Showing posts with label Symptoms Of Lupus Disease. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Symptoms Of Lupus Disease. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Symptoms Of Lupus Disease

Symptoms Of Lupus Disease
The symptoms of lupus disease are always very hard to diagnose and as a result, it continues to pose challenges for physicians all over the world. The symptoms are always confusing especially when the disease is still in its infant stages. When a patient walks in the hospital with nonspecific symptoms, the last thing a doctor may be thinking of is lupus. As a result, the patient is likely to continue suffering for long periods of time without the correct medication. Most doctors are given to think that these symptoms are due to stress and depressions.

For the patients, this is most frustrating because people think they are lazy or crazy. Nobody believes them because physically they may just look fine.

It is vitally important that a doctor knows these symptoms so that the disease is detected early. Early detection is very important as it helps lower the chance to the damage of the patient's organs as well as reducing other complications that may accompany this condition. The disease can be diagnosed by any of the following three methods:

* Carrying out blood and urine tests

* Using the patient's past medical history and exams

* Report of symptoms for the patient

Another common test that doctors use to detect the presence of the disease is the anti-nuclear antibody test. Simply referred to as ANA, this test looks for those antibodies that are reacting against the nucleus. When the person is found to have an elevated ANA, this could be a pointer that they suffer from this condition.

A study on the symptoms of lupus revealed that what most patients were worried about regarding this condition was fatigue. In spite of sleeping all night, patients still woke up feeling tired and exhausted. They could not even pick their children from school or attend to other normal chores. This problem may last for a long as four months and then it suddenly disappears.

Another symptom that manifests itself when a person is suffering from this disease is flu-related symptoms. These are swelling around the eyes, pain in the joints and in the chest.

The following are some of the symptoms of lupus:

* Skin rashes that is unexplainable

* Anemia

* Pain in the legs and also in the arms

* Tendency to suffer from urinary tract infections

* Kidney disorders

* Tendency of catching fevers

* Exhaustion or fatigue

* Sores in the mouth

If a patient has those symptoms, then it is s highly recommended that a doctor diagnoses them with lupus.