Showing posts with label Kidney Disease Treatments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kidney Disease Treatments. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kidney Disease Cure

Kidney Disease Cure
On the whole, your health depends on the proper functioning of your kidney. The proper functioning of your kidney is inextricably linked to the blood pressure levels.

To demonstrate the importance of the kidney, sample this: once in every half an hour, the whole blood stock of your body passes through the kidney. It filers the wastes and passes them to the bladder as urine.

Kidney diseases are many and do not announce their arrivals. It is upon the patient to realize their symptoms and seek medication. They can be chronic or acute and attack almost everyone. Examples of kidney ailments are kidney stones, arthritis and even the revered diabetic condition among other examples.

Treatment of kidney diseases has all to do with controlling the blood pressure of your body.

The following is a summary of five natural methods of treating kidney ailments.

Keeping the blood pressure low

It is highly recommended that your blood pressure is kept under 130 over 80. It is down to your doctor to prescribe ways of keeping your blood pressure in check.

Watch your diet

Always ensure that you have enough intakes of protein and at the same time keeping your cholesterol in check. While your doctor may recommend less intake of protein so that your kidneys are not overworked, your body needs enough proteins to repair the worn out tissues. You need to talk to a dietitian to find out the best diet to meet both demands of the body and of the doctor.

Quit cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking has two real threats to your life - it not only increases your blood pressure but also makes you more susceptible to contracting kidney diseases. You will find that it is difficult to quit smoking but the health benefits that come with that are just so many.

Check your sodium intake

Unchecked intake of salt and foods rich in sodium are known to increase your blood pressure, which in turn leads to the inevitable contraction of kidney problems .Limiting the amount of sodium you consume is a natural way of curing kidney illnesses.

Watch the amount of potassium you have in your diet

Although potassium is a healthy mineral and is normally found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, it is not very good for a kidney that is diseased. This is because it makes it hard for the kidney to process it and excrete excess amounts of it from the body.