Showing posts with label Lyme Disease Symptons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lyme Disease Symptons. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lyme Disease Treatment

Lyme Disease Treatment
Before a person can learn how to treat Lyme disease, they first need to understand what Lyme disease is. Lyme disease is a multisystem disorder that is caused by the tick Borrelia burgdorferi. This disease usually occurs in the summer months. A papule on the victim's skin becomes red and warm but isn't actually painful. This papule is the classic sign of Lyme disease and is called the erythema chronicum migrans (ECM). If this disease is left untreated then after a few weeks, there will be in cardiac and neurologic abnormalities.

How is this caused? First, Lyme disease happens when the tick injects a spirochete-laded saliva into the bloodstream or deposits its fecal matter on the skin. After the incubating of the toxic substance for 3-32 days, the spirochetes will come out of the skin, and cause the ECM. The spirochetes will travel to other sites on the skin and organs and will trigger the inflammatory response in the person affected with disease.

What are the common signs of Lyme disease? Generally, Lyme disease has three stages. The First stage is the ECM. The second stage is the beginning of the neurologic abnormalities like the fluctuating meningoencephalitis within the peripheral and cranial neuropathy. The third stage is the manifestation of the arthritis characteristics.

How is Lyme disease treated? Lyme disease is typically treated on a 28-day course of the antibiotic, doxycycline. This is the prescribed treatment of choice for adults. However, for children who are affected by Lyme disease, they will go on a prescribed treatment of oral penicillin. When the drugs are given in the early stages of the disease, then it can minimize or prevent complications later in life. If a person is in the late stages of the diseases, then they can get high doses of the I.V. ceftriaxone and be successfully treated.

However, before this treatment is done, there needs to be some special considerations. A doctor will need to check for any drug allergies and administer the antibiotics carefully. Furthermore, it is important to assess the person's neurologic function and level of consciousness frequently while on the treatment.

Therefore, having Lyme disease isn't the end of the world. The majority of people that have gotten Lyme disease are able to be completely recovered from the illness. Lyme disease is curable and thus if a person is active in their treatment, they will have no problems with the disease later in the future.

Lyme Disease Causes

Lyme Disease Causes
Spirochete is the name of the bacterium which is the main reason of causing Lyme disease. The main species of spirochete which causes Lyme disease is known as borrelia burgdorferi, this certain species of spirochete is found in ticks. Tick bites are the reason which causes Lyme disease in human body.

In United States ticks which carry the Lyme disease virus are commonly known as deer ticks as they are mostly found on deer bodies. These deer ticks are the adult form of ticks and their bites spreads the Lyme virus in the human body. More than half of the deer ticks contain the Lyme disease virus in their stomach. More than 200 ticks are found on the deer, deer carry ticks and provide them their blood so that they can live and lay their eggs on the deer's body. Deer is a common animal which comes in contact with most humans and this makes human face ticks. Deer is the largest mammal which feeds maximum number of ticks on them. Humans interact with deer's skin and tick mostly bites at that time.

Ticks get infected to this spirochete virus because they feed on other animal's blood. These virus travels from the animals body to the ticks stomach and then through bites it gets transferred to human body.

Ticks who bites different people are in the nymph state, this is the stage of ticks life which is between adulthood and larval. At this stage ticks are very small in size and they are hardly visible. Most of the Lyme disease patients don't remember that when they were bitten by a tick. As soon as the tick bites the human body Lyme virus starts entering the body and effects different organs and glands. Lyme virus is very dangerous and it causes different symptoms in specific areas.

Higher risk rate:

1. Anyone who comes in contact with ticks.

2. Children who age between 5 and 14.

3. Campers

4. Golfers.

5. People who spend their time in outdoor recreation

6. People who work on outdoors.

Medical studies have proved that peoples don't get infected to Lyme disease by food, air or water. There are different cases related to Lyme disease and this according to the research this disease affects severely to the peoples more than 70 years of age. Lyme disease is very much curable but the main problem is that many patients can't recognize this disease so they don't consult the doctors in the early stages.

Lyme Disease Cure

Lyme Disease Cure
Generally, taking antibiotics for several weeks is one sure cure for Lyme disease. But treatment with intravenous (IV) may be required for certain forms of Lyme disease. Cure of the Lyme disease by use of antibiotics always lasts for about 14-28 days.

In most cases however, Lyme disease cure usually involves a few weeks of taking oral antibiotics. There are some common antibiotics that are normally used for the Lyme disease cure and they may include:

  • Doxycyline

  • Amoxicillin

  • Cefuroxime axetail

  • Penicillin

  • Erythromycin which is usually taken by patients allergic to penicillin

The antibiotics play a major role as they mostly speed up the healing of a rush and as well can ensure that arthritis symptoms go away following antibiotic therapy, within a few weeks or months. Persistent fatigue, muscular aches and sometimes trouble with memory and concentrations are some of the symptoms experienced by patients even after therapy. The good thing however is that research is on going on and it is hoped that soon the best ways of treating these symptoms will be discovered.

Sometimes people taking antibiotics might experience symptoms such as mild joint pain and a headache. This therefore brings to mention the question about pain relievers being able to help in any way. Usually pain relievers play a role in just reliving some symptoms but they don’t help in combating the Lyme disease. In relieving the symptoms, acetaminophen like Tylenol and sometimes aspirin and ibuprofen are usually used. They can be very effective

Important to note also, is that it is in very rare cases that Lyme disease treatment might have to do with more than only medication and sometimes a temporary pacemaker may be required for heart problems.

In cases that intravenous (IV) treatment is required to cure Lyme disease in some patients, then the medications for such type of treatment may include ceftriaxone and penicillin

Patients usually treated by antibiotics in the early stages for Lyme disease experience rapid recovery and in most cases, completely. However, a few patients particularly those diagnosed for the first time with later stages of the Lyme disease may experience persistent or recurrent symptoms. Usually those patients benefit from a second 4-week course of antibiotic therapy. There is an observation made on serious complications arising from including even death that always are from courses of the antibiotics. This mostly happens when the antibiotics are not beneficial and yet the patient continues with their use.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Early Lyme Disease

Early Lyme Disease
Lyme disease is a disease that affects multiple body systems. It is caused most by the Borrelia burgdorferi, which is carried by the minute tick called the Ixodes ammini. Other ticks in the Ixodidae family can cause lyme disease too, but those cases are extremely rare. This disease generally occurs in summertime and usually starts with a red and warm papule that isn't painful to the infected individual. The red and warm papule is the classic sign of Lyme disease, and it is known as ECM. However, if Lyme disease isn't treated, then months later that infected person will display heart or nerve abnormalities. If that isn't treated, then there may be possible arthritis in the large joints later in the progress of Lyme disease.

Now, the early signs and symptoms of Lyme disease are simple and easy to recognize. Therefore, if a person is paying attention to their body than they can get cured from this multiply system disorder as soon as possible. Typically, Lyme disease has three different stages. The first and earliest stage of Lyme disease is the erythema chronicum migrans. The ECM heralds the first stage of Lyme disease and it usually occurs at the site of the minute tick. The erythema chronicum migrans lesion generally feels very hot and itchy and may even grow up to over 20 inches (50 cm) in diameter. Sometimes it may even resemble a bull's eyes or target. After a few days of getting the first erythema chronicum migrans (ECM) lesion, multiple lesions will erupt everywhere around the infective person's skin and a migratory, ring-like rash, conjunctivitis, and diffuse urticaria occurs.

In the three weeks after those lesions erupt on the skin, the lesions will be replaced by small red blotches that will persistently stay on the skin for several more weeks. During this stage, the infected person will experience fatigue and malaise on a constant basis. Other intermitted signs and symptoms that the infected person may experience are headache, neck stiffness, fever, chills, achiness, and regional lymphadenopathy. The other signs and systems that are less common are meningeal irritation, roaming musculoskeletal pain mild encephalopathy, hepatitis, and splenomegaly. However, some infected persons have reported that they had an unrelenting sore throat and dried out cough many days before the erythema chronicum migrans had appeared.

In conclusion, it is not hard to diagnosis and detected Lyme disease. However, if it is not diagnosis properly it can negatively affect a person's well-being. Therefore, if a person has any of these early signs of Lyme disease then they need to see a doctor as soon as possible.