injury. Ocular tularemia occurs when a person accidentally rubs his eyes after touching the infected animals. In rare cases, tularemia bacteria can be inhaled when people are engaged in gardening or construction work. When you eat or drink contaminated food/water you are likely to get tularemia.

Who are at risk?

Living in areas like Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas makes one prone to develop tularemia. A person engaged in hunting or in the habit of eating raw flesh can develop this disease. Pneumonic tularemia can affect people who work as gardeners/landscapers.

Complications :

Tularemia can cause death if not treated promptly. It can cause pneumonia causing respiratory failure, meningitis (brain infection), pericarditis (heart infection) and osteomyelitis (bone infection).

Tests :

Tularemia is difficult to be identified by doctors. Your doctor will closely observe the symptoms and order for blood test to check for the presence of F. tularensis in your blood sample. He would also check if the level of antibodies has increased considerably in your sample of blood indicating the presence of bacterium.

Treatment :

Antibiotics like gentamycin, streptomycin are effective for treating tularemia. It can be given in the form of oral pills or by infection depending on the intensity of symptoms. For more severe cases, doxycycline is prescribed. Based on the symptoms the treatment may differ widely.

Prevention :

There is no vaccination discovered for tularemia. You need to take precautions while working in garden and handling infected animals. Using insect repellants is a wise choice. Keep your pets well protected from getting infection.

Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Yellow fever is a serious disease transmitted by mosquitoes and in some areas the virus becomes endemic causing death of many people. It is a viral fever found largely in African countries and in some parts of South America. It is reported that about 50% of people affected with severe form of yellow fever die each year; however this can be prevented by vaccination.

Symptoms :

There will not be any signs and symptoms during the incubation period which may lasts for 3-5 days after you have contracted the virus. After 5 days the virus will assume an acute phase during which there can be mild-moderate symptoms. Some of the symptoms of acute phase of yellow fever are mild fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, body pain, drowsiness, muscle aches, acute pain in your back/knees, loss of appetite and redness in your eyes and face.

In the toxic phase, the symptoms will become worse. In some cases, toxic phase can be very dangerous causing life threatening symptoms. The skin color of the infected person becomes yellowish producing jaundice like symptoms. He may have severe abdominal pain followed by blood vomiting. Total urine output may reduce considerably indicating kidney failure. Some people may get bloody discharge from the nose and mouth. The heart function may collapse suddenly and for some there may be brain dysfunction. It can also cause grand mal seizures and coma in some people. Often, the toxic phase of the yellow fever will be fatal if not treated immediately. Due to prolonged infection the virus discharge plenty of toxins in the blood causing the above symptoms.

For many patients, the initial symptoms of acute phase will disappear for 5-7 days if proper treatment is taken. However for others the virus will enter into toxic phase followed by remission of initial symptoms. In the toxic phase, the patient will die within a week or two if the rate of toxicity is severe.

Causes :

Yellow fever is spread by female mosquito of type Aedes aegypti which carries the virus. When it bites the person for sucking blood, it injects the virus into the bloodstream. Many cases of yellow fever are reported in Saharan African regions and tropic areas of S. America. This type of mosquito can breed even in the cleanest form of water.

Monkeys and human-beings are the prime target of yellow fever. The virus will usually travel back and forth from the mosquito infecting several millions of animals or humans. It would enter the mosquito’s bloodstream from the body of the infected person and circulates in its body for some period. Again it will enter the salivary glands of the mosquito preparing itself for getting transmitted into another animal or man.

Tests :

Diagnosing yellow fever is not an easy task like any other disease. The disease cannot be confirmed based on its signs alone since the symptoms given above are the same for many other infectious diseases like malaria, dengue fever and typhoid.

Your doctor will collect complete medical history apart from asking few questions about your recent travels. He would request for complete blood test like ELISA test and polymerase chain reaction test. These tests will give report about the specific antibodies or antigens produced in the body in response to the attacking virus. It will take several days for getting the result of the test. Liver biopsy test done after the death of the patient would also reveal the presence of virus.

Types of Yellow Fever :

Transmission of yellow fever occurs when the infected mosquitoes bite the animals or humans. It is the mosquito that spreads the virus from one host to another.

Sylvatic Yellow Fever : It occurs in the monkeys that live in tropical rainforests of Saharan Africa. The infection spreads to other mosquitoes that feed on the feces of the infected monkeys. The mosquitoes will again spread infection to other monkeys and humans.

Intermediate Yellow Fever : It occurs as epidemic of small scale (restricted to specific zones). The mosquitoes that breed on water medium on the houses and forests will spread the infection to other people and mosquitoes. This occurs in small villages where there is close contact of people who are not vaccinated.

Urban yellow fever occurs when the infected people visit the urban areas spreading the infection in densely populated areas. Around 20-50% of the infected people will face death within two weeks of infection. The infected virus spreads the toxic materials throughout the body causing liver/kidney failure.

Treatment :

At present there is no antiviral drug available for treating yellow fever. Hence treatment can only be given for reducing the symptoms and preventing kidney failure. Blood plasma transfusion is done for removing the infected blood.

Prevention :

It is ideal to get vaccinated for yellow fever to prevent its infection. Effective vaccines are available for yellow fever and people who are planning to visit the Saharan African countries can consult their doctor about taking vaccination. The vaccination should be given at least 2 weeks prior to travel. Taking one shot of vaccination for yellow fever will give you comprehensive protection for ten years. It can cause minor side effects like fever and headache.

Vaccine should not be given for children below 9 years and for older adults since it may produce some complications. Vaccination is not given for pregnant women and infants and young children. Stay protected from mosquitoes by using mosquito repellants and by wearing fully covered thick clothing while visiting the infected areas. Avoid going out when the mosquitoes are in highly active stage. Using products that contain DEET can give you total protection from mosquito bites.

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever Dengue fever is an acute illness caused by mosquitoes that carries viruses. It is marked by features of joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, and fever and skin rash. Dengue fever is an epidemic and the symptoms last only for 2 weeks. Treatment is given for reducing the intensity of symptoms since no medicine is available for treating it. Dengue fever infection can be had by any age group of persons but the people with weakened immunity have increased risk of contracting it. Dengue fever is also called as “dandy fever” and “breakbone fever”.

Who are at risk?

Tropical zones are prone to get attacked by dengue fever. The regions like Puerto Rico in the Caribbean and the Virgin Islands, Cuba of the America developed outbreak of dengue fever. However cases of outbreaks have been reported in Singapore, Thailand, India, Southeast Asian countries and the South Pacific regions also.

How it spreads?

The mosquito of family Aedes aegypti carries the virus that causes dengue fever and transmits the virus when it bites the person. Even single bite received from carrier mosquito is enough to cause dengue fever. Unlike other infectious diseases, dengue does not spread from one person to the other directly. The mosquito will carry the virus from the bloodstream of the infected person and bite another person nearby thus passing the virus to him.

Symptoms :

The person who is bitten by the infected mosquito will not get the symptoms immediately. There is a gap of 3-10 days from the date of mosquito bite to the onset of first sign which is called as incubation period. Initial symptoms of dengue fever include chills/fever, sudden headache and pain on moving the eyes. The joints of the entire body begin to experience sharp pain from time to time and the pain is felt more on the leg joints. Some people may have nausea, vomiting sensation with severe muscle pain and backache.

Within 2-3 days the fever will begin to rise sharply followed by low blood pressure. It can cause pink colored dark spots on the skin indicating skin rashes. In severe cases, it can cause bleeding of nose and gums indicating damage to the lymph nodes. For some people the liver becomes enlarged due to swelling and the disease progresses to cause poor blood circulation. In extreme cases, it can cause massive internal bleeding and death. Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome are mostly fatal.

Diagnoses :

It is difficult to diagnose dengue fever based on the above symptoms alone because these symptoms are common for flu and other viral infections. A person is said to have developed dengue fever if he/she has continuous fever, headache and severe muscle ache with eye pain. If you have travelled recently to dengue affected areas it is good to tell your doctor so that he can make easy diagnoses. Recently, FDA has approved a new test called DENV for detecting the virus of dengue fever.

Treatment :

No medication is available for treating dengue fever. Drugs are given only for reducing the intensity of symptoms. The infected person should take complete rest and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. NSAID and aspirin is given for reducing fever and other symptoms. Tylenol or acetaminophen can be effective for treating headache and joint pain.

Complications :

In severe cases, dengue fever can become fatal disturbing the circulatory system or cause blood hemorrhage inducing death.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever :

This type of fever attacks the children below 10 years and people with weak immunity. Typical symptoms are severe abdominal pain, internal bleeding (hemorrhage) and collapse of circulatory system (shock). The person will develop continuous fever, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain. The extremities will become cool and weak and there can be blue coloration in the mouth. Due to internal bleeding there can be several blood spots on the skin and bloody discharge from the nose and gums and on the stool.

Prevention :

Currently, no vaccine is available for preventing dengue fever. The only way to prevent this deadly disease is to avoid mosquito bites and not to travel to epidemic prone areas. Mosquitoes are to be eradicated to stop the dengue infection. Stagnant water should be emptied at once to prevent breeding of mosquitoes further.

Wearing long pants with full sleeves is helpful to escape from mosquito bite. You can always use DEET while visiting dengue prone regions. Mosquitoes are fully active during early mornings and before sunset. One has to restrict any outdoor events during this time if you are visiting dengue areas.

Regions where dengue is Prevalent :

India, China, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands, most of the Mexico region, African subcontinent and some parts of South America are the common areas that are prone to dengue fever. People living in Mexico-Texas border had an outbreak in 2009.

Q Fever

Q Fever Q fever is caused by Coxiella bumetii bacterium and it is a serious infection damaging your liver, heart and other vital organs of the body. Actually, the bacteria would infect the cattle and birds as well as some insects and humans receive this infection by drinking the contaminated milk and droplets of these animals. Individuals who are maintaining cattle and dairy products and vet doctors who treat infected animals are at high risk of developing Q fever.

Symptoms :

Incubation period for these bacteria is about 20-25 days. Often the symptoms of Q fever are mild which include low grade fever, headache, dry cough, muscle pain, loss of appetite and joint pain. For severe cases it may cause skin rash, abdominal pain and chest pain. In rare cases it may produce jaundice like symptoms causing yellowish skin indicating liver problem. Q fever is an acute illness that gets treated within few days. However in some cases it can be chronic causing chills, fever (prolonged) and extreme fatigue.

How it is contracted?

Animals like goat and sheep would carry the microbial in their tissues related to birth. (like that of uterus, placenta and birth fluids). Such animals have the highest content of bacteria when they give birth to young ones. These carrier animals would also release the bacteria in their manure and even milk. Anyone who drinks that raw milk is prone to develop Q fever infection. Similarly people who inhale the spores and dusts that are contaminated with microbes are at high risk of developing this infection. There is every chance for the infection to get transmitted through direct skin contact with infected animals.

Soon after birth, most of the animals will eat the tissues released during birth. In that case, the bacteria would again enter into the digestive tract of these animals and survive through their intestine and released in the form of dung/manure. Thus Q fever has immense chance of spreading into the environment like soil, air and manure. Man can easily develop this infection when he deals with infected manure or soil directly.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will look for the symptoms and assess the nature of job the infected person is involved. He would order for blood profile to measure the number of antibodies in the blood. High number of antibodies indicates infection.

Treatment :

Q fever can be treated with powerful antibiotics like tetracycline. Normally the infected person can fully recover if treatment is taken promptly. The dosage for chronic Q fever is doxycycline 100mg to be taken for every 12 hours. The medication to be continued for at least a week even after the fever subsides. For chronic cases, the doctor may prescribe hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline to prevent liver infection. The medications are to be taken for several weeks and even months to destroy the infectious bacteria completely.

Who are at risk? :

Q fever can be developed by farmers and cattle workers whose job involves frequent contact with animals. Farmers, farm workers, meat packers, stockyard workers, animal researchers and workers who deal with pet animals and lab technician who tests the infected man’s blood sample or tissue can develop Q fever.

Those who are involved in manufacturing animal products like hides and those who manage livestock and those who deal with animals daily like veterinary doctors and lab technicians have the highest risks of developing Q fever. Individuals with congenital heart problems and weakened immunity may also develop this infection easily.

Prevention :

Vaccine is available to prevent Q fever but is usually given to individuals who are at high risk of developing Q fever. This vaccine can become allergic to the person who does not have infected microbe within him. As a matter of precaution, workers who deal with infected animals daily can take Q fever blood test to find whether they have resistance.

By taking personal precautions while handling infected animals one can avoid developing Q fever. One can wear protective clothing which must be washed with special laundry procedures for treating disinfection. One should take extreme care while handling tissues of infected animals especially during birth.

Peritonsillar Abscess

Peritonsillar Abscess An abscess can be defined as collection of pus and peritonsillar abscess develops on the throat region close to tonsils. The skin that surrounds the tonsils gets infected accumulating body fluid forming an abscess. This may cause considerable difficulty in swallowing and drinking and for some people it can also affect normal speaking and breathing. This infection is common among adults and is caused by bacteria. Needle aspiration is the best treatment for peritonsillar abscess.

Causes :

If there is any infection that develops on the tonsils it may spread quickly affecting the soft tissues in that area causing irritation and abscess. Peritonsillar abscess is a common condition of tonsillitis and is seen often on adults. Usually only one side of the tonsils are affected to form an abscess and the infection is caused by bacteria. Bacteria find entry into the body through the nearby glands and spreads infection. For some people dental procedures can also cause this infection. Smoking and severe form of tonsillitis can also cause peritonsillar abscess.

Symptoms :

The infection often begins with sore throat. Some of the signs of peritonsillar abscess are mild fever, swelling inside the throat, difficulty in swallowing and also speaking. This infection of tonsillitis can occupy the region of uvula (that hangs in the middle of your throat) causing irritation and pain. On account of fluid deposits lymph glands of the neck may become swollen. Sometimes your voice may sound muffled and you may not be able to speak properly. For severe cases it can also cause ear pain on the side in which abscess has developed. It is the streptococcus pyogenes that cause peritonsillar abscess.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will physically examine the throat and collect the medical history. Peritonsillar abscess can be diagnosed easily. If necessary, he may use a tongue depressor and use lighting for detecting tonsillitis. He may also collect some tissue or pus from the abscess for testing in the lab to detect the kind of bacteria.

Treatment :

Suitable antibiotics are prescribed for destroying bacteria. The most effective way for treating peritonsillar abscess is to remove the abscess completely. Depending on the report of the diagnoses suitable antibiotics is chosen and prescribed. Penicillin was often used for treating the abscess in olden days but now it has been replaced with clindamycin.

Some doctors still use penicillin combined with metronidazole given in suitable doses twice daily. For severe types of abscess, surgery is the best way. Depending on the size and growth of abscess needle aspiration or drainage or incision is done. Tonsillectomy is to be followed after draining the abscess.

Tinea Capitis

Tinea Capitis Tinea capitis (commonly known as ringworm) is an infection affecting the hair on the scalp. It causes itchy patches on your head and the infection is contagious. Often school going children and infants picks up this infection. Suitable medications are given for treating this infection. The pattern of infection of tinea capitis is not the same for all the people since it varies with the organisms that cause it. Sometimes animals can be the host for carrying the micro-organisms which in turn enters the skin through the scalp causing skin irritation and red scaly patches.

Symptoms :

Some of the common signs of T. capitis are scaly red patches on the scalp. The patches will start as a small red spot which will slowly grow in size forming circular patches. The hair will eventually fall off in the place where patches are formed. It causes consistent itching and irritation on the affected area. Often it is the brittle hair that gets infected first on your scalp. Since the infection is commonly seen in young children and infants you need to consult your doctor once you notice any changes in his scalp or hair loss.

Causes :

A fungus is the main cause for T. capitis. It attacks the outermost layer of the skin surface on the scalp. Ringworm or tinea capitis is not caused by worm. It derives the name due to the formation of ring like patches on the scalp.

How it is contracted?

The fungus can be transmitted to humans from other human beings (child to child), from animals to humans (from pet animals which often become carriers) and also from other objects (touched by infected person) to humans. The object can vary from clothing to combs or brushes used by infected person.

Who are at risk?

Toddlers and school going children and those who are in day care centers are at increased risk for developing T. capitis. A sudden outbreak of ringworm is common in child centers and schools where infection can spread easily. Children who play with pet animals that is infected are prone to develop this infection. In severe cases, it can form painful inflammation on the scalp leading to hair loss.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor will examine the scalp of the affected child closely and if necessary he would collect small amount of scrapings from the scalp for testing. On testing under the microscope it would reveal the type of fungus that has caused the infection.

Treatment :

Often antifungal medications like Grifulvin V or Gris peg is prescribed for T. capitis. It is necessary for the affected child to follow complete course of medication without interruption. Depending on the intensity of infection, 4-6 weeks of medications are prescribed. Alternatively fluconazole or terbinafine are also given. Your doctor may also prescribe medicated shampoo for your child to remove the leftover spores from the scalp. You should not send the infected child to school or child care center since the infection may easily spread to other children.

Pictures of Tinea Capitis :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Tinea Capitis

Tinea Capitis Tinea Capitis Tinea Capitis Tinea Capitis

Prevention :

It is difficult to prevent T. capitis since the ringworm fungus is highly contagious. You need to inform your children about the ringworm and teach him/her the methods of avoiding infection. Ensure that your child is having regular head wash so that no dirt accumulates there.

If you are having pet animals, ensure that they are safe and free from any infection. In most of the cases, the animals may not show any signs hence it is difficult to identify the infection. Instruct your children not to share any personal items with other children since it gives high risk of developing the infection.

Flesh Eating Disease

Flesh Eating Disease Flesh eating disease also known as necrotizing fasciitis is an infectious disease that causes death of tissues causing organ failure. It is actually the bacteria that eat away the flesh or connective tissues cause necrosis (death of tissue). Various types of bacteria can cause this infectious disease. This infection spreads rapidly to the connective tissues of fascial planes thus destroying them. It usually starts from the existing infection.

Antibiotics are the best treatment for this disease and sometimes surgery has to be done for removing the infected part from the body. Fascial planes are connective tissues that envelop the nerves, muscles and blood vessels of our body. They are binding structures that facilitate flexible movement of the body and infection can occur on any part of the tissue.

Causes :

Flesh eating disease is caused by different types of bacteria. Predominantly streptococcus pyogenes is responsible for spreading infection on the tissues. In rare cases fungus can also cause this disease.

Type 1 infection is caused by polymicrobial bacteria and Type 2 by strep bacteria. In case gas is present in the infection Clostridium bacteria can also cause infection. In many cases non-anaerobic bacteria initially damages the tissue which leads to hypoxia (reduction of oxygen) which becomes easy base for the anaerobic bacteria to attack on them.

Symptoms :

Often, flesh eating disease or necrotizing fasciitis begins in the existing infection or wound in the body. It can be either in the hands or legs or even on the trunk. Some of the common kinds of infectious areas are wounds, cuts on the skin, surgical incisions or injury caused by insect bite etc. Once the bacteria enter into the spot it multiplies rapidly spreading the infection to the connective tissues of the organ. Now the infected area becomes swollen and red.

Some of the symptoms of necrotizing fasciitis are sharp pain, redness and swelling on the wound or site of infection accompanied by fever and chills. The skin may form ulcers or fluid filled blisters or black scabs or sometimes gas is formed inside the tissues. It may also cause oozing of yellowish pus like liquid from the infected wound. Depending on the type of bacteria the symptoms can be mild to severe. For some people, the infection begins on the deep facial planes of the connective tissue and for others it starts after minor skin injury like cuts or abrasions. In case the infection attacks the immune system the patient may develop liver problems like hepatitis or liver disease. In rare cases infants that are born prematurely are prone to develop this disease.

Risk Factors :

Any person who carries a wound or insect bite or injury on any part of the body is prone to further infection like necrotizing fasciitis. Infants, elderly people, people who are diabetic (for long periods) and people with weakened immunity disorders like cancer or AIDS and those who are undergoing chemotherapy are prone to get infection easily.

People who have undergone surgery recently particularly on their bones, joints or muscles are at high risk of getting infected. Do not delay the treatment if you suspect something is wrong since it can cause loss of organs or any other complication.

Diagnoses :

The doctor would initially examine the affected part of the body after collecting the medical history of the person. He would ask few questions about the injury or wound. Depending on the site of infection he may order for several tests. If a diabetic patient complains of intense pain with swelling and changes in skin color it can be due to Fournier’s gangrene. Once the doctor suspects an attack from bacteria he would promptly put the patient on antibiotics to prevent further complications.

Biopsy of the tissue (infected) is done for testing in the laboratory for detecting the type of organism. If the doctor suspects gas in the tissues then he may order for imaging tests like X-rays, CT or MRI scans to detect the extent of infection. In addition, complete blood test is done to detect WBC count and for studying the level of blood urea nitrogen.

Treatment :

Depending on the health condition of the patient, he will be hospitalized and put on IV fluids to start with antibiotic therapy. A combination of various antibiotics is normally used if the doctor suspects multiple bacterial infections. Report from the lab will help in detecting the type of bacteria that has caused infection and accordingly the antibiotics are administered.

Surgery :

Debridement of the tissue is done if the infection is deep. The risk of complications or death is reduced by early intervention of surgery to remove the dead tissues. If the patient is very sick and has developed organ failure or other complications he/she should be treated on emergency basis. The patient will be supplemented with breathing tube and given lot of drugs and antibiotics to prevent further growth of bacteria and death of tissues. Complete recovery of the patient depends on the organ/site infected and also on the intensity of the infection.

Prevention :

If you suspect any infection on the cuts or wounds then you should immediately start treatment with your doctor. Early therapy can prevent the person from getting flesh eating disease. You need to thoroughly check your body for any swelling or infection on the cuts/wounds. This is more important for diabetic patients who may have lost the sensation of pain. Wash your hands properly before eating any food. Follow good hygiene to prevent any type of infection.

A person whose immunity is compromised should take due care to avoid any infection since it can become severe. They should avoid seafood and uncooked meat of any kind. If you have recently undergone any surgery follow the instructions of your doctor to prevent the site from getting infected. Though flesh eating disease is not contagious still you can avoid physical contact with people who are likely to get infected with wounds, cuts or abrasions.

Hodgkins Disease

Hodgkins Disease Hodgkin’s disease is a type of cancer affecting the lymphatic system where the cells in the immune system grow into abnormal size and spread to other organs. As the disease progresses it limits the function of immune system that fights it. Hodgkins lymphoma is one of the common types of lymphatic system cancer.

Symptoms :

Some of the symptoms of Hodgkin’s lymphoma include extreme fatigue, fever/chills, swelling of lymph nodes (more on the neck, groin and armpits), excess of sweat in nights, sudden weight loss (without any effort), irresistible cough, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite and itching.

Causes :

The exact cause of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is not known. It is believed to be caused due to gene mutation. It can be due to B cell mutation which divides rapidly causing death of healthy cells. This results in the accumulation of excess of B cells in the body leading to swelling of lymph nodes and they become overcrowded thus blocking the activity of healthy cells.

Two major types of lymphoma are recognized.

Classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma :

Individuals with this type of lymphoma will have large sized abnormal cells in their body which are called Reed Stemberg cells.

Lymphocyte predominant lymphoma :

This is a rare type of Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the abnormally sized cells in this type resemble popcorns.

Who are at risk?

People who are in the age group of 20-35 and those who are above 55 years are prone to develop Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Individuals who are predisposition having parents or close relatives with this type of cancer are at increased risk of developing this disease. People with weak immunity and those who are infected with Epstein Barr virus are prone to get Hodgkin’s disease.

Tests :

Your doctor will look for the above symptoms after completing the physical examination. He checks for the presence of swollen lymph nodes in the neck and armpits. He would order for blood profile, imaging tests like X-rays, CT or MRI scanning, and sometimes even a biopsy. For some people, small tissue is removed from the bone marrow to test for cancer.

Stages :

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is divided into 4 stages and it is essential for your doctor to determine the right stage before starting any treatment.

First stage: In this stage the cancer is only on a single lymph node affecting only one organ

Second stage: In this stage, at least two lymph nodes are affected. Here the cancer cells are still limited to only particular organ or portion of the body.

Third stage: At this stage, the cancerous cells will multiply spreading to other lymph nodes of the body both below and above the diaphragm. Some portion of the spleen can be affected with cancer cells at this stage.

Fourth stage: This is the most advanced stage in which cancerous cells are found in almost all the organs and tissues. By now the lymphoma has advanced to all the lymph nodes and many parts of the body.

Treatment :

Depending on the stage of the cancer, your age, health condition and diagnoses treatment is given. The ultimate aim of the treatment is to kill the entire cancer cells and to control the symptoms.

Chemotherapy :

Here medications are administered for destroying lymphoma cells. It is either given in the form of infection or pills which travels into the bloodstream so that it can be easily accessed by all parts of the body. Often, radiation therapy is also combined with chemotherapy for treating Hodgkin’s lymphoma. There can be many side effects of chemotherapy drugs like hair loss, nausea and constipation.

Radiation :

It is another effective therapy in which high powered beams of light are sent directly into the affected portion to kill cancerous cells. Individuals who are on first or second stage will be benefited by radiation method. This method can cause hair loss and redness or scarring of the skin.

Stem cell Transplant :

Transplantation of stem cells is done to replace the infected bone marrow. Healthy stem cells are taken from your blood and injected into the body after destroying cancerous cells by radiation or chemotherapy. Stem cells will eventually help in building healthy cells.

Coping :

You need to be well informed about the lymphoma and its consequences. Get help from support groups so that you will understand that you are not alone. You can set rational goals that can be reached easily. Eat healthy balanced diet and do regular exercises. Be active and socialize well to expand your activities.