Thursday, June 12, 2014

HbA1c – normal range, chart, blood test values

HbA1c – normal range, chart, blood test values
The Hemoglobin A1c normal range is referred to as the HbA1c normal range. Hemoglobin are the protein molecules which occur in the red blood cells present in the body. One of the key functions of hemoglobin is to supply the oxygen-rich blood from lungs to different tissues and organs in the body, and then take the carbon dioxide back to the lungs.

All of us are aware that sugar has a sticky quality which makes it adhere to any kind of surface. Its elimination from that surface can also be quite arduous. The same rationality can be applied to the body. People with elevated levels of sugar in their bodies usually contain glycated hemoglobin in the bloodstream.

The high sugar levels in the body trigger the excess sugar to bind itself to the hemoglobin, thereby leading to the formation of a coat of sugar on it. Red blood cells typically live for approximately 120 days in the bloodstream. This allows an HbA1c range test to determine the levels of sugar occurring in the body for over the past 3 months.

As compared to regular monitoring of glucose carried out at home, an HbA1c range test is more reliable and relatively better. detect diseases at an early stage symptoms, and find out the causes and treatments best suited.

The hemoglobin A1c normal range

  • A majority of HbA1c tests that are performed to ascertain the normal levels differ from one lab to the other.

  • Medical professionals maintain that the HbA1c normal range generally falls between four and six percent. A few other medical experts have stated that the HbA1c levels in diabetic patients should be below seven percent.

  • Since HbA1c range tests are used to ascertain the levels of blood sugar, it can act as a helpful tool to prevent the onset of different kinds of health complications that may arise due to an underlying presence of diabetes. An HbA1c test result which is higher than normal can warn patients to make changes in their lifestyle so as to prevent the development of related conditions and diseases like cardiac abnormalities, eye problems, kidney diseases, stroke, and nerve damage.

  • An HbA1c test result that is lower than normal often points to the present of a recent or current case of hypoglycemia. It is also a very serious situation, as low levels of blood sugar can result in death of the patient.

  • It may also be noted that test results indicating HbA1c readings as over 7 percent is a definite sign of poor maintenance and regulation of diabetes and blood sugar levels over the last few months. In these cases, patients may considerably reduce future instances of micro-vascular risks and complications by taking necessary steps to get the HbA1c levels back within the required normal range.

It is thus safe to say that the HbA1c normal range test is one of the best methods to ascertain the levels of blood sugar in the body.

HbA1c chart and levels of blood sugar

The determination of HbA1clevels in the bloodstream is one of the first steps that a doctor will undertake to gauge the levels of blood sugar in the body.

The HbA1ctest monitors the red blood cells to confirm the accumulation of sugar deposits on them during their lifespan, i.e. about 120 days. This allows a doctor to confirm whether or not the affected individual has followed the essential guidelines to keep the blood sugar levels under control over the last few weeks or months.It may be noted that a close correlation exists between the levels of blood sugar and the HbA1clevels. This allows a physician to recommend many easy-to-follow steps and lifestyle changes that can help a patient to effectively manage both the criteria.

The table detailed below is an estimated measure of the correlation between the levels of blood sugar and HbA1c levels:

HbA1c (%)  Average Blood Sugar (mg/dL)

The HbA1c normal range test

  • The values of HbA1c are found out via a blood test. A number of medical experts and professionals as well as different medical associations have confirmed the HbA1c test as the best method to diagnose the presence of diabetes.

  • An HbA1c test involves removal of a blood sample from the vein in an arm, which is then forwarded to labs for verifying the levels of HbA1c. If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, then the physician may recommend regular HbA1c tests in the future. Depending on the type of diabetes, the patient may need to undergo the HbA1c normal range test after every 3 to 6 months.

  • It is also important to note that individuals who have pre-existing medical disorders like kidney anomalies, liver conditions, and anemia; or have experienced heavy blood loss, may produce incorrect HbA1c test results with false numbers. An HbA1c test also comes with other risks such as buildup of blood below the skin, infection, dizziness, fainting, etc. which may be caused due to drawing of blood from the vein.

  • Patients have to remember the fact that varied labs offer varying HbA1c normal range test results. Hence, all HbA1c test results have to be checked by a physician for content and evaluation.

It can however be positively concluded that the HbA1c normal range is one of the best ways to screen and manage the levels of blood sugar in the body. Regular visits to a doctor and monitoring can assist diabetic patients to continue a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Treatment of abnormal blood sugar levels

Treatment of diabetes includes oral medications, insulin injections, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Your diet should consist of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Minimize the intake of animal products, sweets, and refined carbohydrates.

  • Exercise on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes a day

  • Patients affected by type 1 diabetes require insulin therapy for survival. A few type 2 diabetes patients may also need insulin therapy

  • Oral medications to stimulate insulin production by pancreas, or to inhibit release of glucose by liver are also given

  • Pancreas transplant and bariatric surgery are other treatment options.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Skin Rashes

Skin Rashes Rash is a general term used to indicate skin inflammation. The normal color and texture of the skin changes when rash is formed. Rashes can develop due to infection caused by bacteria or virus or fungus. Common problem caused by skin rash is moderate to severe itching which can be resolved by over the counter antihistamines. Some of the common types of rashes are eczema, dermatitis and heat rash.

Types :

Rashes can be non-infectious and restricted to particular area of the body. These types of rashes do not require any special treatment and it is enough if you treat them with hydrocortisone ointment.

Dermatitis :

It is the most common type of skin rash occurring in adults and children. There are many different kinds of dermatitis like seborrheic dermatitis (marked by red lesions and is formed on the forehead, scalp and cheeks), atopic dermatitis (marked by red colored itchy rash which is formed on the elbows, knees, cheeks and neck area) and contact dermatitis (allergic rash caused by chemical allergens and plants like poison ivy oak).

  • Diaper rash is a type of dermatitis affecting infants and toddlers and occurs due to unhygienic practice.

  • Statis dermatitis is another type of dermatitis affecting lower legs causing inflammation on the veins.

  • Psoriasis is a type of skin rash that cause lesions or bumps oozing out pus like fluid which attacks scalp and elbows.

Diagnoses :

The doctor will examine the skin surface and look for the prominent presence of lesions, fluid filled bumps or scaly patches. He would also assess the size, color and shape of the lesions to identify its type. Next he will look for the area in which the rashes are distributed in the body to confirm his analysis.

Normally the fungal and bacterial infections are restricted to some parts of the skin surface. Scaly red patches found on the legs and arms can be of fungal infection like eczema or ringworm. It can be yeast infection if the skin folds are affected developing into armpit rash or Jock itch. Bacterial infection rashes can be impetigo or cellulitis.

Treatment :

For treating skin rashes caused by fungal infection, antifungal creams are prescribed. Over the counter ointments like Lotrimin that contains clotrimazole or Laisil can be effective. Often, fungal infections will be resolved by using creams obtained at the drugstore. In case if the rashes do not respond, you need to consult with your doctor. For treating skin rashes caused by bacterial infection, antibiotics are given either in the form of oral pills or cream.

Sometimes both the pills and topical creams are combined for treating the rashes. Often, viral rashes do not require any treatment and the symptoms will fade away within a week or two. You can take antihistamines to control itching. Hives like urticaria spread quickly within hours to many parts of the body. But they will disappear in fast pace in most of the cases. It is enough if you take home remedies for managing heat rashes. Heat rashes are common in hot weather and it occurs as pimples or red blisters in the groin and under the breasts or in the places where the skin is folded.

Home Remedies :

If you have itchy feeling on the hands or feet you can wash the area with soapy water quickly. Do not cover the rash and leave it open. Avoid rubbing or scratching the rash since it may make it worse. Apply cool compresses on the rash and keep the skin cool and moist. Avoid going out in the hot sun. Taking oatmeal bath is highly useful to control itching. Apply calamine lotion in large amounts.

Wear only cotton clothing in hot weather and do not change your soap often. After bathing allow some time for the skin to dry instead of patting it with towel. If the itching is severe you can apply cream that contains hydrocortisone for managing itchy feeling. Take oral antihistamines like Benadryl or chloropheniramine to get quick relief. Apply moisturizing lotion liberally on the affected area of the skin to get soothing effect. Do not hesitate to call your doctor if the skin rash does not respond to any kind of home remedies or if you have fever accompanied with rash.

Pictures of Skin Rashes :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Skin rashes

Skin rashes Skin rashes Skin rashes Skin rashes Skin rashes Skin rashes

Prevention :

You cannot totally prevent heat rash if you are living in hot climatic zones. Maintain good personal hygiene. Avoid sharing towels or soaps with others. Do not change soaps often. Use mild soap and skin creams that do not irritate your skin. Vaccination is available for chickenpox and measles.

Lupus Rash

Lupus Rash Lupus rash is a type of autoimmune disorder in which the body’s own immune system will attack and destroy tissues and organs. Inflammation of the skin occurs in many parts of the body affecting every joint. Lupus rash is characterized by the presence of distinctive rashes on the face resembling a butterfly. The shape of the rash may be similar to that of the wings of the butterfly and is present on both the cheeks.

Most of the cases diagnosed with lupus will not have any major problem except for minor discomfort. In rare cases, lupus can affect vital organs significantly causing lifelong disability. It can impair the functions of kidneys, brain and even the heart making life more serious. There is no specific treatment for lupus rash but the symptoms can be managed by effective medications.

Types :

Two kinds of lupus rash are being recognized :

One is discoid lupus DLE and it affects the skin that is overly exposed to powerful ultra violet rays of the sun. It causes skin lesions and leaves scars on the surface of the skin after it has healed completely.

Second type of lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus which is very serious. It can affect the functions of internal organs and it produces the distinctive symptom of butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks. The connective tissues of the various joints and muscles are badly damaged and in some cases it can also affect the membranes of the lungs and heart and even the brain. It will not spare blood vessels also. This type can cause painful lesions on the skin more on the fingers. The normal blood flow to the extremities can get seriously affected causing numbness on the toes and fingers.

Symptoms :

An individual affected with lupus rash may not have the same signs like that of other person. The symptoms may flare on certain periods and remission follows immediately. The intensity of the symptom can vary certainly on the extent of weakened immunity and also on the part of the body which has been affected.

Some of the common signs of lupus rash are fever, joint pain, stiffness on the joints, butterfly shaped rashes on the cheeks, lesions on the skin, pain on the fingers and toes (more during winter time) and fatigue. They become extremely sensitive to sunlight and can cause unexplained weight loss. It can cause chest pain, painful sores on the mouth and throat and enlargement of lymph nodes on the throat and mouth. Some people may get severe headache, loss of memory and confusion of thoughts if the brain tissues are affected by lupus.

Causes :

Exact cause of lupus remains a mystery. It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system will attack its own tissues and muscles. It can be due to hormone imbalance, genetic factor and also due to environmental factor. An individual with a history of lupus rash from his parents is predisposed for inheriting this disorder.

A person who is overly exposed to sunlight can develop lupus rash. Similarly a person who is consuming neurological medications for managing seizure can also get lupus. Lupus affects more number of women than men for reasons unknown. People who are in the age group of 15-40 years have increased risk for developing lupus. This disease is common in certain race like Hispanics, African American and Asians.

Complications :

In severe cases, lupus can infect the kidneys leading to renal failure. In some cases, the tissues surrounding the brain are affected causing various brain related problems. Lung inflammation is common among people who have lupus rash for long period. Having lupus rash for long time puts you under high risk for getting various infectious diseases and even cancer. Pregnant women suffering from lupus can develop complications of preterm birth.

Diagnosis :

It is difficult to diagnose lupus rash since the symptoms are vague and similar to other diseases. After considering the symptoms of the patient, the doctor may order for complete blood test for measuring the RBC, WBC and platelets. It is useful for find the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

He would also check whether the kidney and liver functions are normal to ensure that lupus has not affected any vital organ. Increased level of protein in urine indicates lupus has affected kidneys. Your doctor may also ask for imaging tests like X-ray of the chest to rule out lung inflammation and for Echo to assess the function of the heart.

Treatment :

The mode of treatment is not the same for all people affected with lupus rash. Your doctor will decide the course of treatment depending on the intensity of the symptoms and your health condition. Anti-inflammatory medications (non-steroid) like Ibuprofen or naproxen is prescribed for getting relief from pain and fever. Hydroxychloroquine is also a good medicine for controlling lupus.

For more severe cases, corticosteroids are prescribed but this would produce some undesirable effects if continued for long term. Since the disease is caused by weakened immunity immunosuppressant like cytoxan, imuran and arava are prescribed.

Pictures of Lupus Rash :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Lupus Rash

Lupus Rash Lupus Rash Lupus Rash Lupus Rash Lupus Rash Lupus Rash Lupus Rash

Lifestyle Changes :

Lupus rash is not a simple disease that can be managed overnight. It takes enough time for the medications to control the symptoms. Flaring and remissions are common with lupus and hence one has to bear with it. Get enough rest as and when you require it since you may become extremely tired due to weakened immunity. Avoid going out in hot sun since it can worsen your skin condition. Eat a well balanced diet and do regular exercises to get enough strength to fight the disease.

Some people are using alternative medicine like flaxseed, fish-oil and dehydro-epiandro-sterone for managing flare-ups. It may be a shock to know that you have lupus, but try to understand that you are not alone. Know more information about the disease and identify the period of remissions and flare-ups. Find a support group and stay connected with them.

Fissured Tongue

Fissured Tongue Fissured tongue is characterized by the presence of cracks or grooves on the upper portion of the tongue. This is called lingua plicata or scrotal tongue in medical terms and this condition is harmless. Often, the cracks are seen on the top of the tongue and sometimes on the sides. These grooves can vary in depth and length and some may be very deep and others may be elongated in shape. In some people there can be various partitions on the grooves thus dividing the entire tongue into many grooves and lobes. Fissures on the tongue are usually harmless and in rare cases it can get infected if debris builds on it.

Who are at risk?

About 5% of the people may develop a fissured tongue. Men are more likely to have fissured tongue than women. It is believed to run in families and can be genetic.

Causes :

Exact cause of fissured tongue is not known. But it is considered to develop due to certain conditions or diseases like Down’s syndrome or Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome. In both these cases, the children will have fissured tongue along with facial swelling or paralysis on the face. In children with benign migratory glossitis this condition can develop.

It can occur due to injury or trauma to the tongue or due to teeth grinding. Swelling or inflammation on the tongue can cause mild cracks on the tongue. The tongue can get irritated due to repeated consumption of tobacco or alcohol and develops fissures gradually. It can occur due to allergic reactions, reflux disease or in rare cases due to tongue cancer.

Symptoms :

Presence of grooves or cracks on the tongue is characteristic marks of fissured tongue. The tongue may be separated into many sections or lobes by fissured tongue. Individuals with geographic tongue may not have the regular papillae or raised bumps on the tongue. Their tongue will resemble the geographic map having contours.

Diagnosis :

Your doctor can easily detect fissured tongue by mere examination of the tongue.

Pictures of Fissured Tongue :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Fissured Tongue

Fissured Tongue Fissured Tongue Fissured Tongue Fissured Tongue

Treatment :

No treatment is required in most of the cases having fissured tongue. You can gently brush the tongue using soft toothbrush for removing the built-in debris. In case there is pain in the cracks, you can visit your dentist. Over the counter pain-killers are effective in giving relief from pain. Avoid eating spicy or hot foods which may worsen the grooves and inflammation.

Brush your tongue properly and practice good hygiene. Bacteria can accumulate on the cracks causing infection and hence remove the leftover food particles on the fissured tongue by cleaning it regularly. Fissured tongue is harmless and may not cause any problem unless it is attacked by bacteria.

Itchy Bottom

Itchy Bottom Itchy bottom is called as Pruritus ani in medical terms. It causes persistent itchy feeling around the anus. You will feel like scratching the anus all the time and it is more after using toilet. The soft skin around the anus area will get damaged and subsequently you may develop skin infection. It can be treated by soothing ointment and topical corticosteroids.

Causes :

Itchy bottom is actually a symptom and not a disease. It can develop due to known causes and unknown causes as well. Skin disease like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis can cause itchy bottom. You can develop this condition if you rub the anal area strongly or if there is excess of moisture in the anus or if you use strong perfumes or soaps on that area. Certain type of infections like thrush, scabies, herpes and sexually transmitted diseases can spread itchy bottom.

Certain diseases like anal fissure, piles and use of some medications for diarrhea can cause itchy bottom. In some cases the exact cause of itchy bottom is not known. In case you have itchy anus you may gently scrap it or use a scented soap for cleaning it. This may worsen the condition causing severe itching as the skin around the anus develops inflammation. This process is called vicious circle and pruritus ani.

Symptoms :

Some of the common symptoms of itchy bottom are persistent itching on the anus, inflammation of the skin around the anus and formation of red patches in that area.

Risk Factors :

Itchy bottom is common for both sexes and is more for those who are not practicing good hygiene. For no apparent reason it is more prevalent in men than women. An individual who rubs his anal area more frequently can develop itchy bottom.

Diagnoses :

Your doctor can detect the disease by listening to your symptoms. No specific test is needed.

Treatment :

Home Remedies :

You need to keep your private parts clean and dry to avoid itchy bottom. For that you need to bath daily, avoid wearing tight fitting underwear, avoid using perfumed soaps and avoid taking bubble baths. Trim your fingernails regularly so that it does not hurt your anus when you are washing it. Choose only cotton underwear so that it absorbs moisture. Change your panties if you feel it is not dry or clean. Keep a cotton tissue handy so that you can put it in your underwear to keep the anus dry.

Though it is difficult to control the urge of itching, still you need to avoid scratching the bottom often. Avoid taking spicy foods, nuts, chocolate, dairy products and excess of coffee/tea. Avoid taking sweets often. Include high quantity of fiber diet like grains, whole-wheat breads, oats and pulses. Drink plenty of liquids and add fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

Medications :

Antifungal cream is given for treating fungal infections or thrush. In case of bacterial infection your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. Separate treatment is given for anal fissure. For mild to moderate itchy feeling, your doctor may give antihistamines either orally or in the form of creams. For severe cases, ointments that contain corticosteroids are prescribed.

Prevention :

You should practice good hygiene while using toilet. Always use plain unscented toilet tissue. Avoid allergic foods. Keep your anus area dry and clean. Wear cotton underwear so that it can absorb moisture. Do not scratch the area since it can make things worse. Remember to trim your fingernails regularly.

Ringworm Fungal Infections

Ringworm Fungal Infections Ringworm is a fungal infection on the skin that causes rashes on the top layer of the skin. It is marked by lesions that are clearly defined with a red circular border. In medical terms ringworm fungal infection is called as tinea corporis. It can be treated by antifungal creams and medications.

Symptoms :

Initially ringworm infection develops as small scaly patches on the skin. These patches will have a clear defined area that has a red circular border. The shape of the ring can be either circular or irregular or sometimes like a wavy outline. It can be itchy for some and not for others.

Causes :

Ringworm infection is caused by fungus which thrives on the cells of human beings. It can either spread by human to human contact (direct skin contact) or by animal to human contact (through pet animals) or by object to human contact (touching the clothing, combs or towels of infected person). In rare cases if you accidentally touch the contaminated soil that contains fungi you can get this infection.

Who are at risk?

Children below 15 years of age, those living in moisture area or in humid climate, those having close contact with animals (like farmers, cattle workers), those who share clothing of infected person, and those have weakened immunity are prone to develop ringworm fungal infection.

Tests :

Simple physical examination of the body is enough to detect ringworm infection.

Treatment :

Treatment is simple for ringworm fungal infection. Lifestyle changes and over the counter antifungal creams are used for treating the symptoms. Medications or creams that contain terbinafine, clotrimazole or miconazole are highly effective in controlling the symptoms. Within few days or a week, the rash will disappear.

For more severe infections, your doctor may prescribe mild steroid cream for some days along with antifungal oral pills. You need to complete the full course of medication if you have severe infection. Some of the common drugs used for treating ringworm fungal infection are terbinafine (lamisil), Azoles (diflucan), Griseofulvin and Tinactin. For moderate infection with itching, clotrimazole (Lotrisone) is effective.

Ringworm Fungal Infections Pictures :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Ringworm Fungal Infections

Ringworm Fungal Infections Ringworm Fungal Infections Ringworm Fungal Infections Ringworm Fungal Infections

Prevention :

Ringworm infection is contagious and before you plan it can infect you. Instruct your children about the way of playing with pets and practicing good hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly before taking food. Stay in a cool room and avoid too much of sweating. Avoid sharing personal items like clothing or towels or combs with others.

Reactive Arthritis

Reactive Arthritis Arthritis refers to swollen joints. Reactive arthritis is the condition in which inflammation of genital parts or gastro intestinal systems take place. It often develops after a person had genital infection or problems in bowel movement. The symptoms of reactive arthritis are similar to that of psoriatic arthritis and ulcerative colitis. This condition can occur in any part of the joint but often affects the eyes, mouth and the urinary tract. In rare cases it can infect the heart. Treatment is given for reducing the intensity of stiffness in the joints.

Reactive arthritis is marked by three conditions namely :

  • Inflammation of joints

  • Swelling of eyes or conjunctivitis

  • Inflammation of urinary and genitals and gastrointestine

This disease was also known as ‘Reiter’s syndrome’ in olden days. This type of chronic arthritis affects the people of age group 30-40 years largely but can occur in any age group.

Symptoms :

The signs of reactive arthritis occur often after an infection. The initial symptoms can occur anywhere from 1-3 weeks of urinary or eye infection. There will be intense joint pain due to swelling of joints in the knees and ankles. Some people may develop joint inflammation on the lower back. Swelling of eyes is common in reactive arthritis. Many people will develop urinary problems and there will be compulsive urge for urinating frequently. The extremities are swollen and there will be difficulty in writing and walking.

Causes :

Exact cause of arthritis is unknown. It is believed to be autoimmune disorder. People who are frequently infected have increased chance of getting reactive arthritis. Genetics play a role in causing this disease. The presence of HLA B27 genes is indicative of developing this disease in later ages. Bacterial infection can cause reactive arthritis. It can be caused by Chalmydia, shigella or salmonella bacterium.

Though this disease is not contagious still there is every chance for contacting it through unsafe sex. Chlamydia trachomatis is the bacterium causing venereal infections which is followed by reactive arthritis in many cases. An individual with infectious dysentery can develop this problem after few weeks of infection.

Risk Factors :

For reasons not known, men are more prone to develop reactive arthritis than women. People with HLA B27 genes inherited from parents have increased risk. A person having sex with multiple partners and having dysentery infection often have more chance for getting reactive arthritis.

Diagnosis :

The doctor may physically examine the body to check the signs of warmth and swelling. He may request for blood test and joint fluid test for confirming his diagnoses. A thin needle is inserted to the inflamed joint to draw sample of fluid for testing the WBC and infectious organisms.

Treatment :

No specific medications are available for treating reactive arthritis. But drugs are helpful to manage joint pain and further inflammation. Antibiotics are prescribed for controlling bacterial infection. Nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs like Indocin is given for getting quick relief from joint pain. For severe pain corticosteroid is injected directly into the joints which will considerably reduce swelling.

Stiffness of joint can be reduced by rheumatoid arthritis medications like sulfasalazine or methotrexate drugs. Regular physiotherapy can make mobility easier for people affected with joint pain. Practicing strengthening exercise will give flexibility to joint muscles and reduce stiffness. People with autoimmune disorder like AIDS and severe viral infections have to be more precautious than others. Eye inflammation or conjunctivitis is treated with suitable anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Prevention :

You cannot do anything to prevent reactive arthritis. But you can always reduce the chance of getting bacterial and viral infection. Practice safe sex and always wear condoms while having sex with strangers. Eat healthy foods and fully cooked stuff to prevent bacterial infection. Do not send your child to school or day care center if he has developed dysentery since infection can spread to other children.