Monday, August 4, 2014

HIV Rash

HIV Rash
HIV is abbreviation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus which is a preceding condition of AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This is a life threatening physical condition which destroys significant cells of the body.  The condition causes several symptoms. One of the common symptoms of the condition is HIV rash. This is a kind of rash on the skin which is commonly recorded in HIV patients. It is studied that around 80% of the HIV sufferers experience HIV rash symptoms. The rashes are often reddish in color and can be extremely itchy in nature. Appearance of these rashes may differ according to the severity of the disease. In most cases, raised small bumps are also observed.

HIV Rash Types

There is no concrete description of HIV rashes in the medical records. But HIV rashes can be divided into four classes which are as follows:

  • HIV rashes due to medicinal reaction:

There are antiretroviral medications that are known to cause skin rashes as side effects in some situations. These drugs are suggested as treatment for HIV infection and its associated symptoms. Some of such antiretroviral medicines include nevirapine, abacavir and amprenavir. These are few of the drugs that can lead to HIV rash. Ceasing the use of these medicines may possible ebb away rashes, but one should do this only after consulting your doctor.

  • HIV Rash of Acute nature

These are acute rashes which occur due to HIV infection. These rashes are noticed within few days from the time of affliction of the infection. There are other symptoms as well which are recorded along with these rashes. Chest, back, palms, etc, are the common regions for these rashes to occur; nevertheless, they can be seen on any part of the body. These kinds of rashes are often difficult to be diagnosed and may need thorough investigation through several tests.

  • Symptomatic HIV Rashes

The third phase of HIV infection may causes dermatitis which in turn leads to symptoms such as skin anomalies. These sort of rashes are usually pinkish or reddish in appearance as well as they may be itchy at times. These may last for 1 to 3 years according to records and estimation. Some of the common body regions where these symptomatic rashes can be found are groin, underarms, torso, facial skin and back.

  • HIV rashes due to Herpes

HIV sufferer may also have herpes and such individuals are prone to skin problems. If HIV is also accompanied by herpes then it becomes difficult for the patient to handle the condition. HIV and Herpes are STDs or Sexually Transmitted Disease. This makes the mortality rate extremely high. There are other symptoms of herpes which may be experienced along with these rashes. In such a situation the rashes are often filled with fluid. After few days these bumps bursts and spread further. The condition is very serious and if not controlled earlier, it may also lead to death.


HIV rashes mostly occur in people suffering from HIV infection. The HIV virus is a dreadful virus which can affect the tissues in the vaginal and anal lining. The virus can also affect mouth or eyes. There are three stages through which the infection progresses gradually. Occurrence of painful rashes as well as other flu-like symptoms indicates the primary stage of infection. The dermatologic symptoms may take place during seroconversion when noticeable antibodies are generated in oppose to infectious agents present in blood.

In some situations some antiretroviral drugs as mentioned above can also trigger allergic reaction or side effects causing rashes to appear. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus can severely influence and deteriorate the immune system causing the body to lose its ability to fight minor and major invaders of the body and infection. This also contributes to cause rashes on the skin.


Chorionic skin rashes are often related with several skin issues which are usually difficult to diagnose through conventional physical screenings. In order to rule out HIV as underlying cause of rashes there are two routine tests suggested to the patient. The first test is specific to count of CD4 cells. People who are infected with the condition often have low CD4 count. The second test suggested is determining the amount of viral load in blood. Infected individual with high viral load are susceptible to reduced CD4 cells and faster progression of the condition as compared to those with low viral load. The efficacy of new treatments and medications can be evaluated by understanding the count of virus in blood.


HIV rashes has some features which makes it possible to recognized them; here are some aspects of HIV rashes

  • The patient suffering from the condition develops brown or else reddish lumps such as pimples. These appear similar to eczema and are in clusters

  • HIV infection may also lead to lesions due to skin peeling

  • In some cases HIV rashes can be itchy

  • HIV rashes can occur in almost any region of the body. In seldom cases even genitals, eyes as well as mouth is also infected

  • These HIV rashes may persist for up to 2 weeks but they are not transmissible

Other symptoms that may occur along with these rashes can hint that the skin condition is due to HIV.

  • Memory loss

  • Loose motions

  • Unexpected unknown fever

  • Pain in muscle

  • Body ache and cramps

  • Gland enlargement

  • Blurred vision

  • Lose of appetite and reduction in weight

  • Pain in joints


HIV rash often resolves in around 2 weeks. However they may become dormant or asymptomatic. There is no confirmed cure for HIV infection but there are some hypotheses which can be a potential treatment in future. The treatment of HIV rash would depend on the cause of the condition. If it occurs due to medicinal side effects then ceasing the use of the medicine can help.  There are some non prescription medicines such as hydrocortisone cream which may alleviate the itchiness. Best treatment to deal with HIV rash can be recommended by your doctor alone. HIV is a serious health condition and adopting any measure to deal with it or its symptoms should be done only after approved by your doctor.

HIV Rash Pictures

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder, caused due to abnormality in the cell division involving chromosome 21. The disorder causes a permanent developmental delay, mental retardation and many other problems. The severities of Down syndrome vary and as such the problems of developmental delays also vary from mild to serious conditions. Learning difficulties are the common disability in Down syndrome.

When one of the three types of abnormal cell division involving chromosome 21 occur, Down syndrome is caused. The extra genetic material from chromosome 21, which is responsible for vital characteristic features of developmental difficulties are caused by all the three cell division abnormalities.

Early intervention and a better understanding of this disorder can help the children and adults affected by this syndrome.


The following are some of the signs and symptoms of Down syndrome:

  • Different and distinct facial features

  • A little/tiny head

  • Short neck

  • Flat face

  • Unusually upward slanting eyes that are different from the ethnic features.

  • Ears with a peculiar shape

  • A protruding tongue

Children with this disorder may also have the following additional signs:

  • Short, but broad hands along with a single crease in palm

  • Excessive flexibility

  • Poor muscle tone

  • Comparatively short fingers

Down syndrome affected children suffer from slow growth and are shorter in height. In comparison to other children, the Down syndrome affected children take double the time for growth and achieving developmental milestones such as crawling and sitting. They also elicit moderate mental retardation.

Children born with Down syndrome develop various complications as they grow. They are:

  • Leukemia

  • Obesity

  • Risk of dementia is more prevalent at an age of more than 40 along with higher rate of seizures.

  • Risk of infectious diseases due to weak immune system often causing pneumonia.

  • Heart disordersthat need surgery

  • Sleep apnea

  • Other problems like thyroid disorder, early menopause, gastrointestinal blockage, hearing loss, poor vision, skeletal disorder, seizures, and premature aging.


Generally, each cell of human being contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. The children get one chromosome of eachpair from their father and as well from their mother. The syndrome occurs when one of the three abnormal cell division connected to chromosome 21occurs. The cell division abnormalities result in additional genetic materialin chromosome 21 which is responsible for thedistinctive characteristics and developmental anomalies associated with the condition

The following are the three genetic variations that cause Down syndrome:

  • Mosaic Down syndrome:It is a rare form of syndrome that occurs whenever the children possess some cells with an extra copy of chromosome 21. The combination of normal cells with abnormal cells cause abnormal cell division after fertilization.

  • Trisomy 21:An infant with trisomy 21 possess three copies of chromosome 21, instead of two usual copies in all of his/her cells. This anomaly is caused due to abnormal cell division at the time of sperm cell or egg cell development. More than 90% of Down syndrome cases are caused by this trisomy 21.

  • Translocation Down syndrome:Whenever a part of the chromosome 21 remains attached to another chromosome (Translocated) at the time of conception or earlier, then it can cause Down syndrome. Children with translocation syndrome have additional material from the attached chromosome 21 in addition to the usual two copies of chromosome 21.The responsible factors for this syndrome are unknown.

Down syndrome is not inherited, but caused due to mistakes in cell division during the developmental stage of sperm or egg, or duringconception;except the translocation Down syndrome which may be passed on to the child from parent. Only 4% of the children are affected by translocation Down syndrome and only just half of them have inherited it from parents. The presence of some rearranged genetic material, even without extra genetic material, can also cause translocation Down syndrome. The chance of passing the translocation syndrome is 3% from father and 10 to 15% from mother.

An increased maternal age also increases the risk to conceiving a child with Down syndrome. The possibility expands along with the age. For example, the risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome at the age of 35 is 1 in 400; while it is 1 in 35 at the age of 45.


With the medical facility and treatment advancements, the average life expectancy of people with Down syndrome has increased up to 50 years.

Early intervention programs for children with Down syndrome will improve their abilities and their quality of life. The following are some of the treatments for Down syndrome affected children:

  • Administering of medicines as per the demands of the condition.

  • Early stimulation with appropriate sensory, motor, and other activitiesthat promote self-help.

  • Depending on the type of disorder, specialists from various fields will provide the needed treatments.

  • Self preparation to face the difficulties that may come while taking care of the affected child.

  • Consulting a genetic counselor before conceiving, if you are in the increased risk group

  • Seeking help from support groups

Down Syndrome life expectancy

People with Down syndrome have shorter than average life expectancy. However improvements in medical care and ongoing research have made it possible for people to have a longer life span. Back in 1912, the average life expectancy for Down Syndrome was 12 years; now it has increased to 60 years. It has been observed that most people who live up to their 40s and 50s, tend to get affected from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis Pilaris is a condition in which rough patches or blisters are noticed on the skin. These blisters are cluster of acne-line bumps. The condition is also referred to as ‘follicular keratosis’ or also as ‘chicken skin’. It is said to be an autosomal dominant medical condition. These dermatologic manifestations are often seen on arms, facial skin, thigh and other body regions. It is believed that blisters caused due to this condition do not appear on glabrous skin such as palm and sole of feet. In most cases the condition does not cause pain or itchiness. Majority of Keratosis pilaris cases are benign and ebb away with time without any treatment. Nevertheless, it is essential to consult your doctor as blisters and patches are also symptoms of serious medical issues.

Keratosis pilaris when affects the face, it is often mistaken with conventional acne. Follicular keratosis is quite common; of the entire population approximately 40% to 50% people are affected with this dermatologic issue. It is more common in adolescent as there is 50% to 80% of the adolescent population suffering from the condition. Though the anomaly can affect both the genders, it is more common in women than men.


There are different types of pilaris that may affect people. When red rashes appear on the facial region, particularly on cheeks, then it is possibly ‘Keratosis Pilaris Faceii’. Another type, in which red and inflamed elevated skin regions are seen on arms, legs, etc, is known as ‘Keratosis Pilaris Rubra’. ‘Keratosis Pilaris Alba’ is yet another kind in which rough bumpy skin is seen. However, in this condition there may be no irritation experienced.

These bumps are similar to goose-bumps in occurrence which is why most people may mistake Pilaris for these bumps. In fact goose-bumps are actually different as they result out of spontaneous muscle contraction. The only similarity in both of these conditions is that they occur on skin region where hair follicles are seen.


This condition is influential at any age however it is frequently diagnosed in children. In this condition there are numerous tiny boils occurring on the skin making the area rough. These bumps occur around the hair follicles on different body regions. Keratosis pilaris can also be inherited and may run in families. As mentioned above Keratosis Pilaris appears like goose-bumps or ‘chicken skin’. This condition is also seen in patients with atopic dermatitis and dry skin.  Here are some factors that will help you determine whether the condition is Keratosis Pilaris.

  • Tiny bumps appearing on body parts such as thighs, arms etc. These bumps may be reddish or white

  • Affected skin region would usually have dry and rough area

  • Blisters occurring on the affected area may cause itchiness

  • Keratosis specially exacerbates in winter which is also considered as a characteristics of the condition

When left untreated the condition may alleviate gradually without any medical intervention. However, it is better to consult a doctor and seek medical assistance as the condition may aggravate and become inflamed if left untreated, especially if occurring on face.


It is discovered that Keratosis Pilaris is resulted due to keratin deposit. Keratin is a hard protein that ensures skin’s safety against infection as well as hazardous substances. Keratin develops into scaly plugs and at the opening of hair follicles causing obstruction of the follicle. There are many plugs that get developed under skin and appear as cluster of bumps on rough skin region. It is not yet understood what causes transformation of keratin into plugs. It is assumed that genetic influences along with possible skin irregularities may cause such a condition. Nevertheless, even healthy individuals may suffer from Keratosis Pilaris. The condition may aggravate if the skin is dry.

Is it necessary to see a doctor for Keratosis Pilaris?

This irregularity is not a serious medical anomaly usually. It often does not require any treatment. If the affected individual is concerned about his skin appearance then one can certainly consult a GP. It is better to directly approach a skin specialist technically known as ‘dermatologist’. The doctor may diagnose the condition usually by examining the skin physically and analyzing the scaly plugs.


Unfortunately there is no treatment specifically decided for this condition. Doctors may often suggest self- care techniques and medicinal topical solutions to deal with the condition. The focus of the treatment remains on softening the keratin plug. Possible treatments for Keratosis Pilaris may include topical exfoliation. In this treatment there are topical creams suggested to the patient. These creams contain salicylic acid, alpha-hydroxy, urea moisturizer and lactic acid etc. Exfoliation helps in loosening and removal of dead skin cells. Topical retinoids are also suggested as it helps in preventing hair follicle obstruction due to plugs. In some cases repeated sessions of laser therapy may help in eradication of keratosis pilaris.

How to treat Keratosis pilaris with coconut oil?

The topical application of coconut oil has proved to be quite productive in treating this skin condition.  The results are visible in a matter of two  weeks or less.   Coconut oil alleviates the inflammation, and takes care of itching and redness, due to the presence of lauric acid that is known to be a natural moisturizer.  For greater effect, you can apply some coconut oil on the area affected by Keratosis pilaris, after you take a shower. Coconut oil body butter is also known to be increasingly beneficial to treat this condition. You can also apply the loofah dipped in coconut oil and moisturize the skin, during the bath.

Keratosis Pilaris Pictures

Excessive Sweating

Excessive Sweating Sweating is a normal process that helps in maintaining the right temperature for your body. Sweating occurs on the entire body but it would be more on the soles, palms and armpits and on the face. An individual is said to have excessive sweating if he/she sweats a lot irrespective of the temperature or activity level. In other words, a person will sweat excessively even if he is sitting idle and watching television. This would cause discomfort and embarrassment while taking part in social activities. In medical terms excessive sweating is called as hyperhidrosis and this can be managed by taking antiperspirants or sometimes by surgically removing the sweat glands from the body.

Types :

Excessive sweating can be classified into 3 types:-

Primary Hyperhidrosis :

Excessive sweating occurs in some body parts like palms, soles and armpits. There will be normal sweating in the rest of the body except few parts given above. This happens for unknown reason. Some believe that primary hyperhidrosis develop if there is an overactive sweat gland in these areas alone.

Secondary Hyperhidrosis :

This type of excessive sweating is rare. Sweating in excess will be there in particular part like hand or leg. Here there will be a definite cause for sweating.

Generalized Hyperhidrosis :

In this type excessive sweating will be there in all over the body. Again there will be underlying cause for hyperhidrosis.

Causes :

When a person sweats, the body senses excess of heat. The brain would automatically send signals to nervous system which would trigger secretion of sweat by sweat glands. Excessive sweating is present if the nervous system becomes overactive releasing excess of sweat. A person sweats more if he is stress or anxiety. It can happen due to genetic factor since the same gene runs in families. Intake of certain medications, underlying medical issues like overactive thyroid gland, heart problems, low blood sugar and infectious diseases can cause excessive sweat.

Symptoms :

There will be excess of sweat in the hands, feet and armpits and even on the face. For extreme cases, excess of sweat will soak the clothing and drip off from the hands. Excessive sweating does not cause any complications but in rare cases it can affect the skin condition causing infection and rashes.

Diagnosis :

Your doctor will collect the medical history, health condition and medication you are taking at present. In addition he may order for certain lab tests like blood and urine analysis. Special sweat test is done using powder that changes its color when there is excessive sweating. This is called as thermoregulatory test.

Treatment :

The method of treatment depends on the causative factor. It is good to try some home remedies and over the counter medications before going to your doctor. Your doctor would suggest high strength of antiperspirants which can be used before you go to bed. Initially it can cause skin irritation but you would feel better in the morning. If the nervous system is causing the problem your doctor may give pills to block the neurotransmitters. This would eventually stop the communication of the nervous system to the sweat glands. However the drugs can cause some adverse effect.

You can try using aluminum chloride antiperspirants like Anhydrol Forte or Driclor to control excessive sweating. Botox injection is used to block the nerves to stop the function of sweat glands. But it is expensive and the result would not be long lasting. Surgery is done for severe cases of hyperhidrosis. In a process called iontophoresis the doctor would send electric current (in low dose) on the hands, feet and armpit keeping that part in the water. But this therapy has to be repeated for weeks and months to get relief from excessive sweating.

In some cases, the surgeon would remove the sweat glands from particular part of the body like armpits or hands. This process is simple and can be done through minor incisions. In rare cases nerve surgery is done to provide clamps on the spinal nerves to block the signals.

Home Remedies :

First you should check if the soaps you are using are strong since it can cause skin irritation. Hence you can replace it with mild soap. Avoid eating hot and spicy foods since it can trigger excess sweat. Apply antiperspirant daily on the armpits, hands and legs where there is excess of sweat.

Change clothes at least twice a day if you are sweating a lot. Avoid wearing tight clothing. You can use dress shields to absorb sweat easily. Change socks regularly and apply absorbent powder liberally on your feet. Choose right size of shoes that give space for breathing.

Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Ganglion Cyst Wrist Small lumps that develop on the tendons of your hands and wrist are called ganglion cyst wrist. Apart from wrist area they can develop on the ankles and feet also. They are tiny round shaped lesions filled with pus like fluid. The appearance of lumps on the wrist area can sometimes interfere with the normal joint movement. Ganglion cyst on the wrist can be aspirated using a needle to drain off the fluid inside. But for many people, the cyst would resolve after some days without requiring any treatment. Ganglion cyst largely occurs in women for no apparent reason. It either occurs as single or in groups covering a tendon or joint.

Symptoms :

Ganglion cysts are tiny fluid filled blisters that appear on the tendons of your hands. For some people they can also develop on the feet and ankles. The size of the cyst is small measuring half inch or one inch in diameter. For some people the size of the cyst is so tiny that it can be felt only if the area is pressed. Ganglion cyst sometimes can be painful and for some people it can cause tingling sensation or numbness on the affected wrist.

Causes :

Exact cause of formation of ganglion cyst wrist is not known. It appears from a joint area or tendon of the wrist to grow like a lesion or lump on the hand.

Who are at risk? :

Ganglion cyst wrist can develop in any age but it is more likely to occur on middle aged women than children. Individuals with arthritis problems are prone to develop this cyst on their joints. People with tendon injury have increased chance for developing ganglion cyst.

Test :

Your doctor will complete the physical exam of the cyst on your wrist or feet. He would gently apply pressure on the area to check if you have pain.

Pictures of Ganglion Cyst Wrist :

Images, Pics, Pictures and Photos of Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist Ganglion Cyst Wrist

Treatment :

Ganglion cyst wrist does not require any treatment in most of the cases, since it will disappear within few days. Over the counter drugs like Ibuprofen can be used if there is pain. Aspiration is the procedure used for treating cyst. Your doctor would insert a needle directly on the cyst to drain out the liquid from the cyst. He would then give a steroid injection on the area to facilitate healing and to prevent further cyst formation.

About 75% of the people are getting relieved from the cyst using aspiration procedure. In rare cases the cyst will recur after some months. Surgery is done for removing the cyst only if the person suffers from pain or numbness in the affected area. Arthroscopic procedure is largely used for surgical removal of the ganglion cyst. After the process, you need to wear a splinter or brace so that there is no mobility on that area. Once the cyst is removed by aspiration or surgery the pain will gradually reduce since the nerve will not feel any pressure anymore.


Steatorrhea Steatorrhea is the presence of more fatty particles in stool. This occurs as the result of malabsorption of fat particles by the body. Presence of fat would give it an oily appearance and the stool may smell foul. It indicates that the digestive system has not absorbed fat fully. Steatorrhea can develop due to any infection on the pancreas or biliary tract or due to any diseases on the intestine. This condition can also occur when a person takes certain drugs like orlistat or consumes excess of castor oil.

Bile is the enzyme produced by the liver which is very much essential for fat absorption. Similarly certain enzymes secreted by the pancreas are responsible for breaking down the fat particles. Any abnormality in the release of bile or pancreatic enzyme can lead to fat malabsorption. Steatorrhea can be temporary or permanent (chronic). If there is change in stool color or texture for more than a week you need to visit your doctor. Stool is the ultimate waste product expelled from your body during the process of digestion. Stool contains feces or other waste materials that cannot be absorbed by your intestine and hence excreted.

Symptoms :

Steatorrhea is characterized by the change in color of stool and presence of oily particles in it. The color of the feces can be white or grayish or sometimes clay colored. It would not be thick and would be bulky. Some particles of the feces would float in the water giving oily appearance on the bowl.

Stool would not be flushed out in full if there is excess of fat in it. It would stick on the corners of the toilet bowl due to its greasy nature. For some people steatorrhea would cause abdominal cramps, bloated sensation and excess of gas discharge from the intestine. In rare cases, it would cause diarrhea, bloody discharge in stool and foul smelling foul. Any changes in the routine diet can cause temporary steatorrhea.

Causes :

Numbers of factors are responsible for causing steatorrhea. It can develop if there is any change in the normal diet or due to infection on the intestine. Often the symptoms would resolve within few days if the cause is temporary. Bacterial or viral infection of the intestine, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome, food intolerance and ulcerative colitis and bariatric surgery can cause steatorrhea.

Any change in the secretion of bile and biliary tract like biliary stricture, biliary atresia, biliary cancer and presence of gallstones can cause this problem. Problems in the pancreas like cystic fibrosis, pancreatic lipase deficiency and pancreatic cancer would cause steatorrhea.

Complications :

Sometimes, steatorrhea can be the warning signal of underlying disease. Not taking prompt treatment can result in permanent damage. In severe cases it can lead to anemia, growth retardation in children, frequent infections on the intestine, poor nutrition, loss of weight and permanent loss of part of intestine.

Diagnosis :

Simple stool analysis is made for confirming the presence of fat particles in the stool. Your doctor would ask for additional symptoms like abdominal pain and gastric problems to determine the root cause of the problem. He would order of additional tests that include imaging test also.

Treatment :

Treatment for steatorrhea depends on the cause. If the problem is due to bacterial infection you will be given antibiotics to treat intestinal infection. Any change in the biliary tract and pancreas will be checked to give suitable treatment since this can also cause steatorrhea. Before starting the treatment the doctor should find out the primary cause of the problem. For a person with pancreatitis suitable pancreatic enzyme will be supplemented through medications.

Lifestyle Changes :

Modify your diet as per the instructions of your doctor and include less of fat particles. Gluten free diet is effective in controlling the symptoms if the person has celiac disease. Iron deficiency or vitamin deficiency can be treated with suitable supplements in the daily diet. For anemic patients the doctor would suggest including folic acid supplement. Quit drinking or at least reduce the consumption of alcohol.

Prevention :

Avoid taking too much of fatty foods and oily items. Stick to the healthy diet regimen and control the quantity of drinking to prevent steatorrhea.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Epigastric Pain

Epigastric Pain Epigastrium is medically described as central part of the abdomen and is found between the lower portion of the thorax and sub coastal plane. Epigastric pain is felt due to infection or any other diseases on epigastrium. Pain occurs suddenly and sharply in the abdominal region. It might cause continuous pain when this portion becomes defective. This pain can cause compulsive breath exhalation by the affected person. Ulcer or pancreatitis can cause epigastric pain commonly. This pain can be managed by taking proper medication based on the cause of pain. As such epigastric pain is not a disease and is a warning signal of underlying medical condition.

Causes :

Though there are number of causes that produce epigastric pain still some of the common causes are discussed below. It can occur due to indigestion in elderly people and due to infection in healthy adults. Esophagus disease can cause sudden epigastric pain. The patient will feel like vomiting along with heartburn or discomfort in the chest region. It can also cause sore throat and change in voice if the throat region develops inflammation.

Gastric ulcer or peptic ulcer is a chronic problem that can irritate the soft lining of the duodenum. Any problem in the gall bladder can cause pain in the duodenum area. Inflammation of pancreas (pancreatitis) can cause epigastric pain. In addition chronic heart problems or cardiac diseases can affect the esophageal region causing pain on the epigastrium. Infections like cystitis (urinary bladder infection) and urethritis can cause abdominal pain. Inflammatory disease on the pelvic region, proteus mirabilis bacterial infection and diverticulitis (inflammation of diverticulum) can also cause epigastric pain. In some people exact cause of epigastric pain is unknown which is called as idiopathic epigastric pain.

Symptoms :

Epigastrium is the region found on the stomach and hence epigastric pain causes mild to severe abdominal pain, bloated feeling, vomiting/nausea and constipation. Symptoms vary in accordance with the causative factor. If epigastric pain occurs due to pelvic floor infection it can cause fever, vaginal bleeding and intense pain during intercourse.

Diagnosis :

Range of tests is available for detecting the underlying cause of epigastric pain. Endoscopy is the best way to analyze the inner areas of abdomen and intestine. Esophageal cancer and dysplasia can be evaluated by endoscopic procedure. For healthy adults below 45 years endoscopy is the ideal method for detecting epigastric pain. Biopsy of the tissue sample can also be taken during endoscopy to detect tumors or ulcers.

Imaging tests like X-ray will be done for diagnosing problems in liver, kidney and urinary bladder. In addition your doctor may request for blood test, urine analysis, and ultrasound scan to check the functionalities of internal organs. Cardiac test will be done if epigastric pain originates from heart problems.

Treatment :

The method of treatment varies from one person to the other depending on the root cause of epigastric pain. In case of severe pain the treatment would be complicated and extended for long time. Pain killers like Ibuprofen or other drugs of NSAID’s can be taken for managing pain and fever. Prescription drugs include cimetidine (given for symptoms of peptic ulcer) and antacids (given for managing stomach acidity and heartburn).

Histamines H2 receptor agents like ranitidine is given to control stomach acidity and also for peptic ulcer. With right doses of medications, mild to moderate epigastric pain can be easily managed. Only in severe complications like chest pain, fever, breathlessness and choking, you need to seek immediate medical advice. For patients with H pylori infection H2 blocking agents are given.

Lifestyle Changes :

You can easily manage mild epigastric pain by making small changes in your life. Take frequent small meals several times a day to help easy digestion. Avoid taking spicy and hot foods and include only limited portion of oily foods. Do not skip breakfast which can increase stomach acidity. You are not going to lose any pounds by skipping breakfast.

Instead you can always plan the calories consumed daily to fit your weight regimen. Try to manage stressful events and control your emotions since it can affect your stomach and intestine causing intense pain. Be relaxed and practice yoga or meditation each day. Manage your weight by doing aerobic exercises.