Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sciatica Stretching Exercises: Sciatica Pain Relief Natural Remedies

Sciatica Stretching Exercises: Sciatica Pain Relief Natural Remedies

The commonest cause for sciatica is pressure from a herniated disc. The Piriformis Syndrome is another significant cause. The piriformis muscle exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve when the muscle gets imbalanced, thus causing the joints in the pelvis to become displaced, and impinging on to the sciatic nerve.
Narrowing of the space in the spinal canal causes an irritation due to constant pressure on the sciatic nerve.

The common manifestations of sciatica are: pain in the lower back, which radiates downwards to the back of the thighs and calves. There is also associated tingling numbness.

Natural Remedies For Sciatica Nerve Pain

  • Potato and celery: a combination of celery and potato juice provides great sciatica relief. They supply the body with all the essential minerals and vitamins necessary for nerve health.

  • Garlic: garlic promises to ease pains, enhances circulation, is a powerful anti oxidant and provides the body with energy and vitality.

  • Vitamin B supplementation: vitamin B supplementation is very important. Make sure that you eat loads of vitamin B rich foods.

    Important natural sources are: whole grains, green peas, spinach, meat, beef, nuts, pinto beans, kiwis, bananas, soybeans, unpolished rice and pulses. Ensure that you get a liberal dose of these foods in the daily menu. Also starting a vitamin B complex supplement, twice daily is recommended. It allays tingling numbness and also alleviates the intensity of pain.

  • Horse radish: is a wonderful home remedy to manage sciatica. Fresh, minced horse radish poultice, applied to the affected areas, and kept on for at least 30 minutes stimulates the sciatica nerve and gives remarkable respite from the sciatica pain.

Stretching Exercises For Sciatica Pain Relief

The following two exercises help manage sciatica pain effectively. They stretch the muscles, strengthen them efficiently, ease out stiffness and pain, and appreciably improve the range of motion. Regular practice is essential.

  • Lie on your abdomen.

  • Place the palms parallel to the face and slowly raise your head.

  • The lower part of the body from the hip should lie on the floor; then, raise your upper body upwards.

  • Hold for 10 seconds

  • Perform at least 5 repetitions.

  • Lie on your back.

  • Slowly, pull up your knees towards the chest.

  • Ensure that the lower half of the legs stays in contact with the thighs.

  • Hold the position for 20 seconds and slowly come back to the initial position.

  • Perform 10 repetitions.

  • Diet For Sciatica

    • Make sure that your protein intake is high. Consume 1 bowl of legumes daily, and ensure that you have soy in some form every day. Important natural sources are: meat, chicken, egg, legumes and pulses, milk, etc.

    • A vitamin B complex supplement, once or twice every day, at least for six months is a very crucial part of the diet.

    • Carrot is another important food that must be a part of your daily diet. Either have 1 raw carrot daily or have carrot juice every other day.

    Natural Remedies for Back Pain: Garlic & Honey For Backache

    Natural Remedies for Back Pain: Garlic & Honey For Backache

    What Is Back Pain

    A lot of people suffer from back pain at one point in their lives. This pain could be felt in any part of the back and is classified according to where the pain is located. Thus, a patient can experience pelvic, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical pain. This condition is among the most common complaints by people worldwide, with the pain coming from many sources, inducing the bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and other parts of the back and spine.

    Back pain can be experienced for weeks. In fact, many patients find themselves suffering from this ailment for more than 12 weeks although there are aloes lucky enough to experience the condition in just a few days.

    Natural Cure To Relieve Backache

    Back pain, which is one of the most common ailments afflicting humans, sometimes results in constant pain that could be severe and unbearable. This could lead to difficulties in bending sideways or forward. It will also give a feeling of soreness or sensitivity on the affected area. It is best to find remedies to the pain as soon as possible.

    Here are just some of the home remedies for back pain that could give off some relief or even treat it:

    • Avoid smoking and other unhealthy habits.

    • Make sure that the patient is always warm especially if he or she is experiencing chronic back pain.

    • Using eucalyptus oil for self massage also helps. Mustard oil is also a good alternative.

    • A mixture of five cloves, five black pepper corns, and 1 g of ginger powder taken as tea two times a day is also a good remedy for back pain.

    • Taking in half a teaspoon of Commiphora mukul or Mukul myrrh tree with warm water two times every day after meals is also very useful in relieving back pain.

    Heat And Ice Compress For Backache

    • Applying ice on the back could lessen the inflammation caused by the pain.

    • Just make sure not to use an ice pack for several hours as this could also have detrimental effects on the body. Use the ice pack only about 20 minutes at any given time.

    • After several days of ice compress, heat compress should follow.

    Garlic And Honey For Back Pain

    • Include garlic in the diet every day. Garlic is known to have many great properties that make a good option as natural remedy for many ailments.

    • With a teaspoonful of honey, take cinnamon powder of about half a gram. Do this twice a day.

    • Perform exercises that can help relieve and prevent back pain. Some of these include stretching, walking and swimming.

    Preventing Back Pain | How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

    Preventing Back Pain | How to Prevent Lower Back Pain

    Back Pain Prevention Measures:
    You could prevent yourself from getting back pain by enhancing your physical condition and learning how to practice the right body mechanics. Below are just some of the preventive measures against the ailment.

    To make sure that your back is kept strong and healthy, you should:

    • Stop smoking: Smoking can diminish the oxygen levels of the body thus slowing down the healing process of a painful back.

    • Exercise: Doing some low-impact aerobic activities regularly can heighten the endurance and strength of your back and allow the better function of your muscles.

      Swimming and walking are the best choices for this.

    • Sustain a weight that is healthy for your body type. Extra weight puts on added strain to your back muscles, so shedding off some pounds would help prevent getting back pain.

    • Build up muscle flexibility and strength. Exercises meant for the back and abdominal muscles help in conditioning these muscles so they act like natural supports for your back. Flexibility in the upper legs and in your hips also helps in aligning the bones of your pelvic area. This will help improve or prevent pain in back.

    Aside from the things mentioned above, standing, sitting and lifting smart are also among the best things that you can do to avoid back pain.

    Diet for Back Pain Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Pain

    Diet for Back Pain Treatment | Foods to Avoid Back Pain

    Back Pain Diet:
    Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best things that you can do to prevent yourself from getting back pain. As the food you eat actually helps in maintaining a healthy spine and back, you should know what constitutes the perfect diet.

    • A balanced diet is made up of the proper variety and amount of vitamins and minerals that could help in lessening back problems. As such, it is important to eat foods that nourish the bones, muscles, and other spine structures.

    • Foods rich in vitamin A like beef, chicken liver, dairy products, orange or green vegetables, and fruits are good for the back.

      This is because they help in bone formation, tissue repair, and boosting the immune system.

    • For a healthy bone marrow and for the proper development and functioning of the body and the spine, vitamin B12 should also be plentiful in your diet. This could be found in meat products like fish, meat and poultry, and in green leafy vegetables.

    • Vitamin K also helps the body in using calcium properly, so this should be included in the diet. Iron, which is needed for healthy cells, and magnesium, which is good for maintaining bone density, should also be part of the back and bone diet.

    Causes of Backache, Lumbago Problem | Reasons of Back Ache

    Causes of Backache, Lumbago Problem | Reasons of Back Ache


    Backache is one of the conditions that could affect a person at least once in his or her entire life. Studies have shown that 9 out of 10 adults experience this condition at least once in their lifetime. These studies have also shown that 5 out of 10 adults get to experience this condition every year.

    Backache is caused by a variety of factors, including injury, ailments, and general health condition of the patient. This condition can be felt in many areas of the back, starting from the neck or cervical part of the spine towards the lowest portion, the sacral spine.

    Pain can be felt only on the affected areas; however, there are also many cases wherein the patient also experiences pain that radiates to the arms up to the wrist or to other parts of the body.

    Backache Causes

    There are a lot of factors that could cause backache. Some of these are poor posture, muscular tension, overstraining of the joints, and being in just one position for a long time.

    Below is a list of the most common causes of back ache:

    • Prolonged sitting or standing in just one position

    • Poor posture

    • Weak muscles of the back and abdomen

    • Sudden twisting or vigorous jerking of the trunk

    • Menstrual pain is also known to indirectly cause backache among women

    • Straining of joints

    • Muscular and joint pain

    • Lack of nutrition

    • Arthritis

    • Lack of exercise

    • Obesity

    • Constipation

    • Wearing of high heels

    • Deterioration of the spinal discs

    • Kidney or prostate problems

    • Improper functioning of the kidneys

    • Pregnancy

    • Back injury

    • Influenza

    • Excessive physical labor

    • Wrong position in sleeping

    • Too much mental stress

    So if the patient has been feeling some backache for some time now and does not yet know for sure what caused it, then he or she already has an idea as to what possible reasons are there that might have caused the problem.

    From this, the patient could determine the exact cause of the problem and know how to properly address it.

    Home Remedies

    The following home remedies work well in treating backache:

    • Use hot compress on the affected area. This can help improve blood circulation. Do not use for more than 20 minutes at a time.

    • Eat a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, especially those rich in vitamin C.

    • Potato can be used as poultice to be applied on top of the painful areas.

    Signs of Backache: Home Remedies For Reducing Painful Back Problem

    Signs of Backache: Home Remedies For Reducing Painful Back Problem

    What Are The Symptoms Of Backache?

    Because backache is one of the most prevalent ailments today, it does not come as a surprise that most people have experienced it at least once in their lives. To know for sure if the patient is already experiencing a more severe form of backache or just one that comes and goes quickly, it is best to know its symptoms.

    It is also best to take note that because the back is the one that bears the weight of almost half of the body, strain can be felt on it if the patient is overweight.

    The same is also true if the patient is carrying a heavy load.

    It is common for patients to feel the following symptoms of backache:

    • Stiffness felt along the spine

    • Pain around the waist and hips

    • Persistent aching

    • Cervical or lumbar spondylosis

    • Mood swings

    • Anxiety or depression caused by pain

    • Visible curvature of the spine

    • Sharp pain felt in the upper back and the neck

    • Changes in the bladder and bowel habits

    • Weakness or numbness in the feet or legs

    • Nausea

    • Fever

    • Vomiting

    • Weakness in the muscles

    If the patient is experiencing one or more of these symptoms, then it may be time to take on some medical treatment or home remedies for immediate relief.

    Relief for Backache With Home Remedies

    • One of the best home remedies that can be done to treat backache is to allow the patient to rest comfortably. Lie down flat on the back for at least 2 hours. This can help rest tired and weary muscles, joints, and ligaments.

    • By the way, it is also a good idea to choose a firm mattress that can support the body weight, especially if the patient is large.

    • Another good option is to exercise regularly. However, if the backache is really painful, it is still best to consult a physician before doing any form of exercise as this could only worsen the problem.

    • The best exercises include yoga positions.

    • Apply hot compress on the areas that are painful. Other great option is using a hot water bottle.

    • Soak for about 10 minutes in warm water bath.

    • Use mint oil or soothing balm to massage the area.

    • Extract juice from lemon. Add a little salt. Drink this two times a day on a daily basis.

    Preventing of Backache or Lumbago | How to Prevent Back Ache

    Preventing of Backache or Lumbago | How to Prevent Back Ache

    Backache Prevention Measures:
    While the use of medical treatments and home remedies are good for backaches, preventing yourself from experiencing this ailment is even better. So here are some preventive measures against backache that you should take:

    • Avoid or eliminate smoking completely.

    • If you have been using the same mattress for a long period of time, it is time to throw it out. Sleeping on a firm and comfortable mattress prevents backache.

    • Avoid fatty foods and eat plenty of salads, especially those that consist of raw vegetables like carrots, radish, lettuce, potato, cabbage, tomatoes, and cucumber.

    • Exercise your lower back always using exercises suggested by specialists. These are the Back Arch, the Side Stretch, and the Hamstring Stretch,

    • Always take time to rest. If your work calls for long hours of sitting, make sure to get up from your seat every hour to do some stretching exercises.

    • Using elastic back supports that cinches the waist is also good in the pushing the abdomen back and making a natural cushion to support and protect the nerves found in the spine area.

    • If you work before a computer, make sure that your chair supports your spine’s natural curvature.

      Also see to it that the keyboard is positioned in a way that your elbows bend at right angles while you are typing.