High Triglycerides And Risk Of Heart Attack
Triglycerides are fats that come from the diet or are manufactured by the body. High levels of triglycerides contribute to atherosclerosis.
Very high levels of triglycerides can cause pancreatitis (inflammation
of the pancreas). A new study shows that the more triglycerides you
have in your blood, the greater your risk of having a heart attack. The
major triglyceride-containing lipoproteins are called
very-low-density-lipoproteins (VLDL), in contrast to the major cholesterol.html">cholesterol-containing
lipoprotein LDL. In contrast, HDL (good) cholesterol is believed to
carry cholesterol and other lipids from the arteries back to the liver.
High triglycerides are associated with a lot of other risk factors (low HDL, small dense LDL, obesity, Diabetes.html">diabetes),
so it could just be "guilt by association" and not a causal
relationship. We also have no evidence that lowering triglycerides
reduces risk of heart attack. Nevertheless, persons at risk should do
what they can to reduce their triglycerides: starting with reducing fat
and simple sugars (fruit juices are a common problem), increasing
exercise, and losing weight. If medication is needed, the most
effective are fibrates and niacin. A new fibrate called fenofibrate is
highly effective in reducing triglycerides. Some statins, such as
atorvastatin or Lipitor, also reduce triglycerides, especially at
higher doses.
The reasons why triglycerides increase a person's risk of heart
disease remain unclear. High triglycerides are associated with low
levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol and with increased amounts of small
dense LDL, the worst form of LDL.
Researchers found an association between fasting triglyceride levels
and heart attack risk, after adjusting for other risk factors,
including HDL levels. Patients with high triglyceride levels were more
likely to be males, diabetic, hypertensive, have a higher body mass
index, have a higher level of physical activity, and drink more alcohol.
The ratio of triglycerides to HDL was a strong predictor of heart
attack, suggesting a complex metabolic interaction between
triglycerides and other lipids. High triglyceride levels appears to
reflect a lower activity level of enzymes that break down fats in the
blood, resulting in higher levels of VLDL and lower HDL levels, which
are linked with increased heart attack risk.
Low-fat diets tend to elevate triglycerides and reduce the good HDL
cholesterol, particularly if carbohydrates are substituted for fat.
Only if these diets produce weight loss will the triglyceride levels
usually decline. Some nutritionists suggest a right-fat diet instead of
a low-fat diet; replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated fats can
reduce the bad LDL without depressing HDL and raising triglycerides.
Beer, wine, and hard liquor also elevate triglycerides; restriction of
alcohol intake to no more than five to six drinks per week.
Your liver can change any source of excess calories - carbohydrate,
fat or protein - into triglycerides. A triglyceride level of 250 mg/dl
(milligrams per deciliter of blood) or less is considered normal.
However, slight elevations of triglycerides, 250 to 500 mg/dl, often
accompany other unhealthy amounts of fat in the blood.