Showing posts with label Pityriasis Alba Symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pityriasis Alba Symptoms. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pityriasis Alba – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

Pityriasis Alba – Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Pictures

What is Pityriasis Alba?

Pityriasis Alba is a benign skin condition that usually occurs to young children. Pityriasis means scaly or flaky and alba is a Latin word for white, this gives us white scales or flakes. This condition is a mild form of dermatitis and can last for a month but if left untreated, it can last for a year. These patches can be very disturbing for it may also occur to young adults. These are more evident in the winter and summer seasons and to dark-pigmented children. This is not a contagious skin disorder but quite common to the young.

Pityriasis Alba Symptoms

The patches of pityriasis alba are described as round, white or pale patches that usually appear on the face, arms, neck and trunk of the body. The patches can be widespread or clustered in a specific area of the body. There could be slight elevation of the patches but are frequently described as flat. Presence of fine scales can be observed. These lesions are not to be exposed to the sun frequently, for it may conclude to inflammation. The lesions can be prominent during summer, for it will be more emphasized when you have a dark or tan complexion. It would just redden under the heat of the sun. These patches can be triggered in the winter season, for during this period people have dry skin.

Pityriasis Alba Causes

The cause of pityriasis alba is idiopathic (meaning from an unknown cause). There is no definitive root that has been identified for these white patches. Family history of pityriasis alba have shown relevance to have caused this. Studies say that these white spots may have arisen from a mild form of eczema. Excessive treatment of eczema may also have been the culprit for the formation of white scales. A previous skin condition may have bought out the patches. When the skin has healed from a previous skin condition, it leaves out a white space. A lot of medical findings have been presented to simplify the explanation of having pityriasis alba. They say this condition predominantly occurs to women. These patches are said to be preceded by an inflammatory stage that does not involve scaling but then develops to it. Histologic tests show that there is a distinctive decrease in the amount of melanocytes (responsible for our skin color). The patches of pityriasis alba have been observed to go along with the condition atopic dermatitis (a type of eczema).

But there are triggering factors that may conclude to this:

  • Heat – summer time can make skin sensitive and vulnerable to skin diseases

  • Humid climate – precipitates dryness of the skins

  • Skin soaps – without knowing, children and young adults may have acute reactions to skin soaps which they are not usually using

  • Asthma – skin asthma has manifestations similar to the symptoms of pityriasis alba

  • Clothing detergents – some products are not hypoallergenic that it can result to skin irritation thus leading skin disorders

Pityriasis Alba Treatment

This condition is relentlessly to young children. A very good way to treat this condition is to start at home. Many home remedies have been presented to such condition. These remedies have fairly proven themselves and have taken a notch in the medical science. A very observant mother, who has a very keen eye for skin disorders, is a big contributor to her child’s health. Since we all know that extreme temperatures can be a factor for pityriasis alba, the mother should know how to guide their children and to protect them. During winter, it is wise to regularly moisturize the child’s skin. The use of petroleum jelly on the dry flaky patches would lessen its state. Skin protection is a must during this time especially in hot summer days. These seasons are triggering factor, we should prevent in order to take less time in treating. Block the skin from the scorching sun. Make sure you applied sunscreen to your child’s skin. Advising your teens too is ought to. Or just simply advise them to stay away from the heat of the sun. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

The use of moisturizing soaps or liquid soaps is a must. Moisturizing lotions are to applied on the skin while making sure it is a hypoallergenic. In the case of having a previous skin disease or condition, one should seek proper treatment. Avoid using detergents that your child is sensitive with. Control asthma and take the necessary medications so not to trigger an attack. The use of properly prescribed medications should be promptly followed. Hydrocortisone creams and Pragmatar ointments have given their best results by treating pityriasis alba effectively. The steroid is very much effective in cases of redness around or on the area is suspected. Terrasil has been found a good remedy for skin disorders. It has an all natural component that it is a good skin care product.

Since the patches or spots appear in highly sensitive areas, one should evade from scratching or peeling of the areas. The presence of the rashes may be a physical disturbance especially to the teens and young adults. Emotional support should be provided so that this cannot affect the day-to-day work of the teenager or young adult. But once we are very much religious in treating the flakes, then good results shall be reaped. There is also natural skin care provided. Blending cabbage leaves and straining the juice out of it can be a form of therapy. Apply the extracted juice to the area and leave it dry. You could also apply the leaves directly on the affected skin. Ginger juice with water and lemon juice work agreeably together.

Proper skin care can be root of preventing such skin condition. Once we take good care of our skin and avoid triggering factors, would make us a step away from skin disorders. Make sure that you are truly following your doctor’s advice and remedy. You may be wary of the effect of pityriasis alba but what you really need to do is find the cause and make sure you consult your doctor.

Pityriasis Alba Pictures

pityriasis alba pictures

pityriasis alba pictures

pityriasis alba pictures