Showing posts with label Causes Of Leg Muscular Cramps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Causes Of Leg Muscular Cramps. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Signs & Symptoms Of Leg Cramps: Home Remedies For Cramping In Legs

Signs & Symptoms Of Leg Cramps: Home Remedies For Cramping In Legs

Leg cramps are an involuntary contraction of a single muscle. This can also occur in a group of muscles in the leg.

Symptoms of Leg Muscle Cramps

What are the prevalent symptoms of leg cramps? Of course, the most obvious symptom is the spasmodic contracting of the leg muscles that causes a person pain which can run up and down his/her leg. This pain can last less than a minute or run for several minutes. When this pain hits, the person is usually immobilized from the agony but regains normal mobility after the pain recedes.

Other symptoms of leg cramps include the tightening of the muscles in the area where the cramp is. The involuntary flexing of the muscles that is going through these painful spasms can easily be observed. Often, when person experiences leg cramps in the middle of an activity, he/she may be seen limping to a place where he/she can sit out the pain or try to do something about it. He/she may also be seen trying to stretch out the painful leg to try and relieve the strain on it or flex his/her feet to start circulation of blood in the area.

The muscle in the leg that has the cramp may also feel tender to the touch after the episode or difficult to move even when the pain has already receded.

Causes Of Leg Muscular Cramps

Why do leg cramps occur? Well, the following are some possible reasons:

  • An unusual or a different exercise than what is done normally

  • Muscle fatigue due to overexertion

  • Rigorous exercises

  • Dehydration

  • Excess weight

  • Nerve abnormalities

  • Nerve and muscle diseases

  • Imbalances of electrolytes, hormones or fluids

  • Side effects of medicines

  • Diminished blood supply

Home Remedies For Leg Cramping

The following home remedies are known to be effective in dealing with leg cramps:

  • If the leg cramps are due to loss of electrolytes, then replenishing the body’s supply is the obvious solution. This can be done by drinking sports and energy drinks or oral rehydration solutions.

  • Use a soothing balm to gently massage the affected areas.

  • Apply a hot pack on the area suffering from cramps. It is also a good idea to soak in a warm bathtub. Just make sure that the patient is safe from drowning in case he/she is still immobilized because of the pain.

  • Stretch the calf muscle as far as possible by making the patient straightens his/her leg and pushing the toes back towards him/her.