Thursday, March 13, 2014

Alcoholism Home Remedies | Quit Alcohol Addiction Naturally

Alcoholism Home Remedies | Quit Alcohol Addiction Naturally . You can try to wean yourself from the negative effects of alcohol and alcoholism. While most people have to go to certain rehabilitative centers to get them to stop drinking, if you have the discipline and the help of family and friends, you can actually try to heal yourself from this addiction. Here are a few tips and home remedies on how you can defeat this monster from home:

  • Did you know that exercise can actually help wean you from the grasp of alcoholism? When you exercise, you sweat out the toxins from your body, and alcohol is a toxin that stays in the blood well after you have become sober.

    Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    Exercising will help sweat the alcohol toxins out and make you feel better about yourself.

  • Meditation is also a good way to help you get over alcoholism. Try to practice yoga and meditation to condition your mind into thinking that you do not need alcohol to feel good about yourself or to have confidence in yourself.

  • Try drinking a tea made from the leaves of the plant known as the bitter gourd. Buttermilk will help mask the bitter taste of this herb’s juices. Simply mash a raw piece of bitter gourd, strain it and place three teaspoons of the extract into a glass of warm milk.

    Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    Drink this every morning on an empty stomach.

  • Dates are also a good home remedy to help treat alcoholism. Simply mix four dates with a half a glass of water and drink this mixture twice a day during the next month or so.

Grapes are also a well-known home remedy for alcoholism. Eating grapes for a month will wean you from your alcoholic state.

See more on Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

Alcoholism Prevention | How to Prevent To Being Alcohol Addict

Alcoholism Prevention | How to Prevent To Being Alcohol Addict . Preventing alcoholism is totally doable. People who find that they are genetically predisposed to alcoholism can exercise certain measures to avoid becoming an alcoholic. There are also ways for people who have experienced being alcoholics to prevent themselves from going back down that lane. Here are some suggestions:

  • When you are recovering from alcoholism and you want to stop yourself from going back to it, simply store up on apples and eat as many apples as you want whenever you feel the craving for alcohol resurfacing.

  • One of the reasons for a person’s alcoholism is the lack of confidence or having low self-esteem.

    Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    This can be remedied by family and friends and showing your children that you love them and that they are special will help them avoid becoming alcoholics in the future. Educating them on the evils of alcoholism can also help.

  • When you are recovering from alcoholism and you are avoiding the possibility of having a relapse, one of the things you should do is to avoid the people who shared the same habit with you. Since alcoholism can come from peers pressuring you to take alcohol, you should steer clear of people who drink alcohol.

    Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

  • Indulge in sports and other hobbies. Keeping yourself busy is a good way to avoid indulging in alcohol. The feel good emotions you get from exercise and other physical activities and the feeling of having made something good will help you get over the need to feel good with the use of alcohol.

See more on Physical Benefits of Stopping Alcohol

    Diet for Alcoholics | What Food to Eat to Get rid of Alcoholism

    Diet for Alcoholics | What Food to Eat to Get rid of Alcoholism . While there is really no set diet for alcoholics, there are some foods and drinks that do help a person flush out the toxins that alcohol has left in the body. Diet changes and avoiding certain kinds of foods will also help a recovering alcoholic to get over this addiction faster and more effectively. Here are some ideas on how a diet can help with alcoholism:

    • Eliminating the intake of sugar and sugary foods can actually help a person get over the craving of alcohol faster. Refined foods and processed foods should also be avoided for a speedier weaning from alcohol.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    • An increase in amino acids and other minerals that have been depleted due to your bout with alcoholism is also important.

    • Drinking fresh orange juice every day has also been seen as a good remedy to alcoholism and to help flush out toxins from the body. It also increases a body’s resistance to disease due to the vitamin C in oranges.

    • Fruits and vegetables should also be part of a rehabilitative diet for alcoholics.

    • Try to avoid certain types of food that may trigger your craving for alcohol. Since most alcoholics substitute healthy food with fast food that is salty and sweet, avoiding these types of food when undergoing alcoholic therapy can help you avoid a relapse.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    Acne Scars Causes | What causes acne and Pimple Scars

    Acne Scars Causes | What causes acne and Pimple Scars . What Causes Acne Scars?
    Why does a person develop scars when they have a bout with acne? Here are some possible reasons why an acne attack becomes a scarring event in a person’s life:

    • Scars are the result of the cycle of tissue injury and repair. Acne is essentially an injuring of your skin by the eruption of such acne problems like pimples, blackhead and whiteheads, to name a few. The resulting visible repair of the tissues that were injured in this acne problem, especially those that are severe, then becomes acne scars.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    • When the repairing of the tissue begins, sometimes the white blood cells that do the repairing of the skin where the acne attack was leave scars behind.

    • There are times when scarring is severe due to the person’s sensitivity and susceptibility to scarring. While some people may not experience scarring after they had a bout with acne, other people who are prone to getting scars when injured usually do.

    Acne scars can often be caused by acne that end up becoming lesions or crusted over and pus filled. These are the severe cases of acne where a person seems to have a type of acne called nodulcystic acne, an inflammatory kind of acne that is deep seated.

    Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    Acne Scarring Causes

    Acne scars are nothing but the leftover on the skin when acne subsides. Causes of acne spots or pits can be overgrown tissue called as keloid scar or hypertropic scar occurring due to large amount of collagen or loss of tissue known as depressed scar. Other causes of acne marks are chronic constipation, consumption of alcohol and tobacco and intake of oily foods. Most common cause of acne marks is unhealthy lifestyle.

    Types of Acne Scars | Signs of Subcision, Ice Pick, Soft Scars

    Types of Acne Scars | Signs of Subcision, Ice Pick, Soft Scars . What are the indications of an acne-scarring bout with acne? What are the different symptoms of this problem? There are many different kinds of acne scars out there and here are some of them along with how they are formed and what they look like:

    • Ice Pick Scars: These are the acne scars that are usually on a person’s face, usually on the cheek. Ice pick scars have jagged edges and are small with steep sides. The name itself implies how these acne scars appear, like stab wounds from an ice pick.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    • Depressed Fibrotic Scars: This type of acne scarring have similar edges and steep sides as ice pick scars but are bigger. These are often the result of infected ice pick scars.

    • Soft Scars: Whether these are deep or superficial, these scars are what the name implies, soft scars. Acne scars of this kind appear as small scars that are either linear or round in form.

    • Atrophic Macules: The size of these scars differ, depending on where they are located. These scars often have a wrinkled base and a bluish hue because of the blood vessels that are found underneath this scar.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    • Follicular Macular Atrophy: this kind of an acne scar are white and soft lesions that are prone to appear on a person’s back or chest. These can be easily likened to undeveloped whiteheads.

    Prevent Acne Scars | How to Prevent Acne and Pimple Marks Naturally

    Prevent Acne Scars | How to Prevent Acne and Pimple Marks Naturally . Prevent Acne Scars
    How can one prevent the occurrence of acne scars? Is scarring really preventable? While acne scarring is different for each person, there are some ways you can avoid, or diminish, the occurrence of acne scars. Here are some tips on how you might be able to do that:

    • When you are having acne problems, try not to touch these bumps with your bare hands. Acne scarring is often the result of when acne is infected and constantly touching your acne bumps and lesions can definitely cause infection.

    • Try to keep the inflammation of your acne down.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

      This can be done by treating your acne with acne remedies while they are still fresh. Try to treat and diminish these acne breakouts with effective acne medicine as soon as they are seen to help minimize the possibility of scarring.

    • Acne scars can be prevented with a bit of hygiene and discipline. Keep your acne clean at all times. Do not over wash your acne; just keep them free from dust and dirt and from subsequent infection. Wipe your acne with mild cleansing agents throughout the day to help get rid of surface dirt that may bring bacteria and infections to it.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

    • Early treatment of acne is one of the best solutions for preventing acne scarring. Make sure that you treat your acne scars well enough to keep them from scarring.

    • Do not pop a pimple as this will cause scabbing and scarring.

    Acne Scarring Prevention

    To prevent acne scarring, treatment for acne should be done as soon as possible. Squeezing a pimple worsens the condition and can leave permanent acne marks. Therefore avoid popping a pimple. Direct exposure to sunlight should be avoided. Process of exfoliation works wonder but care should be taken of not doing this until complete skin healing is done. For prevention of acne spots, touching hands and fingernails on blemishes must be stopped completely.

    Diet to Remove and Fade Acne Scars | Food for Acne Marks Removal

    Diet to Remove and Fade Acne Scars | Food for Acne Marks Removal . Acne Scar Diet, Nutrition
    When you are having problems with acne scars, there is a way for you to expedite the healing process. What you eat and drink can have a bearing on what your skin does and knowing what kinds of food can help with healing of acne scars can help you diminish them. Here are some suggestions:

    • You can try and speed up the healing process of your acne scars with the use of proper nutrition. Beta-carotene is a well-known therapeutic and healing substance found in a lot of yellow- and orange-colored vegetables.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

      Try adding carrots, pumpkins, or any other yellow colored fruit or vegetable in your diet to increase your beta-carotene intake.

    • Try to increase your fiber intake as well. Oatmeal, brown grains, and rice can also help with the fast healing of acne scars.

    • Did you know that certain teas have healing properties that can work on the inside as well as the outside of your body? Try drinking teas that are made of a combination of herbs like goldenseal, tea tree oil, calendula, or Echinacea. Other teas that may help with the speedy recovery of your acne scars include coriander, fennel, cumin and chamomile.

      Posted by Preventing Disease from the Causes, Identify Patients from the Early Signs and First Symptoms from Which to Obtain Medical Treatment Most Effective.

      Drinking a cup of any of these teas after every meal will help expedite the healing of your acne scars.

    • Black currant seed supplements can also be taken to help minimize the scarring effects of acne.

    • You can also try lemon juice for acne scars removal.

    Foods for Acne Scar

    Intake of silica rich fresh fruits and vegetables are beneficial for fading acne scars. These items help in restoring the skin cells and eliminating toxins from the body. Diet for pimple scar must be rich in zinc as they help in skin regeneration and heal body tissues. Potatoes and sea foods are rich in zinc content. Restrict packaged and greasy foods as they make the healing process slow.

    Vitamins for Acne Scarring

    Citrus rich fruits for acne clear skin are effective as they make the process of healing the skin tissue faster due to the presence of bioflavanoids.