Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bed Wetting Symptoms | Signs of Bed Wetting In Adults and Children

Bed Wetting Symptoms | Signs of Bed Wetting In Adults and Children

What are the indications of a child or an adult having problems with nocturnal enuresis? There are a number of symptoms that do tell you when a person has problems with bedwetting. Here are some of these symptoms:

  • The main symptom of bedwetting is when a child or an adult wets their bed involuntarily while they are asleep or in bed. This usually happens at night.

  • If bedwetting is more than just a problem with bladder control, there are other symptoms that will indicate otherwise.

    Some of the symptoms that may indicate that there is more to the bedwetting problem include feeling a burning sensation when urinating.

  • When the urine that is being passed is pinkish or cloudy or if there are some bloodstains on a child’s or adult’s pajamas or underwear after they wet themselves and their bed, there may be more than just a bedwetting problem to take care of.

  • When wetting oneself is no longer done at night only but extends into the day, this bedwetting problem may be more than just simple bladder control issues.

  • Sometimes problem with bowel control accompanies these bedwetting problems, and you may find that the child or the adult in question suffers from fecal incontinence as well. This may also indicate a bigger problem that goes beyond simple bedwetting.

Bed Wetting Prevention in Children, Adults: Prevent Nocturnal Enuresis

Bed Wetting Prevention in Children, Adults: Prevent Nocturnal Enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis is the medical term for bedwetting. It is described as involuntary urination during sleep. This does not apply to infants but to those who are already at an age when the bladder can already be controlled. This problem mostly occurs in children age 5 to 8 years old. In fact, it is one of the most common urologic problems that occur during childhood. Still, it is also possible for adults to experience this problem.

Causes Of Bed Wetting in Children and Adults

The most common cause of bed wetting in children is delayed development of the ability of the nervous system to process the feeling of having a full bladder.

Moreover, genetics also plays a vital role. Children whose parents were also bedwetting during their childhood are likely to become bed wetters as well.

In adults, most cases of bed wetting occur because of medical problems, including dementia.

How To Prevent Nocturnal Enuresis In Children And Adults

Preventing the occurrence of bedwetting can be done with a few tips and tricks. These may come in handy to parents of children who are facing this problem. Here are some of them:

  • When trying to get the child to stop his or her bedwetting, parents should try considering bladder training.

    This can be done by trying to get the child to try and hold his or her urine for a few minutes after feeling like they want to go and pee. Do this at least once a day to get them to get used to how it is to control one’s bladder.

  • Try to keep from giving the child drinks a couple of hours before he or she goes to sleep to avoid bedwetting episodes.

  • Junk foods and sweets should also be avoided a few hours before the child goes to sleep. This will also help the child avoid bedwetting occurrences.

  • Try to get the child to use the toilet right before he or she goes to sleep. Insist that he or she pees when asked to do so before they go to bed. This will help relieve all the liquids from the bladder and reduce the possibility of bedwetting.

If all else fails, parents should not lose hope. In most cases, bed wetting disappears as the child grows. Parents may have to wait for a few more years before that can happen but the probability of it ever happening is very high. In fact, most children who reach the age of 7 do not wet their beds anymore.

Home Remedies for Bed Wetting in Children and Adults: Natural Remedies

Home Remedies for Bed Wetting in Children and Adults: Natural Remedies

Bedwetting may not seem to be too much of a problem for those who have kids that are under the age of 4 years since these children can still wear diapers to sleep; however, those children who are beyond this age may need to be given certain remedies from home to help them stop this problem. Here are some ideas to try:

  • One of the old-fashioned home remedies that seems to work when it comes to bedwetting problems is by giving your child a teaspoonful of raisins and a couple of walnut halves before sleeping.

  • Another way for you to get your child to stop wetting the bed at night is to have him chew on a stick of cinnamon or some cinnamon bark during the day.

  • While it may seem that giving liquids to a child before sleeping is not advisable, giving your child six ounces of cranberry juice an hour before he sleeps will actually help stop bedwetting.

  • Have your child or the person with bedwetting problems take a cup of team made from wormwood, oak bark, bear berry or horsetail herbs.

  • Try to massage the inner thigh of the person who is has a problem with bedwetting with an oil called St. John’s wort oil.

Stop and Treat Bed Wetting in Children and Adult with Diet and Food

Stop and Treat Bed Wetting in Children and Adult with Diet and Food

Knowing what to ingest and what not to ingest will go a long way when it comes to getting a person to stop wetting their beds. Some changes in what you eat and avoiding certain types of food can actually help when it comes to controlling nocturnal enuresis. Here are some dietary tips you might want to follow:

  • When you want to stop bedwetting problems with the help of diet, you might want to consider avoiding three of the culprits that are known to induce bedwetting.

    These are caffeine, citrus, and carbonated products.

  • Caffeine is a well-known bladder irritant so avoiding anything that has caffeine in it a few hours before going to bed will help you avoid any possibility of nocturnal enuresis. While you might argue that kids do not drink coffee, coffee is not the only source of caffeine. Soda has caffeine.

  • Soda pop or soft drinks should be avoided because of the double effect it has on people who are prone to bedwetting.

    Soda is a carbonated drink, and it has caffeine.

  • Try to avoid giving your kids chocolates before they go to bed since these also have traces of caffeine and may cause a child to wet himself while asleep a few hours later.

Also see Ways to Avoid Drinking Soda

    What Causes Belching | Excess Stomach Gas and Burping Causes

    What Causes Belching | Excess Stomach Gas and Burping Causes

    The usual cause of belching or burping is the presence of excess gas in your stomach. This gas is then pushed up into your esophagus and out of your mouth, causing you to burp. Belching or burping is normal in day-to-day life. It is experienced by everyone at some point of time. Burping for a short period may be considered normal and may give relief to the person. However, belching and burping for a prolonged period is distressing as well as discomforting.

    What Does a Burp or Belch Contain

    We need to understand the causes (diet or others) of gas build-up in the stomach that leads to prolonged burping spells.  The stomach gas closely resembles the air in our atmosphere.

    The gas that you belch consists of 80% Nitrogen, 17% Oxygen and 3% Carbon Dioxide. Sometimes, belching is violent, but it is mostly odorless. Normally there is no air in the stomach. Some amount of air is swallowed in the stomach while we eat food and drink liquid. Usually the quantity is very less and it may not result in belching. In fact, belching is more pronounced when you keep your mouth wide open to belch. More air is swallowed in than it is expelled out. This leads to repeated belching.

    This might explain why an anxious person burps repeatedly. Continuous belching is known as aerophagy.

    Common Causes of Belching and Burping

    • Some kinds of food that causes a person to produce too much gas in their stomach include fresh fruits, certain vegetables, fizzy drinks like soda and beer. Even fruit juices like apple juice, prune juice, or grape juice may induce a lot of gas in the stomach. But the most common cause for belching is excessive consumption of aerated drinks.

    • When you are suffering from a bout of belching, try and remember if you have been swallowing a lot of air. For example, you swallow a lot of air when you chew gum. Other things that may make you suck more air than is necessary is smoking cigars or cigarettes. Sucking on a lollipop or a piece of candy can also be a reason for taking in more air than is necessary.

    • There are other underlying health reasons that make a person to belching a lot. In digestive disorders, like peptic ulcers and gall stone problems, a person may try to belch too much in anticipation of relieving the abdominal pain and discomfort. They consider stomach gas as a triggering factor.

    • Lactose intolerance can increase stomach gases when you drink milk. It is one of the causes of excessive burping or belching. In such cases, stop drinking for a few days. When you start again, drink half the amount you were drinking earlier.

    • Other reason for burping is drinking too much water or other liquid along with your meals. This results in stress on the abdomen, as the stomach acid gets diluted.

    • You may often burp when you eat in hurry as more air is swallowed.

    • Sometimes yeast creates stomach gas. This is known as Candida Albicans. This yeast hampers the creation of digestive enzyme and stomach acid which results in burping.

    • Other causes of burping are anxiety and intake of soda using a straw.

    Belching, Excess Stomach Gas Symptoms | Signs of Belching or Burping

    Belching, Excess Stomach Gas Symptoms | Signs of Belching or Burping

    Belching Symptoms
    When a person has a problem that is connected with his belching or if his belching is becoming a problem, the symptoms that accompany his belching or why he is belching can be an indication of what may be wrong. Here are some symptoms to look out for when belching:

    • Belching is, of course, the release of air from the mouth whenever you have lots of air in your stomach or are feeling gassy. When your belching comes as a result of a stomachache or you are feeling bloated and you are belching endlessly, the possible problem you might have is indigestion.

    • Peptic ulcers are also known to produce belching problems. If you are nervous and your ulcers act up due to the stress you are experiencing, you might expect to start burping anytime soon.

    • One of the symptoms you can look out for when you are going through belching bouts is the excessive production of saliva in your mouth. When you are wearing rather loose dentures, saliva production can be pretty high and constant swallowing of saliva can cause gas to enter with it in your stomach. You should have your dentures checked and fitted properly to avoid this from happening.

    • Another symptom of excess stomach gas that you can associate with belching and the need to burp is when you feel like your stomach is full of air and when you thump it, it sounds like a hollow drum.

    Also see on Symptoms of Watery Mouth

      Preventing Belching Problem | Prevention of Burping, Excess Stomach Gas

      Preventing Belching Problem | Prevention of Burping, Excess Stomach Gas

      Belching Prevention Treatments
      The prevention of belching that is bothersome can be done a few ways. A change in lifestyle and diet is one of the many ways you can try and prevent belching attacks from happening frequently. Here are some things you can do to avoid stomach gas:

      • When you find that you are taking in too much air with your habits, you may need to cut back on these to help you avoid belching too often. Such habits include chewing gum or tobacco, smoking cigarettes or cigar, eating too fast, or even talking too much.

      • One other way you can prevent belching from happening is to keep your stress levels down. Since ulcers produce gas and gas produces belches, you may need to keep your cool to help keep belching down. Meditation and even yoga can help you keep stress levels low and belching as well as ulcer problems down too.

      • When you find that belching is a problem and the cause of such a problem is fizzy beverages, then you need to avoid these drinks altogether.

      • Knowing what kinds of foods can make you feel gassy and makes you burp excessively will help you avoid these.

        You should make a list of the kinds of foods that make you feel bloated and try to avoid these to prevent you from belching too much.

      Avoid Belching

      Use of straw and direct intake of liquid from narrow mouthed bottle should be stopped. Intake of lactase can also result in burping which can be confirmed through lactose intolerance test. Avoiding consumption of hard candy and chewing gum also help in preventing belching. Try to reduce water intake while eating foods as they increase quantity of swallowed air. People with heartburn problem often swallow saliva to get relief resulting in air swallowing. Other ways to avoid belching are getting treated loose dentures and detecting foods causing flatus.